UP Board Notes for Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars and The Solar System

Stars And The Solar System Abstract

  • The stars, the planets, the Moon, and many other objects in the sky are called celestial objects. They all form part of the universe.
  • The Moon revolves around the Earth, and the Earth along with the Moon revolves around the Sun.
  • Stars and the Solar System
  • Stars are the celestial bodies which emit light of their own. The Sun is also a star.
  • The distance between the stars and the Earth is expressed in a unit called a light year.
  • A light year is a distance that light travels in one year.
  • When seen from the Earth, stars appear to move from east to west.
  • Pole Star is situated close to the direction of the axis of the Earth’s rotation; hence, it appears to be stationary when seen from the Earth.
  • Groups of stars that appear to form recognizable shapes/patterns in the sky are called
  • The most common constellations are Ursa Major, Orion, and Cassiopeia.
  • The Sun, the planets revolving around it and many other celestial bodies comprise the solar system.
  • A celestial body revolving around another celestial body is called a satellite. There are two types of satellites: natural and artificial.
  • The shape of the Moon changes every day. Different shapes of the moon visible from the Earth are known as the phases of the moon.
  • The phases of the Moon occur because only the part of the Moon which reflects sunlight is visible to us. The back of the moon is never visible.
  • Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth.
  • Artificial satellites are man-made objects launched into the space. Artificial satellites are used for weather forecasting, communication, navigation, transmitting radio and television signals, and military.

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Stars and The Solar System Important Terms and Definitions

Asteroids: Numerous small bodies (mainly rocks, metals, etc.) that lie in the large gap existing between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter are known as asteroids.
Comets: The celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun and have very long periods of revolution are known as comets.
Meteors: Small objects that occasionally enter Earth’s atmosphere are known as meteors.
Meteorites: Meteors which reach the Earth are called meteorites.

The Moon

Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth. The surface of the Moon is dusty and infertile. There is complete absence of water and atmosphere on the Moon. Hence, there is absolutely no life on the Moon. The day when the entire Moon is visible, it is known as a full Moon day. The day when the Moon is not visible is known as the new Moon day. The day when only a small portion of the Moon appears in the sky is known as the crescent Moon day. The time period between one full moon day to the next full moon day is slightly longer than 29 days. This period is called a month.

Stars and The Solar System Activity 1

Aim: To observe the shape of the Moon for a few nights

  1. Observe the Moon continuously for several nights, preferably from one full Moon to the next.
  2. Make a sketch of the Moon every night in your notebook from the day of the full Moon.
  3. Also, note the part of the sky (east or west) in which the Moon is seen.


  • The Moon appears to be perfectly round on the full Moon day.
  • After the full Moon day, the size of the Moon decreases every day.
  • On the new Moon day, the Moon is not visible even if the sky is clear.
  • After the new Moon day, the size the Moon starts increasing each day and the full Moon appears again in another fifteen days.

Conclusion: The crescent-shaped Moon keeps on increasing every day until the full face of the Moon is visible on the fifteenth day. After the full Moon, the size and brightness of the Moon goes on decreasing each night. Subsequently, in another fifteen days, the Moon becomes invisible. This is known as new Moon day.

Stars and The Solar System Activity 2

Aim: To show the positions of the Moon on its orbit and its corresponding phases
Precaution: If you perform this activity in the morning, the white portion of the ball should face east. If this activity is performed in the afternoon, the white portion of the ball should face west. In each case, the line dividing the white and black portions should be kept vertical.


  1. Take a big ball or a pitcher. Paint half of it white and the other half black.2. Go out into
  2. The playground with two of your friends. Draw a circle of radius about 2 m on the ground. Divide the circle into eight equal parts as shown in the figure given here.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System Activity 1

  1. Stand at the center of the circle. Ask your friend to hold the ball at different points of the circle. Ask her to keep the white portion of the ball towards the Sun.
  2. Standing at the center of the circle, observe the visible white portion of the ball while your friend stands at the points on the circle marked earlier. Draw the shape of the white portion as you see it.
  3. Compare your drawings with the different phases of the Moon as shown in the figure given below.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System Activity 9

On the new Moon day, the Moon lies between the Sun and the Earth. However, on the full Moon day, the
Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun.

After the new Moon day, the size of the illuminated part of the Moon, visible from the Earth, increases each day. However, the Sun-lit part of the Moon visible from the Earth decreases in size every day after the full Moon day.

Stars and The Solar System Objective Type Questions

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. The shape of the Moon changes every month rather than daily.
  2. Sound cannot be heard on the Moon.
  3. There is no human life existing on the Moon; however, the growth of plants and other microorganisms is possible on its surface.The Moon produces light on its own.
  4. After the full moon day, the visible part of the Moon starts decreasing.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. False
  4. False
  5. True

B. Multiple-Choice Questions

Question 1. Who was the first person to land on the Moon?

  1. Galileo
  2. Neil Armstrong
  3. Isaac Newton
  4. Edwin Aldrin

Question 2. When the Moon is not visible at night on a clear sky, what is the day called?

  1. Full Moon day
  2. Eclipsed Moon day
  3. Crescent Moon day
  4. New Moon day

Question 3.What is the reason that it is possible to observe phases of the Moon from the Earth?

  1. The Moon revolves around the Earth.
  2. The Moon’s axis is tilted.
  3. The Moon spins on its axis.
  4. The Moon’s distance from Earth changes at a particular rate.


  1. Neil Armstrong
  2. New Moon
  3. The Moon revolves around the Earth

C. Fill in the blanks.

  1. The day when only a small portion of the Moon appears in the sky is called the_____ Moon day.
  2. The day of the full Moon is popularly known as_____while the day of New Moon is popularly called____
  3. The surface of the Moon is dry, rocky and _____


  1. Crescent
  2. Purnima, Amavasya
  3. Infertile/Barren

Stars and The Solar System Short Answer Type Questions

A. Why does the shape of the Moon change every day?

Answers: The Moon appears bright and shiny because it reflects the sunlight that falls on its surface. The Moon along with the Earth revolves around the Sun. As a result, the relative position of the moon keeps changing every day.

B. Why there is no life on the Moon?

Answers: The two essential factors, which are required for the survival of living beings are air and water. These are not available on the Moon’s surface. Hence, no life exists on the Moon.

Stars and Constellations

Answers: Stars emit their own light. Generally, stars are very far (many millions of kilometers) away from the Earth. This is why they appear too small in the sky. The Sun is the star closest to the Earth. This is why it appears to be very big while other stars seem so small, almost like dots or points in the sky. A group of stars forming a certain pattern with a recognizable shape is called a constellation. The shape of a constellation never changes. Like stars, constellations also appear to move from east to west.

Stars and The Solar System Activity 4

Aim: To show that if the stars appear to move from east to west, the Earth rotates from the west to the east

  1. Stand in the center of a big room.
  2. Now, start rotating and observe the direction in which the objects in the room appear to move.

Observation: The objects in the room appear to be moving in the direction opposite to our motion.
Conclusion: If the stars appear to move from east to west, the Earth rotates from west to east.

Stars and The Solar System Activity 5

Aim: To show that the Pole Star lies close to the axis of the rotation of the Earth

  1. Take an umbrella and open it. Make about 10-15 stars out of white paper. Paste one star at the position of the central rod of the umbrella and others at different places on the cloth near the end of each spoke as shown in the figure given below.
  2. Now rotate the umbrella by holding its central rod in your hand. Observe the stars on the umbrella.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System Activity 5

Observation: The star situated at the central rod of the umbrella does not appear to move.
Conclusion: The Pole Star lies close to the axis of the rotation of the Earth, thus, it does not appear to move.

Stars and The Solar System Activity 6

Aim: To show that a constellation appears to move in the sky from east to west

  1. Locate a constellation (e.g. Ursa Major) in the sky.
  2. Observe this constellation for a few hours.

Observation: The shape of the constellation remains the same. However, the constellation appears to be moving.
Conclusion: The constellation appears to move in the sky from east to west.

Stars And The Solar System Activity 7

Aim: To locate the Pole Star in the sky
Precaution: This activity should be performed on a clear Moonless night
during summer at around 9 pm.


  1. Look towards the northern part of the sky and identify Ursa
  2. Look at the two stars at the end of Ursa Major.
  3. Imagine a straight line passing through these stars as shown in the
    figure given below.
  4. Extend this imaginary line towards the north direction. (About
    five times the distance between the two stars).
  5. This line will lead to a star.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System Locating The Polar Star

Observation: The imaginary line will lead to a star, that is not too bright. This is the pole star.

Stars And The Solar System Activity 8

Aim: To show that the Ursa Major constellation moves around
the Pole Star

  1. 1. During a summer night, observe Ursa Major 3-4 times at an interval of 2 to 3 hours.
  2. Locate the Pole Star each time.
  3. Compare your observations with those in the figure given below.

Observation Ursa Major appears to move from east to west.
Conclusion: The Ursa Major constellation moves around the Pole Star.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System ursa major moves around the pole star

Stars and The Solar System Objective Type Questions

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. The North Star which indicates the north direction is also called the Pole Star.
  2. Stars always seem to move in the same direction as the axis of Earth’s rotation.
  3. Stars are present in the sky at night only.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False

B. Multiple Choice Questions.

Question 1. Which of these constellations resembles the shape of a hunter’s body?

  1. Orion
  2. Ursa Major
  3. Leo Major
  4. CassiopeiaAnswers: 1) Orion

Question 2. Which of these stars is located closest to the Earth?

  1. Pole Star
  2. Alpha Centauri
  3. Sirius
  4. Sun
    4) Sun

Question 3. Which is the brightest star in the sky?

  1. Alpha Centauri
  2. Sun
  3. Sirius
  4. Pole Star
    1) Alpha Centauri

C. Fill in the blanks.

  1. The distance between the Earth and the Sun is measured in_____.
  2. There are stars present in the sky.


  1. Light years
  2. Infinite/Countless

Stars and The Solar System Short Answer Type Questions

A. Do all the stars of a constellation lie really close together?

Answers: The different stars that form a constellation are not related and lie at widely varying distances from the Earth. However, they all appear to our eye as close together but are not so.

B. Why are stars not visible during the day?

Answers: During the day, the light of the Sun is very bright and the brightness of stars becomes relatively dim in comparison to that of the Sun. Hence, they are not visible during the day.

C. How can you identify Ursa Major?

Answers: The constellation Ursa Major is seen during summer. It is also called the Great Bear or the Saptarishi. There are seven prominently shining stars in the constellation which are arranged in the shape of a question mark. The Pole Star lies at the tail of this constellation.

Solar System: Planets and Other Members

The solar system comprises the Sun, the planets, and various other members such as asteroids, comets, meteors/meteorites, and artificial satellites. There are eight planets in the solar system. These are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. All planets revolve around the Sun in a fixed path called orbit. The time taken by a planet to complete one revolution is called its period of revolution. In addition to the Sun and the eight planets, many other celestial bodies form the part of the solar system.

Stars and The Solar System Activity 9

Aim: To confirm that planets move in their own orbits

  1. 1. Go out into the playground with four or five friends. Draw four circles of radii 1 m, 1.8 m, 2.5 m, and 3.8 m, all having a common center as shown in the given figure.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System Activity 9

  1. Ask one of your friends to stand in the centre and represent the Sun. Your other four friends may represent Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.
  2. Ask your friends to move around the Sun in anti-clockwise direction in their own orbits and observe whether they collide with one another or not.

Observation: They do not collide because they are moving in their own fixed orbits.

Conclusion: Planets move in their own fixed path called orbits.

Stars and The Solar System Activity 10

Aim: To observe the planet Venus

  1. Find out from a newspaper or from an almanac the time when Venus is visible in the sky.
  2. Observe Venus either 1-3 hours before sunrise or 1-3 hours after sunset.

Observation: Venus can be easily recognized by its brightness. However, it cannot be seen very high in the sky.
Conclusion: Venus is the brightest planet in the night sky. It rotates from the east to the west. Since Venus is close to the Sun, it can also be seen just before sunrise and just after sunset.

Stars and The Solar System Objective Type Questions

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. Until 2006, Pluto was also a planet (ninth planet) in the solar system.
  2. Mercury and Venus have rings around them, which can be seen through a telescope.
  3. The outer planets have very few moons.
  4. Saturn is the least dense among all the planets.
  5. The appearance of a comet is a natural phenomenon and it is not an indicator of any forthcoming disaster.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True

B. Multiple-Choice Questions

Question 1. Which of these planets is also called the morning star or the evening star?

  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Mars
  4. NeptuneAnswers: 2) Venus

Question 2. Which planet in the solar system appears yellowish in color?

  1. Jupiter
  2. Uranus
  3. Satum
  4. MercuryAnswers:  3) Saturn

Question 3. The axis of the Earth is inclined to its orbital plane at what angle?

  1. 23.5°
  2. 25.5°
  3. 60.5°
  4. 66.5°Answers: 4) 66.5°

Question 4. Which of these celestial bodies is visible only through large telescopes?

  1. Meteors
  2. Meteorites
  3. Asteroids
  4. CometsAnswers:  3) Asteroids

Question 5. Which of these is the first Indian satellite launched from the Earth?

  1. INSET
  2. Aryabhatta
  3. Kalpana-I

Answers:  2) Aryabhatta

C. Fill in the blanks.

  1. _______ is commonly known as Dhruv Tara.
  2. The reflection of light from______ and_____ on Earth’s surface makes it appears blue-green when seen from space.
  3. Mars has_____ small natural satellites.
  4. The mass of Jupiter is nearly______times that of the Earth.
  5. _____ are swarms of meteors seen at the time when the Earth crosses the tail of a comet.


  1. The Pole Star
  2. Water, landmass
  3. Two
  4. 318
  5. Meteor showers

Stars and The Solar System Short Answer Type Questions

A. Why is life possible on the Earth?

Answers: Environmental conditions such as appropriate distance from the Sun, the correct level of temperature, the presence of atmosphere and water, together make the existence and continuation of life possible on the Earth. Moreover, the presence of the ozone layer around the Earth prevents organisms from harmful ultraviolet radiation of the Sun.

B. What do you mean by inner planets and outer planets?

Answers: The four planets, Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, which are nearer to the Sun, are called the inner planets. However, the planets outside the orbit of Mars, namely Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are much farther off from the Sun. These planets are called the outer planets.

Stars and The Solar System Textbook Exercises

Choose the correct answer in Questions

Question 1. Which of the following is NOT a member of the solar system?

  1. An asteroid
  2. A satellite
  3. A constellation
  4. A Comet

Answer: 3) A constellation

Question 2. Which of the following is NOT a planet of the Sun?

  1. Sirius
  2. Mercury
  3. Saturn
  4. Earth

Answer: 1) Sirius

Question 3. Phases of the Moon occur because

  1. We can see only that part of the Moon which reflects light toward us.
  2. Our distance from the Moon keeps changing.
  3. The shadow of the Earth covers only a part of the Moon’s surface.
  4. The thickness of the Moon’s atmosphere is not constant.

Answer: 1) We can see only that part of the Moon which reflects light toward us.

Question 4. Fill in the blanks.

  1. The planet which is farthest from the Sun is______.
  2. The planet which appears reddish in color is______.
  3. A group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the sky is known as a______.
  4. A celestial body that revolves around a planet is known as_______.
  5. Shooting stars are actually not_______.
  6. Asteroids are found between the orbits of_______and_____.


  1. Neptune
  2. Mars
  3. Constellation
  4. Satellite
  5. Stars
  6. Mars, Jupiter

Question 5. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F):

  1. The Pole Star is a member of our solar system.
  2. Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system.
  3. Uranus is the farthest planet in the solar system.
  4. INSAT is an artificial satellite.
  5. There are nine planets in the solar system.
  6. Constellation Orion can be seen only with a telescope.


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. False
  6. False

Question 6. In which part of the sky can you find Venus if it is visible as an evening star?

Answers: Venus is visible as an evening star in the western part of the sky

Question 7. Name the largest planet of the solar system.

Answers: Jupiter

Question 8. What is a constellation? Name any two constellations.

Answers: A groups of stars that appear to form recognisable shapes/patterns are called constellations. The Great Bear and Orion are two constellations.

Question 9. Draw sketches to show the relative positions of prominent stars in

(a) Ursa Major and (b) Orion

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System Ursa Major And Orion

Question 10. Name two objects other than planets which are members of the solar system.

Answers: Asteroids and Meteors

Question 11. Explain how you can locate the Pole Star with the help of Ursa Major.

Answers: The Pole Star is located at the end of Ursa Major. A straight line from the last two stars when extended towards the north leads to the Pole Star.

Question 12. Do all the stars in the sky move? Explain.

Answers: No, all stars in the sky do not move. However, they appear to move from east to west due to the rotation of the Earth about its axis.

Question 13. Why is the distance between stars expressed in light years? What do you understand by the statement that a star is eight light years away from the Earth?

Answers: Stars are situated very far (many millions of kilometers) away from the Earth. Such large distance cannot be conveniently expressed in kilometers. Hence, it is expressed in a unit called a light year. One light year is the distance traveled by light in one year. One light year is equivalent to 9.46 x 10¹2 km. If we say that a star is eight light years away from earth, it means that the light from the star will reach the earth in eight years.

Question 14. The radius of Jupiter is II times the radius of the Earth. Calculate the ratio of the volumes of Jupiter and the Earth. How many Earths can Jupiter accommodate?


Let the radius of Earth = R units
Volume of Earth = 4/3xpx R³ cubic units
Radius of Jupiter = ||R units
Thus, volume of Jupiter = 4/3 × px (11R)³ cubic units
= 4/3 × px 1331R³ cubic units
Now, ratio of the volume of Jupiter and Earth = Volume of Jupiter/ Volume of Earth
:. 4/3 × px 1331 = R³/4/3 × px R³
= 1331/1 or 331: 1
So, Jupiter can accommodate 1331 Earths.

Question 15. Boojho made the following sketch of the solar system. Is the sketch correct? If not, correct it.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System The solar system The Sketch is not correct

Stars and The Solar System Hots corner

Question 1. Venus is far away from the Sun as compared to Mercury. Still Venus is hotter than Mercury. Why is it so?

Answers: Venus has a thick atmosphere rich in carbon dioxide gas. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse which traps the infrared radiations of the Sun resulting in an increase in the temperature of the planet. In contrast, Mercury has a thin atmosphere with a variety of gases. The atmosphere does not have greenhouse gases which can trap heat. Thus, Venus is much hotter than Mercury.

Question 2. Why do stars twinkle when planets do not?

Answers: Stars are located at a distance from the Earth; so they appear as dots or points in the sky. These points vibrate due to the atmospheric air currents. Hence, when seen from the Earth, they generally seem to twinkle or vibrate. However, planets are not located as far from Earth. They are relatively bigger in size and so their vibrations, due to atmospheric currents, are apparently not visible as twinkling.

Stars and The Solar System Practice Exercise

Objective Type Questions

A. Give one word for the following.

  1. The branch of science that deals with the study of the universe
  2. The unit of measurement used to measure distance in space
  3. The name of our galaxy


  1. Astronomy
  2. Light year
  3. Milky way

B. State whether the following statements are true or false.

  1. Venus is also called the morning star.
  2. Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system.
  3. Aryabhatta is a natural satellite of the Earth.


  1. False
  2. True
  3. False

C. Circle the odd one out.

  1. Orion, Great Bear, Ursa Major, Big Dipper
  2. Earth, Venus, Moon, Jupiter


  1. Orion
  2. Moon

D. Fill in the blanks.

  1. It is not possible to hear any sound on the Moon because of the absence of______.
  2. Asteroids are found between the orbits of_____ and______.


  1. Atmosphere
  2. Mars, Jupiter

Stars and The Solar System Short Answer Type Questions

A. What is meant by an equatorial plane and orbital plane?

Equatorial plane refers to the plane of the equator of the Earth. Orbital plane refers to the plane in which the Earth revolves around the Sun.

B. What are the differences between a star and a shooting star?

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 17 Stars And The Solar System Difference Between A Star And A shooting Star

C. Name a periodic comet. Why is it so-called?

Answers: Halley’s comet is a periodic comet. It is called so because it appears at regular intervals of time. Halley’s comet is seen after every 76 years.

D. Why is the Sun classified as a star?


The Sun is classified as a star due to the following reasons:

  1. It has its own source of energy.
  2. It continuously emits large amounts of light and energy.
  3. It has a life period.

E. State in which month/season the following constellations are seen:

1. Ursa major
2. Orion
1. Visible in April in the northern part of the sky.
2. Visible during the winter season in the northern part of the sky.

Also Read

UP Board Notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 11 Sense Organs – The Eye and The Sense of Sight

Sense Organs – The Eye and The Sense of Sight

Sense Organs Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Define a receptor and name various kinds of receptors;
  • Describe the structure and functions of the eye;
  • Trace the pathway of light through the eye to the retina and explain how light is focused for distant and near vision;
  • Explain the causes and consequences of various defects of the eye and methods of their correction;
  • Describe the structure and general functions of the outer, middle, and Inner ears;
  • Explain how the ear serves as an organ for dynamic and static equilibrium.

The eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and skin are the major sense organs in our body, which are sensitive to the sense of light, sound, taste, smell, and touch, respectively. Each of these sense organs is directly connected to the brain. These sense organs have special cells called receptors which receive stimuli from the environment.

Sense Organs Some Key Terms

Stimulus: A physical event that affects an organism by activating its receptors to bring about a change in its activity. For example, mechanical stimuli (pressure and touch), chemical stimuli (taste and smell), and thermal stimuli (heat and cold).

Sensation: A general state of awareness of the stimulus.
Receptors: Sensory cells in tissues that receive stimulus from the environment. Some common specific receptors are:

  1. Photoreceptors: respond to light rods and cone cells in the retina of the eye.
  2. Chemoreceptors: respond to chemicals – taste buds on the tongue, smell receptors of the nose.
  3. Mechanoreceptors: respond to touch – nerve fibers around the hair on the skin.
  4. Thermoreceptors: respond to changes in temperature – receptors on the skin.
  5. Photoreceptors: respond to sound/hearing – receptors in the ear.
  6. Exteroceptors: specialized to detect sensory information from the external environment.

Sense Organs The Eye And The Sen Sight

We all respond to the light stimulus. Human beings have two eyes situated in deep sockets or orbits on the front side of the head. Each eye is in the form of a ball called an eyeball that measures about 2.5 cm (1 inch) in diameter. Each eyeball can be rotated with the help of six distinct sets of muscles.

