NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Chemical Coordination And Integration

Chemical Coordination And Integration Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. Which of the following hormones is/are stored in Herring bodies?

  1. Somatocrinin
  2. Vasopressin
  3. Oxytocin
  4. Both 2 and 3

Answer: 4. Both 2 and 3

Question 2. Which of the following is an incorrect match?

  1. Thyroxine—Iodinatcd tyrosine
  2. Aldosterone Polypeptide hormone
  3. Estrogen—A steroid hormone
  4. Thyrotropin—Glycoprotein hormone

Answer: 2. Aldosterone Polypeptide hormone

Question 3. Which of the following hormones prevent water loss in urine?

  1. Oxytocin
  2. Vasopressin
  3. Somatocrinin
  4. Somatostatin

Answer: 2. Vasopressin

Question 4. Which of the following lobes of pituitary atrophies during fetal development is smaller in adults?

  1. Pars distalis
  2. Pars intermedia
  3. Adenohypophysis
  4. Neurohypophysis

Answer: 2. Pars intermedia

Question 5. Which of the following anterior pituitary hormones is linked directly to the body whereas other hormones mostly control other glands?

  1. Somatotropin
  2. Somatocrinin
  3. Somatostatin
  4. Pitocin

Answer: 1. Somatotropin

Question 6. Which of the following pituitary hormones is known to have a diabetogenic effect?

  1. TSH
  2. LH
  3. GH
  4. PRL

Answer: 3. GH

Question 7. The pituitary gland is lodged in a bony cavity of which skull bone?

  1. Temporal
  2. Occipital
  3. Sphenoid
  4. Parietal

Answer: 3. Sphenoid

Question 8. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Pars intermedia atrophies during fetal development.
  2. The pituitary gland is lodged in sella turcica.
  3. Neurohypophysis synthesizes two hormones.
  4. Herring bodies are present in the neurohypophysis.

Answer: 3. Neurohypophysis synthesizes two hormones.

Question 9. Supra-optic nuclei (in the hypothalamus) secrete the hormone

  1. ADH
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Pitocin
  4. Both 2 and 3

Answer: 1. ADH

Question 10. Which of the following hormones is secreted by corticotrophs in humans?

  1. ACTH
  2. MSH
  3. PRL
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 4. Both 1 and 2

Question 11. Which of the following can be included under the heterocrine gland?

  1. Thyroid
  2. Pineal gland
  3. Gonads
  4. Thymus

Answer: 3. Gonads

Question 12. Which of the following techniques is used to measure the hormones, their precursor, and their metabolic end products quantitatively in the living body?

  1. RIA
  2. Chromatography
  3. Oscilloscope
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. RIA

Question 13. The hypophysis is linked with the hypothalamus through

  1. Isthmus
  2. Infundibulum
  3. Epiphysis
  4. Intermediate lobe

Answer: 2. Infundibulum

Question 14. Regulating hormones from the hypothalamus reach adenohypophysis through ‘

  1. Neuron
  2. Neuroendocrine cells
  3. Portal blood vessel
  4. Diffusion

Answer: 3. Portal blood vessel

Question 15. The cell type responsible for the release of MSH is

  1. Somatotroph
  2. Lactotroph
  3. Corticotroph
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Corticotroph

Question 16. The Disproportionate growth of bones of body parts due  to the over-secretion of GH after adolescence is known as

  1. Gigantism
  2. Acromegaly
  3. Dwarfism
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Acromegaly

Question 17. The primary target of the hormones of the hypothalamus is

  1. Pineal gland
  2. Thymus
  3. Pituitary
  4. Testis

Answer: 3. Pituitary

Question 18. The anterior pituitary hormone that does not stimulate another endocrine gland is

  1. Somatotrophin
  2. Thyrotrophin
  3. Gonadotrophin
  4. Adrenocorticotrophin

Answer: 1. Somatotrophin

Question 19. Luteinizing hormone (LH) in females

  1. Helps in the appearance of secondary sexual characters
  2. Stimulates ovary to secrete oestradiol
  3. Helps in the release of the ovum from the ovary
  4. Controls the blood pressure

Answer: 3. Helps in the release of the ovum from the ovary

Question 20. On the surgical removal of the pituitary gland, there is a fall in sodium level and a rise in potassium in serum. This is because

  1. Oxytocin is no longer available from the pituitary
  2. Atrophy of the adrenal medulla
  3. Atrophy of the adrenal cortex
  4. LTH from the pituitary is no longer available

Answer: 3. Atrophy of adrenal cortex

Question 21. Continued secretion of milk is maintained by

  1. Prolactin
  2. LH
  3. Relaxin
  4. STH

Answer: 1. Prolactin

Question 22. Which one of the following is called a milk ejection hormone and birth hormone?

  1. Vasopressin
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Somatotrophic hormone
  4. Pancreozymin

Answer: 2. Oxytocin

Question 23. Which pituitary hormone is responsible for enhancing arterial blood pressure by causing the narrowing of arterioles?

