NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Biodiversity And Conservation

Biodiversity And Conservation Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Out of more than 1.5 million known species, insects are of the total animals.

  1. 70%
  2. 25%
  3. 50%
  4. 75%

Answer. 1. 70%

Question 2. Which is not true regarding genetic diversity?

  1. It enables a population to adapt to its environment.
  2. It is also the basis of speciation.
  3. Ecotype formation depends upon it.
  4. Higher diversity increases uniformity.

Answer. 4. Higher diversity increases uniformity.

Question 3. Regional diversity is also called

  1. Alpha diversity
  2. Beta diversity
  3. Gamma diversity
  4. Ecosystem diversity

Answer. 3. Gamma diversity

Question 4. Which of the following biogeographical regions in India has the highest coverage?

  1. Deccan Peninsula
  2. NE Himalayas
  3. Western Ghats
  4. Gangetic Plain

Answer. 1. Deccan Peninsula

Question 5. Which is not a reason of maximum diversity in tropics?

  1. Higher pest pressure
  2. Evolutionary older zone
  3. High rate of out-crossing
  4. Greater environmental variations

Answer. 4. Greater environmental variations

Question 6. Threats to biodiversity come from

  1. Habitat loss
  2. Over exploitation
  3. Intensive agriculture
  4. All of the above

Answer. 4. All of the above

Question 7. The disappearance of cheetah from India and its existence in other part of the world is an example of

  1. Extinction
  2. Extirpation
  3. Background extinction
  4. Anthropogenic extinction

Answer. 2. Extirpation

Question 8. Silent Valley of Kerala is being preserved because it has

  1. Rare plants and animals
  2. Only natural forest of India
  3. Costly timber plants
  4. Recreational value

Answer. 1. Rare plants and animals

Question 9. Anti-forest conservation is

  1. Selective felling
  2. Control of forest fire
  3. Large-scale clearing
  4. Ban on hunting

Answer. 1. Selective felling

Question 10. The species which are likely to be in the danger of extinction in the near future if the factors threatening their extinction continue are known as

  1. Threatened species
  2. Rare species
  3. Vulnerable species
  4. Endangered species

Answer. 3. Vulnerable species

Question 11. In India, forests constitute about

  1. 19.4% of the land area
  2. 33.7% of the land area
  3. 33% of the land area
  4. 67% of the land area

Answer. 1. 19.4% of the land area

Question 12. Bamboos are abundant in

  1. Dry moist deciduous tropical forests
  2. Coniferous forests
  3. Alpine forests
  4. Rain forests

Answer. 1. Dry moist deciduous tropical forests

Question 13. 85% of world’s food comes from

  1. < 20 plant species
  2. < 50 plant species
  3. < 5 plant species
  4. < 100 plant species

Answer. 1. < 20 plant species

Question 14. A population characteristic of a species susceptible to extinction is

  1. Low trophic level in food chain
  2. Inability to switch over to alternate food source
  3. Wide range of distribution
  4. High biotic potential

Answer. 2. Inability to switch over to alternate food source

Question 15. The number of red list categories prepared by WCU (IUCN) is

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9

Answer. 3. 8

Question 16. According to IUCN, when a taxon is facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the immediate future, it is

  1. Extinct in the wild
  2. Endangered
  3. Critically endangered
  4. Vulnerable

Answer. 3. Critically endangered

Question 17. Projected areas are examples of

  1. In situ conservation
  2. Ex situ conservation
  3. Cryopreservation
  4. Green houses

Answer. 1. In situ conservation

Question 18. The zone of biosphere reserve where no human activity is permitted is known as

  1. Buffer zone
  2. Core zone
  3. Manipulation zone
  4. None of these

Answer. 2. Core zone

Question 19. Floods can be prevented by

  1. Making the soil less sloppy
  2. Removing forests
  3. Removing soil cover
  4. Planting trees on slopes and building dams

