NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Digestion And Absorption

Digestion And Absorption Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. The type of nutrition where the whole plant or its parts are taken either in solid or liquid form through the mouth is called

  1. Saprozoic
  2. Holophytic
  3. Holozoic
  4. Autotrophic

Answer: 3. Holozoic

Question 2. Vitamins and water are included under

  1. Micronutrients or proximate principles of food
  2. Micronutrients or protective principles of food
  3. Macronutrients or proximate principles of food
  4. Macronutrients or protective principles of food

Answer: 2. Micronutrients or protective principles of food

Question 3. In coelenterates, digestion is

  1. Intracellular
  2. Intercellular
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Both (1) and (2)

Question 4. Types of teeth in humans are

  1. Homodont, lophodont, diphyodont
  2. Heterodont, selenodont, monophyodont
  3. Bunodont, thecodont, heterodont
  4. Diphodont, heterodont, acrodont

Answer: 3. Bunodont, thecodont, heterodont

Question 5. The dental formula for the monophyodont teeth of humans is

  1. \(\frac{0021}{0021}\)
  2. \(\frac{0003}{0003}\)
  3. \(\frac{2120}{2120}\)
  4. \(\frac{2120}{2120}\)

Answer: 1. \(\frac{0021}{0021}\)

Question 6. Lower molars in human dentition have

  1. Four roots
  2. Three roots
  3. Two roots
  4. Single root

Answer: 3. Two roots

Question 7. The enamel part of a tooth is secreted by

  1. Odontoblast, mesodermal
  2. Amcloblasl, mesodermal
  3. Odontblast, ectodermal
  4. Ameloblast, ectodennal

Answer: 4. Ameloblast, ectodermal

Question 8. Regurgitation of food from the stomach is prevented by

  1. Pyloric sphincter
  2. Cardiac sphincter
  3. Circular muscle
  4. Muscularis mucosae

Answer: 2. Cardiac sphincter

Question 9. Which of the following can be taken as true stomach in ruminants?

  1. Rumen
  2. Reticulum
  3. Omasum
  4. Abomasum

Answer: 4. Abomasum

Question 10. The first and largest chamber in the stomach of ruminants such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, and camels is

  1. Reticulum
  2. Rumen
  3. Omasum
  4. Abomasum

Answer: 2. Rumen

Question 11. Zymogen cells and chief cells secrete

  1. HCI
  2. Mucous
  3. Pepsinogen
  4. Trypsin

Answer: 3. Pepsinogen

Question 12. The HCl of gastric juice is produced by

  1. Chief cells
  2. Oxyntic cells
  3. Goblet cells
  4. Columnar cells

Answer: 2. oxyntic cells

Question 13. Before opening into the duodenum, hepatopancreatic ampul¬ la possesses a thickening called

  1. Plica circular
  2. Sacculus rotundus
  3. Sphincter of Boyden
  4. Sphincter of Oddi

Answer: 4. Sphincter of Oddi

Question 14. Crypts of Lieberkuhn are present in

  1. Pancreas and secrete pancreatic juice
  2. Small intestine and secrete digestive enzymes
  3. Stomach and secrete dilute HCl
  4. Stomach and secrete trypsin

Answer: 2. Small intestine and secrete digestive enzymes

Question 15. Sphincter of Boyden, which helps in the filling up of gall

  1. Ductus choledoccus
  2. Duct of Wirsurg
  3. Ampulla of Vater
  4. Duct of Santorini

Answer: 1. Ductus choledoccus

Question 16. The smallest part of the colon and lacking mesentery is

  • Ascending
  • Transverse
  • Descending
  • Sigmoid

Answer: 1. Ascending

Question 17. Lamina propria is associated with which part of the alimentary canal?