  1. ACTH
  2. Somatotropin
  3. AOH
  4. LTH

Answer: 3. AOH

Question 24. The largest endocrine gland is

  1. Thyroid gland
  2. Adrenal gland
  3. Thymus
  4. Pituitary gland

Answer: 1. Thyroid gland

Question 25. Maximum iodine is stored in

  1. Parathyroid
  2. Thyroid
  3. Pituitary
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Parathyroid

Question 26. The failure of thyroid secretion from infancy leading to dwarfism and mental retardation is included under

  1. Grave’s disease
  2. Cretinism
  3. Simple goiter
  4. Myxedema

Answer: 2. Cretinism

Question 27. Name the non-iodinized hormone secreted by parafollicular cells of the thyroid.

  1. Calcitonin
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Vasopressin
  4. Gonadotropin

Answer: 1. Calcitonin

Question 28. Exophthalmic goiter is caused due to

  1. Hyperthyroidism
  2. Hypothyroidism
  3. Hyperparathyroidism
  4. Hypoparathyroidism

Answer: 1. Hyperthyroidism

Question 29. Symptoms such as pot-bellied, pigeon-like chest, protruding tongue, and mental retardation are of

  1. Myxedema
  2. Cretinism
  3. Cushing’s syndrome
  4. Addison’s disease

Answer: 2. Cretinism

Question 30. The hormone responsible for cretinism is

  1. Thyroxine
  2. Parathormone
  3. Growth Hormone
  4. Calcitonin

Answer: 1. Thyroxine

Question 31. Excessive amount of calcium is regulated by

  1. Thyroxine
  2. Calcitonin
  3. Epinephrine
  4. Progesterone

Answer: 2. Calcitonin

Question 32. An increase in the excitability of nerves and muscles leading to the sustained contraction of the muscles of the larynx, face, hand, and feet is due to

  1. Hyperactivity of thyroid
  2. Hyperactivity of parathyroid
  3. Hypoactivity of thyroid
  4. Hypoactivity of parathyroid

Answer: 4. Hypoactivity of parathyroid

Question 33. Hormones secreted during allergy is

  1. Glucocorticoid
  2. Mineralocorticoid
  3. Insulin
  4. Thyroxine

Answer: 1. Glucocorticoid

Question 34. Deficiency of the adrenal cortex activity leads to

  1. Cushing’s disease
  2. Conn’s syndrome
  3. Addison’s disease
  4. Simmonds’ disease

Answer: 3. Addison’s disease

Question 35. One of the following symptoms pertains to Addison’s disease.

  1. Low plasma Na+, high plasma K+, increased urinary Na+, low blood sugar, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.
  2. High blood sugar, obesity, wasting of limb muscles, fall in plasma K+, high blood Na+, rise in blood volume, and high blood pressure.
  3. Stunted growth, retarded sexual development, and mental backwardness.
  4. Increased heartbeat, rise in blood pressure, nervousness, bulging eyes, and warm skin.

Answer: 1. Low plasma Na+, high plasma K+, increased urinary Na+, low blood sugar, vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.

Question 36. Adrenal virilism results due to

  1. Poor secretion of sex corticoids
  2. Excess secretion of sex corticoids
  3. Excess secretion of aldosterone
  4. Poor secretion of aldosterone

Answer: 2. Excess secretion of sex corticoids

Question 37. Secretion of aldosterone in birds, man, and other mammals is stimulated by

  1. Fall in the concentration of Na+ in blood plasma
  2. Rise in the concentration of K+ in blood plasma
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Fall in the Ca++ concentration in blood plasma

Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2

Question 38. A patient who excretes a large quantity of sodium in urine has

  1. Diseased adrenal medulla
  2. Diseased adrenal cortex
  3. Diseased pancreas
  4. Diseased thymus

Answer: 2. Diseased adrenal cortex

Question 39. After receiving a hormonal shot, an asthma patient will get relief from exhaling the air. The hormone injected will be

  1. Oxytocin
  2. Adrenalin
  3. Insulin
  4. Thyroxine

Answer: 2. Adrenalin

Question 40. The hormones produced during emotional stress is

  1. Melatonin
  2. Thyroxine
  3. Calcitonin
  4. Adrenaline

Answer: 4. Adrenaline

Question 41. When the normal heart of a man is injected with a physiological concentration of adrenaline, it shows

  1. Systolic arrest
  2. Decreased rate
  3. Sustained increased rate
  4. First increased than normal rate

Answer: 4. First increased than normal rate

Question 42. The hormone somatostatin is responsible for inhibiting motility and absorption in the digestive tract. It also inhibits the release of insulin and glucagon hormone and is released by which type of cells of the pancreas?

  1. Alpha
  2. Beta
  3. Delta
  4. F cells

Answer: 3. Delta

Question 43. Which of the following is the function of insulin?

  1. Promotes synthesis of fats from glucose by adipose tissue
  2. Promotes protein synthesis by promoting the uptake of amino acids by liver and muscle cells
  3. Promotes the conversion of glucose into glycogen
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 44. The organ which was considered vestigial till recently but is now confirmed to be an endocrine gland is

  1. Thymus
  2. Pancreas
  3. Pineal
  4. Pituitary

Answer: 3. Pineal

Question 45. Which of the statements is incorrect w.r.t. melatonin hormone?