Answer. 4. Planting trees on slopes and building dams

Question 20. Indian rhinoceros is the most important protected species in

  1. Gir National Park
  2. Bandipur National Park
  3. Corbett National Park
  4. Kaziranga National Park

Answer. 4. Kaziranga National Park

Question 21. The Government of India has provided private ownership rights in

  1. A national park
  2. A sanctuary
  3. A biosphere reserve
  4. Zoo

Answer. 2. A sanctuary

Question 22. Wild populations of plants and animals and traditional life styles of tribals are protected in

  1. Biosphere reserve
  2. Sanctuary
  3. National park
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. Biosphere reserve

Question 23. Man-made mass extinction of species represents a severe depletion of biodiversity called

  1. Mass extinction
  2. Natural extinction
  3. Anthropogenic extinction
  4. Human extinction

Answer. 3. Anthropogenic extinction

Question 24. Which of the following exotic species has become menace to many water bodies in India?

  1. Lantana camara
  2. Eichhomia crassipes
  3. Parthenium hysterophorus
  4. Eupatorium odoratum

Answer. 2. Eichhomia crassipes

Question 25. Which is not a criterion used for determining hot spots?

  1. Number of endemic species
  2. Degree of habitat destruction
  3. Haying traditional strategy for protection of biodiversity
  4. Degree of exploitation

Answer. 3. Haying traditional strategy for protection of biodiversity

Question 26. Which anticancerous botano-chemical is obtained from a gymnosperm?

  1. Ephedrine
  2. Strychnine
  3. Taxol
  4. Reserpine

Answer. 3. Taxol

Question 27. Which potato species is nematode resistant?

  1. Solanum spegazzini
  2. S. demissum
  3. S. acaule
  4. S. stoloniferum

Answer. 1. Solanum spegazzini

Question 28. A few years ago, the brown plant hopper (Nilaparvata lunges) threatened the cultivation of

  1. Wheat
  2. Rice
  3. Maize
  4. Millets

Answer. 2. Rice

Question 29. An important international effort or convention for biodiversity conservation is

  2. WWF
  3. IBWL
  4. NBPGR

Answer. 2. WWF

Question 30. Find the odd one out (with respect to weed):

  1. Lantana camara
  2. Eicchornia
  3. Parthenium argentatum
  4. Parthenium hysterophorus

Answer. 3. Parthenium argentatum

Question 31. How many species became extinct in the last 500 years?

  1. 338
  2. 359
  3. 784
  4. 2000

Answer. 3. 784

Question 32. How many hot spots cover India’s high biodiversity regions?

  1. 25
  2. 3
  3. 34
  4. 2

Answer. 2. 3

Question 33. Overexploitation has resulted in the extinction of

  1. Steller’s cow
  2. Lantana
  3. Passenger pigeon
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (3)

Question 34. Wildlife (protection) Act 1972 includes which of the following objectives?

  1. Setting up and managing sanctuaries and national parks
  2. Restriction and prohibition on hunting animals
  3. Protection of specified plants
  4. All of the above

Answer. 4. All of the above

Question 35. Best way to preserve the wildlife is

  1. To kill the predators
  2. Vaccinize the animals
  3. Optimize the breeding habit
  4. To preserve their natural habitat

Answer. 4. To preserve their natural habitat

Question 36. Wildlife conservation aims at

  1. Maintaining the ecological process
  2. Enriching the wildlife diversity with exotic species
  3. Preventing migration of species
  4. Maintaining the diversity of life

The correct statements are:

  1. (1), (4)
  2. (3), (4)
  3. (1), (2)
  4. (2), (3)

Answer. 1. (1), (4)

Question 37. All forms of life should be conserved because

  1. They will be otherwise lost
  2. They have economic values
  3. They maintain diverse genetic resources
  4. They are important for maintaining balance of nature

Answer. 3. They maintain diverse genetic resources

Question 38. Which of the following types of animals does man chiefly protect?