Sense Organs Accessory structures of the eye

Eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, and the tear glands (the lacrimal apparatus) are the accessory structures of the eye.

Sense Organs The lacrimal apparatus of the human eye eye image 1
The lacrimal apparatus of the humane eye


  • The eyebrows protect the eyeball from foreign objects, perspiration, and direct rays of sunlight.
    Eyelids are folds of skin and muscles. The upper and lower eyelids protect the eyes from excessive light and foreign particles, cover the eye during sleep and spread lubricating secretions over the eyeballs. The upper eyelid is more movable than the lower one. Projecting from the border of each eyelid is a row of thick, short hairs called eyelashes. At the base of the hair follicles of eyelashes, sebaceous glands are found. These glands secrete a lubricating fluid into the hair follicles called sebum.
  • Tear glands or lacrimal glands (collectively known as lacrimal apparatus) are a group of glands that manufacture and pour tears (L. lacrima: tears). A lacrimal gland is a compound gland located at the upper sideward portion of each eyelid
    Each lacrimal gland gives rise to 6 to 12 excretory lacrimal ducts that empty their secretion (tears) onto the surface of the conjunctiva of the upper eyelid. From here it passes to the lacrimal canals and then into the lacrimal sac. From here a
  • Nasolacrimal duct conducts the secretion into the nasal cavity in the nose. This duct is responsible for the passage of medicine dropped in the eye to the nose or sometimes into the throat.
  • Tear or lacrimal secretion is a watery fluid containing salts, some mucus, and a bacteriocidal enzyme called lysozyme.

Functions of tears:

  1. After being secreted, it spreads over the surface of the eyeball and serves as a lubricant.
  2. It cleans the front surface of the eyeball by washing away the dust particles.
  3. It moistens the eyeball.
  4. The enzyme lysozyme contained in the tears kills the germs.
  5. Tears help in communicating emotions.

Structure Of The Eyeball

  • The eyeball is a spherical structure, measuring about 2.5 cm in diameter. Structurally, the eyeball is composed of three layers – the fibrous tunic (anterior cornea + posterior sclera), the vascular tunic also known as uvea (middle layer of the eyeball) (choroid + ciliary body + iris), and the inner retina.
Sense Organs Sclerotic layer or sclera image 2
The structure of a human eye


  1. Sclerotic layer or sclera
  • The sclerotic layer or sclera is the outer tough coat of the eyeball made up of mainly collagen fibers. It can be divided into two regions – the posterior region called the sclera, and the anterior region called the cornea.
  • The sclera is a white coat of fibrous tissue visible through the conjunctiva, which covers all the eyeballs except the cornea. It is also known as the white of the eye. The sclera gives shape to the eyeball and also protects its inner parts.
  • The cornea is a transparent, fibrous coat through which the iris can be seen. The outer surface of the cornea is covered by an epithelial layer which is continuous with the epithelial layer of the conjunctiva. The cornea receives nourishment from tears and aqueous humor.
  • Sometimes, the cornea turns white and opaque and can be replaced by a donated eye.
  1. Uvea
  • The choroid layer is the middle layer of the eyeball and is composed of three parts – choroid, ciliary body, and iris.
  • The choroid is a thin, dark brown membrane that lines most of the inner surface of the sclera. It contains several blood vessels and a large amount of pigment melanin. The choroid absorbs light rays so that they are not reflected within the eyeball. The numerous blood vessels nourish the retina.
  • The choroid expands to form the ciliary body. It consists of circular muscles. The smooth muscles of the ciliary body help in changing the shape of the lens.
  • The iris (arid: rainbow) is a clouded part of the choroid around the pupil. It is a clouded part seen through the cornea. There is a hole (round window) in the canter of the iris, known as the pupil. The light enters the eyeball through the pupil. The iris contains radial and circular muscles.

Sense Organs image 3 effect of light intensity on the size of pupil


The contraction of these muscles constricts the pupil which regulates the amount of light entering the eyeball through the iris

  • In the case of bright light, the circular eye muscles contract, and the size of the pupil is decreased (constriction).
  • In case of dim light, the radial muscles contract, and the size of the pupil is increased (dilation).
  1. Sense Organs Retina – part of the eye where rod and cone cells are located
  • The retina is the third and the inner layer of the eye. It is located only in the posterior part of the eye. It is the light-sensitive layer. It contains light-sensitive cells called rods and cones.
  • The rod cells are sensitive to dim light. They do not respond to color. Rods contain the pigment rhodopsin or visual purple. The rod cells are distributed throughout the retina.
  • The cone cells are sensitive to bright light. The cones are responsible for color vision. Cones contain the pigment rodeos in. Cone cells are mostly confined to the yellow spot or fovea centralis or macula.The differences between rod cells and cone cells are given in Table                                           

Sense Organs differences between rod cells and cone cells image 4

Yellow spot – the area of the best vision

The yellow spot or macula lutea (Fovea centralis) is a spot located inside the eyeball near the Centre of the retina. It contains a maximum number of light-sensitive cells, especially cone cells. The rest of the retina has lesser cone cells and more rod cells. The yellow spot is the region of color vision and also the brightest, clearest and best vision.

Blind spot – the area of no vision

A blind spot is the region of the retina just below the yellow spot. Since there are no light receptors here, no image is formed here, i.e. blind spot is the area of no vision.

senso organs to demonsrate the billnd stop turn the book image 6
To demonstrate the blind spot, turn the book.


clockwise through 90° and hold it at an arm’s length with the two symbols straight in front of your eyes. Close your left eye and concentrate on the cross with your right eye. Bring the book slowly towards you. Keep looking at the cross on the left: eventually, as the dot falls on the blind spot of your right retina, the image of the dot on the right will disappear.

Sense Organs Lens

  • The main body of the eye is divided into two parts by a biconvex lens which is a transparent crystalline body. The lens lies just behind the pupil and iris. It is flatter at the front than at the back and is soft and slightly yellow in color. It contains transparent lens fibers and an elastic lens capsule made of glycoprotein. There is no blood vessel in the lens.
  • The lens is held in position by the suspensory ligaments which attach it to the ciliary body.

The eyeball is divided into two chambers:

  • the anterior chamber (aqueous chamber) and
  • posterior chamber (vitreous chamber).
  • The anterior chamber (between the lens and cornea) is filled with a fluid called aqueous humor. It is a thin and watery fluid. It keeps the lens moist and protects it from physical shock.
  • The posterior chamber is called the vitreous chamber. It is a large cavity of the eyeball. It lies between the lens and the retina. It contains a jelly-like substance called vitreous humor. The vitreous humor maintains the shape of the eyeball by preventing the eyeball from collapsing and supporting the retina.

Sense Organs How Do We See – Working Of The Eye

  1. Light rays enter the eye

The light rays enter the eye through the cornea and then pass through the pupil, aqueous humor, the lens, and the vitreous humor (all transparent structures), before reaching the retina.
The pupil adjusts to different intensities of light. In bright light, the pupil constricts (becomes narrow) and in dim light, it dilates (becomes wider) to allow more light.

  1. Image formation on the retina

The formation of an image on the retina requires four steps – a. refraction of light rays, b. constriction of the pupil, c. accommodation of the lens, and d. convergence of the rays.

  1. Refraction of light rays: The eye focuses an image by refracting, or bending the light rays using the cornea and the lens. An upside-down or inverted image is formed at the yellow spot on the retina. Most of the refraction of light occurs in the cornea due to its curved surface.
  2. Constriction of the pupil: The iris contains radial and circular muscles. Radial muscle widens and circular muscle constricts the pupil. This adjustment of the size of the pupil regulates the amount of light entering the eye.
  3. Accommodation of the lens: The ability of the eye to focus on different objects placed at a distance by adjusting the curvature of the elastic eye lens is called accommodation. This is brought about by ciliary muscles which change the focal length of the eye lens to focus on near or distant objects on the retina.

(1) In the distant vision (more than 6 meters), the ciliary muscles are relaxed and the lens becomes flatter or thinner due to the stretching of the suspensory ligaments.


senso organs image formation on the retina in near vision 6
Image formation on the retina in near vision


(2) In the near vision (less than 6 meters), the ciliary muscles contract pulling the choroid forward. towards the lens and tension is released on the suspensory ligaments. The lens becomes shortened, more convex, and thickened due to its elastic nature

In normal conditions, the ciliary muscles are relaxed and the lens remains stretched by the suspensory ligaments. Then, it is less convex and best suited for distant vision.

4. Convergence of the rays: We have two eyes


sense organs eye cpmpared with camera 7
Eye compared with the camera


but we see only one image of an object. This is known as binocular vision or stereoscopic vision. While viewing objects, both eyeballs move toward the object. Thus, both images fall on the corresponding points (fovea centralis) of both retinas at the same time and overlap with each other. This is known as the convergence of the rays.

The eye can be compared with a camera. The major similarities and differences between the eye and the camera are given. A summary of various parts and functions of the eyes is given in Table


senso organs parts and functions of the eye
Parts and functions of the eye
  1. Photoreception by brain

The image formed at the retina stimulates photoreceptors. The light energy of the image formed at the retina produces chemical changes in the rods and cones. This generates nerve impulses that travel through the optic nerve from the retina to the visual area of the brain. At the cerebrum (brain), the sensation of sight is interpreted.

How are the eyes adapted to bright light and dark?

  • When we are in dark or dim light for a long period, then the rate of photopigment (rhodopsin) formation by rod cells in the retina is much faster than the rate at which they are broken down. The pupil dilates to allow more light to enter through the retina to allow viewing of objects in dim light. This is called dark adaptation.
  • When we are in a very bright light for a long period of time, the light-sensitive pigments of the rods are broken down, and the visual purple of the rods gets bleached, reducing their sensitivity. The cone cells in the retina are activated and it forms iodopsin pigment. The further pupil constricts and the size of the pupil is reduced to reduce the amount of light entering the eyes. This is called light adaptation.

Colour vision

  • color vision is possible because of cone cells. When all the cone cells are stimulated, we see white color. When very few cone cells are stimulated, we see black color. Stimulation of separate types of cone cells produces red, green, or blue and their combinations.

Why cannot we distinguish color on a moonlit night?

  • In dim light, like that during a moonlit night, colors cannot be distinguished because cone cells that detect colors do not work in dim light.

Sense Organs Common Defects Of The Eye And Their Correction

Short-sightedness or Myopia

  • In this condition, light is focused in front of the retina, and a blurred image is formed for distant objects. In myopia, the near objects are seen clearly while the distant objects appear blurred. This happens because either the eyeball is elongated or the lens has become too thickened or curved
sense organs short sightedness an image formed in front of the retina
Short-sightedness -an image formed in front of the retina (myopia)


Long-sightedness or Hyperopia

  • In this condition, the light is focused behind the retina (the image is formed behind the retina). As a result, the distant objects are seen clearly, while the near objects appear blurred. Long-sightedness results due to the shortening of the eyeball or the lens have become. too thin
sense organs long sightedness an image formed behind the retina 10
Long-sightedness -an image formed behind the retina (hypermetropia)


Hyperopia (Hypermetropia) can be corrected by using a convex (converging) lens.


  • This is a more complicated defect in vision. In this, the surface of the cornea becomes irregular and therefore some of the light rays are focused while others are not. As a result, some parts of the object appear blurred while other parts appear clear
sense organs Astigmatism can result from an irregular cornea or irregular lens.
Astigmatism can result from an irregular cornea or irregular lens.


Astigmatism can be corrected by using a cylindrical lens that bends light rays in one direction only.


  • Astigmatism can be corrected by using a cylindrical lens that bends light rays in one direction only. Presbyopia In this condition, the lens loses its flexibility causing long-sightedness (the near objects cannot be seen clearly). This defect normally occurs in older people.

Presbyopia can be corrected by using a convex lens.


  • In this condition, there is difficulty in seeing in dim light (hence the name night blindness). This is because of the non-production of rhodopsin pigment in the rod cells, which function in dim light. In the absence of rhodopsin, these cells cannot function. Thus, there is a lack of normal night vision. It is most often caused due to deficiency of vitamin A.

Night blindness can be cured by having Vitamin A rich diet.

Colour blindness

  • In this condition, a person is unable to discriminate between red and green colors. This is a genetic defect which you have already studied in the chapter on heredity and genetics (X-linked inheritance).

Colour blindness cannot be treated during the lifetime of an individual.


  • In this condition, the lens of the eye becomes opaque and as a result, the vision is cut down. Cataracts can be treated by surgical removal of lenses and using convex lenses in the spectacles which compensate for the removed lens. Nowadays, a small plastic lens is implanted behind the iris to correct the defect.


  • In this condition, either the two eyes somewhat converge (known as cross-eye) or diverge (known as wide-eye). In both these conditions, a person may have double vision. Squint in the eyes can be treated by surgery or by suitable exercises.

Sense Organs The Ear – Senses Of Hearing And Balance

  • Humans have two ears, one on each side of the head. Human ears are organs for the senses of hearing and balance. The ear is a miniature receiver, amplifier, and signal processing system.

Structure of ear

The human ear is divided into three parts

  • External ear
  • Middle ear
  • Inner ear
  1. The external or outer ear
    It consists of the externally visible part of the ear called the pinna (or by a thin membrane. auricle) and the internal part, the auditory canal. The auditory canal. the passage leading to the eardrum (also known as the tympanic membrane).

Hair and earwax in the ears

The auditory canal contains fine hairs, which filter the air. In addition, the upper wall of the canal contains modified sebaceous glands which secrete earwax. Earwax prevents the entry of foreign material into the ear.

  1. Middle ear

The middle ear is a small air-filled cavity. It is separated from the external ear by the eardrum (tympanic membrane) and from the internal ear by thin bony

sense organs various parts of human ear and mechanism of hearing. 11
various parts of the human ear and mechanism of hearing.


  • The partition which contains two small openings namely, an oval window and a round window.
    The middle ear contains three tiny bones called ear ossicles. These bones are named malleus (or hammer), incus (or anvil), and stapes (or stirrup). The handle of the malleus is attached to the internal surface of the eardrum (tympanum). Its opposite end is connected with the incus. The incus is the intermediate bone and it articulates with the head of the stapes.
  • The flat part of the stapes fits into the oval window. Directly below the oval window is another opening called a round window. The round window is covered by a thin membrane.

Ear ossicles (malleus, incus, and stapes) transmit sound vibrations to the internal ear.

  • The anterior wall of the middle ear contains an opening that leads directly into the auditory tube (also known as the Eustachian tube). This connects the middle ear with the throat. The Eustachian tube also helps in equalizing air pressure on both sides of the eardrum helping it for free vibration.
  •  Throat infection can lead to an ear infection.
    This is because the Eustachian tube connects the middle ear with the throat. Thus, any infection in the throat can pass to the ear through the Eustachian tube.
  1. Internal ear

The internal or inner ear is also called the membranous labyrinth. It has two main parts – cochlea and semicircular canals.

sense organs  Internal structure of the human ear and course of perception of sound waves 12
The internal structure of the human ear and course of perception of sound waves


(a) Cochlea: It is a hollow, spiral-shaped (coiled), chamber. It resembles a snail’s shell. It consists of a bony spiral canal that makes about 23%4 turns around a central bony core. Its inner spiral cavity contains three separate channels or canals that run parallel. These canals are separated by membranes. The median (cochlear) canal is filled with endolymph and the outer two canals are filled with a fluid called perilymph.

  • The middle canal contains a spiral organ called the organ of Corti. The organ of Corti is the organ of hearing. It contains a series of nerve cells and hair cells that join the auditory nerve and help in hearing.
  • The hair cells of the organ of Corti are very sensitive to sound. They can be damaged by exposure to high-intensity noises such as noise produced by engines of jet planes, loud music, etc.(b) Semicircular canals: The inner ear also contains three semicircular canals. These canals are arranged at right angles to each other in three different planes (one horizontal, two vertical) and are filled with endolymph. One end of each canal is swollen to form an ampulla. The ampulla contains sensory cells which help in the balance of the body
  • while moving. The nerve fibers arise from these cells and join the auditory nerve.
  • There is a short stem (vestibule) that joins the semicircular canals and cochlea. It contains two small sacs – the utriculus and sacculus. These also contain tiny hair-like sensory cells which help in the static balance of the body while at rest (i.e. position of the head when not in motion like standing).
  • The external ear, middle ear, and cochlea help in hearing. The sacculus, utriculus, and semicircular canals help in the sense of balance. A summary of various parts of the human ear and their functions is given in the table.


sense organs Summary of various parts of ear and their functions 13
Summary of various parts of the ear and their functions

Sense Organs Mechanism Of Hearing And Balance


Pinna collects and amplifies sound waves which then pass along the auditory canal to the eardrum.

  • Sound waves strike the eardrum (tympanum) and cause vibrations in its thin stretched membrane. The Eustachian tube equalizes air pressure on either side of the eardrum which allows a free vibration.
  • The vibrations reach ear ossicles in the middle ear. Ear ossicles transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the denser fluid in the inner ear.
  • The lever-like action of malleus and incus magnifies the vibrations of the stapes. The vibrating stapes transmit vibrations to the membrane of the oval window.
  • Vibrations from oval window get transmitted to cochlea. This leads to vibration in the fluid of cochlear canals. Vibration of fluid in cochlear canals triggers movement of sensory hair cells of organ of Corti in cochlea.
  • Movement of sensory hair cells is converted to a nerve impulse.
  • Nerve signal or impulse is transmitted to brain via auditory nerve and this results in hearing. Balancing

The following parts of ear are involved with balance.

  1. Static balance with respect to center of gravity: Sensory cells in vestibule
  2. Dynamic balance (while the body is in motion): Sensory cells in semi-circular canals

Movement of fluid inside semicircular canals triggers sensory hair cells of ampulla. This sensation passes to nerve cells and then to brain. The three canals are at right angles to each other so that the brain can detect even slightest tilting of the body in any direction.

Sense Organs Summary

Receptors are the special cells that receive stimuli from the environment. Some common receptors are photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptors, and mechanoreceptors.

  • Receptors are contained in sense organs. There are five major sense organs in humans eyes (vision), ears (sound), nose (smell), tongue (taste), and skin (pressure and touch). Each of these sense organs is directly connected to the brain.
  • Each eye is in the form of a ball called eyeball that can be rotated by six distinct sets of muscles.
  • Eyebrows, eyelids, eyelashes, and tear glands are the accessory structures of the eye.
  • Lacrimal glands are a group of glands that manufacture tears. Tears serve as a lubricant and also kill the germs that enter the eye.
  • The eyeball has three layers – the sclerotic layer, the choroid, and the retina.
  • The sclerotic layer is the outer tough coat of eyeball that is divided into sclera (white coat of dense fibrous tissue) and cornea (transparent fibrous coat through which the iris can be seen).
  • The choroid layer is the middle layer of the eyeball and is composed of three parts – choroid, ciliary body, and the iris. There is a hole in the center of iris called the pupil.
  • The retina is the third and inner coat of the eye. It contains light-sensitive cells called rods (sensitive to dim light) and cones (sensitive to bright light).
  • The lens focuses light rays from outside and a real, inverted image is formed at yellow spot. The yellow spot is the area of best vision, while blind spot is the area of no vision.
  • In myopia, the image is formed in front of retina.It can be corrected by using a concave lens.
  •  Ear is concerned with two functions – hearing and body balance.
  • Set eardrum into vibration. It sets malleus, incus and stapes (ear ossicles) into motion. From stapes, vibrations move to oval windows, then to cochlear canal and sensory hairs in cochlea. From here the nerve impulse reaches the brain through the auditory nerve

5. Sense Organs Structured/Application/Skill Type Questions

1. The diagram given below depicts a defect of the human eye. Study the same and then answer the following questions.
Sense organs defect of the human eye 14

1. Name the defect shown in the diagram.
2. Give two possible reasons for this defect.
3. Name the parts labeled I to iv.
4. Name the type of lens used to correct this eye defect.
5. Draw a labeled diagram to show how the above-mentioned defect is rectified using the lens named

2. The following diagram represents a part of the human ear. Study the same and then answer the following questions.

sense organs a part of the human 15

  • Give the biological terms for malleus, incus, and stapes.
  • Name the parts labeled I, ii, and iii in the diagram.
  • State the functions of the parts labeled I and ii.
  • Name the audio receptor region present in the part labeled i.

3. The diagram given below represents the vertical section of the human eye.

sense organs vertical section of the human eye 16

  • Name the parts labeled I to xii.
  • What is the function of the part labeled x?
  • What would happen if part v is damaged or cut?

4. The diagram of the human ear is given below. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow.

sense organs human ear 17

  • What role does the eardrum play in hearing?
  • What common term is given to the parts labeled i, ii, and v?
  • Would there be any difference if these three parts mentioned in Q(2) above were replaced by one big one? Why?
  • Give the biological terms for the parts labeled iii and iv.
  • Name the fluid which fills the parts mentioned in Q(4) above.
  • State the functions of the ear.

5. The following diagram represents a defect of vision of the human eye.

sense organs defect of vision of the human eye 18

  • Name the defect.
  • What is the effect of this defect on man?
  • Mention two causes for this defect.
  • How can this defect be rectified?
  • Draw a neat labeled diagram to show how this defect can be rectified.
  • What is the nature of the image that falls on the retina of a normal eye?

6. The diagram given below refers to the vertical section of the eye of a mammal. Label the parts i to x to which the guidelines point.

sense organs vertical section of the eye 19

7. The following diagram given below refers to the ear of mammals.

sense organs ear of mammals 20

  1. Label the parts i to x to which the guidelines point.
  2. Name the structure which
  • converts sound waves into mechanical vibrations.
  • converts vibrations into nerve impulses.
  • Responds to changes in position.
  • Transmits impulses to the brain.
  • Equalizes pressure in the ear.

8. The diagram given below represents the parts of the human ear.

sense organs represent the parts of the human ete 21

  • Name the parts numbered i to viii.
  • What is the function of the parts labeled ii and vii?
  • Why is it harmful to use a part or any sharp object to remove the wax from the ear?

9. The diagram given below depicts a defect of the human eye. Study the same and then answer the following questions:

sense organs defect of the human eye 22

  1. Name the defect shown in the diagram.
  2. What are the two possible reasons that cause this defect?
  3. Name the type of lens used to correct this defect.
  4. With the help of a diagram showing how the defect shown above is rectified using a suitable lens.