  1. Shows diurnal variation
  2. Antigonadial hormone
  3. Secreted by pineal body
  4. Poorly vascularized

Answer: 4. Poorly vascularized

Question 46. The mammalian thymus is mainly concerned with

  1. Regulation of body temperature
  2. Regulation of body growth
  3. Immunological functions
  4. Secretion of thyrotropin

Answer: 3. Immunological functions

Question 47. Which of the following glands grows to the maximum size at puberty and then diminishes gradually?

  1. Thymus
  2. Pituitary
  3. Thyroid
  4. Adrenal

Answer: 1. Thymus

Question 48. Relaxin is secreted by which endocrine gland?

  1. Corpus luteum
  2. Pituitary
  3. Pineal
  4. Ovary

Answer: 1. Corpus luteum

Question 49. Gynecomastia condition can develop due to

  1. Temporary increase in circulating estrogen in neonates
  2. Temporary increase in circulating estrogen at puberty
  3. Decreased testosterone in later life
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 50. A placental hormone called chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) which stimulates the secretion of progesterone by the ovary during pregnancy is

  1. Proteinaceous in nature
  2. Steroid in nature
  3. Biogenic amine
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 1. Proteinaceous in nature

Question 51. High-pitch juvenile voice in males can be retained by

  1. Ovariectomy
  2. Castration
  3. Synorcliidistn
  4. Eunuchoidism

Answer: 2. Castration

Question 52. Find the odd one out with respect to the site of hormone production.

  1. Epinephrine, nor-epinephrine, thyroxine
  2. FSH, STH, TSH
  3. Progesterone, testosterone, mineralocorticoid
  4. Insulin, glucagon, oxytocin

Answer: 2. FSH, STH, TSH

Question 53. Find the odd one out.

  1. Glucocorticoids, mincralocorticoids, scxcorticoids
  2. Nor-epinephrine, epinephrine, adrenaline
  3. Rclaxin, oestrogen, progesterone
  4. Insulin, glucagon, thymosin

Answer: 4. Insulin, glucagon, thymosin

Question 54. Which one of the following is a secondary messenger?

  1. c-AMP
  2. ATP
  3. ADP
  4. DNA

Answer: 1. c-AMP

Question 55. Which of the following products of PIP2 diffuses into the cytoplasm triggering the release of Ca2+ for intracellular calcium-mediated processes?

  1. IP3
  2. DG
  3. c-AMP
  4. Protein kinase

Answer: 1. IP3

Question 56. The secondary messenger that shows an antagonistic effect to c-AMP in heart muscle is

  1. Ca2+
  2. Inositol triphosphate (IP3)
  3. DAG
  4. c-GMP

Answer: 4. c-GMP

Question 57. The hormone that acts through intracellular receptor proteins is

  1. Growth hormone
  2. Prolactin
  3. Thyroxine
  4. Adrenaline

Answer: 3. Thyroxine

Question 58. During the mechanism of action of insulin, protein kinase C is activated by

  1. PIP2
  2. IP3
  3. DG
  4. Ca2+

Answer: 3. DG

Question 59. Which of the following acts as a secondary messenger?

  1. DG
  2. IP3
  3. cAMP
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 60. Production, secretion, and ejection of milk require the synergistic effects of prolactin and

  1. Estrogen
  2. Progesterone
  3. Oxytocin
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 61. Which of the following hormones is used in transplantation surgery to suppress immunity, and thus, chances of organ rejection by the recipient’s body are decreased?

  1. Thyroxine
  2. Cortisol
  3. Aldosterone
  4. Steroid hormone

Answer: 2. Cortisol

Question 62. Which of the following diseases is not related to hyper- or hyposecretion of hormones?

  1. IDDM
  2. NIDDM
  3. Grave’s disease
  4. Gull’s disease

Answer: 2. NIDDM

Question 63. Mark incorrect match.

NEET Biology Chemical Coordination And Integration Mark Incorrect Match

Answer: 3.

Question 64. Which of the following characters is not related to adrenal virilism?

  1. Male-type external sex characters in female
  2. Deep voice
  3. Gynecomastia
  4. Appearance of beard and moustaches

Answer: 3. Gynecomastia

Question 65. Which of the following disorders is not due to hypersecretion of a hormone?

  1. Osteitis fibrosa cystica
  2. Grave’s disease
  3. Cushing’s syndrome
  4. Addison’s disease

Answer: 4. Addison’s disease

Question 66. Which of the following is an action not produced by sym- pathetico-adrenal system?

  1. Constriction of skin and visceral smooth muscle
  2. Dilation of arterioles of the heart and skeletal muscles
  3. Constriction of pupils
  4. Dilation of bronchioles

Answer: 3. Constriction of pupils

Question 67. Mark the second messenger in case of heart in response to the parasympathetic nervous system.

  1. cAMP
  2. cGMP
  3. IP3
  4. DG

Answer: 2. cGMP

Question 68. The effect of thyroxine on BMR is

  1. Increase
  2. Decrease
  3. Uncertain
  4. No effect

Answer: 1. Increase

Question 69. Neurohypohysis secretes-

  1. Vasopressin and growth hormone
  2. Oxytocin and estrogen
  3. Vasopressin and oxytocin
  4. Vasopressin and estrogen

Answer: 3. Vasopressin and oxytocin

Question 70. Adrenal cortex produces

  1. Adrenaline
  2. Epinephrine
  3. Aldosterone
  4. Calcitonin

Answer: 3. Aldosterone

Question 71. When the parathyroid gland degenerates, which activity i disturbed?