  1. Mucosa
  2. Submucosa
  3. Muscularis externa
  4. Serosa

Answer: 1. Mucosa

Question 18. Auerbach’s plexus is present in

  1. Submucosa
  2. Between mucosa and submucosa
  3. Between circular, and longitudinal muscles of the muscular internet
  4. Between circular and longitudinal muscles of muscular extrema

Answer: 4. Between circular and longitudinal muscles of muscular extrema

Question 19. The oblique muscle layer is present with

  1. Stomach
  2. Duodenum
  3. Colon
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Stomach

Question 20. The location of the Brunner’s gland is

  1. Mucosa, duodenum
  2. Mucosa, ileum
  3. Submucosa, duodenum
  4. Submucosa, ileum

Answer: 3. Submucosa, duodenum

Question 21. Brunner’s glands are intestinal glands and secrete

  1. Mucus
  2. Enzymes
  3. Enzymes and mucus
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Mucus

Question 22. Which of the following papillas are without taste buds in the human tongue?

  1. Circumvallate
  2. Fungiform
  3. Fusiform
  4. Filiform

Answer: 4. Filiform

Question 23. PH of saliva is

  1. 6.7
  2. 7.4
  3. 8.0
  4. 2.5

Answer: 1. 6.7

Question 24. Tonsils are enlargements of

  1. Lymphoid tissue
  2. Adenoid tissue
  3. Larynx
  4. Sub-lingual gland

Answer: 1. Lymphoid tissue

Question 25. One of the following ions is used for the activation of ptyalin and maltase.

  1. Sodium ions
  2. Potassium ions
  3. Chloride ions
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Chloride ions

Question 26. The largest gland in the body of man is

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Gastric gland
  4. Adrenal

Answer: 1. Liver

Question 27. Cholecystitis refers to

  1. Gall bladder
  2. Stomach
  3. Spleen
  4. Lungs

Answer: 1. Gall bladder

Question 28. The alkaline nature of bile is due to

  1. NaCl
  2. NaHCO3
  3. KOH
  4. NaOH

Answer: 2. NaHCO3

Question 29. Enterokinase or enteropeptidase found in intestinal juice converts

  1. Casein into paracasein
  2. Pro-rennin into rennin
  3. Trypsinogen into trypsin
  4. Proteins into peptides

Answer: 3. Trypsinogen into trypsin

Question 30. Milk protein casein is coagulated by

  1. Pepsin
  2. Trypsin
  3. Rennin
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (3)

Question 31. Chyme formed in the stomach is further transformed into

  1. Chyle
  2. Colloidal material
  3. Soft solid substance
  4. Fats

Answer: 1. Chyle

Question 32. Paneth cells are found in

  1. Crypts of Lieberkuhn
  2. Peyer’s patches
  3. Islets of Langerhans
  4. Gastric glands

Answer: 1. Crypts of Lieberkuhn

Question 33. In acute constipation, purgatives that are common to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and evacuation of fluid feces contain salts of

  1. Sodium
  2. Magnesium
  3. Potassium
  4. Calcium

Answer: 2. Magnesium

Question 34. A prolonged constipation may cause

  1. Hemorrhoids
  2. Ulcers
  3. Cholera
  4. Dysentery

Answer: 1. Hemorrhoids

Question 35. The functional units for the absorption of digested food are

  1. Crypts of Lieberkuhn
  2. Peyer’s patches
  3. Villi
  4. Brunner’s glands

Answer: 3. Villi

Question 36. The foul odor of the feces is due to the presence of the compound

  1. Skatole
  2. Methyl mercaptan
  3. Hydrogen sulfide
  4. Ammonia

Answer: 1. Skatole

Question 37. Mark the odd one.

  1. Gastrin
  2. Secretin
  3. Trypsin
  4. Enterocrinin

Answer: 2. Secretin

Question 38. Which of the following hormones inhibit the release of gastric juice?