10. Draw a diagram of the human eye as seen in a vertical section and label the part which suits the following functions/descriptions:

  • The layer which prevents reflection of light.
  • The structure alters the focal length of the lens.
  • The region of distinct vision.
  • The part which transmits the impulse to the brain.
  • The outermost transparent layer in front of the eye lens.
  • The fluid present in the anterior part of the eye in front of the eye lens.
  • The structure is responsible for holding the eye lens in its position.
  • The structure maintains the shape of the eyeball and the area of no vision.

UP Board Notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 3 Heredity and Genetics

Heredity and Genetics Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Define heredity and variation;
  • Understand Mendel’s contributions to genetics;
  • Describe Mendel’s laws of inheritance;
  • Explain the chromosomal basis of sex determination in humans:
  • Describe the pattern of inheritance of sex-linked genes;
  • Identify the characteristics that follow X and Y sex-linked inheritance;
  • Give examples of sex-linked inheritance of diseases, namely, haemophilia and colour blindness.

In the earlier chapters, you have already studied about the structure of chromosomes and what happens to them during meiosis. You have also studied that genes are the carriers of heredity located on the chromosomes. In this chapter, you will study about the fundamentals of genetics, which includes Mendel’s laws of inheritance and sex-linked inheritance of diseases.

Genetics, heredity and variations

‘Like begets like’, which means young ones resemble their parents, is the well-known dogma associated with heredity. Heredity is the cause of similarities between individuals of a species.

Transmission of genetically based characteristics from parents to the successive generation is called heredity or inheritance.

Though offsprings resemble their parents, they are not identical. They usually differ among themselves and also from their parents. Even twins show resemblance in many respects, yet they show differences in certain features. Differences in the genetic characteristics or traits among individuals of a species are called variations.

The science that deals with the study of mechanisms responsible for similarities and differences among closely related species is called genetics.

W. Bateson was the first one to coin the term genetics in 1905. It is derived from the Greek word genesis meaning to grow into or to become. In other words, genetics is the study of heredity and variations. However, Mendel is known as the ‘Father of genetics.

Some important terms used in genetics

  • Chromosomes: Filamentous bodies present in thenucleus of a cell, composed of chromatin material (DNA-protein complex).
  • Variation: Different genetic characteristics or traits produced in individuals of the same species.
  • Gene: It is the basic unit of inheritance. It is a segment of DNA found on the chromosome, which controls the expression of a character. It is passed from the parents to the offsprings.
  • Homologous chromosomes: A pair of corresponding chromosomes of the same size and shape, one from each parent.
  • Alleles: Alleles are alternating molecular forms of a gene or a pair of matching genes occupying same position on a chromosome, affecting the same characteristic but in two different ways.
  • Dominant allele: A super ruling allele that masks any phenotypic effect of a recessive allele paired
    with it.
  • Recessive allele: An allele that cannot express fully or partially in heterozygous condition, in presence of the other allele.
  • Homozygous condition: A condition in which a pair of homologous chromosomes carries identical (similar) alleles of a gene for a particular character.
  • Heterozygous condition: A condition in which a pair of chromosomes carries non-identical (dissimilar) alleles for a particular character (i.e. one dominant and one recessive).
  • Character: Any heritable feature is called a character.
  • Traits: The alternative forms of a character are called traits.
  • Genotype: The genetic constitution of an organism.
  • Phenotype: Externally visible expression of al gene, which is an inherited feature in an
    individual’s appearance. For example, free or attached earlobes.
  • Mutation: A sudden change in one or more genes or in the number and structure of chromosome in the progeny which had not existed in the parents.

Inheritance of traits -mendel’s contributions

We have been using the principles of inheritance for thousands of years. But as a field of science, genetics did not begin until 1866, the year Mendel published the conclusions of his famous experiments on the common garden pea plant.

Gregor Mendel was born in 1822 in a peasant family He then became a monk in an Augustinian monastery at Brunn, Austria. He had great interest in plant breeding and hybridization experiments of different plant varieties. In order to understand the principle of inheritance of features from one generation to the another, Mendel conducted a series of hybridization experiments over a period of eight years on the common garden pea plant, Pisum sativum.


He was the first to systematically study and explain the mechanism of transmission of characteristics from the parents to the offsprings, generation after generation. Mendel published his work in the annual proceedings of the Natural History Society of Brunn. Mendel is considered as the Father of Genetics or Modern Genetics. He was the first to introduce the concept of genes as the basic unit of heredity. Mendel called genes as factors.

Selection of garden pea as the experimental plant was based on Mendel’s meticulous and careful observations about its unique features, which are as follows:
Such an organism should have the following features.
1. Shorter lifespan so that a large number of generations
can be studied and examined.
2. Presence of contrasting variants features.
3. Ease of rearing or cultivation.

Since almost all these features were present in the garden
pea plant, Mendel selected it for his experiment.

Experimental plant

Mendel conducted his experiments on Pisum sativum, the garden pea plant, for the following reasons:

  • Pea plants have several distinct varieties. All the varieties have sharp contrasting characteristics, such as colour and shape of seeds.
  • A pea plant bears bisexual flowers with each flower having both the male and female parts.
  • The structure of the flower is such that it completely encloses the reproductive organs until fertilization, which ensures self-pollination.
  • In pea plants, due to self-fertilization, it is easy to get pure lines for several generations.
  • As it is an annual plant, it is possible to study several generations within a short span of time.
  • The flowers of pea plants are adequate in size and easy to handle.
  • Each plant can produce large number of seeds in a single generation.

Mendel selected seven pairs of contrasting characters which are listed in Table.


Heredity and Genetics Mendel’s experiments

Mendel conducted his experiments in three stages.

Stage 1

Mendel selected seven pairs of contrasting characters. He self-pollinated the pea plant for several generations. He observed that seeds from tall plants produce only tall plants, and those from plants with purple flowers produce plants that always have purple flowers. He could, thus, obtain pure line (plants that bred true for the selected characteristic).

Stage 2

He crossed two plants showing contrasting expressions of a single trait. These were reciprocal crosses (crosses with contrasting features), for example, he crossed a true-breeding tall stem variety plant (which he called tall plant) with a true-breeding short stem variety plant (dwarf plant). Such a cross between two parents representing contrasting forms of a single character was called monohybrid cross and the offspring was called a hybrid. In other crosses, he took two or more traits into consideration for his experiments. Thus, the crosses in which two traits were taken into consideration were designated as dihybrid crosses. The crosses in which three traits or four traits were taken into consideration were termed as tri-hybrid and tetrahybrid crosses, respectively. He performed the experiment by transferring pollen grains from the anther of the tall plant to the stigma
of the dwarf plant. Self-pollination was prevented

by removing all the stamens from the dwarf plant. The plants of parental generation were designated as P₁. The seeds from the dwarf plant were then collected and sown.

Heredity-and-genetics -Steps-involved-in-cross-pollination-of-plants-3

He allowed these plants to self fertilize. He found that all plants that grew from these seeds were tall plants. The plants in this generation were called F₁ generation or first filial generation.

Stage 3

The plants of F, generation were allowed to self-pollinate and the seeds were collected. When these seeds were sown, few plants were tall and few were dwarf, in the ratio of 3:1 (tall: dwarf). These plants were called
second filial generation (or F₂ generation).

Heredity and Genetics Monohybrid cross

A cross between two parents representing contrasting forms of a single trait or feature is called monohybrid cross.

In a cross between round and wrinkled seeds, Mendel cross-pollinated flowers of plants raised on the respective type of seeds (round and wrinkled). Before making such crosses Mendel ensured that all the plants involved in the crosses are of pure line. For this purpose, seeds of only those plants were used in the parental generation, which produced the desired trait for at least six generations.

Example 1 Monohybrid cross between tall and dwarf plant

Cross-pollination between tall and dwarf plants

For a monohybrid cross between tall and dwarf plants, Mendel performed the experiment by transferring pollen grains from the flower (anther) of a dwarf plant (tt) to the stigma of the previously emasculated flower of a tall plant (TT). Seeds obtained in F₁ generation were carefully observed and the observations were recorded.

In this experiment, Mendel observed that all the plants of F₁ generation were tall.

Self-pollination of F, generation plants

Mendel further planted the F₁ seeds and flowers were again allowed to self-pollinate to produce the F₂ generation plants. In the F₂ generation, it was found that tall plants and short plants were obtained in the ratio of 3:1 (3 tall: 1 dwarf). So, 3:1 is the phenotypic ratio of the monohybrid cross. In other words, three-fourth plants were tall and one-fourth were dwarf in F₂ generation (Fig. 3.4). Thus, the dwarf plant trait that disappeared in first generation reappeared in the second generation.

Mendel called the expressed trait of tallness as the dominant trait and repressed trait of both tallness and dwarfness characters were inherited in F₁ generation plants, but only the tallness trait was expressed.

The offsprings inherit two copies of traits which may be identical or different depending on their percentage. A single copy of the trait (in this case T) is enough to make tall plant while both copies of the trait have to be ‘t’ for the plant to be short. Thus, the traits like ‘T’ (expressed trait) are dominant traits


while traits like ‘t’ (repressed trait) are recessive traits. In the F₂ generation, it was found that there is one plant with genotype “TT”, two plants with genotype “Tt’ and one plant with genotype ‘tt.

So, 1: 2: 1 is the genotypic ratio of the monohybrid cross in F₂ generation. The traits of
tallness or dwarfness are inherited separately and are not mixed together.

Heredity-and genetics-generation-plants-5

Example 2 A cross between plants with terminal flowers and axial flowers.

Heredity-and-genetics cross-plants-flower-6

Monohybrid ratio in above cases is as follows: Phenotypic (visible feature) ratio = 3:1 (three axial, one terminal) Genotype ratio=1:2:1 (one AA, two Aa, one aa)

Dihybrid cross

A dihybrid cross is the one in which two varieties of pea plants having two contrasting characters are crossed to study the inheritance of two pairs of traits simultaneously.

For example, two plants differing in two characters like seed shape (round/wrinkled) and cotyledon colour (yellow/green) were crossed together.

Cross between yellow round and green wrinkled pea plants

Mendel selected a pure line variety of peas for yellow round seeds and another for green wrinkled seeds. He crossed these plants and observed that all F₁ generation seeds had the features of only one type (yellow coloured and round shape seeds). This showed that:

  • Yellow colour of seed was dominant over green which is a recessive trait.
  • Round shape of seed was dominant over wrinkled shape.

Self-pollination of F, generation plants

In the next step, Mendel self-pollinated these hybrids obtained in the F, generation. When these F₁ generation

seeds were cross-bred to raise the F₂ generation, the F₂ progeny showed four different kinds of phenotypes of seeds. It was observed that not only both the parental types (round seeds of yellow colour and wrinkled seeds of green colour) were present, but two new combination of traits (round seeds of green colour and wrinkled seeds of yellow colour) also appeared.

Thus, there were yellow round, yellow wrinkled, green round and green wrinkled seeds in the ratio of 9 : 3:3 : 1, respectively. Of these, two are of the parental P₁ types and two are new combinations or recombinants. The dihybrid ratio is, therefore, 9:3:3:1.

Interpretation of mendel’s observations

On the basis of the analysis of results of the monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, following conclusions can be drawn:

1. In a monohybrid cross, when a cross is made between the contrasting pair of a trait, only one of the traits appears in the F₁ generation.
2. The trait, which was not present in the offspring of a particular cross in F₁ generation, again reappears in the F₂ generation.
3. In a dihybrid cross, when combination of contrasting pairs of two traits were taken together, only one variety of each trait appears in the F₁ generation.
4. The other variety of each trait reappears in the F₂ generation on the same lines of the dihybrid cross.
5. However, two new combinations of the two contrasting pairs of traits in the F₂ generation also appear.

Heredity and Genetics Mendel’s laws of inheritance

Mendel postulated three laws of inheritance on the basis of his monohybrid and dihybrid experiments.

Law 1: Law of dominance

When two alleles of contrasting character of a hereditary trait are brought together by fertilization, only one is expressed, while the other is suppressed. The characteristic which is expressed, is called dominant or expressive characteristic, and the characteristic which is repressed (not expressed), is called recessive or suppressive characteristic. Recessive character expresses only when the pair consists of both (homozygous) recessive alleles.

This is Mendel’s first law of heredity law of dominance. It states that when two homozygous
individuals with one or more sets of contrasting characteristics are crossed, the characteristics which appear in the F₁ hybrids are dominant and those which do not appear in F₁ generation are recessive.

Law 2: Law of segregation

According to Mendel, each organism that reproduces sexually by producing gametes has two factors (genes) for a characteristic. Of these, one is inherited from the male parent and other from the female parent. These are alleles for a characteristic. If the alleles are similar, they are in homozygous condition. And, if the alleles are different, they are in heterozygous condition. All gametes produced by a homozygous individual will have similar alleles. Gametes of a heterozygous individual will be dissimilar (different/not alike).

On the basis of results obtained from monohybrid cross, Mendel formulated the second law of inheritance – law of segregation. It states that when a pair of allele is brought together in a hybrid, the members of the allelic pair remain together without mixing and separate or segregate from each other when the hybrid forms gametes. Since each gamete is pure for a characteristic, the law is also known as law of purity of gametes.

Law 3: Law of independent assortment

It states that, when a dihybrid organism forms gametes,

  • Each gamete receives one allele from each allelic pair (or each characteristic), and
  • The assortment of alleles of different characteristics during gamete formation is independent of their parental combinations.

Transmission of traits

All living organisms produce their own kind. So, there must be some common thing that makes an offspring similar to its parents. It is called trait or character that is passed from the parents to the offspring during sexual reproduction. These traits are transferred through genes located on their chromosomes.

What are genes?

A segment of DNA on a chromosome which codes for the synthesis of a specific protein is called gene. Genes are the units of heredity. They are located in a linear fashion on chromosomes. Thus, chromosomes are the carriers of genes. These are located within the cell nucleus.

In normal condition, each gene has two alternative forms of a character producing different effects. These alternative forms are called alleles. In humans, all chromosomes are present in pairs within


the cell nucleus. Therefore, all genes are also in pairs, i.e. each character has two alleles, each present on one chromosome of the pair. Two alleles of a pair are always located at the same position on the chromosome pair. The position is called a gene locus. Both the parents contribute equally to the DNA of progeny during sexual reproduction. That means, both parents contribute a copy of the same gene. During meiosis, a gamete receives only one chromosome of a pair. Hence, each gamete (germ cell) has only one allele of the pair of alleles for a character. When two germ cells combine, they will restore the normal number of chromosome in the progeny and ensure the stability of the DNA of the species. The characters thus pass from the parents to the offsprings in the form of genes on chromosomes. They are transmitted physically. Thus genes are the physical basis of heredity.

Dominant and recessive alleles

Out of the two alleles of a gene, the allele that masks any phenotypic effect of any recessive allele is called the dominant allele, while the allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. For example, the allele controlling the rolling of tongue is the dominant allele and the allele which controls the condition in which tongue cannot be rolled is the recessive allele.

Genotype and phenotype

The genetic constitution of an organism in which the genes are present in various combinations is called genotype. On the other hand, the externally visible expression of genes, which is an inherited feature in an individual’s appearance is called phenotype. For every phenotype, there may be two conditions, homozygous and heterozygous.

Homozygous condition: A condition in which a pair of a homologous chromosomes carries identical alleles on a gene locus for a specific trait.

Heterozygous condition: A condition in which a pair of homologous chromosomes carries non-identical alleles on a gene locus for a specific trait.

Pedigree analysis – From parents to children

In the pedigree analysis, a family’s history for a particular trait is collected. Then, this information is assembled into a family tree describing the interrelationship
of parents and children across generations. Thus, a pedigree is a family tree or a chart describing the inheritance of a particular character across generations. A pedigree analysis of a recessive trait (attached earlobes) is described in Figure 3.7.

In this case, the first born daughter in the third generation has attached earlobes, although her parents lack that trait (they had free earlobes). Thus, thepresence of attached earlobe phenotype is due to a recessive allele.


Sex determination in human beings – son or daughter?

Determining the sex of an individual at prenatal (before birth or during pregnancy) stage is called sex determination. In a number of organisms, one specific pair of chromosome plays a significant role in the determination of sex of the organisms. These chromosomes are named as sex chromosomes. In human beings, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, out of which one pair is sex


chromosome. There are two types of sex chromosomes- X and Y. A female contains two X chromosomes (i.e. homomorphic), while a male contains one each, i.e. X and Y chromosomes (i.e. heteromorphic). Rest of the 22 pairs of chromosomes are exactly similar and are called the autosomes.

At the time of reproduction, during gamete formation these paired chromosomes separate. Thus, two types of gametes are formed in males (one containing X chromosome while the other containing Y chromosome). Half of the male gametes or sperms carry the X chromosomes and rest half have Y one X chromosome. 22 pairs of autosomes are equally distributed in both sperm and ovum, and hence they are similar in terms of autosomes. Thus, the female has 44 + XX chromosomes and male has 44+ XY chromosomes.

How is it determined if the child would be male or female?

  • The sex of the offspring will be determined by the type of chromosome (X or Y) inherited from father.
  • At the time of fertilization, when the sperm and the egg unite to form a zygote, each individual inherits one of the two possible combinations of
  • A zygote (XX) with two X chromosomes (one from father and one from mother) develops into a girl while a zygote, (XY) with one X chromosome (from mother) and one Y chromosome (from father) develops into a boy.


Sex-Linked Inheritance

Most genes of an organism are located on autosomes. Genes of sexual characters are located on the sex chromosomes. However, genes of some characteristics which are not related to the sex of the organism are also located on the sex chromosomes. These are sex-linked characters because their inheritance is sex-linked. Inheritance of non-sexual characters or traits due to the presence of an allele on sex chromosomes is called sex-linked inheritance. These characteristics may be present either on X chromosome or Y chromosome or both.

X-linked inheritance

X-linked genes are present on that portion of the X chromosome for which there is no homologous region on the Y chromosome. Examples of inheritance of traits determined by X-linked genes include colour blindness and haemophilia. These diseases are caused by recessive alleles located on the X chromosome. Mostly males suffer from these disorders and females are rarely affected. A person suffering from colour blindness is unable to distinguish between red and green colours.

Haemophilia is a sex linked recessive disorder that slows down the process of blood clotting in an affected individual. It results in prolonged bleeding following an injury. It is rare to have haemophilia in females but they act as the carrier and may transfer the mutated
gene their sons.


Inheritance of colour blindness (or haemophilia)

Let us understand how colour blindness is an X-linked characteristic. X chromosomes having the two alternative alleles of the colour blind characteristic are indicated as:

X-normal (dominant allele)
Xº – colour blind allele (recessive allele)
Possible genotypes of females
XX- normal female
XX° – carrier female (does not show
symptoms of the disease)
X’X’ – colour blind female
Possible genotypes of males
XY – normal male
X’Y – colour blind male
Now let us take two situations.
Situation 1: A cross between carrier female vs normal male

Carrier mother Normal father
Punnet square
Sperms from
normal father

50% of the progeny are normal. One daughter (25% of the progeny) is the carrier of the defective allele. One son (25% of the progeny) is colour blind.

Situation 2: A cross between normal female and colour-blind male

Normal mother
Colour blind father
Xº Y
Sperms from
colour blind father

XX° – Daughters-heterozygous dominant, carrier
of colour blindness but with normal vision.
XY – Normal sons

None of the child colour l but daughters are carriers of the defective alleles for colour blindness.

 From the given crosses, it can be concluded that,

  • an X-linked recessive gene affects more males than females because males need only one
    copy of the defective allele to express the characteristic.
  • an X-linked recessive characteristic can skip generations because males can receive an X-linked recessive only from their mothers and very few females are homozygous for the gene.

What would happen if the X-linked genes were dominant?

The pattern of inheritance of an X-linked domainant gene is different from the X-linked recessive one. In this case, both males and females are equally affected by the presence of the gene. Irrespective of sex, half the male and female offsprings are affected by the gene or trait. Inheritance of defective tooth enamel is an example of X-linked dominant inheritance.

Y-linked gene

The gene for hairy pinna is an example of Y-linked inheritance. Will it be expressed if it were in the recessive form? Of course, yes, the gene shall be expressed irrespective of it being dominant or recessive. Can you guess the reason? Y chromosome is present singly in the male genotype. Will females be carriers of this gene? The obvious answer is no as the human female genotype does not have a Y chromosome. The characteristics of a Y-linked trait are as follows.

  • They are expressed only in males.
  • They are always passed from father to son.

Heredity and Genetics Mutation

A sudden change in the amount, arrangement or structure of the DNA or chromosomes of an organism is called mutation. The mutation alters the hereditary material of an organism’s cell and may or may not be inherited cells. A mutation may results in a change in the genetic appearance of a characteristic in a population.

  • Mutations occurring in gamete cells are inherited while those occurring in somatic cells (called somatic mutations) are usually not inherited.
  • A mutation resulting from a change in the amount or arrangement of the DNA is known as chromosomal mutation.
  • A mutation resulting from a change in the structure of gene in DNA is known as gene mutation.

Causes of mutation

Mutation can be caused by a variety of chemical substances such as mustard gas, caffeine, gamma rays and X-rays and sometimes even certain pesticides.

Sickle cell anaemia is an example of disease caused due to mutation. It is a blood disorder characterized by red blood cells that assume an abnormal, sickle shape due to the sudden change in DNA structure.

Genetic engineering

A technique in which the genetic constitution of an organism can be altered by introducing new genes or replacing existing genes into its chromosomes is known as genetic engineering. For example, insulin-producing genes are introduced in a bacteria to produce insulin.

Genetic counselling

This is a counselling of the parents/newly married couples in which they are advised to get them screened rany genetic diseases such as haemophilia, thalassemia, Down syndrome, etc.

Heredity and Genetics Summary

  • The science that deals with the mechanisms responsible for similarities and differences among closely related members of the species is called genetics.
  • Gregor Mendel is considered as the father of genetics. He postulated three laws of heredity on the basis of his experiments on the sweet pea plant.
  • Mendel’s first law of inheritance: Law of dominance states that when two homozygous individuals with one or more sets of contrasting characteristics are crossed, the characteristics which appear in F, hybrids are dominant.
  • Mendel’s second law of inheritance: Law of segregation states that when a pair of alleles is brought together in a hybrid, the members of the allelic pair remain together without mixing and separate or segregate from each other when the hybrid forms gametes.
  • Mendel’s third law of inheritance: Law of independent
  • assortment states that when a dihybrid organism forms gametes, each gamete receives one allele
    from each allelic pair (of each characteristic), and the assortment of alleles of different characteristics during gamete formation is independent of their parental combinations.
  • Pedigree is a family tree or a chart describing the inheritance of a particular characteristic across generations.
  • Sex determination in humans is based on combination of sex chromosomes. Females have two X chromosomes while males have one X and one Y chromosome.
  • Inheritance of non-sexual characteristics through sex chromosomes is called sex-linked inheritance. It may be either X-linked recessive/dominant or Y-linked.
  • Colour blindness and haemophilia are examples of X-linked inheritance mostly in human males.