  1. Growth
  2. Calcium concentration
  3. Potassium concentration
  4. Sodium concentration

Answer: 2. Calcium concentration

Question 72. The main effect of prolactin Iannone is on

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Mammary glands
  4. Bones

Answer: 3. Mammary glands

Question 73. Dwarfism is due to

  1. Absence of insulin
  2. Hyposecretion of GH during childhood
  3. Hyposecretion of GH during adult stage
  4. Excessive secretion of adrenaline

Answer: 2. Hyposecretion of GH during childhood

Question 74. Excessive secretion of adrenaline  Glucagon is produced by

  1. Peptic cell
  2. Oxyntic cells
  3. Alpha cells
  4. Beta cells

Answer: 3. Alpha cells

Question 75. The female sex hormone is

  1. Estrogen
  2. Androgen
  3. Insulin
  4. Adrenaline

Answer: 1. Estrogen

Question 76. The function of the thymus is

  1. Immunity
  2. Growth
  3. Formation of RBCs
  4. Emergency hormone

Answer: 1. Immunity

Question 77. Vasopressin performs

  1. Muscle contraction
  2. Increases blood pressure
  3. Decrease in blood pressure
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 4. Both 1 and 2

Question 78. Progesterone is secreted by

  1. Corpus luteum
  2. Thyroid
  3. Thymus
  4. Testis

Answer: 1. Corpus luteum

Question 79. Insulin is secreted by

  1. Pituitary
  2. Adrenals
  3. Thyroid
  4. Islets of Langerhans

Answer: 4. Islets of Langerhans

Question 80. Ca2+ level is controlled by

  1. Thyroid
  2. Hypothalamus
  3. Pituitary
  4. Thyroid and parathyroids

Answer: 4. Thyroid and parathyroids

Question 81. Which one is not secreted by the pituitary?

  1. Thyroxine
  2. FSH
  3. GH
  4. ACTH

Answer: 1. Thyroxine

Question 82. Iodine is present in the secretion of

  1. Adrenal
  2. Thyroid
  3. Pancreas
  4. Pituitary

Answer: 2. Thyroid

Question 83. Which is correct?

  1. Glucagon and insulin are secreted by the same cells.
  2. Glucagon and insulin are secreted by different cells.
  3. Glucagon and insulin are secreted by different cells and have opposite effects.
  4. None of the above.

Answer: 3. Glucagon and insulin are secreted by different cells.

Question 84. Which gland is often referred to in connection with AIDS?

  1. Thymus
  2. Thyroid
  3. Adrenal
  4. Pancreas

Answer: 1. Thymus

Question 85. A temporary endocrine gland formed in the ovary after ovulation is

  1. Corpus uteri
  2. Corpus albicans
  3. Corpus callosum
  4. Corpus luteum

Answer: 4. Corpus luteum

Question 86. The endocrine gland for combating emergencies is

  1. Adrenal cortex
  2. Adrenal medulla
  3. Pancreas
  4. Parathyroid

Answer: 2. Adrenal medulla

Question 87. Glucagon produced by a-cells of islets of Langerhans

  1. Converts glucose to glycogen
  2. Converts glycogen to glucose
  3. Decreases the concentration of glucose in the blood
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Converts glycogen to glucose

Question 88. Basal metabolic rate is under the control of

  1. Glucagon
  2. Insulin
  3. Thyroxine
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 3. Thyroxine

Question 89. Hormones involved in carbohydrate metabolism are

  1. Insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, and parathormone
  2. Insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, and glucocorticoids
  3. Insulin, glucagon, glucocorticoids, and calcitonin
  4. Insulin, glucagon, nor-epinephrine, and melatonin

Answer: 2. Insulin, glucagon, epinephrine, and glucocorticoids

Question 90. Blood calcium is increased by the administration of

  1. Glucagon
  2. Thyroxine
  3. Parathormone
  4. Calcitonin

Answer: 3. Parathormone

Question 91. Parathormone deficiency causes

  1. Goiter
  2. Hypocalcemia
  3. Hypercalcemia
  4. All of the above

Answer: 2. Hypocalcemia

Question 92. Which hormone facilitates childbirth?

  1. Oxytocin
  2. FSH
  3. LH
  4. Prolactin

Answer: 1. Oxytocin

Question 93. Insulin is a/an

  1. Vitamin
  2. Proteinaceous hormone
  3. Amine hormone
  4. Steroid

Answer: 2. Proteinaceous hormone

Question 94. FSH is involved in

  1. Ovulation
  2. Spermatogenesis
  3. Control of blood sugar
  4. Growth

Answer: 2. Spermatogenesis

Question 95. GH controls growth through

  1. rRNA
  2. t-RNA
  3. m-RNA
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. m-RNA