  1. Enterogastrone
  2. GIP
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. Enterocrinin

Answer: 3. Both (1) and (2)

Question 39. When a piece of bread is chewed, it tastes sweet because

  1. The sugar contents are drawn out
  2. Ptyline converts starch into maltose
  3. It does not taste sweet
  4. The taste buds are stimulated by chewing

Answer: 2. Ptyline converts starch into maltose

Question 40. Digestion is completed in

  1. Duodenum
  2. Ileum
  3. Stomach
  4. Cloaca

Answer: 2. Ileum

Question 41. Enterocrinin acts on

  1. Gall bladder
  2. Intestinal glands
  3. Trypsinogen
  4. Gastric glands

Answer: 2. Intestinal glands

Question 42. Lactase converts lactose into

  1. Glucose + Maltose
  2. Glucose + Fructose
  3. Fructose
  4. Glucose + Galactose

Answer: 4. Glucose + Galactose

Question 43. In the small intestine, the pH value is

  1. 7.0
  2. 8.0
  3. 8.5-9.0
  4. 2.5-4.5

Answer: 2. 8.0

Question 44. The blood capillaries of intestinal villi cannot absorb

  1. Glucose
  2. Salts
  3. Fatty acids and glycerides
  4. Amino acid

Answer: 3. Fatty acids and glycerides

Question 45. Which of the following vegetarian meals will supply all essential amino acids in the correct proportions for synthesizing human proteins?

  1. Spinach and beans
  2. Com and rice
  3. Beans and rice
  4. Peas and beans

Answer: 3. Beans and rice

Question 46. Vitamin-containing cobalt cyanide linkage is

  1. A
  2. B1
  3. B6
  4. B12

Answer: 4. B12

Question 47. The recently discovered vitamin having anticancer properties is

  1. Vitamin B5
  2. Vitamin B15
  3. Vitamin B17
  4. Vitamin Q

Answer: 3. Vitamin B17

Question 48. Tonics made out of the liver are very effective in curing hematopoietic disorders because

  1. They contain proteins
  2. They contain RBCs
  3. They contain bile juice
  4. They contain vitamin B12

Answer: 4. They contain vitamin B12

Question 49. Find the odd one out.

  1. Vitamin K, prothrombin
  2. Zinc, carbonic anhydrase
  3. Vitamin B1, paralysis
  4. Sulfur, phosphatase

Answer: 4. Sulfur, phosphatase

Question 50. People who eat excess of maize in their diet suffer from

  1. Pellagra
  2. Rickets
  3. Beriberi
  4. Pernicious anemia.

Answer: 1. Pellagra

Question 51. Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin

  1. B1
  2. B12
  3. C
  4. D

Answer: 2. B12

Question 52. A man is said to be starving when

  1. The food that he eats does not meet the loss of energy
  2. Food that he eats meets the loss of energy
  3. He begins to store reserve food
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Food that he eats does not meet the loss of energy

Question 53. The black tongue disease in dogs is associated with the deficiency of

  1. Menadione
  2. Niacin
  3. Retinol
  4. Calciferol

Answer: 2. Niacin

Question 54. The maximum number of teeth in a eutherian mammal is

  1. 50, Opossum
  2. 44, Horse
  3. 36, Lemur
  4. 34, Kangaroo

Answer: 1. 50, Opossum

Question 55. Canines are completely absent in

  1. Rabbit
  2. Squirrel
  3. Rat
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 56. Which of the following is present in the saliva of all mammals?

  1. Mucin
  2. Salivary amylase
  3. Diastase
  4. Amylopsin

Answer: 1. Mucin

Question 57. Which of the following statements are incorrect with re¬ gard to deglutition?