UP Board Notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 5 Transpiration

Transpiration Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Define the terms transpiration, evaporation, guttation and bleeding,
  • Describe transpiration with the help of suitable activities and discuss its significance;
  • Explain the process by which water is made available for transpiration;
  • Explain the mechanism of transpiration;
  • Describe various methods for measuring the rate of transpiration;
  • Describe various factors affecting the rate of transpiration;
  • Explain guttation and bleeding.

Roots of a plant absorb water and minerals from the soil. This water then flows up the root and through xylem vessels in the stem to the leaves. A small amount of this water is used by the plant for photosynthesis and other activities. Rest of it evaporates from the surface of spongy mesophyll cells and diffuses out of the pores in the leaves called stomata. The loss of water as water vapour from the leaves and aerial parts of the plant is called transpiration.

Transpiration is different from evaporation

Transpiration is different from evaporation. The major differences between transpiration and evaporation are given in Table 5.1.

 Activities to demonstrate transpiration

Given here are certain activities to demonstrate transpiration.

Transpiration Activity 1

To show that water vapour is given out during transpiration.

  • Take a small-sized, well-watered potted plant. Cover the external surface of the pot and the soil with a cloth.
  • With the help of a transparent polythene bag cover the plant and tie its mouth at the base of the stem. Similarly, take another polythene bag and tie its mouth, this acts as a control. Leav the two in the sunlight observe.You will find that drops of water vapour appear on the inner side of the polythene bag tied around the plant (experimental set-up). This happens due to the saturation of water vapour given out by the leaves. On the other hand, no water vapour appears in the other polythene bag (control).
  • This shows that water vapour is given out during transpiration.


Transpiration Activity 2

To demonstrate transpiration in plants.

  • You will require three bell jars and two cobalt chloride papers to perform this experiment.
  • Take two similar-sized, well-watered potted
    plants with broad leaves. Mark plants as A and B.
  • Now cover each plant with a bell jar. In the bell jar containing plant B place strips of dry cobalt chloride paper. Bell jar A Set up A
  • Now you have two set-ups: Set-up A with a potted plant covered with a bell jar, and set-up B with a potted plant having strips of cobalt chloride paper and covered with a bell jar. Take another set-up C having bell jar with cobalt chloride paper but no plant. Seal the edges of each bell jar with vaseline that no air enters the apparatus from outside.Transpiration -experiment-demonstating-transpirationExperiment demonstrating transpiration In plants. Note that bell jars A and B contain water vapour on the inner walls, the cobalt paper turns pink in bell jar B but there is no change in bell jar C

Cobalt chloride paper acts as an indicator of moisture. It is blue when dry but becomes pink
when exposed to moisture.

  • Leave the three set-ups undisturbed under the sun for about one hour. Observe after one hour.
  • The bell jar A shows water vapour condensed on its inner walls.
  • The bell jar B shows water vapour condensed on the inner walls. The colour of cobalt paper turns pink in bell jar B.
  • There is no condensation in bell jar C and no
    change in the colour of cobalt chloride paper (i.e. it remains blue). This shows that there was no moisture in the bell jar C.
  • You may conclude that condensation of water vapour occurs and the colour of cobalt paper changes. These are the proofs of transpiration.

How is water made available for transpiration?

There is a continuous loss of water from the leaves by transpiration. The water lost from leaves is continuously replaced by more water which flows from leaf xylem vessels. Water flows from xylem vessels to the surface of mesophyll cells of the leaves by two routes.

  • Imbibition: Most of the water flows directly through the porous cellulose walls of the mesophyll cells.
  • Osmosis: A small amount of water flows by osmosis from cell to cell.

Flow of water up the xylem

As a result of transpiration, water pressure of the xylem vessels in leaves and stem becomes lower than that in the root xylem vessels. This pressure difference causes water to be sucked up from the roots into the leaves in a similar manner as we suck cold drink with a straw.

Flow of water from soil to root xylem

Water sucked up from roots to stem and leaves is replaced by water which flows from the soil through the freely permeable cellulose walls of root hair into the root cortex. This flow of water continues as long as a plant transpires.

Types of transpiration

On the basis of occurrence in different regions of a plant, transpiration is of three types:

1. Stomatal transpiration (from the leaves through the stomata)
2. Cuticular transpiration (from the waxy cuticle layer of leaves and stems)
3. Lenticular transpiration (from the lenticels present on the surface of old stems)

The maximum transpiration occurs through stomata on the leaves.

Mechanism of stomatal transpiration

Stomatal transpiration accounts for maximum (about 90%) transpiration in plants. Stomata are the minute openings present on one or both surfaces (epidermal layer) of the leaf. They facilitate exchange of gases between the leaf and the atmosphere. In stomatal transpiration, water vapour is lost through stomata in leaves.

The stomatal transpirationoccurs as follows:

  • Water is absorbed by root hair from the soil. This water then moves up through xylem vessels via stem into the spongy mesophyll cells of the leaves through veins.
  • The spongy mesophyll cells in the leaves have large number of intercellular spaces. These cells give out some water as a thin film.
  • The water from this thin film evaporates in the form of water vapour. The water vapour formed then saturates the air in the intercellular spaces.
  • This water vapour then accumulates and reaches the substomatal space through various connecting intercellular spaces by diffusion.
  • From substomatal spaces, the water vapour escapes from the stomata by the process of diffusion. The molecules of water move from the region of their higher concentration to the region of their lower concentration.



  • The water from this thin film evaporates in the form of water vapour. The water vapour formed then saturates the air in the intercellular spaces.
  • This water vapour then accumulates and reaches the substomatal space through various connecting intercellular spaces by diffusion.
  • From substomatal spaces, the water vapour escapes from the stomata by the process of diffusion. The molecules of water move from the region of their higher concentration to the region of their lower concentration.

The water lost by cells is replaced by more water from the nearest xylem vessel. Most of the water moves along the cells by imbibition and only a small amount by osmosis.

How Do Stomata Regulate Transpiration?

Stomata are minute openings found in the epidermis of leaves and stem. Each stoma contains a pore surrounded by two guard cells. Both guard cells are firmly joined at both ends but separate in the mid-region of their length.Stomata are present on the lower epidermis of the leaf in dicotyledonous plants.


  • The open stomata account for diffusion of water vapour through them. During the day, the cell-sap concentration becomes high due to the accumulation of sugar in the guard cells as a result of photosynthesis.
  • In dicots, the lower surface of a leaf mainly has stomata. Therefore, more transpiration occurs from the undersurface (lower surface) of a leaf.
  • This results in the movement of water into the guard cells from the neighbouring cells. This makes the guard cells turgid and guard cells bulge out and pull apart their inner walls and stomata open. If the availability

Transpiration Activity 3

To show that more transpiration occurs from the lower surface of a dicot leaf.

(Perform this activity on a relatively dry and non-cloudy day)
This activity should be performed on a dicot leaf. This is because dicot leaf has more stomata on the lower surface and very few on the upper surface.

  • Take a well-watered, potted, dicot plant like balsam or china rose.
  • Take two, 2 x 4 sq cm, pieces of cobalt chloride paper. Place one piece of cobalt chloride paper over a glass slide and hold it on the lower side of the leaf and place other paper on the upper side of the leaf in a similar manner (Fig. 5.6).
  • Fasten both slides (beyond the margins of the leaf) with the help of gem clips. Observe for about1 hour.

Do not detach the leaf from the plant.

  • The piece of cobalt chloride paper on the lower side of the leaf turns pink very fast. while the paper on upper surface remains same or takes a long time to turn pink. This shows that more transpiration occurs from the lower surface of the leaves of dicot plants because of the presence of more stomata.Transpiration-Experiment-to-show-hat-more transpiration occurs-through-the-ower-surface-of-a-dicot-leaf.

of water is reduced, the guard cells lose their turgidity and they become flaccid (lose turgidity) by exosmosis of water from them. This leads to the closing of stomata and transpiration stops.

Cuticular Transpiration

The cuticle is a waxy layer secreted by the epidermis of the leaves and young stems of the plant. Cuticular transpiration accounts for only 3-10% of the total transpiration. It continues throughout day and night. There is very limited evaporation of water from the
cuticle. The cuticular transpiration depends upon the thickness of cuticle. Greater the thickness of the cuticle, lesser is evaporation of water (lower cuticular transpiration) and vice versa.

Can you guess why desert plants have thick cuticle? They have thick cuticle to cut down the loss of water due to transpiration.

Lenticular Transpiration

It occurs in the woody branches of the trees where lenticels are found. Lenticels are special openings on the older stem in place of stomata.The lenticular transpiration accounts for only 0.1% of the total transpiration. It continues day and night because lenticels do not close. Lenticels remain always open. In lenticular transpiration, water from the cell surface facing the lenticels evaporates directly.


Measuring Rrate of Transpiration

There are mainly two methods for measuring the rate
of transpiration:
1. Weighing method
2. Photometer method
1. Weighing method: In this method, a small lightweight potted plant is weighed before and after a certain period of time in which transpiration has taken place. The loss in weight by the plant during the time indicates the loss of water by transpiration. The following activity shows the measurement of transpiration by weighing method.

Transpiration Activity 4

To show the loss of water from leaves due to transpiration using weighing method.
1. Take a small potted plant and cover its soil surface with cloth also cover the pot with a polythene to prevent evaporation from the surface of the soil and pot. Weigh the pot at the start of the activity and after 2 hours. The difference in weight is the loss of water by plant due to transpiration.


  • Take a small plant and fix it in a glass bottle with a graduated side tube as shown in. Fill the bottle with water and note down its reading (water volume). Leave the set-up for 2 hours and observe. Check the level of water in the side tube at leafy the beginning and end of the shoot activity. You will observe that water level has come down. The loss in volume of water can be compared with the loss in weight of the plant with the tube help of a weighing balance.
  • Take a leafy shoot (with no roots) and fix it in a test tube as shown in Figure 5.9. Fill
    the test tube with water and pour some oil on the water surface so as to prevent any water evaporation. Place this test tube in a beaker and weigh the two together. Wait for 2 hours and weigh again. The difference in weight will indicate the loss of water by the shoot due to transpiration.

Transpiration-Experimental-set-up to-measure-the-transpiration

2. Potometer Method: Photometer (Gk. potos: drink, meter: measure) is a device that measures the rate of water intake by a plant (which is almost equal to the water lost by transpiration). There are mainly two types of potometers used in this method – Ganong’s potometer and Darwin’s photometer.

Transpiration Activity 5

To measure the volume of water uptake by plant during transpiration using potometer method.

Potometer such as Ganong’s potometer is a device made up of glass which is used to measure the rate of transpiration by a leafy shoot. To use the potometer, take a small twig of a plant like Plectranthus and cut the twig obliquely under water to allow larger surface for the water intake. Fix the twig to one end of the potometer by using a rubber stopper or a cork as aper scopper shown in. Fill the apparatus with water, ensuring there are no air spaces in the set-up.

Introduce an air bubble into the horizontal graduated capillary tube by slightly lifting the tube and then dipping it in a beaker containing coloured water. As the shoot transpires, the water vapour lost is replaced by coloured water drawn in potometer which reaches into the xylem of the stem. Similarly the air bubble also moves forward in the capillary tube. The reading in the capillary tube gives the volume of water lost in a given time.


  • It is very difficult to introduce air bubble in the
  • The twig does not remain alive for a long time.
  • Any change in the external temperature may affect the position of air bubble in the capillary tube.


Transpiration Factors affecting the rate of transpiration

A. External Factors

1. Humidity (Vapour pressure): The humidity of the atmosphere affects the rate of diffusion of
water vapour from the stomata. Low humidity in the atmosphere increases the rate of transpiration. On the other hand, high humidity in the air reduces the rate of outward diffusion of water from the sub-stomatal cavity and reduces the rate of transpiration, because the air is already laden with water vapour.
2. Temperature: High temperature increases rate of transpiration by providing the latent heat
of vaporization. Rise in temperature increases evaporation of water while low temperature reduces evaporation.
3. Intensity of light: Light affects the rate of transpiration indirectly. More transpiration occurs during the day. Stomata open during light and thus transpiration occurs more in the day. During the night they are closed, thus the rate of transpirationis minimal. Can you guess what happens on a cloudy day?
4. Air movement (Velocity of wind): Moving air sweeps away the water vapour in the air outside the stomata. This speeds up the diffusion of water vapour from stomata. Thus, the rate of transpiration increases with the velocity of wind.

Some plants in dry conditions (xerophytes) have folded leaves or epidermal hair which help to retain moist air around the stomata to prevent transpiration.

5. Atmospheric Pressure: A decrease in atmospheric pressure increases diffusion of water vapour from stomata. The lower the atmospheric pressure, the greater is the rate of evaporation of water from leaves. Thus, the rate of transpiration increases with the decrease in atmospheric pressure.
6. Carbon dioxide concentration: If the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide is more than the normal (0.03%), the stomata closes. This reduces the rate of transpiration.
7. Water supply to the leaf: Shortage of water in the soil affects the water supply to the leaf and in turn the stomata close and the leaf wilts. This reduces the rate of transpiration.

B. Internal Factor

1. Leaf Structure: The shape of the leaf and the number and position of stomata on it influence water vapour loss. In xerophytes, the cuticle is thick and there is negligible loss of water vapour (less transpiration). On the other hand, in the leaf of the shady plants which has a large surface area and a thin cuticle, the loss of water vapour is more (more transpiration).

How are plants adapted to reduce excessive transpiration?

  • The stomata may be sunken (deep seated) or covered by hair, as in oleander (Fig. 5.11).
  • The number of stomata may be reduced as in xerophytes, like cactus.
  • The leaves may become narrow to reduce leaf surface area, as in Nerium and pine.
  • The leaves may roll over or fold to reduce exposed surface and maintain moisture around the stomata, as in desert grass.
  • There may be very few leaves on a plant to reduce transpiration, such as in Acacia.
  • The leaves may have thick cuticle, as in mango, banyan and most evergreen trees to prevent transpiration.

Transpiration -Sunken-stomata-in-an-oleander-leaf

Significance of Transpiration

Ascent of Sap

Transpiration helps in the ascent of sap due to a suction force or pull created by the loss of water. As water evaporates from leaves, a suction force is developed at the top of the plant, which draws more water from the soil through roots and stems.


Removal of Excess Water

Plants absorb far more amount of water than is actually required by them. Thus, transpiration helps in removing excess of water.

Cooling Effect

Solar heat during summers increases the temperature of plants, which may be dangerous to the plants. Transpiration helps in reducing the temperature of the leaf surface by evaporation of water vapour from it, which in turn cools the plant.

Distribution of Mineral Salts

The transpiration from leaf surface draws more water from the lower parts and in turn from the soil. This rising column of sap from the soil contains mineral salts. Thus, the mineral salts are distributed to all parts of the plants.

Guttation and Bleeding

Guttation (L. gutta: drop): You must have seen accumulation of water droplets on the surface of leaves in some plants, early in the morning. This is due to guttation. Guttation is exudation of water droplets on the leaf margins of plants such as banana, growing especially in warm humid conditions. The loss of water in the form of droplets from the margins of the leaves of certain plants during hot and humid conditions is known guttation or exudation It is caused due to root pressure. When the rate of transpiration is low, the roots of some plants keep accumulating minerals and absorbing water. Thus, more water enters the leaves than is transpired. As a result, the excess water is forced out through specialized structures on the margins of the leaves called hydathodes. The differences between guttation and transpiration is given in Table .Transpiration-Guttation

Bleeding: During injury to certain plant tissues, the plant sap escapes (bleeds) from the ruptured or cut surface of the plant. This is brought about by the rootpressure generated by the plant.

Transpiration Summary

  • The loss of water as water vapour from the aerial parts of the plant is called transpiration. Transpiration is different from evaporation.
  • Transpiration produces a suction force which draws water up from the soil to the leaves.
  • There are three types of transpiration – stomatal, cuticular and lenticular transpiration.
  • Stomatal transpiration occurs by diffusion of water vapour through stomata and accounts for maximum transpiration by a plant.
  • Cuticular transpiration involves the loss of water vapour from the surface of leaves and young stems of the plant. It occurs throughout the day and night.
  • Lenticular transpiration occurs through lenticels found in the woody branches of trees. It occurs continuously.
  • Transpiration rate can be measured by weighing method or with the help of a potometer.
  • Rate of transpiration increases with an increase in the intensity of light, temperature, velocity of wind and availability of water. High humidity in the air reduces the rate of transpiration.
  • There are many advantages of transpiration for a plant such as cooling, ascent of sap, distribution of minerals and removal of excess water.
  • Guttation is loss of water from the leaf margins of plants in the form of droplets.

UP Board Notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 14 Population Problems And Control

Population Problems And Control Learning objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Define the terms-population density, demography, birth rate, death rate, growth rate, etc.;
  • Trace the trends for rise in Indian population over the decades;
  • List the factors responsible for rapid rise of population in India and the world;
  • Describe the disadvantages of enormously increasing population;
  • Explain the need for controlling population growth;
  • List and describe various methods ntraception for population control.

India is the second-most populous country in the world, next to China. India comprises more than 15% of the world’s total population. The ever-increasing human population is putting an ever-increasing load on resources. It is therefore the prime responsibility of each one of us to help educate people and take necessary steps to check our fast-growing population.

Few terms to remember

  • Population: The number of people living in a particular area or a country at a particular time is called the population of that area or country.
  • Demography: The statistical study of human population of a region is called demography. It deals with population growth, ratio of age and sex and population density in a particular region.
  • Population density: The number of persons per unit area at any given time.
  • Birth rate or natality: The number of live births per 1000 persons in a year.
  • Death rate or mortality: The number of deaths per 1000 persons in a year.
  • Growth rate of population: The difference between the birth rate and the death rate. If the birth rate is more than death rate, the population grows. If the birth rate is lesser than death rate, the population declines. The population growth rate in 2016 was 1.19%.
  • Census: It is an official enumeration of the population done periodically. The census is the most comprehensive source of demographic, social and economic data.

Population Problems And Control Population

Population growth in India

The human population is growing. The population of India was about 24 crores in the year 1901. Except for a slight fall in 1911-21, the population of India has been steadily increasing for the last 100 years (Table 14.1). The total population of India has multiplied by about 4 times within last one hundred years (1911-2011). As per the census of 2011, as on March 2011, the population of India was 1,210,193,422,

i.e. about 121.02 crores. This alarming rate of rise in human population is a cause of concern.

Factors responsible for population explosion in India

  • Advancement in agriculture: This has helped in the availability of more food, and hence, less starvation and malnutrition.
  • Advancement in medicine: This has helped in controlling epidemic diseases, leading to increasing life span. Thus, more and more people are living longer, reaching reproductive age and producing more children.
  • Religious and social customs: Because of the prevailing social customs and religious beliefs, many people do not adopt family planning measures, leading to the rise in population.
  • Industrialization: This has helped in better production, storage and distribution of food, more employment opportunities and more prosperity.
  • Illiteracy: Even though a sizeable number of our population is educated, a large proportion is still illiterate, ignorant and superstitious. They are not aware of the benefits of family planning. This results in overpopulation.
  • Economic reasons: Children are considered to be helping hands to increase the income of the family.
  • Desire of a male child: In most societies, the male child is considered to be essential for keeping up the name of the family from one generation to another. Due to this, the parents want to have at least one son and in this process they give birth to many children.
  • Lack of recreation: Because of poverty and poor standard of living, there are not many recreation facilities available and sex provides recreation to such people.

Factors responsible for increase in human population in the world

  • Better health care is available for all. There are more facilities, doctors and medicines for health care.
  • Better food supplies are available. The food shortage has been minimized due to agricultural revolution. As a result more and better quality of food is produced and made available to all.
  • Fewer deaths as compared to ancient times. This s due to the discoveries of medicines and vaccines which have controlled and even wiped out many diseases. More patients get cured and live longer.
  • Large-scale immunization against epidemic diseases.
  • Better nutrition facilities are available, specially for growing children. As a result, more and more children are healthy and are reaching the reproductive age.

Population growth curves

What are population growth curves?

Curves obtained by plotting the number of individuals in a population against time are called population growth curves. The factors that influence population growth curves are mainly environmental factors. There are two types of population growth curves,

  • J-shaped growth curve, and
  • S-shaped (sigmoid) growth curve.

J-shaped population growth curve

increasing exponentially and becomes double in size during a constant period of time. The growth is exponential and the curve is known as J-shaped curve as given in.

S-shaped (sigmoid) population growth curve

In this population growth curve, the population first increases slowly and then more rapidly. Finally it slows down and fluctuates within a narrow range due to limitation by environmental factors. Thus, an S-shaped (sigmoid) curve is obtained showing the maximum population size an environment can sustain.



Population Problems And Control Problems posed by increasing population

The problems posed by increasing population are of two types:

1. Problems posed to large families
2. Problems posed to the country

Problems posed to large families

  • Poor health of the mother: Because of frequent pregnancies, the mother may suffer from ill-health.
  • Poor housing: More family members means more space. The family may not afford a good, clean and spacious house.
  • Economic pressure: The large family will need more resources. This will lead to immense economic pressure on the parents affecting the quality of life.
  • Malnutrition: The family members may not get enough food. This will lead to malnutrition and deficiency diseases.
  • Poor medical care: The family members will require constant medical support. However, because of medical facilities being expensive, it may not be possible to provide everyone with adequate medical support.
  • Improper education: Proper educational facilities may not be provided to the children.

Problems posed to the country

A high population growth in India has drastic environmental implications like overcrowding, decrease in per capita income, and depletion of food, land, fuel and consumer resources. Like atomic explosion, population explosion is also equally harmful for our existence.