Question 96. Thyroxine is a/an

  1. Vitamin
  2. Enzyme
  3. Hormone
  4. Excretory product

Answer: 3. Hormone

Question 97. Hormone is a/an

  1. Enzyme
  2. Chemical messenger
  3. Excretory product
  4. Glandular secretion

Answer: 2. Chemical messenger

Question 98. The pituitary gland occurs in

  1. Trachea
  2. Abdomen
  3. Gonads
  4. Brain

Answer: 4. Brain

Question 99. Thyrocalcitonin

  1. Elevates K+ level in blood
  2. Lowers Ca++ level in blood
  3. Elevates Ca2+ level in blood
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2. Lowers CaH level in blood

Question 100. Hormones connected with an increased rate of glycogenosis, blood pressure, and heartbeat is

  1. Insulin
  2. Glucagon
  3. Adrenaline
  4. FSH

Answer: 3. Adrenaline

Question 101. The removal or absence of the thymus in early life shall bring about

  1. Lack of lymphocytes
  2. Lack of antibodies
  3. Lack of lymph nodes
  4. All the above

Answer: 1. Lack of lymphocytes

Question 102. Which one controls the secretion of estrogen?

  1. HCG
  2. Progesterone
  3. LH
  4. FSH

Answer: 4. FSH

Question 103. The adrenal medulla is derived from

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Mesoderm
  3. Endoderm
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 1. Ectoderm

Question 104. Removal of the thymus gland in the early life of an experimental mammal will cause

  1. Lack of lymphocytes
  2. Lack of antibodies
  3. Lack of lymph nodes and lymph vessels
  4. All of the above

Answer: 1. Lack of lymphocytes

Question 105. The hormones controlling secondary sexual characters include

  1. Thyroxine
  2. FSH and LH
  3. GH and FSH
  4. Testosterone and estrogen

Answer: 4. Testosterone and estrogen

Question 106. The endocrine gland responsible for immunity is

  1. Pineal
  2. Thymus
  3. Pituitary
  4. Adrenal

Answer: 2. Thymus

Question 107. The hormone that promotes cell division, protein synthesis, and bone growth is

  1. ADH
  2. ACTH
  3. PTH
  4. GH

Answer: 4. GH

Question 108. Which of the following takes part in salt balancing?

  1. Mineralocorticoid
  2. Glucocorticoid
  3. Somatotrophin
  4. None

Answer: 1. Mineralocorticoid

Question 109. Which one exclusively comprises endocrine glands?

  1. Pituitary, salivary, adrenals, ovary, testis
  2. Pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovary, testis
  3. Salivary, thyroid, adrenals, ovary, testis
  4. Adrenals, ovary, testis, salivary, liver

Answer: 2. Pituitary, thyroid, adrenals, ovary, testis

Question 110. Thyroxin is secreted by which gland?

  1. Adrenal
  2. Parathyroid
  3. Pituitary
  4. Thyroid

Answer: 4. Thyroid

Question 111. Thymosin stimulates

  1. Milk secretion
  2. Erythrocytes
  3. T-Lymphocytes
  4. Melanocytes

Answer: 3. T-Lymphocytes

Question 112. Which gland is concerned with salt equilibrium in the body?

  1. Anterior pituitary
  2. Pancreas
  3. Adrenal
  4. Thyroid

Answer: 3. Adrenal

Question 113. Steroid hormones

  1. Have only cell surface receptors
  2. Are lipophobic
  3. Act by altering the activity of proteins in the target cell
  4. Are produced by only the adrenal cortex

Answer: 3. Act by altering the activity of proteins in the target cell

Question 114. Which temporary endocrine gland forms in the ovary after ovulation?

  1. Corpus callosum
  2. Corpus albicans
  3. Corpus luteum
  4. Corpus striata

Answer: 3. Corpus luteum

Question 115. Insulin differs from growth hormone in the fact that it

  1. Increases activity of m-RNA and ribosomes
  2. Increases the permeability of cell membrane
  3. Affects the metabolism of fats by inducing lipogenic- is
  4. Increases protein synthesis

Answer: 3. Affects the metabolism of fats by inducing lipogenic- is

Question 116. Melanin protects from

  1. UV rays
  2. Visible rays
  3. Infrared rays
  4. X-rays

Answer: 1. UV rays

Question 117. Which of the following acts as a local messenger?

  1. Carrier protein
  2. Glycoprotein
  3. Phospholipid
  4. Glycolipid

Answer: 1. Carrier protein

Question 118. Which one of the following pairs correctly matches a hormone with the disease resulting from its deficiency?

  1. Insulin—Diabetes insipidus
  2. Thyroxine—Tetany
  3. Parathyroid hormone—Diabetes mellitus
  4. Luteinizing hormone—Failure of ovulation

Answer: 4. Luteinizing hormone—Failure of ovulation

Question 119. Which hormone causes dilation of blood vessels, increased oxygen consumption, and gluconeogenesis?

  1. Adrenalin
  2. Glucagon
  3. ACTH
  4. Insulin

Answer: 1. Adrenalin

Question 120. Sertoli cells are regulated by the pituitary hormone known as

  1. Prolactin
  2. LH
  3. FSH
  4. GH

Answer: 3. FSH

Question 121. Which one of the following is not a secondary messenger in hormone action?