  1. Week animals
  2. Harmless animals
  3. Those likely to perish
  4. Economically useful animals

Answer. 3. Those likely to perish

Question 39. The national bird of India is

  1. Peacock
  2. The hornbill
  3. Black swan
  4. House sparrow

Answer. 1. Peacock

Question 40. Scientific name of our national bird is

  1. Gallus gallus
  2. Columba livia
  3. Pava cristatus
  4. Corvus splendens

Answer. 3. Pava cristatus

Question 41. The biological name of the domestic cat is

  1. Felis leo
  2. Panthera indica
  3. Panthera domestica
  4. Felis domestica

Answer. 4. Felis domestica

Question 42. The “Sangai” of Manipur is a

  1. Great pied hornbill
  2. Black-necked crane
  3. Brow antlered deer
  4. Retienlated python

Answer. 3. Brow antlered deer

Question 43. Sarus is also known as

  1. Crane
  2. Spotbill
  3. Plovers
  4. Flamingoes

Answer. 1. Crane

Question 44. Black buck is

  1. Cervulus muntiac
  2. Antilope cervicapra
  3. Moschus moschiferus
  4. Boselaphus trogocamelus

Answer. 2. Antilope cervicapra

Question 45. Which among the following is an Indian monkey?

  1. Simia
  2. Gorilla
  3. Macaca
  4. Pongidae
  5. Ramapithecus

Answer. 3. Macaca

Question 46. Number of wildlife is continuously decreasing. What is the main reason for this?

  1. Hunting
  2. Predation
  3. Cutting down forest
  4. Destruction of habitat

Answer. 4. Destruction of habitat

Question 47. Most of the endangered species are victims of

  1. Acid rain
  2. Over-hunting
  3. Habitat destruction
  4. Competition with introduced species

Answer. 3. Habitat destruction

Question 48. The main reason for extinction of species is

  1. Hunting
  2. Destruction of habitat
  3. Pollution
  4. None of these

Answer. 2. Destruction of habitat

Question 49. Wildlife is destroyed most when

  1. Mass scale hunting for foreigan trade
  2. Natural habitat is destroyed
  3. There is lack of proper care
  4. There is natural calamity

Answer. 2. Natural habitat is destroyed

Question 50. Wildlife is conserved in

  1. In situ
  2. Ex situ
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer. 3. Both (1) and (2)

Question 51. Establishment of national parks and sanctuaries is a strategy for

  1. Conservation of wildlife
  2. Studying wildlife biology
  3. Creating awareness about wildlife
  4. Preventing wild animals entering villages

Answer. 1. Conservation of wildlife

Question 52. India now has

  1. 10 biosphere reserves, 50 national parks, and 400 wildlife sanctuaries
  2. 14 biosphere reserves, 50 national parks, and 400 wildlife sanctuaries
  3. 10 biosphere reserves, 90 national parks, and 448 wildlife sanctuaries
  4. 10 biosphere reserves, 96 national parks, and 441 wildlife sanctuaries

Answer. 4. 10 biosphere reserves, 96 national parks, and 441 wildlife sanctuaries

Question 53. An example for in situ biological conservation method is to establish

  1. Zoos
  2. Seed banks
  3. Botanical gardens
  4. Biosphere reserves

Answer. 4. Biosphere reserves

Question 54. Dachigam National Park in Srinagar is associated with the animal

  1. Hangul
  2. Rhino
  3. Musk deer
  4. Nilgiri tahr

Answer. 1. Hangul

Question 55. Dachigam sanctuary is located in

  1. WB
  2. MP
  3. J&K
  4. Rajasthan

Answer. 3. J&K

Question 56. Identify the odd combination of the habitat and the particular animal concerned:

  1. Periyar – Elephant
  2. Rann of Kutch – Wild ass
  3. Sunderbans – Bengal tiger
  4. Dachigam National Park – Snow leopard

Answer. 4. Dachigam National Park – Snow leopard

Question 57. National animal of India is

  1. Lion
  2. Tiger
  3. Antelope
  4. Elephant

Answer. 2. Tiger

Question 58. “Project Tiger” in India was launched in the year

  1. 1973
  2. 1981
  3. 1985
  4. 1988

Answer. 1. 1973

Question 59. “Project Tiger” in India was launched following the recommendation of

  1. IBWL
  2. BNHS
  3. CITES
  4. NWAP

Answer. 1. IBWL

Question 60. Identify the correct match between tiger reserve and its state?