  • Urbanization and environmental degradation: Due to increasing population, farmlands in the rural areas can no longer support the living expenses of additional people. This has resulted in a continuous migration of a large number of people to urban areas with the hope of finding jobs and a better life. This has led to an increase in the urban population. The growth in urban population puts pressure on the urban environment by increasing the number of squatter settlements, and slum dwellers in slums with no proper sanitation facilities, causing pollution of air, water and soil.
  • Increasing population and transportation: Increase in population results in a corresponding
  • increase in the means of transport in rural areas in general and in urban areas in particular. The total number of vehicles has increased tremendously. Increase in the number of automobiles has increased the pollution load (air pollution, water pollution and solid waste pollution).
  • Increasing population and education: We all know that education is one of the most important aspect for economic and social upliftment. Although the literacy rate is growing, but we still have the largest illiterate population in the world. The increasing population further adds up to the problems of providing education to all.
  • Increasing population, agricultural development and environmental degradation: In order to meet the food requirement of the ever-increasing population, new agricultural techniques have been adopted. The application of modern scientific techniques, agrochemicals (fertilizers and pesticides), expansion in irrigation facilities and the development of high-yielding varieties of seeds have created hazardous environmental problems.
  • Increasing population and deforestation: Due to substantial increase in the agricultural land, lots of forests have been cut down. Due to deforestation, excessive irrigation and natural hazards, such as floods, etc., land is being degraded and wasteland is increasing. The increased use of fertilizers and pesticides to boost agricultural productivity has immense adverse effects on land and water resources of our country. Agricultural land has been extensively polluted due to pollution from fertilizers and pesticides.Population-problems-and-control-Deforestation-5
  • Population, industrial development and environmental pollution: Growth in human population has resulted in increased requirements of food, shelter and day-to-day products. To meet these requirements, industry has expanded and industrial growth has made many Indian cities centres of health hazards, due to environmental pollution.
  • Increasing population and water: The availability of water is limited. Increasing population will need more water. Thus, availability of water will be scarce with the increase in population.
  • Increasing population and depleting energy sources: Energy is needed for almost all our day-to-day activities whether for cooking, transportation, factories or at home. Presently we are largely dependent on fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum for energy. At the current rate of consumption, our fossil fuel reserves will be exhausted within a few hundred years. Increasing population will need even more and more energy. This will further complicate the situation.
  • Increasing population and depletion of mineral reserves: Our mineral reserves are limited, once finished they cannot be replenished (i.e. they are non-renewable). More population means more requirements of minerals, leading to fast depletion of mineral resources.Population-problems-and-control-Industrial-development-causes-environmental-pollution-6 

Population Problems And Control Population control and family planning

It is very necessary to control the overgrowing population and to educate people to accept small family norm and create awareness about population explosion and its impact on the family, society and the nation. The government has taken many measures for providing family planning guidance and support, and family welfare measures.

There are various ways to prevent fertilization and hence to check the increasing population. Some of these are discussed here.


The most effective method is to impart education to the people about various ways of fertility control. Education helps to make people aware of the advantages of a small family and the disadvantages of a large family.

Preventive Methods

These methods prevent pregnancy and obstruct the fusion of the egg and the sperm. Some of the important preventive methods are discussed below.

Surgical Methods

1. Vasectomy (for males): This is a method of sterilization in males. In this method, each sperm duct or vas deferens is cut and tied (ligated) at both ends by a thread. The small piece between the two ligatures is then removed. By doing so the sperms cannot reach the ejaculatory duct and hence cannot be deposited in the female reproductive tract during intercourse. This procedure is easy and quick and has no harmful effect on manliness of any kind and does not reduce libido.


2. Tubectomy (for females): This is a method of sterilization in females (Fig. 14.7). It involves cutting of the Fallopian tubes or oviducts and tying the ends to prevent passage of ova down the


  • Fallopian tubes. In this method, the eggs continue to be released but do not pass through the oviducts and hence, no fertilization takes place. Further when sperms are deposited during intercourse they cannot travel to the oviduct and hence no fertilization can occur. In a new method, tubectomy is performed with the help of a laparoscope. With the help of a laparoscope the abdominal organs can be viewed by a flexible optical fibre lens and a cold light source. This surgery is performed by making a small (1 cm) hole in the abdomen.

Contraception methods

  • These methods involve prevention of fertilization and conception. Contraception results in birth control and is the basis of family planning. Contraception may be natural or mechanical. The main methods of contraception are summarized in Table.

1. Natural methods of contraception: If copulation is avoided for a few days, i.e. at +3 days of the first day of ovulation which is likely to be the time


  • period when the ovum is available in the oviduct, fertilization can be avoided. This is called rhythm method of contraception.
  • Another natural method of contraception is coitus interruptus. In this method, the penis is withdrawn from the vagina prior to ejaculation. All these methods require extreme self-discipline and self-control.

2. Mechanical (Barrier) methods of contraception: Mechanical barriers are used to prevent the passage of semen to the Fallopian tube or to prevent implantation.

  • Condoms or nirodh: It is a thin rubber tube worn over the penis before sexual intercourse. The ejaculate gets collected in this tube and is not discharged into the vagina.
  • Diaphragm or cervical cap: It is a large thin rubber cap fixed on a flexible metal ring. It is fitted over the cervix of uterus in a woman’s body to prevent the passage of sperms into the cervical canal.Population-problems-and-control-Diaphragm-or-cervical-cap-10

Population-problems-and-control -Intra-uterine-device-or-loop-11

3. Intrauterine device (IUD) or loop: It is a very effective method to avoid conception. IUD or loop is made of plastic or stainless steel. It is inserted in the uterus. Its insertion causes certain secretions which prevent the implantation of embryo in the uterine wall.

4. Chemical methods of contraception

  • Spermicides: In this method, strong spermicidal (sperm-killing) chemical creams, jellies, etc., are applied in the vagina before copulation, which kill the sperms and prevent fertilization.5. Hormonal methods of contraception
  • Oral contraceptives or pills: Oral contraceptives prevent ovulation in females. These pills should be taken daily. Birth control pills contain synthetic hormones resembling oestrogen and progesterone which prevent ovulation but allow monthly shedding of the uterine lining through menstrual bleeding.

Corrective methods

  • Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP): If conception has taken place, the birth of a child can be avoided by corrective methods. Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) can be done
  • by induced abortion or aspiration by a trained doctor. Abortion is a method by which pregnancy can be terminated by either mechanical method or by using hormones. Aspiration involves a virtual vacuuming of the uterine contents by a suction device.
  • MTP should be considered as a last step that can be taken. It should be taken only in case of an emergency or if there is an evidence of a genetic disease in the foetus and removal of foetus is necessary for the life of the mother. Abortion. can be legally permitted only within 5 months of pregnancy by a trained doctor on the request of the would be mother. Even husband’s consent is necessary for this.

Population Problems And Control Summary

  • India is the second most populous country in the world only next to China. As per the 2011 census, population of India was 121.02 crore.
  • The statistical study of human population is called demography.
  • Population density means number of individuals per square kilometre at any given time.
  • Advancement in agriculture, medicine, industrialization, religious and social customs, illiteracy, economic reasons and desire of a male child are some factors responsible for the growth of population explosion in India.
  • Increasing population poses problems to the family as well as the nation.
  • The enormous increase of the population can be controlled by education, preventive methods, contraception and corrective methods of population control.
  • Preventive surgical methods include, vasectomy (in males) and tubectomy (in females).
  • Rhythm method and coitus interruptus are the natural methods of contraception.
  • Condoms, diaphragm and intra uterine device are the mechanical contraceptives.
  • Spermicides are the chemical contraceptives and oral contraceptive pills are the hormonal contraceptives.
  • If conception has taken place, the birth of the foetus can be avoided by corrective methods. MTP can be done using aspiration method or induced abortion.

UP Board Notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 15 Human Evolution

Human Evolution Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Define the term evolution;
  • Describe the evolution of humans;
  • Discuss and describe the morphological features of human ancestors;
  • List theories of evolution;
  • Describe Lamarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics with examples;
  • Describe Darwin’s theory of natural selection: survival of the fittest.

The process of evolution involves a gradual irreversible change or variation in the organisms generation after generation. t means that the organisms of the present day have arisen from ancestors who were more simple in organization.

The following are the causes of evolution:

1. Variations in the gene pool of members of a population.
2. Natural selection favouring accumulation of advantageous variations.
3. Genetic drift or chance selection.

The word evolution has been derived from a Latin word evolvere (L. e: out; volvo: to roll) means to unroll or unfold to reveal modifications or gradual changes. Therefore, evolution is defined as a naturally occurring slow, continuous and irreversible process of change.

Evolution of Human

In order to study the evolution of man, various tools such as time dating, excavating and studying fossils as well as determining DNA sequences have been used. There is a great diversity of human forms and features across the planet. Earlier, skin colour used to be the commonest way of identifying human races. However, there is no biological basis to this notion of human races. All humans belong to a single species, Homo sapiens.

Place of origin of human

  • The family of humans (Hominidae) evolved about 20 million years ago. At the same time, its close relatives, the family of chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans (Pongidae) diverged from it.
  • The fossils of prehuman and ancestral human forms are found in East Africa, Asia and Europe, indicating that human’s centre of origin was probably in Africa. The evolution of bipedalism marks the beginning hominids. Hominids is a term used for humans and their immediate ancestors.
  • Humans, Homo sapiens, evolved about 1.5 million years ago. The Homo sapiens evolved further to the Neanderthal man followed by the Cro-Magnon man and further the Modern man.

In 1871, Charles Darwin published a book named The Descent of Man. In this book, he suggested that humans evolved from same African ape ancestors that gave rise to the gorillas and chimpanzees.

How did they migrate?

The genetic footprints of humans can be traced back to the African roots. About two-three hundred thousand years ago, some of human ancestors migrated from Africa to West Asia, then to Central Asia, Eurasia, South Asia and East Asia. Then, these ancestors travelled down the islands of Indonesia and the Philippines to Australia. From Australia, they crossed the Bering land bridge to America. They went forward and backward, even moving in and out of Africa. There were various factors such as availability of food, habitat and environmental suitability which directed human evolution.

Evolutionary changes in humans

1. Erect posture (to stand and walk straight)
2. Bipedal locomotion (to free forelimbs)
3. Forelimbs adapted to hold objects
4. Increase in brain size and its complexity (to think intelligently and logically)
5. Articulation of speech for better interaction and communication
6. Formation of chin
7. Reduction in the size of canines
8. Loss of brow ridges.


Ancestors of human beings

The Lemur and Loris are said to be the early ancestors of human beings. Lemur is a small monkey-like animal with a long tail. It lives on trees. The Lemur is the oldest of living primates. A fossil ape Dryopithecus is considered to be the common ancestor of humans and great apes (orangutan, chimpanzee and gorilla). It had large brain, large canines, and feet fossils indicate its semi-erect posture.


The prehistoric man Ramapithecus, lived some 15 million years ago, evolved from Dryopithecus. Dryopithecus was more ape-like while Ramapithecus was more man-like hominid.


Australopithecus are believed to have appeared some 3.9 million years ago in grasslands of East Africa. They were able to walk or run on two legs but still retained many ape-like features including adaptations of tree-climbing (long arms, short legs), a small brain, a long protruding jaw, and cone-shaped ribcage.

The cranial capacity was about 400-600 cubic centimetres (cc) and they were 1.2 to 1.5 metres tall. They had a low, sloping forehead, brow ridges projecting over the eyes and a projecting face. Canine teeth were pointed and of size between that of apes and humans. They used simple tools like sticks and other non-durable plant parts which were found in their immediate surroundings.

Homo habilis (The handy man)

The words Homo habilis is derived from Latin words Homo meaning human and habilis meaning handy or skillful. They were the first early true man to have lived on earth between 2.3 and 1.5 million years ago.
They had a height of about 1.5 metres and cranial capacity of 650-800 cc. The face was slightly protruding, had round skull and teeth with small canines. Brow ridges were present, and they had lightly built lower jaw.
H. habilis had an erect posture and bipedal locomotion. Since they were the first fossil man to have used chipped stone tools, H. habilis were also known as toolmaker.

Homo Erectus (The upright man)

Homo erectus lived between 1,00,000 and 1.6 million years back and were much larger than H. habilis, about 1.5-1.7 metres tall.

Homo erectus had bigger brain with cranial capacity of around 900 cc and showed structure of brain similar to that of modern humans. The bones of the skull were thick, and they had sloping forehead, flatter face, massive brow ridge, smaller chins and rounded jaw. Arms and legs were in proportion as in modern humans.

They had small canines but molar teeth had large roots. They were first hominid to use fire. H. erectus successfully hunted large animals using flint and bone tools and cooked them over fire.

Homo Sapiens Neanderthalensis

The Neanderthal man lived in Europe and east and central Asia between 40,000-1,00,000 years ago. Compared to modern humans, they were short and had robust skeletons with muscular bodies adapted for cold.

They had massive skulls with brain capacity of 1300-1600 cc and were 1.5 to 1.6 metres tall. They had protruding face, with thick but rounded brow ridge that lay under a flat and receding forehead. The mandible was strong and jaw lacked the projecting bony chin.

They had larger teeth than those of modern humans. The Neanderthal man lived in caves and built hut- like shelters. They were skilled hunters, made flint-flake tools, cared for their sick and buried their dead.

Homo sapiens fossilis (Cro-Magnon man)

The fossils of Cro-Magnon man were discovered from Cro-Magnon cave in France, hence its name. They lived 20,000-50,000 years back and become extinct about 10,000 years ago. They were about 1.8 metres tall with less body hair. They had brain capacity of about 1650 cc. They had large skull, broad flat face with high forehead, strong jaws and wisdom teeth with teeth placed together, prominent chin and inconspicuous brow ridges.

They were cave-dwellers; good hunters, made sophisticated tools like stone spears and arrows, knew the use of fires and used ornaments made of ivory. They loved art paintings on cave walls. They domesticated animals.

Homo sapiens sapiens (Modern man)

The modern man appeared some 25,000 years back and spread all over the world about 10,000 years ago. They had undergone slight morpho anatomical changes, such as thinning of skull bones, development of four curves in the vertebral column and brain capacity of about 1200-1600 cc.

Face is reasonably small with a projecting nose, brow ridge is limited and tall forehead. The teeth are relatively small compared to earlier species. This is especially noticeable in the front incisors and canines. Their jaws are smaller and less protruding. They have wider pelvis, S-shaped spine, angled femur and toe aligned. They have longer thumb and shorter fingers for tool use.

They underwent cultural evolution to adapt to and control surrounding environment. They started cultivating plants and domesticating animals.


Human Evolution Theories of evolution

From time to time, several theories have been put forth to explain the process of evolution of the plants and animals. Some of these theories are described here.

Lamarck’s Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characters

Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829) was a French evolutionist. He explained the principal behind evolutionary process in his book named Philosophie Zoologique. Lamarck stressed on adaptation as means of evolutionary modification. His theory is known as theory of inheritance of acquired characters or Lamarckism. The main features of his theory are:

1. Every living organism tends to increase volume of its body and hence increase size upto a certain limit.
2. The development of an organ is directly proportional to its use. The use and disuse of an organ by an organism leads to acquiring of variation or change in the feature of that organ. Continuous and extra use of an organ makes it more efficient while the continued disuse of other organs lead to their degeneration and ultimate disappearance. So, Lamarckism is also called theory of use and disuse of organs. This change occurs due to interaction with the environment.

During its life span, the organism acquires certain new characters due to the environmental influences and are called acquired or adaptative characters.

3.All these changes or variations (called acquired characters) acquired during the life of an individual are transmitted to its offspring, i.e. they are inherited (hence the name theory of inheritance of acquired characters).
4. The favourable variations caused due to use and disuse after long period of time result in evolution of a new species.

Examples to support Lamarckism

1. Lamarck took the example of the giraffe in support of his theory.

a.According to Lamarck, there was a time when the giraffes were short-necked.

b.When this short-necked giraffe did not find any vegetation to feed on the ground, they tried to reach the upper part of a tree to eat its leaves.

c. Thus, by making continuous efforts, the neck and forelimbs of giraffe started becoming longer gradually.

d. These acquired characters were inherited by the offspring of the giraffe in successive generations.

e. After a considerable long period of time, the giraffe evolved having a long neck and longer forelimbs than hindlimbs.

This is an example of effect of extra use and elongation of certain organs.

2. Vestigial organs refer to the organ structures that have lost all or most of its original function present in another species, generally present in rudimentary conditions.

For example, vermiform appendix, an appendage of caecum, is believed to have been used by humans’ herbivorous ancestors to digest cellulose.

Wisdom teeth and pinnae (external parts of car in humans) are other examples of vestigial organs. These are some examples which are taken in support of disuse of organ.

Objections to Lamarck’s theory

Lamarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characters was strongly criticized by August Weismann. He cut the tails of white mice for continuously 21 generations, however, their progeny did not show any cut tails. Thus, if the inheritance of acquired characters (i.e. cut tail in this case) was a fact then, the tailless mice should have born, which did not happen.

Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection

Charles Robert Darwin (1809- 1882) explained the evolutionary principle in his famous book The Origin of Species in 1859. He described the origin of species by means of natural selection. His theory is known as Theory of natural selection or Darwinism.


In 1831, Darwin went on a voyage of world exploration on a ship named HMS Beagle and studied the flora and fauna of South America, the Galapagos islands and other islands during his journey. He also studied the population theory of Malthus and then proposed his theory of natural selection. The main points of Darwin’s theory of natural selection are as follows:

1. Living beings have a biotic or reproductive potential and their number grows geometrically.

For example, Paramecium divides three times by binary fission in 24 hours under favourable conditions. At this rate, it can produce about 280 million clones in a month and in five years, it can produce Paramecia having mass equal to 10,000 times than size of the earth.

This will lead to numb of species which will be much more than what can be supported on earth.

2. Limited food and space together form major part of carrying capacity of environment, which is maintained by food chains and biogeochemical cycling. Despite having enormous potential of having large progenies, the size of population of any kind of organism remains within a limit. This population size limitation is due to struggle between members of a species i.e.intraspecific struggle and within members of different species i.e. interspecific struggle for food, space and mate.
3. There is a competition amongst the organisms for obtaining resources. The struggle eliminates the unfit individuals. The fit organisms possess some favourable variations and they survive and reproduce. This is called natural selection. For example, during drought, only those plants will survive which transpire less and are able to absorb water from deeper layers of soil.
4. The organisers having favourable variations reproduce and pass on these variations to their progenies generation after generation.

These variations, when accumulated for a long time, lead to origin of a new species.

Later on, with the progress in genetics, the sources of variations were explained and Darwin’s theory was modified. This modified theory is known as Synthetic theory of evolution and nowadays, it is the most acceptable theory of evolution. This theory states that the origin of species is based on the interaction of genetic variations and natural selection.

Example to support the Theory of Natural Selection

The case of the peppered moth in England is the most frequently discussed example of natural selection. This refers to an increase in the number of dark-coloured moths due to increased industrial pollution. This is also referred as industrial melanism.

  • There were two varieties of peppered moth, grey or light-coloured and dark-coloured. Before industrial revolution, dark-coloured moths were hardly known. The light-coloured species could easily blend with the lichen-covered trunks of trees while resting. Dark-coloured moths on the other hand, were easily picked up by the predatory birds.
  • But due to the increase in sulphur dioxide in air (because of industries), the lichens started to reduce on tree trunks, exposing darker bark which was further darkened by falling smoke particles.
  • Now, the light-coloured species became conspicuous and attracted its predators. While dark-coloured species had the advantage of protection.
  • Within a period of few years, the industrial or polluted areas saw that the dark species had almost replaced the light species. Through this, moth showed natural selection at work.

Objections to Darwin’s Theory

Although Darwin’s theory of natural selection got wide acceptance, however, it had certain drawbacks, such as it could not explain how variations arise. Darwinism could not explain the origin of new characters. Scientists also claim that natural selection explains the survival of fittest but could not explain the arrival of fittest.

The main differences between Lamarckism and Darwinism are given in Table.


Human Evolution Summary

  • The evolution is defined as a naturally occurring slow, continuous and irreversible process of change.
  • Dryopithecus was more ape-like while Romapithecus was more man-like.
  • Australopithecus had cranial capacity of 400-600 cc, was able walk or run, had projecting brow ridges over eyes and small brain.
  • H. habilis had cranial capacity of 650-800 cc, having small canines and brow ridges were present.
  • H. Erectus had cranial capacity of 900 cc, massive brow ridges and small canines.
  • The Neanderthal man were short and robust with brain capacity of 1300-1600 cc, round brow ridges and lived in caves and hut-like shelters.
  • Cro-Magnon men were about 1.8 m tall with less body hair and cranial capacity of about 1650 cc.
  • Modern man had a brain capacity of 1200-1600 cc and developed four curves in vertebral column.
  • Lamarck proposed theory of inheritance of acquired characters also called Lamarckism.
  • Darwin proposed theory of natural selection, also called Darwinism.

UP Board Notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 16 Pollution

Pollution Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Define pollution and differentiate between pollution and pollutant;
  • Classify materials into biodegradable and non-biodegradable;
  • List various types f pollution – air, water, soil, radiation and noise;
  • Describe the sources, effects and control of air, water, soil, noise and radioactive pollution;
  • Explain the cause and effect of global warming, acid rain and ozone layer depletion;
  • Describe the effect f pollution on climate, environment, human health and other organisms and its abatement.

Environment (derived from the French word environ meaning to encircle or surround) can be defined as the physical and biological world where we live. We depend on our environment, both for our natural and technological needs.

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Environment has three major components.

1. Physical surroundings: These include the air that we breathe, the water that we drink and the soil (land) on which we live. The physical components together contain nutrients like oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, mineral salts, water and many other substances.
2. Living organisms: These constitute the biotic environment, that is, plants and animals including humans and microorganisms like bacteria and fungi.
3. Climatic factors or meteorological components: These constitute another part of the physical environment and include sunlight, temperature, rainfall, humidity, pressure, wind speed, etc.

Overpopulation, urbanization and industrialization have contributed in various ways in the deterioration of the environment. It has resulted in the depletion of natural resources and disturbance of the ecological balance. This general deterioration of the environment has resulted in environmental pollution.

Pollution and pollutants

Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of our surroundings, which adversely affects the natural quality of the environment, human life and other living beings.

Pollution can be natural or man-made. The substances that cause such changes (pollution) are called pollutants.

Pollutants can be categorized as follows:

1. According to source: Natural sources such as volcanic ash, forest fire, dust from storm, pollen grains in air and decay of organic matter. Man-made sources such as water from industries, motor transport emissions, oil from furnaces, sewage waste, fertilizers and pesticides, etc.

2. According to biodegradability: Pollutants can be biodegradable and non-biodegradable depending on their degradation into simpler substances by biological agents.