  1. Sodium
  2. c-AMP
  3. c-GMP
  4. Calcium

Answer: 1. Sodium

Question 122. Insulin is secreted by

  1. α-cell of islets of Langerhans
  2. δ-cell of islets of Langerhans
  3. β-cell of islets of Langerhans
  4. Pancreatic acinar cell

Answer: 3. β-cell of islets of Langerhans

Question 123. ADH is responsible for the reabsorption of water and reduction of urine secretion and is synthesized by

  1. Posterior pituitary gland
  2. Juxtaglomerular apparatus
  3. Anterior pituitary gland
  4. Hypothalamus

Answer: 4. Anterior pituitary gland

Question 124. In heart cells, which of the following serves as a secondary messenger, speeding up muscle cell contraction in response to adrenaline?

  1. CAMP
  2. CGMP
  3. GTP
  4. ATP

Answer: 1. CAMP

Question 125. Which one of the following endocrine glands functions as a biological clock and neurosecretory transducer?

  1. Adrenal gland
  2. Thyroid gland
  3. Pineal gland
  4. Thymus gland

Answer: 3. Pineal gland

Question 126. Match the hormones in column 1 with their functions in column 2.

NEET Biology Chemical Coordination And Integration Match The Hormones In Column 1 With Their Functions In Column 2

  1. 1- E, 2- D, 3- A, 4- B
  2. 1- C, 2- D, 3- A, 4- B
  3. 1- D, 2- C, 3- B, 4- A
  4. 1- A, 2- B, 3- C, 4- D

Answer: 1. 1- E, 2- D, 3- A, 4- B

Question 127. LH and FSH are collectively called

  1. Oxytocin
  2. Somatotrophins
  3. Luteotrophic
  4. Gonadotrophins

Answer: 4. Gonadotrophins

Question 128. The mammalian thymus is mainly concerned with

  1. Regulation of body temperature
  2. Regulation of body growth
  3. Immunological functions
  4. Secretion of thyrotropin

Answer: 3. Immunological functions

Question 129. During an emergency, which of the following hormones is secreted?

  1. Aldosterone
  2. Thyroxine
  3. Adrenaline
  4. Calcitonin

Answer: 3. Adrenaline

Question 130. Insulin is produced from

  1. α-cells
  2. β-cells
  3. Adrenal cortex
  4. Testes

Answer: 2. β-cells

Question 131. Which of the following is a secondary messenger?

  1. ATP
  2. Cyclic AMP
  3. GTP
  4. ATP and AMP

Answer: 2. Cyclic AMP

Question 132. Blood pressure is controlled by

  1. Thyroid gland
  2. Thymus gland
  3. Adrenal gland
  4. Parathyroid gland

Answer: 3. Adrenal gland

Question 133. The hormone responsible for ovulation is

  1. LH
  2. GSH
  3. Progesterone
  4. Testosterone

Answer: 1. LH

Question 134. Match the items in column 1 with those given in column 2

NEET Biology Chemical Coordination And Integration Match The Items In Column 1 With Those Given In Column 2

Answer: 3.

Question 135. A patient with diabetes mellitus excreted glucose in urine even when he was kept on a carbohydrate-free diet. It is because

  1. Fats are catabolized to form glucose
  2. Amino acids are catabolized in the liver
  3. Amino acids are discharged in the stream from the liver
  4. Glycogen from muscles is discharged in the stream from the liver

Answer: 1. Fats are catabolized to form glucose

Question 136. The placenta produces which hormone?

  1. GH
  2. Gastrin
  3. ACTH
  4. Progesterone

Answer: 4. Progesterone

Question 137. The hormone that controls the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood is secreted by

  1. Thyroid
  2. Parathyroid
  3. Pituitary
  4. Thymus

Answer: 2. Parathyroid

Question 138. FSH is produced by

  1. Adrenal cortex
  2. Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
  3. Middle lobe of pituitary gland
  4. Posterior lobe of pituitary gland

Answer: 2. Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland

Question 139. Which hormone is responsible for the maintenance of pregnancy?

  1. HCG
  2. Progesterone
  3. Estrogen
  4. Prostaglandin

Answer: 2. Progesterone

Question 140. If the ADH level of blood is less, then

  1. The volume of urine increases
  2. The volume of urine decreases
  3. The volume of urine is normal
  4. The volume of urine is unaffected

Answer: 1. The volume of urine increases

Question 141. Increasing glucose levels in humans is called

  1. Hypoglycemia
  2. Hyperglycemia
  3. Hyposuria
  4. Hypersuria

Answer: 2. Hyperglycemia

Question 142. Spermatogenesis is influenced by

  1. Progesterone
  2. FSH
  3. STH
  4. LTH

Answer: 2. FSH

Question 143. Which hormone is responsible for ovulation?

  1. FSH
  2. LH
  3. Testosterone
  4. Oestrogen

Answer: 2. LH

Question 144. Progesterone is secreted by

  1. Corpus luteum
  2. Corpus albicans
  3. Corpus callosum
  4. Corpus striatum

Answer: 1. Corpus luteum

Question 145. Female hormone is

  1. Progesterone
  2. Estrogen
  3. Estradiol
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 146. Which of the following hormones helps in the contraction of the uterus during childbirth?

  1. ADH
  2. Androgen
  3. Oxytocin
  4. Glucocorticoid

Answer: 3. Oxytocin

Question 147. Which of the following hormones stimulates the secretion of milk from females?