  1. The first buccal phase of degradation is voluntary.
  2. Larynx rises.
  3. The epiglottis closes off the trachea.
  4. None of these

Answer: 4. None of these

Question 58. The substances that increase biliary synthesis from the liver for example, bile salts are called

  1. Choleretic
  2. Cholagogues
  3. Chloragogen
  4. Cholecystokinin—Pancreozymin

Answer: 1. Choleretic

Question 59. Which of the following digestive enzymes coagulates blood by hydrolyzing fibrinogen to fibrin? It also helps predatory mammals to digest the blood they drink from their prey

  1. Pepsin
  2. Trypsin
  3. Thrombin
  4. Carboxypeptidase

Answer: 2. Trypsin

Question 60. In sodium-dependent glucose transport, i.e., symport or co-transport,

  1. Na+ is transported passively from the lumen into the gut; glucose is transported against a concentration gradient.
  2. Na+ and glucose both are transported actively into the gut from the lumen.
  3. Na+ and glucose both are transported passively.
  4. Na+ is transported actively and glucose passively

Answer: 1. Na+ and glucose both are transported actively into the gut from the lumen.

Question 61. Which statement is not true regarding the digestive system of frogs?

  1. Oxyntic cells are present in the stomach.
  2. The small intestine is made up of two parts: the duodenum and the ileum.
  3. A large number of true villi are present with ileum.
  4. The function of the rectum is to absorb water.

Answer: 3. A large number of true villi are present with ileum.

Question 62. The vermiform appendix is present in

1. Frog

2. Rabbit

3. Human

  1. (3) only
  2. (2) and (3) only
  3. (1) and (2) only
  4. All three

Answer: 2. (2) and (3) only

Question 63. The infection by a protozoan such as Entamoeba can lead to colitis which is characterized by

  1. Loose motion
  2. Bloody feces
  3. Dehydration
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 64. Which of the following can be taken as provitamins?

  1. Ergosterol
  2. Carotene
  3. Calciferol
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 65. Which of the following can be taken as esoteric vitamins?

  1. Thiamine and phylioquinone
  2. Calciferol and niacin
  3. Phylioquinone and menadione
  4. Retinol and riboflavin

Answer: 3. Phylioquinone and menadione

Question 66. People recovering from long illness are often advised to include the algae Spintlina in their diet because it

  1. Makes the food easy to digest
  2. Is rich in protein and vitamin B12
  3. Has antibiotic properties
  4. Restores the intestinal flora

Answer: 2. Is rich in protein and vitamin B12

Question 67. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

  1. Vitamin C—Scurvy
  2. Vitamin B2—Pellagra
  3. Vitamin B12—Pernicious anemia
  4. Vitamin B6—Beriberi

Answer: 4. Vitamin B6—Beriberi

Question 68. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Avidin, a protein of raw egg white, inhibits intestinal absorption of biotin.
  2. Vitamins A, F, and C are anti-oxidants.
  3. Copper helps in the utilization of iron.
  4. None of these

Answer: 4. None of these

Question 69. Which one is not an enzyme of the digestive system?

  1. Enterokinase
  2. Amylase
  3. Trypsin
  4. Enterogasterone

Answer: 4. Enterogasterone

Question 70. Secretin mainly stimulates the production of

  1. Saliva
  2. Gastrin
  3. Bile
  4. Pancreatic juice

Answer: 4. Pancreatic juice

Question 71. Peyer’s patches produce

  1. Enterokinase
  2. Lymphocyte
  3. Mucous
  4. Trypsin

Answer: 2. Lymphocyte

Question 72. Which teeth are absent in rabbits?

  1. Incisor
  2. Canine
  3. Molar
  4. Premolar

Answer: 2. Canine

Question 73. In mammals, carbohydrates are stored in the form of

  1. Lactic acid in muscles
  2. Glycogen in the liver and muscles
  3. Glucose in the liver and muscles
  4. Glycogen in liver and spleen

Answer: 2. Glycogen in the liver and muscles

Question 74. The cells in the wall of the intestine are stimulated to produce secretin by