Air pollution

Air pollution can be defined as the occurrence or addition of foreign particles, gases and other materials into the air, which adversely affect the biological communities (human beings, plants, and animals) and physical surroundings (roads, buildings). The World Health Organization (WHO) has defined air pollution as befouling the air by human activities to such an extent, that it is sufficient to cause harmful effects on the health, vegetation and property.


Sources of air pollution

There are two sources of air pollution – natural and man-made.

 Natural sources

  • Forest fires, ash from smoking volcanoes, dust from torm, decay of organic matter
  • Pollen grains floating in air

Man-made sources

  • Transportation: Motor transport and internal combustion engines that burn petrol, diesel, kerosene, etc., which causes release of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides
  • Fuel combustion: Industrial plants and power stations using coal or crude oil
  • Burning of vegetable oils, kerosene and coal in households
  • Furnaces using coal, cow dung cakes, firewood, kerosene, etc.
  • Burning of garbage and dust from brick kilns

Air pollutants

The air pollutants may be grouped under two categories.

1. Particulate air pollutants: The particulate air pollutants include solid particles suspended in air, smoke, soot, aerosols, dust and mists. They also include dust of cement, brick kilns, glass, ceramics and aerosols. Particles given off in the manufacture of metal items, cotton dust from textile industries and even pollen grains are also particulate air pollutants.
2. Gaseous air pollutants: These include smoke given out from burning of coal, firewood, cow dung cakes, kerosene oil, etc. and also from cigarettes, Biri, cigars and other tobacco products. Some of the important air pollutants are discussed

Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is one of the natural gases present in the atmosphere and is used by plants for photosynthesis. It is chiefly produced during the combustion of fossil fuels in households, factories, power stations, etc. The increasing content of CO₂ in the atmosphere is likely to have the following effects.

  • A rise in atmospheric temperature due to greenhouse effect would cause a decrease in the precipitation and soil moisture content.
  • More CO₂ will dissolve in water and the water in the oceans would be more acidic. This will



lead to reduced productivity of the marine ecosystem.

  • The rise in temperature due to more CO₂ would cause melting of continental and mountain glaciers, leading to flooding of coastal areas of some countries.

Greenhouse effect

Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, water, ozone, methane, nitrous oxide and chlorofluorocarbons. are key role players in maintaining the global temperature. Collectively, these gases act somewhat like a pane of glass in a greenhouse. These impede the escape of longer, infrared wavelengths (heat) from the earth into the space. Thus, heat builds up in the lower atmosphere. This is called greenhouse effect.

  • In greenhouse effect, the greenhouse gases such as CO₂ and methane, produced by burning of fossil fuel, agriculture and deforestation trap heat radiated from earth and lead to increase in the earth’s temperature.
  • Rays of sunlight penetrate the lower atmosphere and warm the earth’s surface.
  • The earth’s surface radiates heat (infrared wavelengths) to the lower atmosphere. But greenhouse gases and water vapour absorb these infrared wavelengths and reradiate a portion back towards the earth.

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  • As the concentration of greenhouse gases increases in the atmosphere, the surface temperature of the oceans rises, more water evaporates into the atmosphere, and the earth’s surface temperature also rises.

An increase in the temperature of the atmosphere might cause sea levels to rise. Temperature near the ocean surface would increase and make glaciers and the polar ice sheets melt faster. This would flood the low-lying coastal regions like Bangladesh, Lakshadweep and the Andaman and Nicobar islands.

Carbon monoxide

  • It is produced as a result of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels like coal, petroleum and wood charcoal. Automobiles using diesel and petroleum are the major sources of carbon monoxide.
  • Carbon monoxide is more dangerous than carbon dioxide. It is a poisonous gas leading to respiratory problems. When it reaches the blood stream, due to its high affinity for haemoglobin, it replaces oxygen, and reduces oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. It also causes giddiness, headache and heart disease. In much higher concentration it can also cause death.

Sulphur dioxide

It is produced by the burning of coal in powerhouses and automobiles. It is mainly absorbed by water and goes into the soil as sulphuric acid. It causes chlorosis and necrosis of vegetation, irritation in eyes, asthma and bronchitis. It is also responsible for discolouration and deterioration of buildings, fabrics, leather, etc. and causes acid rain.

Pollution Acid rain

  • Emissions of sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen from power stations, factories and motor vehicles cause the formation of sulphuric and nitric acids in rain clouds. If rain falls through polluted air, it picks up more of these gases and increases its acidity. This is called acid rain.
  • Effects of acid rain: Damage to plants: Acid rain causes progressive death of young shoots; leaves turn yellow and fall off; fine root structure is damaged; and the whole tree eventually dies.


  • Damage to soil: Acid rainmay make the soil more acidic. damaged by acid rain It may cause mineral nutrients to be washed away. It may help to release toxic chemicals, such as aluminium and mercury into the soil. Thus, acid rain changes soil salinity, which make soil less fertile.
  • Damage to freshwater life: Fish may be killed when acidity releases aluminium into the water. This builds up as a layer of aluminium hydroxide in the gills of fishes.

Can acid rain be reduced?

There are several ways in which sulphur dioxide emissions can be reduced.

  • Coal can be crushed and washed before burning.
  • Oil can be treated to remove sulphur.
  • Cleaning systems can be fitted into chimneys to remove sulphur dioxide before it can be released. into the atmosphere.
  • Furnaces that burn fuel more effectively and produce less pollution can be used.
  • Vehicle exhausts can be fitted in vehicles, which remove pollutants from engine emissions.


Smog is a mixture of smoke, dust particles and small droplets of fog. Smog may cause necrosis and develop a white coating on the leaves (silvering) of plants. In human beings and animals, it may cause asthma and allergies.


Hydrocarbons are produced due the to incomplete combustion of burnt fuel. The most prominent hydrocarbon in air is methane (CH₂). Hydrocarbon is a cause of smog and cause skin cancer, irritation in eyes and respiratory system.

Aerosol spray propellants

The suspended fine particles in the air are known as aerosols. It is a group of chemicals, which are released into the air with force in the form of vapour or fine mist. Aerosols contain chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and fluorocarbons which cause depletion of the ozone layer.

Oxides of nitrogen

A few oxides of nitrogen, such as nitric oxide (NO), nitrous oxide (N₂O) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) are important air pollutants. Oxides of nitrogen are produced by natural processes as well as released from thermal power stations, factories, automobiles and aircrafts (due to the burning of coal and petroleum). They reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood, may cause irritation in eyes and skin cancer in human beings.


Extensive use of pesticides pollute the environment as they are not biodegradable. For example, DDT that gradually accumulates in the cells and tissues of plants is harmful to animals as well as human beings.

Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN)

  • PAN is formed due to the photochemical reaction of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons. In human beings, it causes stinging of eyes, cough, headache, pulmonary congestion, haemorrhage, dry throat, breathing problems and early ageing of the lung tissues.
  • Air pollution from brick kilns Brick is one of the most important building materials in our country. Brick preparation consists of clay preparation, shaping, drying and firing operations. The burning of fuel for firing bricks results in the emissions of gaseous pollutants and ash into the atmosphere. Some of the air pollutants that are produced from brick kilns are:
  • carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide due to the burning of coal and wood.
  • Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) generated due to the incomplete combustion of fuel or released from fine coal dust and ash,
  • hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide due to incomplete combustion of fuel.
  • dust and fly ash.

These pollutants causes irritation of skin and eyes, and their inhalation causes pulmonary diseases such as silicosis. Pollution due to brick kilns also affects agricultural crops and fruit plantations.

Effects of Air Pollution on Human Health

  • Carbon monoxide combines with the haemoglobin molecules in human blood and causes suffocation.
  • Depletion of ozone layer due to CFCs causes skin cancer as a result of over exposure of the human skin to UV rays.
  • Sulphur dioxide originated smog blocks the human respiratory system leading to the death of the sufferer.
  • Sulphur dioxide pollution also causes diseases of the eyes, throat, nose and lung infections.
  • Sulphur dioxide pollution also causes acid rain, which pollutes the water, and thus, affects the health of persons consuming such polluted water.
  • Nitric oxide (NO) in high concentration causes respiratory problems, gum inflammation, internal bleeding, oxygen deficiency, pneumonia and lung cancer.
  • Air pollutants like SPM cause asthma, lung cancer and asbestosis.
  • Some pesticides like DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl- trichloro ethane) are very toxic. When these pesticides enter our food chain and accumulate in our body (a process known as biomagnification), cause kidney disorders and brain and circulatory system-related disorders.
  • Sudden leakage of poisonous gases from factories and chemical plants kills hundreds of people and livestock. The Bhopal gas tragedy of December 1984 is a burning example of such a deadly disaster. The leakage of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas from the Union Carbide factory claimed thousands of animal and human lives in Bhopal.

Table summarizes the sources and effects of some major air pollutants on human health.

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Occupational hazards

There are many diseases that are related to our occupation. These diseases are known as occupational hazards. Some of these diseases are given below.

  • Silicosis or Silicotuberculosis: This disease is caused due to the inhalation of free silica or silicon dioxide (SiO₂) while working in industries related to pottery, ceramic, glass, mining, building and construction work. The persons suffering from these diseases get chronic coughs and pain in the chest.
  • Byssinosis: This disease occurs due to the inhalation of cotton fibres over a long period of time. The person suffering from this disease experiences chronic cough and chronic bronchitis.
  • Asbestosis: This disease is caused due to inhaling asbestos powder used in making ceilings. Asbestos also causes cancer.

Effects of air pollution on weather and climate

  • Depletion of ozone layer caused by CFCs may change the radiation balance at global level. This may result in an increase in the UV radiation reaching the earth’s surface and, therefore, could lead to a rise in the air temperature (global warming). Global warming would cause melting of continental glaciers and ice caps. This would cause a rise in the sea level and consequent submergence of coastal lands and lowland countries.
  • Increase in the concentration of CO₂ and other Ozone layer depletion What are the ill effects of ozone layer depletion? greenhouse gases would cause greenhouse effect. This would lead to an increase in temperature and result in climatic changes.
  • When smog is mixed with air pollutants causes deadly health hazards to humans, low visibility and increased road accidents.
  • Acid rain due to SO₂ destroys and defaces buildings, sculptures and monuments resulting in damage to property and national heritage.

Methods of Controlling Air Pollutants

  • Combustion: This technique is used for controlling those air pollutants that are in the form of organic gases or vapour. In this technique, organic pollutants are converted into less harmful products such as CO₂ and water vapour.
  • Absorption: In this technique, gaseous pollutants are passed through absorbing material like scrubbers. These scrubbers contain a liquid absorbent. This absorbent modifies or removes one or more of the pollutants present in gaseous effluents. Thus, the air coming into scrubber become free from pollutants and it is then discharged into atmosphere.
  • Adsorption: In this technique, gaseous effluents are passed through porous solid adsorbent kept in suitable containers. The gaseous pollutants either stick or get adsorbed at the surface of the porous material and clean air passes through. The organic and inorganic constituents of gaseous effluents

Ozone Layer Depletion

What are the ill effects of ozone layer depletion?

At ground level, ozone is a harmful pollutant that damages plants and building materials and is hazardous to human health. However, in the upper atmosphere, ozone is like a life cover that protects us by screening the dangerous ultraviolet (UV) rays of the sun. Without the ozone layer shield, the organisms on the earth would be subjected to life-threatening radiation burns and genetic diseases. Do you know that a 1% loss of ozone in the stratosphere results in a 2% increase in UV rays reaching the earth’s surface. This could result in about one million times increase in the human skin cancer worldwide if protective measures are not taken.


What causes ozone layer depletion?

The exceptionally cold temperature (-85 °C to -90 °C) in Antarctica plays a role in ozone layer depletion. Ozone and chlorine- containing molecules are absorbed on the surface of ice crystals at high altitudes in Antarctica. In the presence of sun’s rays, these chlorine ions are liberated and destructive chemical reactions take place. We also release a variety of chlorine-containing molecules into the atmosphere. The most important for ozone depletion are CFCS and halogen gases. CFCs are very stable molecules, thus, they persist for decades, even centuries, once released. When they diffuse into the atmosphere, the intense UV irradiation releases chlorine atoms that destroy ozone. International Ozone Day is held on 16 September every year. are trapped at the interface of solid adsorbent by physical adsorption.

Methods to Control Particulate Air Pollutants

The particulate air pollutants such as dust, soot, fly ash, etc., can be controlled by using fabric filters, electrostatic precipitators, wet scrubbers and mechanical devices, etc. These are given below.

  • Mechanical devices: The mechanical devices work either by gravity in which the particle settle down by gravitational force, or by sudden change in the direction of gas flow in which particles separate out due to greater momentum.
  • Fabric filters: In this technique, gaseous emission containing dust, soot and fly ash is passed through porous fabric filters made of fabric (woven or filled fabric). The particles of pollutants present in the gas get trapped in this fabric and are collected in the filter and the gases free from the pollutant particles are discharged.
  • Wet scrubbers: The wet scrubbers are used in chemical, metallurgical and mining industries. The wet scrubbers trap SO₂, NH3 and metal fumes in their tank and clean gases are discharged in the atmosphere.
  • Electrostatic precipitators: An electrostatic precipitator is a device containing a chamber that induces an electric charge on the particles of polluted air. These particles are then attracted to the oppositely charged electrode and are deposited there. In this technique, a gas or air steam containing aerosols in the form of dust, mist or fumes, is passed between the two electrodes of the electrostatic precipitator. During this process, the aerosol particles get precipitated on the electrode.

In addition to this, air pollution may also be prevented and controlled by the following measures.

  • Using better-designed equipment and smokeless fuels/hearths in industries and at home.
  • Using environment-friendly fuels, such as compressed natural gas (CNG) in automobiles instead of petrol/diesel.


  • Locating industries discharging heavy smoke and toxic fumes at places far away from human habitation.
  • Planting more and more trees surrounding industrial establishments, along the roadside and in residential areas to reduce CO₂ level in the environment.
  • Strictly adhering to emission-control standards for automobiles – BS-IV norms.
  • Harnessing renewable energy resources, such as wind, solar energy and ocean currents, and minimizing the use of fossil fuels.

Euro-Bharat vehicular standards Euro-Bharat vehicular standards are instituted by the government of our country which regulates the output of air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon, particulate matter, soot and sulphur dioxide by motor vehicles. In many cases they are similar to European emission standards, (Bharat Stage 1 equivalent to Euro I, BS II: Euro II, BS III: Euro III and BS IV: Euro IV). Since 1 April 2017, the Supreme Court of India has banned the sale of BS-III vehicles and BS-IV norms are now applicable across our country.

Water Pollution

Water pollution can be defined as a change in physical, chemical and biological properties of water by the addition of undesirable substances which may have harmful effects on human and aquatic life.



Sources of water pollution

Water pollution occurs due to its two sources –

1. Point sources: These sources discharge water pollutants directly into the water. For example, factories, power plants, underground coal mines,


oil wells situated near water bodies, etc., are point sources of water pollution.

2. Non-point sources: These sources do not have any specific location for discharging pollutants in the water body. For example, run offs from field, lawns, gardens, construction sites, water-logged areas, roads and streets are some non-point sources of water pollution.

Pollution of freshwater

Freshwater is naturally occurring water on the earth’s surface in ponds, rivers, lakes and streams, and groundwater in underground streams. Freshwater has salt concentration of less than 1% and hence is not saline. Pollution of freshwater is contamination by substances that make it unfit for natural or intended use such as drinking and washing purposes. Freshwater may be polluted in many ways, which are
described as follows.

  • Domestic sewage discharged into rivers without treatment. Phosphate and nitrate ions from excretory wastes of humans and animals pollute the water. This may cause diseases like typhoid, cholera, dysentery, etc., in the persons drinking such water.
  • Organic wastes from agricultural fields along with phosphate and nitrogen fertilizers that reach lakes, rivers and sea (water becomes deoxygenated and poisonous, thus, cannot support aquatic life).
  •  Industrial wastes (effluents) from urban areas contain high concentrations of oil, heavy metals, synthetic detergents and alkalis.
  • Pesticides, insecticides such as DDT and some industrial wastes containing mercury pollute the water and reach the food chain and ultimately in humans, affecting aquatic and human health.

Industrial discharge

Industrial wastes contain harmful chemicals, oils, heavy metals, radioactive wastes and suspended solids which when discharged into water, make it poisonous. Since it is difficult to breakdown wastes, they affect the quality of water and pollute it.


Inorganic pollutants like synthetic detergents, acids, salts and toxic metals contain compounds that make the water unfit for use and pollute it. Detergents primarily omprise phosphate, thereby increasing the phosphate levels in water, thus making it unfit for use.

Thermal pollutants

Thermal pollution is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes the temperature of water. Thermal pollution is caused by the water which is used as a coolant by power plants, nuclear power plants and industries. When this water (after cooling) returns to the natural streams, it is at a very high temperature, making it inappropriate for use. The change in temperature decreases oxygen supply, making
it unfit for flora and fauna to survive. It also results in the growth of algae.

Radioactive pollutants

Radioactive materials enter the water through nuclear power plants, due to conducting nuclear tests and spillage from industries, and through mining of radioactive elements. When radioactive substances enter the water bodies, especially seawater and oceans, they cause severe damage to the marine ecosystems and even cause gene mutation and other human diseases.

Marine pollution

Marine pollution is the contamination of oceans and seawater. The oceans and seawater mostly get polluted due to sewage, industrial waste, radioactive waste and oil spills.

Pollution Oil spills

Oil pollution of oceans and rivers is caused due to spillage of oils from oil tankers, accidental spillage, refineries, offshore drilling and cleaning of fuel tanks of ships. On discharge, oil spreads on water and forms a layer of oil (oil slick). This is very harmful to aquatic life including fish, mammals and marine birds.

Effects of water pollution

  • The presence of acids and alkalis in water destroys microorganisms, thereby hindering the self-purification process in rivers.
  • Water pollution adversely affects aquatic life.
  • The toxic materials may enter the food chain and cause serious health hazards in human beings and other aquatic animals.
  • Polluted water causes epidemics, such as cholera, tuberculosis, jaundice, dysentery, typhoid and diarrhoea in human beings.
  • The use of polluted water from lakes, ponds and rivers for irrigation of agricultural fields damages crops and decreases the agricultural production.
  • Heavily polluted water affects the soil, decreases its fertility and kills soil microorganisms and even certain useful bacteria.
  • The use of water contaminated with salts increases the alkalinity of the soil.
  • Contamination of seawater due to oil slicks caused by the leakage of crude oil from oil tankers results in the death of sea organisms including fishes.

Prevention and control of water pollution

Some steps to reduce water pollution are listed below.

  • Setting up sewage water treatment plants before its disposal into rivers.
  • Using septic tanks in houses to avoid direct outlet of faecal matter and other wastes.
  • Avoiding contamination of rivers, lakes and ponds by washing clothes, bathing, etc.
  • Not throwing waste food materials, paper, biodegradable vegetables and plastic into open
  • Diverting effluents from distilleries and solid waste containing organic matter to biogas plants to generate energy.
  • Treating industrial effluents before discharging into rivers, separate channels for river and sewage water.
  • Totally baning on nuclear waste dumping in water.
  • Generating public awareness about the maintenance of ponds, river, lakes and wells in rural and urban areas.
  • Disposing of safely biomedical wastes like needles, syringes, soiled dressings, etc.

Soil Pollution

Any substance that reduces the productivity of soil is known as soil pollutant and the process, as soil pollution.

Causes of soil pollution

Soil pollution (also known as land pollution) is mainly caused due to the following reasons:

  • Solid wastes (farm and animal manure)
  • Agricultural wastes like plant remains, fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals.
  • Dead animal carcasses
  • Industrial waste chemicals like fly ash and residues of combustion of solid fuels.
  • Domestic garbage, paper pulp, plastic, rubber,
    cloth, leather, metal scrap and glass.
  • Biomedical wastes such as used syringes, cotton pads, needles, dirty dressings and discarded biological research materials. When disposed of in the garbage pollutes soil and affects soil organisms.

Prevention and control of soil pollution

  • Effluents from industries and factories should not be allowed to enter the soil indiscriminately.
  • Drainage system should be so developed that the polluted water does not get mixed up with the soil.
  • Proper toilet facilities should be provided to all and awareness should be created about the harmful effects of defecation in open places.
  • Fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides should be used judiciously so that excess chemicals are not washed into the soil.
  • Safe methods of disposal of domestic, agricultural and industrial solid wastes should be adopted.

Pollution Classification of waste materials biodegradable and non-biodegradable

We produce various kinds of waste materials due to our day-to-day activities. The waste materials can be broadly classified into two types – biodegradable wastematerials and non-biodegradable waste materials.


Biodegradable waste materials

  • The waste materials that can be broken down or decomposed into simple substances in nature, by the action of microorganisms, such as bacteria, in due course of time are called biodegradable waste materials.
  • The biodegradable waste decomposes naturally and becomes harmless to humans, and other environments after some time. For example, dead plants and animals (including bones), animal excreta (cattle dung, urine), leather goods, tea leaves, wool, paper, plant parts, hay and wood, cotton clothes, cardboard, seeds, grains and compost (manure made from decayed plants and vegetable stuff) are all biodegradable materials.
  • For example, plastic, polythene bags, synthetic fibres, glass objects, metal articles like aluminium cans, silver foils, certain detergents, fertilizers, pesticides like DDT and radioactive wastes. For instance, DDT is a non-biodegradable waste. It cannot be degraded or decomposed into simple compounds by the action of microorganisms in nature. Thus, it gets accumulated in the environment and harms humans, other animals, and even vegetables and plants. Thus, DDT has been banned for use in most of the countries.
  • gives a summary of the main differences between biodegradable and biodegradable wastes.

Recycling of biodegradable wastes

Some of the biodegradable wastes can be recycled to restore our natural resources and ecological balance. We may again use the products of recycled materials for our day-to-day activities.

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Noise Pollution

Noise pollution can be defined as unwanted or offensive sounds that unreasonably affect our daily activities. The term noise is very subjective. Sometimes when you are concentrating on your work then even a mild conversation or whisper sound may become a noise. On the other hand, if you are in light mood in a party, then even many people talking does not seem to be noise.

The unit of sound intensity measurement is decibel (dB). Decibel is the unit for measuring the relative loudness of sounds that human ears can normally detect.