  1. LH
  2. Prolactin
  3. Oxytocin
  4. Progesterone

Answer: 2. Prolactin

Question 148. Parathormone is secreted during

  1. Increased blood calcium level
  2. Decreased blood calcium level
  3. Increased blood sugar level
  4. Decreased blood sugar level

Answer: 4. Decreased blood sugar level

Question 149. The formation of egg and sperm is affected by

  1. LH
  2. MSH
  3. TSH
  4. FSH

Answer: 4. FSH

Question 150. ACTH is secreted by

  1. Thyroid gland
  2. Thymus gland
  3. Pituitary gland
  4. Islets of Langerhans

Answer: 3. Pituitary gland

Question 151. Mammalian prolactin is secreted by

  1. Adenohypophysis
  2. Neurohypophysis
  3. Adrenal cortex
  4. Adrenal medulla

Answer: 1. Adenohypophysis

Question 152. Fight and flight hormone is

  1. Adrenaline
  2. Thyroxine
  3. ADH
  4. Oxytocin

Answer: 1. Adrenaline

Question 153. Blood pressure is controlled by

  1. Thyroid gland
  2. Thymus gland
  3. Adrenal gland
  4. Parathyroid gland

Answer: 3. Adrenal gland

Question 154. A hormone which is responsible for the maintenance of the corpus luteum is

  1. Estrogen
  2. Aldosterone
  3. Progesterone
  4. Testosterone

Answer: 3. Progesterone

Question 155. The effect caused by the non-functioning islets of Langerhans is

  1. Heartbeat rate increase
  2. Increased BMR
  3. Hyperglycaemia
  4. Tetany

Answer: 3. Hyperglycaemia

Question 156. The emergency hormone is

  1. Thyroxine
  2. Adrenaline
  3. Insulin
  4. Progesterone

Answer: 2. Adrenaline

Question 157. In men, the removal of the parathyroid gland leads to

  1. Acromegaly
  2. Tetany
  3. Polyuria
  4. Diabetes insipidus

Answer: 2. Tetany

Question 158. Parathormone induces

  1. Increase in blood sugar level
  2. Decrease in serum calcium level
  3. Increase in serum calcium level
  4. Decrease in blood sugar level

Answer: 3. Increase in serum calcium level

Question 159. Which one secretes fight and flight hormone?

  1. Pituitary gland
  2. Pineal gland
  3. Adrenal gland
  4. Thyroid gland

Answer: 3. Adrenal gland

Question 160. The name secondary messenger is given to

  1. ATP
  2. Cyclic AMP
  3. AMP
  4. Both ATP and AMP

Answer: 2. Cyclic AMP

Question 161. The function of the glucagon hormone is

  1. To increase glycogenesis
  2. To decrease blood sugar level
  3. To release glucose from liver cells and glycogenolysis promotion
  4. To increase the absorption of glucose and fatty acids through cell

Answer: 3. To release glucose from liver cells and glycogenolysis promotion

Question 162. Which of the following pituitary hormones is a direct action hormone?

  1. MSH
  2. ICSH
  3. ACTH
  4. TSH

Answer: 1. ICSH

Question 163. The adrenal gland is derived from

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Mesoderm
  3. Ectoderm and mesoderm
  4. Ectoderm and endoderm

Answer: 3. Ectoderm and mesoderm

Question 164. We know that thyroxine controls the metabolism body. An autoimmune disease where the body owns antibodies attack the cells of the thyroid is called

  1. Hyperthyroidism
  2. Hashimoto’s disease
  3. Grave’s disease
  4. Turner syndrome

Answer: 2. Hashimoto’s disease

Question 165. The blood calcium level is lowered by the deficiency of

  1. Both calcitonin and parathormone
  2. Calcitonin
  3. Parathormone
  4. Thyroxine

Answer: 3. Parathormone

Question 166. In human adult females, oxytocin

  1. Stimulates pituitary to secrete vasopressin
  2. Causes strong uterine contractions during parturition
  3. Is secreted by the anterior pituitary
  4. Stimulates the growth of mammary glands

Answer: 2. Causes strong uterine contractions during parturition

Question 167. A health disorder that results from the deficiency of thy rexine in adults and is characterized by

1. A low metabolic rate,

2. Increase in body weight, and

3. The tendency to retain water in tissues is

  1. Cretinism
  2. Myxedema
  3. Simple goiter
  4. Hypothyroidism

Answer: 2. Myxedema

Question 168. Goiter can occur as a consequence of all of the following  except

  1. Grave’s disease
  2. Iodine deficiency
  3. Pituitary adenoma
  4. Excessive intake of exogenous thyroxine

Answer: 4. Excessive intake of exogenous thyroxine

Question 169. The hormone that increases the blood calcium level and decreases its excretion by the kidney is:

  1. insulin
  2. thyroxine
  3. calcitonin
  4. Parathormone

Answer: 4. Parathormone

Question 170. Which of the following hormones is not a steroid?

  1. Androgen
  2. Vasopressin
  3. Aldosterone
  4. Testosterone

Answer: 2. Vasopressin

Question 171. Which of the following hormones does not contain a polypeptide?