  1. Cholecystokinin
  2. Bile juice
  3. Acid in chyme
  4. Gastrin

Answer: 3. Acid in chyme

Question 75. Types of teeth in rabbits are

  1. Thecodont
  2. Acrodont
  3. Pleurodont
  4. Homodont

Answer: 1. Thecodont

Question 76. Bile is formed in

  1. Gall bladder
  2. Liver
  3. Spleen
  4. Blood

Answer: 2. Liver

Question 77. Cholecystokinin is the secretion of

  1. Duodenum that causes contraction of gall bladder
  2. Goblet cells of the ileum the stimulate secretion of succus entericus
  3. Liver and controls secondary sex characters
  4. Stomach that stimulates pancreas to release juice

Answer: 1. Duodenum that causes contraction of gall bladder

Question 78. The enzyme trypsinogen is changed to trypsin by

  1. Gastrin
  2. Enterogastrone
  3. Enterokinase
  4. Secretin

Answer: 3. Enterokinase

Question 79. Castle’s intrinsic factor is connected with the internal absorption of

  1. Pyridoxine
  2. Riboflavin
  3. Thiamine
  4. Cobalamine

Answer: 4. Cobalamine

Question 80. Aminopeptidase, a digestive enzyme, produces

  1. Dipeptides
  2. Smaller peptides
  3. Peptones
  4. Amino acids

Answer: 2. Smaller peptides

Question 81. The highest BMR occurs in

  1. Elephant
  2. Rabbit
  3. Human
  4. Whale

Answer: 2. Rabbit

Question 82. Beri-beri, scurvy, and Rickets are, respectively, caused by the deficiency of

  1. B1, D, and C-shaped
  2. B1, C, and D
  3. D, B1 and A
  4. A, D, and C

Answer: 2. B1, C, and D

Question 83. Which of the following pair is characterized by swollen lips, thick pigmented skin of hands and legs, and irritability

  1. Thiamine—Beriberi
  2. Protein—Kwashiorkor
  3. Nicotinamide—Pellagra
  4. Iodine—Goiter

Answer: 3. Nicotinamide—Pellagra

Question 84. Maximum number of enzymes occur in

  1. Omnivores
  2. Herbivores
  3. Carnivores
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Omnivores

Question 85. Excessive intake of alcohol causes

  1. Jaundice
  2. Dermatitis
  3. Liver cirrhosis
  4. Lung fibrosis

Answer: 3. Liver cirrhosis

Question 86. Inhibition of gastric and stimulation of gastric, pancreatic, and bile secretion are controlled by

  1. Gastrin, secretin, entertaining, and CCK
  2. Enterogasterone, gastrin, pancreozymin, and CCK
  3. Gastrin, enterogasterone, CCK, and pancreozymin
  4. Secretin, enterogasterone, secretin, and entertaining

Answer: 2. Enterogasterone, gastrin, pancreozymin, and CCK

Question 87. Lacteals take part in the

  1. Digestion of milk
  2. Absorption of fat
  3. Digestion of lactic acid
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2. Absorption of fat

Question 88. The muscular contraction of the alimentary canal is

  1. Circulation
  2. Deglutition
  3. Churning
  4. Peristalsis

Answer: 4. Peristalsis

Question 89. Vitamin D is produced in the human body by

  1. Muscles
  2. Nerves
  3. Skin
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Skin

Question 90. Fatty acids and glycerol are first absorbed by

  1. Lymph vessels
  2. Blood
  3. Blood capillaries
  4. Hepatic portal Vein

Answer: 1. Lymph vessels

Question 91. During rest, metabolic requirements are minimal. This is indicated by

  1. Pulse
  2. Breathing
  3. O2 take and CO2 output
  4. All the above

Answer: 4. All the above

Question 92. During prolonged fasting,

  1. First fats are used up, followed by carbohydrates from the liver and muscles, and protein in the end.
  2. First carbohydrates are used up, followed by fats and proteins towards the end.
  3. First lipids, followed by proteins and carbohydrates towards the end.
  4. None of the above.

Answer: 2. First carbohydrates are used up, followed by fats and proteins towards the end.