Major sources of noise pollution

  • Road traffic: Road traffic noise one of the most widespread and growing environmental problems.
  • Air and rail traffic: In areas close to the airports and railway tracks, the sound of aeroplanes and trains are major sources of noise pollution.
  • Neighbourhood and domestic noise: Barking dogs, car horns, loud music, TVs, loudspeakers, construction and household noise are some of the major sources of noise pollution.
  • Noise from industries: At many places, industries are located in close proximity of the residential areas or within the residential areas. Sound of machines, etc., causes noise pollution.

Harmful effects of noise pollution

  • Noise can affect human health and well-being in a number of ways, including annoyance reaction, sleep disturbance, interference with communication,
    performance effects, effects on social behaviour and hearing loss.
  • Noise can cause annoyance and frustration as a result of interference, interruption and distraction.
  • People experiencing high noise levels have increased incidences of headaches, greater
    susceptibility to minor accidents, increased reliance on sedatives and sleeping pills, and increased mental sickness.
  • Exposure to noise is also associated with a range of possible physical effects including cold, changes in blood pressure, other cardiovascular changes,
  • problems with the digestive system and general fatigue. Prolonged exposure to noise levels at or above 80 dB can cause deafness because of the damage to the organ of Corti in the internal ear.

How to control noise pollution?

The noise pollution can be minimized in following ways.

  • Reduce the noise at its source in industries and automobiles, etc.
  • Try not to put the TV on high volume. When playing music, turn it down at a reasonable level. Better use headphones if you want to play your music loud or late at night.
  • Plant trees at roadsides; put curtains on the doors and windows; instal glass panes at the windows, etc., to interrupt the path of the noise. This will reduce the noise to some extent.
  • Do not unnecessarily blow horns. This disturbs others.
  • If the source of noise is unavoidable cover your ears by hands or use ear plugs to avoid noise.

Pollution due to radiation

The radioactive substances are generated due to nuclear activities in nuclear reactors and nuclear power plants. The radiations from these radioactive substances harm human health and health of other flora and fauna. There are three types of radiations generated from nuclear activities.

1. Alpha particles that cannot penetrate human skin or a sheet of paper.
2. Gamma rays usually produced from cobalt source, which can penetrate human skin and harm body cells. Gamma rays are most harmful to human beings.
3. Beta rays that can penetrate skin but not glass and metal.

The source of radiation pollution are nuclear reactors, X-rays, nuclear power plants, radioisotopes,gamma chambers, radioactive ore mining.

Effects of radiation pollution

There are many effects of radiation pollution which may be short-term and long-term. The short-term effect may be skin burns and skin cancer. The long-term effect of radiation include gene damage by mutation in genes; and cancer of intestine, bone marrow, gonads and spleen. Radiation can also cause loss of immunity, loss of hair and chromosomal abnormalities.

Pollution Swachh Bharat Abhiyan – a mass movement to clean India

  • Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is a campaign launched by the government of India to make India a clean and green country. It was officially launched by the Prime Minister of India on 2 October 2014 at Rajghat, New Delhi.
  • It is India’s largest ever cleanlisness drive. One of the key objectives of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan is to reduce or eliminate open defecation by constructing toilets. The government’s objective was to make an Open Defecation Free (ODF) India by 2 October 2019,
    by constructing 12 million toilets in rural India. The government has allocated special budget for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. The railways is also planning to have facility of clean bed-rolls from automatic laundries, and bio-toilets etc., under this Abhiyan. The government has nominated key social personalities as ambassadors for this Abhiyan.

Swachh Survekshan

With an aim to foster a spirit of competition among the cities on cleanliness and assess their sanitation status, the government of India has started ranking cities on the basis of cleanliness surveys known as Swachh Survekshan. The performance of each city is evaluated on key parameters like

  • sweeping, collection and disposal of wastes.
  • open defecation free / availability of toilets.
  • capacity building and e-learning. provision for public and community toilets.
  • information dissemination and behavioural change. As per Swachh Survekshan 2017,
  • Indore, Madhya Pradesh was ranked the top city on cleanliness. indicators.



Pollution Summary

  • An undesirable change in the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of our surroundings which harms the human life and other living beings is known
    as pollution.
  • Air pollution may be defined as the occurrence of foreign particles, gases and other materials in air, which have adverse effects on biological communities and physical surroundings.
  • Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, fluorides, smog, aerosol spray propellants, oxides of nitrogen, suspended particulate matter, pesticides, and peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) are some common air pollutants.
  • Water may be polluted by pesticides, chemicals, industrial and domestic wastes, mineral and organic wastes, and radiation wastes.
  • Solid and agricultural wastes, dead animals’ carcasses, industrial wastes and domestic garbage cause soil pollution.
  • The waste materials that can be broken down or decomposed into non-poisonous substances by the action of microorganisms are called biodegradable materials.
  • The materials that cannot be decomposed to non-poisonous substances in nature by the action of microorganisms are called non-biodegradable waste materials.
  • Unwanted or offensive sound that unreasonably affects our daily activities is called noise pollution.
  • Radiations from radioactive substances cause radiation pollution.

UP Board Notes Class 10 Science Chapter 12 Endocrine System and Adolescence

Endocrine System Learning objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Discuss the role of endocrine system in maintaining homeostasis;ZZ
  • Define the term hormone;
  • Describe the location of the major endocrine glands in the human body,
  • List the major hormones secreted by the following endocrine glands and discuss their functions:
  • Adrenal gland
  • pancreas
  • Thyroid gland
  • pituitary glan
  • Explain the effects of hyposecretion and hypersecretion of major hormones on the body;
  • Describe the mechanism of hormonal action and regulation or the feedback mechanism.
  • All organs, tissues, and cells in our body work in coordination. There are two regulatory systems involved in control and coordination of our body, namely, nervous system and endocrine system.
  • In the previous chapters, you have read about nervous system and the functions performed by it. There is one more system involved in coordinatingEndocrine-system-Differences-between-the-functioning-of the-endocrine-system-and-the-nervous-system 1

various body activities. This is known as the endocrine system. The endocrine system affects body activities by releasing chemical messengers, called hormones, into the bloodstream. The endocrine system consists of many glands; however, in this chapter, we will learn about adrenal, pancreas, thyroid, and pituitary glands only.

Endocrine System Adjusting to Changes – Homeostasis

  • The activities in our body occur in a coordinated manner and have to be regulated at a proper time. If any step in the coordination misses out, then our body is severely affected.
  • Let us consider an example to understand this. We tend to sweat a lot on a hot day. Evaporation of the  sweat cools down our body and helps to cope with the heat. We feel thirsty and drink more fluids on a hot day. Thus, our internal system adjusts itself to cope with the external stress and attempts to maintain a steady state of functioning.

The capacity of an organism to adjust itself to cope with the external changes and maintain a steady state of functioning is called homeostasis.

In our body, homeostasis is achieved by both the nervous and the endocrine systems, but in different ways, as given in

Endocrine-system-Differences-between-nervous-control-and-hormonal-control 2

What are Hormones?

  • Hormone means to set in motion or to spur on. Hormones are chemical secretions secreted by specific endocrine glands, which are carried by blood to the target organs elsewhere in the body to stimulate a specific activity. Thus, hormones are special chemicals that regulate the physiological or biochemical processes in our body.

Bayliss and Starling, two British scientists, coined the term hormone in 1905 while working on hormonal secretions.

Characteristics of Hormones

  • Hormones are regulatory chemicals that are secreted by endocrine glands directly into the blood.
  • Some hormones are chemically made of proteins or polypeptides (e.g. insulin) which are water soluble;

Endocrine and Exocrine Glands

Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands (Gk. endo: within or inside; crin: secretion). These are also called ductless glands because they do not have their own ducts, and their secretions are directly released into the tissue space next to them from where these are carried by the blood to the target organ. On the other hand, an exocrine gland secretes material directly into the duct. They have their own ducts which carry the secretions directly to the target organs.



a. An endocrine gland secretes hormones into the extracellular fluld.

b. An exocrine gland secretes material into a duct.

some are amines (e.g. adrenaline and noradrenaline) which are also water-soluble, and some are steroids which are derived from cholesterol, and other steroids (e.g. testosterone and progesterone) which are lipid-soluble.

  • Hormones are produced in very minute quantities.
  • They are biologically very active but are slower than nervous control.
  • They act only on target organs or cells located away from their sources. Thus, they are produced by one organ but act on some other organ.
  • They regulate the physiological process of the body by bringing about chemical changes. Thus, they bring about metabolic regulation in the body.
  • They are destroyed soon after their action, and thus, they are not stored in the body.
  • Steroid hormones They are steroids In nature. They diffuse through the cell membrane and bind to Internal receptors. Examples: Oestrogen, progesterone, androgens, cortisol, aldosterone, thyroid hormones, etc.
  • Peptide or non-steroidal hormones These are amino acid derivatives, peptides, or proteins. They bind to receptors located on the surface of target cell. Examples: Glucagons, ADH, oxytocin, Insulin, somatotropin, prolactin, FSH, LH, TSH, etc.

Endocrine Glands

Major endocrine glands in our body are as follows:

1. Adrenal glands
2. Thyroid gland
3. Pancreas (pancreatic islets clusters)
4. Pituitary gland (anterior and posterior)
5. Parathyroid glands (four in humans)
6. Thymus gland
7. Pineal gland
8. Gonads

In addition, endocrine cells of stomach, duodenum, liver, kidney, placenta, etc. also secrete hormones.


In this chapter, we will study about thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, and pituitary glands only. Location of various endocrine glands and their secretions are given in

Adrenal Glands

In our body, two adrenal glands are present, one on top of each kidney; hence, they are also called suprarenal glands. Each adrenal gland has following two parts:

1. Adrenal cortex (on the outer periphery)
2. Adrenal medulla (inside central part)



a. Kidney

b.Cross section of adrenal gland

Adrenal cortex

Adrenal cortex secretes two main hormones – glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.

Endocrine System Glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids are group of hormones such as cortisol, corticosterone, and cortisone. Of the three, cortisol is the major hormone. Glucocorticoids,

  • Regulate the metabolism of proteins, fats (lipids), and carbohydrates in the body;
  • Regulate the blood sugar level and ensure energy supply to the body;
  • Adapt the body to external stress such as severe heat or cold, infections and burns, etc.

Apart from these, certain cortical hormones act as sex hormones causing premature sexual maturity in children.

  • Hyposecretion of glucocorticoids causes Addison’s disease. person suffers from mental lethargy, nausea and vomiting, weight loss, and muscular weakness. Hypersecretion of glucocorticoids causes Cushing’s syndrome. In this condition, person becomes obese, has high blood sugar levels, osteoporosis, weakness, and salt and water retention.

Mineralocorticoids (Aldosterone)

Aldosterone is a major mineralocorticoid secreted by adrenal cortex. Aldosterone,

  • Controls mineral metabolism by reabsorption of sodium in urinary tubules and maintains Na* and K* ratio in the extracellular and intracellular fluids;
  • Regulates salt-water balance in the body.

Hypersecretion of aldosterone causes  increased sodium and decreased potassium concentration in the blood, leading to hypertension (high blood pressure).

Adrenal medulla

  • Adrenal medulla secretes two major hormones – adrenalin (also known as epinephrine) and nor-adrenalin (norepinephrine). Adrenalin accounts for almost 80 percent of the total secretion of the adrenal medulla.
  • Both adrenalin and noradrenalin together control emotions, fear, anger, blood pressure, heartbeat, respiration, and relaxation of smooth muscles. Adrenalin is also known as an emergency hormone as it prepares the body for fight-or-flight situations.
  • Adrenalin increases heartbeat and blood supply to muscles and decreases blood supply to visceral organs. We have high levels of adrenalin while playing or running. Effect of adrenalin on some organs of our body is given in


Thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is a large endocrine gland located in front of the neck region just below the larynx. It has two lateral lobes, one on either side of the trachea. The two lobes are connected by a narrow mass of tissue called isthmus. The thyroid gland has a rich blood supply. Thus, thyroid gland can deliver large amounts of hormones in a short period of time, if necessary. Four small round parathyroid glands are embedded in the posterior surface of the thyroid gland.




a. Anterior suface

b. posterior surface

The thyroid gland secretes two hormones thyroxine and calcitonin.

a. Thyroxine

  • It regulates basal metabolism by stimulating rate of cellular oxidation, resulting in energy production and maintenance of body temperature.
  • It regulates general growth of the body, ossification of bones, and mental development.
  • It regulates activities of the nervous system. Undersecretion (hyposecretion) as well as
    oversecretion (hypersecretion) of thyroxine result in an abnormal growth of the body.

Undersecretion of thyroxine (Hypothyroidism)

Undersecretion of thyroxine may cause,

1. Simple goiter: In this condition, the thyroid. gland of adults enlarges and becomes visible as a swelling in the neck. Undersecretion of thyroxine or insufficient amount of iodine in diet may cause simple goiter.

Endocrine-system-Enlargement-of-neck-region-due to-simple-goiter-8

Simple goiter is common in people living in hilly areas because the soil of hilly areas is deficient in iodine. Thus, the food crops grown there have less iodine content.

2. Cretinism (in children): This is caused due to defective development or early atrophy
(degeneration) of thyroid gland. This condition is observed in children. Children suffering from cretinism have stunted growth (dwarfism), short club-like fingers, and deformed bones and teeth. Their abdomen becomes pot-bellied, and skin becomes rough, dry with scanty hair growth. Mental retardation f various degrees is also observed.

3. Myxoedema (in adults): The hypothyroidism in adults causes myxoedema. In this condition, facial tissues swell and look puffy. Other symptoms include slow heart rate, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, dry hair and skin, muscular weakness and general lethargy.


Oversecretion of thyroxine (hyperthyroidism)

Oversecretion of thyroxine may cause exophthalmic goitre. A person suffering from this disorder shows increased metabolic rate, rapid heartbeat, protruding eyes and short breathing rate.

b. Calcitonin (Not included in the syllabus)

Calcitonin is another hormone secreted by thyroid gland.

  • It regulates calcium and phosphate levels in the blood.
  • It facilitates absorption of calcium released by bones.

Endocrine System Pancreas

Pancreas is a compound gland located posterior to the stomach and attached to the duodenal loop in the abdominal region. It secretes both enzymes (digestive juices) as well as hormones. It has two parts –

1. An exocrine (duct) part, which produces digestive juices, and
2. An endocrine (ductless) part, which secretes hormones.

Endocrine-system-Exocrine-and-endocrine-portions-of-the -pancreas-10

Its endocrine part contains hormone-secreting cells called islets of Langerhans, which are scattered in the entire gland (islets: little islands). The islets of Langerhans in pancreas contain alpha, beta and delta cells that secrete glucagon, insulin and somatostatin hormones, respectively.


Insulin is secreted by beta cells of islets of Langerhans.

  • It regulates blood sugar level by regulating conversion of glucose into glycogen. Whenever there is an increase in blood glucose, insulin is secreted which induces absorption of glucose through cells. This glucose is burnt or stored as glycogen. This reduces the blood glucose level.
  • It stimulates deposition of extra glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscles.
  • Undersecretion (hyposecretion) of insulin causes diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia. A person suffering from diabetes mellitus has high concentration of glucose in the blood and urine. The sufferer feels thirsty because of loss of water through excessive urination and becomes weak.
  • Oversecretion (hypersecretion) of insulin causes insulin shock or hypoglycemia. In this condition, sugar level in bloodis severely reduced and in adverse condition brain may enter into a state of coma. The person may also becom onscious at frequent intervals.

Why is Insulin Injected and Not Taken Orally?

When required, insulin is injected into the body, and not taken orally because if taken orally, it will be digested by the protein-digesting enzymes in the digestive tract.


Glucagon is secreted by alpha cells of islets of Langerhans.

  • It stimulates glycogen breakdown in the liver and converts some carbohydrates back to glucose.
  • It increases sugar level in the blood.

Endocrine System Pituitary – the Master Gland

  • The pituitary is a small gland about 1 cm in diameter (about size of a pea). It lies just below the hypothalamus (the midbrain) connected to it by a stalk-like structure called hypophyseal stalk.
  • It is popularly known as master gland because it controls the functioning of all other endocrine glands. Since most hormones secreted by pituitary stimulate other glands to produce their hormones, they are called tropic hormones. Thus tropic


  • hormones are those hormones that stimulate other endocrine glands to secrete their own specific hormones. For example, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) are also called gonadotropic hormones because they regulate functioning of gonads (ovaries and testes) to produce sex hormones.
  • Except for human growth hormone, melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), and prolactin (PRL), all the other hormones are tropic hormones.

The pituitary is mainly divided into three lobes.

1. The anterior lobe
2. The posterior lobe
3. The intermediate lobe (almost absent in humans)

Hormones of the anterior pituitary

The anterior pituitary releases at least six different hormones some of which are as follows.

1. Growth hormone (GH) or somatotropic hormone (STH) or somatotropin

  • It controls the overall development or growth of the body, muscles and bones.
  • It also stimulates fat metabolism.
  • It increases the rate of protein synthesis.
  • Deficiency (hyposecretion) of GH in the childhood causes dwarfism. In this condition, the muscles and skeleton do not grow much and the body proportions are like a child’s.
  • Oversecretion (hypersecretion) of GH in the childhood causes gigantism. In this condition, the child has very tall skeleton and proportionately large muscles The oversecretion of GH in an adult leads to overgrowth of the bones and jaw bone and bowing of the spine. This condition is called acromegaly.


Endocrine-system-Effect-of-hypersecretion-and-hyposecretion-of -GH

a. Gigantism

b. Dwarfism

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

  • It controls the growth and functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • It stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

  • It regulates the activity of adrenal cortex.

Gonad stimulating (Gonadotropic) hormones

a. Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)

  • In males, it stimulates the process of spermatogenesis.
  • In females, it stimulates the follicle cells in the ovaries to develop into mature eggs and also stimulates them to produce estrogen.

b. Luteinizing hormone (LH)

  • In males, it stimulates the secretion of testosterone, which in turn influences the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.
  • In females, it stimulates the secretion of estrogen and progesterone, which in turn influence the process of ovulation, formation, and maintenance of corpus luteum and appearance of secondary sexual characteristics.

Tropic hormone

A hormone that stimulates other endocrine glands to produce/secrete their specific hormone.

Prolactin hormone (PRL)

  • In females, it enhances mammary gland development and milk production.
  • In males, it enhances the production of testosterone.

Hormones of the posterior pituitary

  • The posterior pituitary stores two hormones, antidiuretic hormone (ADH) also called vasopressin, and oxytocin. Both these hormones are produced and released by hypothalamus (and not by the pituitary as given in most books). These hormones are transported to posterior pituitary and stored there.

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) or vasopressin

  • It promotes reabsorption of water from the kidney tubules. Thus, it causes the kidney to form more and more concentrated urine.
  • It constricts blood vessels with the rise in blood pressure.
  • The deficiency of ADH causes diabetes insipidus. In this disease, a person urinates more frequently and a large amount of urine is produced each time. This results in the loss of water from the body and the person feels thirsty. In diabetes insipidus, the urine does not contain any sugar.


  • It stimulates vigorous contraction of the uterus during labor, leading to the childbirth.
  • It also causes the release of milk from the breast of a nursing mother.

Hormones of intermediate lobe of pituitary

It secretes melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), that stimulates skin to secrete melanocytes (melanin pigment).

Summary of major hormones secreted in human body, their source glands and principal functions are given in Table

Endocrine system Major hormones secreter in the human their source and principal functions 14

Endocrine system Major hormones secreter in the human their source and principal functions 15

Endocrine System Feedback Mechanism of Hormone Secretion

As we know, hormones are required for various functions in our body. To perform these functions, a


  • particular hormone may be required in a particular amount at a particular time, for which a control system is required. A control system should have a feedback mechanism to prevent excessive reaction or over-reaction. For example, the hypothalamus produces thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), which in turn stimulates the anterior pituitary to produce thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). The TSH activates the thyroid gland to
  • secrete thyroxine. If the level of thyroxine in the blood is less than normal, it has a positive feedback effect on the hypothalamus and pituitary to produce more TRH and TSH, respectively. If the level of thyroxine is more than normal in the blood, a negative feedback effect is seen on the hypothalamus and the pituitary so that they produce less of TRH and TSH, respectively. Positive feedback systems are relatively rare in higher vertebrates as they lead to instability.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine regulate each other’s level just like the requirement-supply kind of situation. Such a system of opposing effects leads to proper control and balance in a system. The two opposing systems work in coordination and help the body to adjust its output accordingly. The ultimate. effect of such a feedback system is to maintain homeostasis.

Endocrine System Summary

  • Hormones are chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands and carried by blood or lymph to a target organ elsewhere in the body to stimulate a specific physiological change.
  • Hormones (1) are secreted in minute quantity, (2) are specific chemical messengers, (3) regulate physiological processes by chemical means, (4) are secreted by ductless (endocrine) glands, (5) are poured directly into the bloodstream, and (6) their action is very rapid and they act on a specific target, away from the source.
  • Adrenal glands are also called suprarenal glands. Each
  • adrenal gland has an outer region called cortex and an inner region called medulla.
  • Adrenal cortex secretes glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.
  • Glucocorticoids regulate metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body and regulate blood
  • pressure and heartbeat rate and are called emergency hormones.
  • Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone) control reabsorption of sodium in kidney tubules.
  • Adrenal medulla secretes adrenalin and noradrenalin hormones. Both these hormones together control emotions, fear, anger, blood
  • Thyroid gland is situated in the neck region. It secretes two hormones – thyroxine and calcitonin.
  • Thyroxine stimulates rate of cellular oxidation and basal metabolism.
  • Calcitonin regulates calcium and phosphate levels in the blood.
  • Pancreas produces Insulin from beta cells and glucagon from alpha cells of islets of Langerhans.
  • Insulin regulates conversion of glucose to glycogen.
  •  Hyposecretion of insulin causes diabetes mellitus.
  • Glucagon regulates the conversion of glycogen and some non-carbohydrates back to glucose.
  • Pituitary gland has three lobes – anterior lobe, posterior lobe, and intermediate lobe.
  • Anterior pituitary secretes six main hormones –
  • Growth hormone (GH) controls the overall growth of the body. Its hyposecretion causes dwarfism and hypersecretion causes gigantism in children.
  • Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) controls the growth and function of the adrenal cortex.
  • Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) controls the growth and function of the thyroid gland. It stimulates thyroid gland to produce thyroxine.
  •  Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) stimulates process of spermatogenesis in males and ovulation in females.
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates secretion of testosterone in males and estrogen and progesterone in females.
  • Prolactin (PRL) causes mammary gland development and milk production in females.
  • Posterior pituitary stores two hormones – antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin.
  • ADH controls reabsorption of water in the kidney tubules. Its deficiency causes diabetes insipidus.
  • Oxytocin controls contraction of uterine muscles at the time of childbirth. It also helps in milk ejection from mammary glands.
  •  Hormone production is regulated by a feedback mechanism.