  1. Palamu – Odisha
  2. Manas – Assam
  3. Bandipur – Tamil Nadu
  4. Corbett – Madhya Pradesh

Answer. 2. Manas – Assam

Question 61. Bandipur National Park is associated with

  1. Tiger
  2. Deer
  3. Elephant
  4. Rhinoceros

Answer. 1. Tiger

Question 62. Bandipur in Karnataka is the site of

  1. Project Tiger
  2. Project Hangul
  3. Project Peacock
  4. Project Elephant

Answer. 1. Project Tiger

Question 63. Which of the following is the smallest tiger reserve?

  1. Simlipal
  2. Palamau
  3. Namdapha
  4. Ranthambore

Answer. 4. Ranthambore

Question 64. The Ranthambore National Park is located in

  1. Gujarat
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Maharashtra

Answer. 2. Rajasthan

Question 65. Kanha National Park is famous for

  1. Birds
  2. Tigers
  3. Crocodiles
  4. Rhinoceros

Answer. 2. Tigers

Question 66. Recently attempts are being made to reintroduce tigers in this famous National Park:

  1. Sarika
  2. Kanha
  3. Corbett
  4. Bandavgarh

Answer. 1. Sarika

Question 67. Sarika Tiger Reserve is located in

  1. Odisha
  2. Assam
  3. Rajasthan
  4. West Bengal

Answer. 3. Rajasthan

Question 68. Royal Bengal Tiger is conserved in

  1. Gir forest
  2. Sunderbans
  3. Kanha National Park
  4. Jim Corbett National Park

Answer. 2. Sunderbans

Question 69. The largest number of tigers is reported from

  1. Manas
  2. kanha
  3. Simlipal
  4. Sunderbans

Answer. 4. Sunderbans

Question 70. All Sunderban tigers are

  1. Man-eaters
  2. Good swimmers
  3. Eaters of fish and crabs
  4. All of the above

Answer. 4. All of the above

Question 71. The first white tiger in the world was found in

  1. Gir in Saurashtra
  2. Sunderbans in Bengal
  3. Rewa in Madhya Pradesh
  4. Jim Corbett National Park in Uttarakhand

Answer. 2. Sunderbans in Bengal

Question 72. Which is correct about white tiger?

  1. It is a type of albino.
  2. It is a recessive mutant.
  3. It is a transgenic animal.
  4. It is a part of subspecies of Indian tiger.

Answer. 2. It is a recessive mutant.

Question 73. If the Bengal Tiger becomes extinct,

  1. Its gene pool will be lost for ever
  2. Hyenas and wolves will become scarce
  3. The wild areas will be safe for man and domestic animals
  4. The populations of beautiful animals like deers will get stabilized

Answer. 1. Its gene pool will be lost for ever

Question 74. Sacred groves are found in

  1. Bihar
  2. Punjab
  3. Meghalaya
  4. Jammu and Kashmir

Answer. 3. Meghalaya

Question 75. Conservation of organism in natural habitat is called

  1. Ex situ conservation
  2. In situ conservation
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of the above

Answer. 2. In situ conservation

Question 76. In situ conservation of natural genetic resources can be achieved by establishing

  1. National Parks
  2. Wildlife sanctuaries
  3. Biosphere reserves
  4. All of these

Answer. 4. All of these

Question 77. What is common to the techniques (1) in vitro fertilization, (2) cryopreservation, and (3) tissue culture?

  1. All are in situ conservation methods.
  2. All are ex situ conservation methods.
  3. All require ultra modern equipment and large space.
  4. All are methods of conservation of extinct organisms.Answer. 2. All are ex situ conservation methods.

Question 78. BNHS is the abbreviated form for

  1. Border Natural History Society
  2. Bombay National History Society
  3. Border National History Services
  4. Bombay Natural History Societes

Answer. 4. Bombay Natural History Societes

Question 79. The emblem of Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) is given. Identify the bird.