Question 93. A dental disease is characterized by mottling of teeth due to ingredients in drinking water, namely,

  1. Fluorine
  2. Chlorine
  3. Boron
  4. Mercury

Answer: 1. Fluorine

Question 94. In which animal, does the tongue control the temperature?

  1. Rabbit
  2. Dog
  3. Man
  4. Cow

Answer: 2. Dog

Question 95. The largest gland of the body is

  1. Pancreas
  2. Duodenum
  3. Liver
  4. Thyroid

Answer: 3. Liver

Question 96. Which food substance is absorbed during digestion?

  1. Carbohydrates
  2. Proteins
  3. Vitamins
  4. Fats

Answer: 3. Vitamins

Question 97. Which substance of saliva destroys harmful bacteria?

  1. Cerumen
  2. Chyme
  3. Lysozyme
  4. Secretin

Answer: 3. Lysozyme

Question 98. Contraction in the gall bladder is stimulated by

  1. CCK
  2. PZ
  3. Secretin
  4. Enterogasterone

Answer: 1. CCK

Question 99. The enamel of teeth is secreted by

  1. Ameloblast
  2. Odontoblast
  3. Osteoblast
  4. Osteoclast

Answer: 1. Ameloblast

Question 100. Deficiency of protein leads to

  1. Rickets
  2. Scurvy
  3. Kwashiorker
  4. Carotenemia

Answer: 3. Kwashiorker

Question 101. Lactose is composed of

  1. Glucose + Galactose
  2. Glucose + Fructose
  3. Glucose + Glucose
  4. Glucose + Mannose

Answer: 1. Glucose + Galactose

Question 102. Which vitamin induces maturation of RBC?

  1. B1
  2. A
  3. B12
  4. D

Answer: 3. B12

Question 103. In rabbits, the lower jaw is composed of

  1. Dentry
  2. Maxilla
  3. Premaxilla
  4. Palatine

Answer: 1. Dentry

Question 104. Which of the following stimulates the secretion of gastric juice?

  1. Gastrin
  2. Enterogasterone
  3. Secretin
  4. Hepatocrinin

Answer: 1. Gastrin

Question 105. CCK and secretin are secreted by

  1. Stomach
  2. Ileum
  3. Duodenum
  4. Colon

Answer: 3. Duodenum

Question 106. In the stomach, after physical and chemical digestion, food is called

  1. Chyme
  2. Chyle
  3. Amino acid
  4. Bolus

Answer: 1. Chyme

Question 107. A normal human being requires how many calories per day?

  1. 2500 kcal
  2. 4000 kcal
  3. 5000 kcal
  4. 686 kcal

Answer: 1. 2500 kcal

Question 108. Fully digested food reaches to liver by

  1. Hepatic portal vein
  2. Hepatic artery
  3. Hepatic vein
  4. All of the above

Answer: 1. Hepatic portal vein

Question 109. The dental formula of adolescent human beings before 17 years

  1. \(\frac{2122}{2122}\)
  2. \(\frac{2123}{2123}\)
  3. \(\frac{2102}{2102}\)
  4. \(\frac{2023}{2023}\)

Answer: 1. \(\frac{2122}{2122}\)

Question 110. In mammals, milk is digested by the action of

  1. Rennin
  2. Amylase
  3. Intestinal bacteria
  4. Invertase

Answer: 1. Rennin

Question 111. Which food should be eaten in the deficiency of rhodopsin in the eyes?

  1. Carrot and ripe papaya
  2. Guava and banana
  3. Mango and Potato
  4. None

Answer: 4. None

Question 112. Which one is correctly matched?

  1. Vit. E—Tocopherole
  2. Vit. D—Riboflavin
  3. Vit. B—Calciferole
  4. Vit. A—Thiamine

Answer: 1. Vit. E—Tocopherole

Question 113. The most abundant organic compound on earth is

  1. Protein
  2. Cellulose
  3. Lipids
  4. Steroids

Answer: 2. Cellulose

Question 114. The stool of a person contains a whitish-gray color due to the malfunction of which type of organ?