  1. Insulin
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Prostaglandin
  4. Antidiuretic hormone

Answer: 3. Prostaglandin

Question 172. Steroid hormones easily pass through the plasma membrane by simple diffusion because they

  1. Are lipid-soluble
  2. Are water-soluble
  3. Enter through pores
  4. Contains carbon and hydrogen

Answer: 1. Are lipid-soluble

Question 173. Estrogen and testosterone are steroid hormones and are most likely to bind

  1. Cytoplasmic receptors
  2. Membrane ions channels
  3. Enzyme-linked membrane receptors
  4. G-protein-linked membrane receptors

Answer: 1. Cytoplasmic receptors

Question 174. Which is a 32-amino-acid water-soluble peptide hormone?

  1. Gastrin
  2. Calcitonin
  3. Glucagon
  4. Insulin

Answer: 2. Calcitonin

Question 175. Parathormone influences calcium absorption in the small intestine by regulating the metabolism of

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin D
  3. Vitamin B6
  4. Enterogastrone

Answer: 2. Vitamin D

Question 176. Toxic agents present in food which interfere with thyroxine synthesis lead to the development of

  1. Toxic goiter
  2. Cretinism
  3. Simple goiter
  4. Thyrotoxicosis

Answer: 3. Simple goiter

Question 177. Endemic goiter is a state of

  1. Increased thyroid function
  2. Normal thyroid function
  3. Decreased thyroid function
  4. Moderate thyroid function

Answer: 3. Decreased thyroid function

Question 178. The hormone which regulates the sleep-wake cycle in men is

  1. Oxytocin
  2. Vasopressin
  3. Thyroxine
  4. Melatonin

Answer: 4. Melatonin

Question 179. Which one of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

  1. Glucagon—Beta cells (Source)
  2. Somatostatin—Delta cells (Source)
  3. Corpus luteum—Relaxin (Secretion)
  4. Diabetes mellitus (Disease)

Answer: 1. Glucagon—Beta cells (Source)

Question 180. Which of the following is not a function of insulin?

  1. Increases the permeability of cell membrane to glucose
  2. Increases the oxidation of glucose in the cells
  3. Initiates the conversion of glycogen to glucose
  4. Initiates the formation of hepatic glycogen from excess glucose

Answer: 3. Initiates the conversion of glycogen to glucose

Question 181. Human chorionic gonadotropin is secreted by

  1. Chorion
  2. Amnion
  3. Corpus luteum
  4. Placenta

Answer: 4. Placenta

Question 182. What is correct to say about the hormone action in humans?

  1. The secretion of thymosin is stimulated with aging.
  2. In females, FSH first binds with specific receptors on the ovarian cell membrane.
  3. FSH stimulates the secretion of estrogen and progesterone.
  4. Glucagon is secreted by β-cells of islets of Langer- hans and stimulates glycogenolysis.

Answer: 2. In females, FSH first binds with specific receptors on the ovarian cell membrane.

Question 183. In a normal pregnant woman, the amount of total gonadotropin activity was assessed. The result expected was

  1. High-level circulating HCG to stimulate endometrial thickening.
  2. High levels of FSH and LH in the uterus stimulate endometrial thickening.
  3. High level of circulating HCG to stimulate estrogen and progesterone synthesis.
  4. High levels of circulating FSH and LH in the uterus stimulate the implantation of the embryo.

Answer: 3. High level of circulating HCG to stimulate estrogen and progesterone synthesis.

Question 184. A person entering an empty room suddenly finds a snake right in front of opening the door. Which one of the following is likely to happen in his neuro-hormonal control system?

  1. Neurotransmitters diffuse rapidly across the cleft and transmit a nerve impulse.
  2. The hypothalamus activates the parasympathetic division of the brain.
  3. The sympathetic nervous system is activated releasing epinephrine and nor-epinephrine from the adrenal cortex.
  4. The sympathetic nervous system is activated releasing epinephrine and nor-epinephrine from the adrenal medulla.

Answer: 4. The Sympathetic nervous system is activated releasing epinephrine and nor-epinephrine from the adrenal medulla.

Question 185. Which one of the following pairs of hormones are the examples of those that can easily pass through the cell membrane of the target cell and bind to a receptor inside it (mostly in the nucleus)

  1. Thyroxin, insulin
  2. Somatostatin, oxytocin
  3. Cortisol, testosterone
  4. Insulin, glucagon

Answer: 3. Cortisol, testosterone

Question 186. Which of the following statements is correct in relation to the endocrine system?

  1. Organs in the body such as the gastrointestinal tract, heart,
  2. Non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amounts that net as intercellular messengers are known as hormones,
  3. Releasing and inhibitory hormones are produced by the pituitary gland.
  4. The adenohypophysis is under direct neural regulation of the hypothalamus.

Answer: 2. Non-nutrient chemicals produced by the body in trace amounts that net as intercellular messengers are known as hormones,

Question 187. A pregnant female delivers a baby who suffers from stunted growth, mental retardation, low intelligence quotient, and abnormal skin. This is the result of

  1. Low secretion of growth hormone
  2. Cancer of the thyroid gland
  3. Over secretion of pars distalis
  4. Deficiency of iodine in diet

Answer: 4. Deficiency of iodine in diet

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