UP Board Notes for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 Reproductive System

Reproductive System  Learning Objectives

After completing this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Define reproduction and differentiate between asexual and sexual reproduction;
  • Illustrate male and female reproductive systems in humans and state the functions of each part;
  • Draw labelled diagrams of male and female reproductive systems;
  • Describe the histology of human testis and ovary;
  • Describe the main events in the process of reproduction In humans, starting from the production of gametes to pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Describe the process of exchange of nutrients and respiratory gases between an embryo and Its mother,
  • Explain how twins are produced.

Reproduction is a process by which a living organism is able to produce more of its own
kind. Reproduction involves the transmission of genetic material from the parents to the children, thereby ensuring that characteristics not only of the species but also of the parents, are perpetuated. Reproduction ensures continuity of life and survival of a species on the earth. In this chapter, you will learn about the organs for reproduction, fertilization, menstruation, and development of embryo in human beings.

Types of reproduction

There are two types of reproduction in living organismis – asexual and sexual reproduction.
Asexual reproduction involves the production of offspring from a single organism without the fusion of gametes. It is a common process of reproduction in lower group of plants and lower group of animals.
Sexual reproduction is a type of reproduction in which both sexes, the male and the female, are generally involved. It is the production of offspring by the fusion of the genetic material contained in the sex cells or gametes. As a result of fertilization, the male and the female gametes unite to form a zygote, which develops into an organism. Most animals and higher group of plants multiply by sexual reproduction.

Sexual Reproduction in Humans

Humans reproduce sexually. The reproduction in humans can be studied in two parts –

  • reproductive system in human beings, and
  • fertilization, pregnancy and development of the embryo.

Reproductive System in Human Beings

The reproductive organs in human beings become functional after attaining sexual maturity. The period during adolescence in which the body attains sexual maturity is called puberty. Girls (females) attain puberty earlier than boys (males). In males, sexual maturity is attained at an age of 13-14 years. In females, onset of menstruation takes place around the age of 13 years. This age is known as the age of puberty. During sexual maturity, hormonal changes take place in males and females, and under the influence of these hormones, secondary sexual characteristics are developed.

Secondary sexual characteristics in males develop under the influence of testosterone, a hormone secreted by testes in males. These characteristics Include deepening of voice, widening of shoulders, appearance of beard and moustache, growth of axillary and pubic hair, enlargement of external genital organs and formation of sperms.

Secondary sexual characteristics in females include growth of axillary and pubic hair, widening of pelvis and hip, enlargement of breasts and onset of the menstrual cycle.

Primary reproductive parts and accessory reproductive parts

Primary reproductive parts include gonads (testes in males and ovaries in females). These are the sites of gamete production – sperms in testes and eggs in ovaries.

Accessory reproductive parts include all other structures that help in transfer of sex cells (gametes) and their fusion leading to fertilization and also growth and development of zygote till the birth of the baby.

Male Reproductive System

The male reproductive system consists of the following organs – a pair of testes, a pair of epididymis, a pair of sperm duct (vasa deferentia; singular: vas deferens), urethra, penis and accessory glands.

Reproductive-system-Position-of-male-reproductive-organs in-human-body-b.-Male-reproductive-organs-in-vertical-section-1



  • Testes (singular: testis) are the male gonads. A pair of testes are present in a human male.
  • These are present in a thin pouch made up of skin and connective tissue called scrotal sac or scrotum. Thus, testes are extra-abdominal. The scrotum is divided into right and left compartments by a muscular septum. One testis lies in each compartment.


  • In the embryonic stage, the testes are contained within abdomen. They descend down just before birth.
  • The high temperature of body does not allow maturation of sperms. Thus, the scrotum acts as thermoregulator, and it helps in maintaining the temperature at about 2-3°C lower than the body temperature. This temperature is suitable for the development of sperms.

Reproductive System Structure of testes

  • Each testis is encased in a capsule of white fibrous connective tissue called tunica albuginea. This tissue extends internally as septa, dividing the testis into 15-20 lobules.
  • Each testicular lobule has several highly coiled tubules called seminiferous tubules which are the sites of the maturation of spermatozoa. The process of maturation and differentiation of sperm inside the testes called spermatogenesis.
  • Between the seminiferous tubules, clumps of interstitial cells (packing tissue), also called Leydig cells are present. These cells secrete the male sex hormone, testosterone. This hormone regulates the maintenance of primary and secondary sexual characteristics in males.


From each testis arises a network of ducts called efferent ducts. These open into a common tube-like structure. This single, 6 m long, highly coiled tube where sperms are stored, get concentrated and become physiologically (mature) active, is called epididymis. It remains attached to the testis and lies within the scrotal sac.

Vas deferens (Sperm ducts)

  • Each epididymis continues from its lower end as a vas deferens. It enters the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal, passes over the urinary bladder and joins the duct of seminal vesicle to form the ejaculatory duct. The ejaculatory duct opens into the urethra.
  • The inguinal canal allows the descent of the testes along with their ducts, nerves and blood vessels from the abdomen to the scrotal sacs just before birth. Sometimes, because of high pressure in the abdomen, the intestine bulges into the scrotum through this inguinal canal and causes inguinal hernia.


  • The male urethra is about 15-20 cm in length and is differentiated into three parts – an anterior prostatic
  • part which passes through the prostate gland, a middle membranous part, and a posterior penile part which passes through the copulatory organ, the penis.
  • The male urethra functions as a passage for both semen and urine. The sperm ducts from each testis open into the urethra near its anterior end.


  • Penis is the copulatory organ in males. It is a cylindrical, spongy and a highly vascular organ. It consists of erectile tissue permeated by blood sinuses. The urethra runs through it centrally and serves as a common passage for the exit of urine and semen. It is used to deposit spermatozoa in the female genital tract.
  • During sexual excitement, the spongy tissue gets filled up with blood, as the arteries in it dilate. This condition is known as erection. Externally, the penis is covered by skin. The tip of the penis is soft and highly sensitive. It is called glans penis. It is covered by a loose retractile fold of skin called prepuce.

Accessory glands

There are three accessory glands in males. These include seminal vesicles, prostate gland and Cowper’s glands.

1. Seminal vesicles: A pair of seminal vesicles are present at the base of the urinary bladder. The function of the seminal vesicles is to secrete seminal fluid that acts as a medium of transport for the spermatozoa through the sperm duct. The seminal fluid is an alkaline viscous fluid which contains fructose, which provides energy to the sperms. This secretion forms about 60 per cent of the ejaculate. Sperms get active when mixed with seminal fluid.

2. Prostate gland: It is a single gland that surrounds the upper part of the urethra. The alkaline nature. of this fluid neutralizes the acid in the female tract which would otherwise inactivate and kill the sperms.

3. Cowper’s glands or lbourethra glands: These paired glands lie below the prostate gland and join the urethra at a short distance from that of the prostate gland. They secrete a white, viscous, alkaline secretion resembling mucus, which acts as a lubricant.

Spermatozoa and semen

The spermatozoa are minute gametes produced by the testes in males. They are immotile when stored in the epididymis but get activated and motile by the secretions from the accessory reproductive glands in males. The secretions of various accessory glands along with sperms form the semen.

The sperms are released in millions. In one ejaculation about 200,000,000 (2 x 10³) sperms are discharged. Sperms move with the speed of
2 mm/minute in the female tract.

Structurally, a human sperm has three main parts – head, neck and tail. The tip of a sperm is covered by a cap-like structure, acrosome, which helps the sperm to penetrate inside the egg during fertilization. Acrosome also releases an enzyme (hyaluronidase) which enables the entry of the sperm into the egg by dissolving the proteinaceous wall around the egg. The general structure of a sperm is shown in.


The nucleus of the sperm contains genetic material that is transferred to egg and mixes with the female nucleus during fertilization. The middle piece of the sperm contains mitochondria that provide energy for sperm penetration and sperm motility. The tail helps the sperm in moving forward through the liquid medium while swimming.

The course of sperm movement from their production in the testes to reach the urethra in penis is given in.


Reproductive System Female reproductive system

The female reproductive system consists of the following organs – a pair of ovaries, a pair of Fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and external genitalia. Important functions of the main reproductive organs in the human female are listed in.


A pair of almond-shaped or ovoid-shaped ovaries lie in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary is attached to the





Eggs can be observed in various stages of development inside the ovary. The egg mother cells or oogonia are diploid cells that undergo meiosis to produce the haploid egg or ovum.

  • During the process of development the egg gets surrounded by some special cells called
    follicular cells or nurse cells. Nurse cells provide nourishment to the developing egg cell.
  • The egg cell along with its surrounding nurse cells is called a follicle.
  • Towards the end of oogenesis, the follicle develops a fluid-filled cavity amongst the nurse cells and is called the tertiary follicle or Graafian follicle.
  • Upon maturation, the follicle ruptures, the ovarian wall ruptures and the ovum is released out of the ovary. This egg is sucked by the funnel of the oviduct or Fallopian tube. The egg is in the secondary oocyte stage as the meiosis is not yet complete. It has a proteinaceous layer around it called the zona pellucida.

Fallopian tubes (Oviducts)

There are two oviducts or Fallopian tubes or uterine tubes in the human female reproductive system. Each oviduct is about 10-15 cm long. The proximal funnel-shaped end of each oviduct lies near the ovary and is called infundibulum. Its margin bears finger-like projections called fimbrae. Each infundibulum continues as a thin and coiled tube called oviduct or Fallopian tube. Both Fallopian tubes open into the uterus.

The egg released from the ovary is sent into the Fallopian tube by the infundibulum. The Fallopian tube transports the ovum from the ovaries into the uterus by cilia along the wall of funnel and peristaltic contractions of the muscles of the tube wall. Fertilization of ovum and sperm is taking place in Fallopian tube.


The uterus is a hollow, pear-shaped, muscular, thick- walled organ located in the pelvic cavity between urinary bladder and rectum. Its upper broader portion is called corpus uteri (body of the womb) and the lower narrow portion is called cervix uteri (neck of the womb). The innermost wall of the uterus is called endometrium. It is richly supplied with blood vessels as implantation of the embryo takes place in the endometrium. Cervix is mainly a sphincter muscle that closes the lower end of the uterus where it joins the vagina.


It is a muscular tube, about 7-10 cm in length. Vagina is the organ where the spermatozoa are deposited during coitus (act of copulation) by the penis. It serves as the birth canal during childbirth (parturition) and also acts as a duct for the passage of uterine secretions and menstrual flow. The opening of the vagina in young girls is partially closed by a thin membrane called hymen.

External genitalia (Vulva)

The external genitalia in human female (also called vulva) mainly consists of labia majora, labia minora and clitoris.

The labia majora (large lips) is a pair of thick folds of skin containing hair, sweat glands and sebaceous. glands. These folds lie one on either side of the vagina. The labia majora is equivalent to scrotum in males. The labia minora (small lips) are two small folds of mucous membrane situated on the inner side of labia majora. They are devoid of hair and glands. The two folds of labia majora and labia minora, comprise the vulva. The clitoris is a small erectile organ which

is highly sensitive and is located at the junction of the labia minora. The clitoris corresponds to the penis in males.

The vagina opens to the outside by an opening into the depression between the vulva called vestibulum. In a human female, the urethra and the genital duct have separate openings.

Reproductive System Menstrual cycle in human females

In a human female, the fertility period extends from the age of puberty, i.e. about 12-13 years up to menopause, i.e. 45-50 years. The stage of puberty is marked by the appearance of secondary sexual


a. Transverse section through an ovary

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b. Scanning electron micrograph of egg surrounded by follicle cells

characteristics. Thus, puberty is a period in which reproductive system matures and becomes capable for reproducing. At the time of menopause, ovulation and menstruation stop and the reproductive organs decrease in size.

During each menstrual cycle, an ovum is matured and released once every 28 days. The period of menstrual cycle is counted from the day of onset of menstrual flow to the next onset after about 28 days. There are four phases of menstrual cycle as given below.

Menstrual phase

The menstrual cycle starts with the menstrual flow, during which the cellular lining of the uterus, with blood flow, is shed off. This process continues for 3-5 days. During menstrual phase, the ovary starts to process a new egg in follicle.

Follicular phase

From the 5th day up to the 13th day of the onset of menstrual cycle, growth and maturation of the Graafian follicle take place. Graafian follicle is the final stage in the maturation of an ovum inside the ovary. It consists of an ovum and a mass of nurse cells or follicular cells surrounding it. The Graafian follicle produces a hormone, oestrogen. This hormone stimulates the uterus to prepare itself to receive the ovum. The cells lining the uterus grow rapidly and develop a dense network of blood vessels.

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Ovulatory Phase

In this phase, ovulation takes place. The Graafian follicle ruptures to release the ovum. The cells of the ruptured follicle form the corpus luteum that secretes the hormone, progesterone. The release of the ovum from the ovary is called ovulation. The ovum reaches the uterus via the Fallopian tube on the 13th or 14th day and remains = there up to the 16th day (for 48-72 hours).

Luteal Phase

If the ovum does not get fertilized by any sperm during the ovulatory period then it degenerates. At the end of the 28th day, this ovum is rejected along with the uterine lining. This marks the onset of the disintegration of the thickened endometrial lining of the uterus – the next menstrual cycle. The remnant corpus luteum develops of the Graafian follicle in the ovary turns into corpus luteum.

If the ovum gets fertilized while in the Fallopian tube, it starts dividing by repeated mitotic divisions called cleavage divisions. The egg is now an early embryo. It reaches the uterus within 5-7 days of fertilization and implants itself in the thick endometrium. The female is now pregnant and shall give birth to a baby after the development of embryo in 38-40 weeks. This is the gestation period.

What happens to the menstrual cycle if the ovum receives sperm?

If the ovum receives sperm, menstruation (and ovulation) cease for as long as the woman is pregnant. This is because level of progesterone increases by the corpus luteum (which persists in the ovary) and later by the placenta. Progesterone prevents egg maturation in the ovary.

Fertilization, pregnancy and development of the embryo

  •  Fertilization: The sexual intercourse, also known as coitus, is the first step towards pregnancy.

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  • During intercourse, the semen containing sperms is ejaculated in the vagina. This is known as copulation. A single ejaculation may contains 2-4 hundred million sperms, only one will actually fertilize the egg.
  • The spermatozoa are deposited high up in the vagina close to the cervix. They reach the top of the Fallopian tube within 5 minutes of their release due to their motility and contractions in the walls of uterus and Fallopian tube. Spermatozoa remain viable in the female genital tract for 24-72 hours.
  • If the ovum receives a sperm during the ovulatory period, the two fuse to form a zygote. This act of fusion of the male gamete (sperm) and the fernale gamete (ovum) to form zygote is called fertilization. About 13-15 days of the menstrual cycle are most favourable for conception. Of the millions of sperms ejaculated in the vagina, the first one to reach the ovum fertilizes it. Only one sperm can fertilize the ovum. This is possible due to a protein coat formed around the ovum soon after the first sperm comes in contact with the ovum.

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  • Implantation: The zygote immediately begins to divide by rapid mitotic divisions called cleavage. The daughter cells produced by cleavage divisions get smaller and smaller progressively. Successive cleavages produce a solid mass of cells called the morula which appears like mulberry on the outside. It’s volume is the same as that of the zygote. With further development, this ball of cells becomes hollow and is called blastocyst. The cells of blastocyst are now differentiated into two types.
  • Trophoblast: outer compact layer cells
  • Inner Cell Mass (ICM): inner mass of cells located at one end of the hollow ball. Also called embryoblast cells.

The blastocyst is still enclosed in Zona Pellucida which was present around the ovum at ovulation. The blastocyst passes down to the uterus and fixes itself to the endometrium wall of the uterus. The fixing of blastocyst in the endometrium of the uterus is called

implantation and the female is said to be pregnant or in the stage of pregnancy. Implantation takes place about a week after fertilization.

How does the blastocyst implant in the uterine wall?

Site of implantation: Endometrium of the uterine wall Time of implantation: 5-7 days of fertilization

Process of implantation

  • Trophoblast cells secrete enzymes that perforate the Zona pellucida and the blastocyst oozes out.
  • The special trophoblast cells secrete enzymes that digest and liquefy the endometrial cells at a point creating a pit.
  • Blastocyst starts burrowing itself into the pit.
  • Eventually, the blastocyst gets completely buried in the endometrium.
  • Blastocyst is oriented in such a direction that the ICM faces towards the wall.
  • Trophoblast develops further to form a connection between the embryo and the mother called the placenta.


The developing embryo is attached to the uterine wall by the placenta. Placenta is an association between maternal and foetal tissue meant for physiological exchange. Umbilical cord is a tough structure that serves as the blood-vascular connection between the foetus and placenta. It develops from embryonic cells.

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The placenta is formed of fine finger-like processes called villi. There are two sets of villi. One set of villi is given out by the uterine wall which opens up in a pool or sinusoid of blood of mother while the other set is an extension from the embryo. These two sets of villi are interlocked but they do not open into each other. Thus, although the blood of the mother and the embryo are in close contact with each other, the two do not get mixed.

Oxygen and nutrients diffuse from the mother’s blood into the capillaries of the villi. From here they

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are carried by the blood vessels in the umbilical cord to the foetus. Conversely, carbon dioxide and other wastes are carried back by foetal blood and transferred to the mother’s blood through the villi in placenta.

The villi from the embryonic side arise from the trophoblast cells and get lined by chorion and not allantois in humans, which is the outermost lining of the developing embryo.

Functions of placenta

  • Nutrition: Placenta serves as a tissue through which oxygen and nutrients (glucose, amino acids and salts) are supplied from the maternal blood to the foetus.
  • Excretion: It also transports carbon dioxide and excretory waste from the foetal blood to the maternal blood.
  • All these substances move across the placenta by diffusion. Placenta is permeable to respiratory gases, nutrients and antibodies. It prevents harmful material from reaching the embryo. It does not allow the passage of germs from the mother to the embryo. However, certain exceptions like German measles virus and HIV can pass through the mother’s blood to the embryo.
  • Endocrine: Placenta also produces two hormones – progesterone and oestrogen. Under the influence of these hormones, neither ovulation nor menstruation takes place till pregnancy continues. However, these phenomena are resumed after childbirth.


Foetal membranes

During development, the embryo gets surrounded by four special membranes which protect and nourish it. These are as follows:

  •  Yolk sac: contains nutrients
  • Allantois: acts as a waste bag

The first two are non-functional in humans as this work is done by placenta.

  • Chorion: outermost membrane, takes part in placenta formation from the embryonic side.
  • Amnion: a membranous sac filled with amniotic fluid, completely envelops the developing foetus.

Functions of amnion

  • Acts as a shock absorber for the developing foetus and protects from any physical damage.
  • Assists in regulation of foetal body temperature.
  • Prevents adhesion (sticking) of skin of foetus to the surrounding tissues.
  • Allows movements of the foetus in the mother’s womb, in a restricted manner.

Amniocentesis Embryonic cells are sloughed off in the amniotic fluid. These cells found in the amniotic fluid are studied by a technique called amniocentesis. In this method, some amount of amniotic fluld is taken by a surgical needle inserted into the amniotic sac through the abdomen. The embryonic cells are studied for any genetic abnormalities in the child months before birth, by 16-18 weeks of development.

Gestation and parturition

Parturition is the process of childbirth. The sequence of events that occur during childbirth is called labour.

What happens during childbirth?

  • The uterus undergoes rhythmic contractions. The amnion bursts and the amniotic fluid is discharged.
  • The uterus contracts powerfully, expelling the baby.
  • The baby’s lungs start functioning and the baby takes its first breath.
  • The umbilical cord is tied and cut.
  • The lung bypasses close so that blood flows to the lungs.
  • The placenta is discharged (after birth).
  • The breasts start producing milk.

The period of complete development of the foetus from the beginning of the last menstrual period till birth of the baby is called gestation period. It is of about 280 days.


Test tube babies Some women are unable to have babies due to certain reasons. This problem can be overcome by the test tube baby technique.


In this technique, one or more ripe ova are sucked from a woman’s ovaries using a special syringe. These ova are placed in a dish containing sperms from her partner. During this time, sperm fertilizes the ovum to form zygote which divides to form an embryo. The embryo is then inserted into the woman’s uterus where there is a chance it will implant and develop into a baby.

The entire process is performed under optimum conditions in a laboratory. The general notion is that people in a laboratory work with test tubes, hence the name test tube baby.

How twins occur?

Usually, only one ovum is released by an ovary in every reproductive cycle. If this ovum gets fertilized, one baby is born. But sometimes more than one egg may be released and fertilized. Or an ovum may divide into two or more separate cells after fertilization. This is how twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc. are produced.

Identical twins

Identical twins are the result of a fertilized egg/zygote separating into two cells after the first cleavage division. Both of which continue to divide, so two identical embryos come from the same egg and sperm. Such twins look alike and are of same sex. Since identical twins develop from the same zygote, these are called monozygotic twins.

Non-identical or fraternal twins

Non-identical twins occur when two eggs are produced at the same time and each is fertilized by a different spermatozoa. These twins do not resemble each other physically. They can be of the same sex or different sexes. Since fraternal twins develop from two different zygotes, they are called dizygotic twins.


Reproductive System Summary

  • Reproduction is a process by which a living organism is able to produce more of its own kind.
  • In sexual reproduction, both male and female gametes are produced and the process of fertilization takes place. The humans reproduce sexually.
  • The age of 13-14 years in males and 12-13 years in females is called puberty. At this age, sex organs get matured and several secondary sexual characteristics appear in them.
  • The male reproductive system consists of – a pair of testes, a pair of epididymis, a pair of vasa deferentia, urethra, penis and accessory glands.
  • The female reproductive system consists of a pair of ovaries, a pair of Fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and external genitalia.
  • The fusion of male gamete (sperm) and female gamete (egg) to form a zygote is called fertilization.
  • The fixing of a fertilized egg in the form of mass of cells (blastocyst) in the uterine wall is called implantation.
  • Placenta Is an association between maternal and foetal tissues meant for physiological exchange.
  • Amnion contains amniotic fluid which surrounds the foetus in placenta and acts as a shock absorber.
  • Twins are of two types – fraternal and identical twins.