NEET Biology Biodiversity And Conservation Question 46

  1. Eagle
  2. Erget
  3. Kingfisher
  4. Hornbill

Answer. 4. Hornbill

Question 80. Which one of the following bird is endangered?

  1. Kite
  2. Parrot
  3. Hornbill
  4. Pigeon

Answer. 3. Hornbill

Question 81. The World Animal Welfare Day is celebrated on

  1. March 21
  2. June 5
  3. October 3
  4. October 4

Answer. 4. October 4

Question 82. 21st March is

  1. World Forest Day
  2. World Animal Day
  3. World Environment Day
  4. World Habitat Day

Answer. 1. World Forest Day

Question 83. The world biodiversity day is celebrated annually on

  1. 5th June
  2. 22nd April
  3. 29th December
  4. 16th September

Answer. 3. 29th December

Question 84. World Wildlife Week is celebrated on

  1. June 15-22
  2. March 1-7
  3. October 1-7
  4. June 1-7

Answer. 3. October 1-7

Question 85. Who have recently tried to put price tags on nature’s life support services?

  1. Nile Perch and his colleagues
  2. Herbert Boyer and his colleagues
  3. Ramdeo Misra and his colleagues
  4. Robert Costanza and his colleagues

Answer. 4. Robert Costanza and his colleagues

Question 86. Match Column 1 with Column 2 and select the correct answer using the codes given.

Column 1                                   Column 2

A. World Habitat Day              1. December 3

B. World Environment Day     2. October 3

C. World Conservation Day    3. March 21

D. World Forestry Day            4. June 5

  1. A = 4, B = 1, C = 3, D = 2
  2. A = 2, B = 4, C = 1, D = 3
  3. A = 2, B = 1, C=4, D=3
  4. A = 3, B = 4, C=2, D=1

Answer. 2. A = 2, B = 4, C = 1, D = 3

Question 87. Choose the wrongly matched pair:

  1. Carrot grass – Lantana
  2. Wildlife safari parks – Ex situ conservation
  3. Amazon rain forest – Lungs of the planet
  4. Khasi and Jaintia Hills – Meghalaya
  5. World Summit on Sustainable – Johannesburg Development, 2002

Answer. 1. Carrot grass – Lantana

Question 88. The relation between species richness and area is described on a logarithmic scale by the equation [where S is species richness, A is area, Z is the slope of the line (regression coefficient), C is the Y-intercept].

  1. log S = log C
  2. log S = Z log A
  3. log S = log C-Z log A
  4. log S = log C+ Z log A
  5. log C = log S+ Z log A

Answer. 4. log S = log C+ Z log A

Question 89. Sacred groves are specially useful in

  1. Preventing soil erosion
  2. Year round flow of water in river
  3. Generating environment awareness
  4. Conserving rare and threatened species

Answer. 4. Conserving rare and threatened species

Question 90. Select the correct statement about biodiversity:

  1. The desert areas of Rajasthan and Gujarat have a very high level of desert animal species as well as numerous rare animals.
  2. Large scale planting of Bt-cotton has no adverse effect on biodiversity.
  3. Western Ghats have a very high degree of species richness and endemism.
  4. Conservation of biodiversity is just a fad pursued by the developed countries.

Answer. 3. Western Ghats have a very high degree of species richness and endemism.

Question 91. Which of the following plants are commonly found in Sunderban Biosphere Reserve?

  1. Cactus
  2. Conifers
  3. Juniperus
  4. Mangroves

Answer. 4. Mangroves

Question 92. All the following are included under in situ conservation except

  1. National park
  2. Sanctuary
  3. Botanical garden
  4. Biosphere reserve

Answer. 3. Botanical garden

Question 93. Slash and burn agriculture is the other name of

  1. Step farming
  2. Crop rotation
  3. Organic garden
  4. Jhum cultivation

Answer. 4. Jhum cultivation

Question 94. Which one of the following is not a wildlife conservation project?

  1. Project Dodo
  2. Project Tiger
  3. Project Hangul
  4. Project Indian Bustard

Answer. 1. Project Dodo

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