  1. Pancreas
  2. Spleen
  3. Kidney
  4. Liver

Answer: 4. Liver

Question 115. Fluoride pollution mainly affects

  1. Brain
  2. Heart
  3. Teeth
  4. Kidney

Answer: 3. Teeth

Question 116. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?

  1. Vitamin C —Scurvy
  2. Vitamin B2—Pellagra
  3. Vitamin B2—Pernicious anaemia
  4. Vitamin B6—Beriberi

Answer: 4. Vitamin B6—Beriberi

Question 117. Which one of the following mineral elements plays an important role in biological nitrogen fixation?

  1. Copper
  2. Manganese
  3. Zinc
  4. Molybdenum

Answer: 4. Molybdenum

Question 118. Which hormones induce the secretion of succus entericus?

  1. Insulin
  2. Secretin and cholecystokinin
  3. Glucagon
  4. Secretin

Answer: 4. Secretin

Question 119. If the dental formula of rabbit is \(\frac{2033}{1023}\) what does it show?

  1. The total number of teeth in rabbits is 15.
  2. Number of total incisors in rabbit is 3.
  3. Diastema is present between incisors and premolars.
  4. In the formula, 2033 is for adults and 1023 is for young ones.

Answer: 3. Diastema is present between incisors and premolars.

Question 120. Which of the following is a disaccharide?

  1. Glucose
  2. Fructose
  3. Sucrose
  4. Galactose

Answer: 3. Sucrose

Question 121. Which is correct about the bile?

  1. It is synthesized by the gall bladder and also stored there.
  2. It is an enzyme that emulsifies the fats.
  3. It contains bile salts and bile pigments.
  4. Bilirubin is present in its decomposition fats.

Answer: 3. It contains bile salts and bile pigments.

Question 122. If all the peptide bonds of the protein are broken, then the remaining part is

  1. Amide
  2. Oligosaccharide
  3. Polypeptide
  4. Amino acid

Answer: 4. Amino acid

Question 123. The hydrolysis of lipid yields

  1. Fats
  2. Fatty acids and glycerol
  3. Mannose and glycerol
  4. Maltose and fatty acid

Answer: 2. Fatty acids and glycerol

Question 124. Which of the following vessels in rabbits starts with capil¬ laries and ends in capillaries?

  1. Pulmonary artery
  2. Renal vein
  3. Hepatic portal vein
  4. Renal artery

Answer: 3. Hepatic portal vein

Question 125. Glucose and galactose unite to form

  1. Maltose
  2. Sucrose
  3. Isomaltose
  4. Lactose

Answer: 4. Lactose

Question 126. The dental formula in an adult man is

  1. \(\frac{2123}{2123}\)
  2. \(\frac{2123}{2124}\)
  3. \(\frac{2122}{2122}\)
  4. \(\frac{2132}{2132}\)

Answer: 1. \(\frac{2123}{2123}\)

Question 127. Vitamin C is

  1. Ascorbic acid
  2. Citric acid
  3. Phosphoric acid
  4. Glutamic acid

Answer: 1. Ascorbic acid

Question 128. Injury to the vagus nerve in humans is not likely to affect

  1. Gastrointestinal movement
  2. Pancreatic secretion
  3. Cardiac movements
  4. Tongue movements

Answer: 4. Tongue movements

Question 129. Which one of the following is the correct matching of a vitamin, its nature, and its deficiency disease?

  1. Vitamin K—Fat-soluble—Beriberi
  2. Vitamin A—Fat-soluble—Beriberi
  3. Vitamin K—Water-soluble—Pellagra
  4. Vitamin A—Fat-soluble—Night blindness

Answer: 4. Vitamin A—Fat-soluble—Night blindness

Question 130. Brunner’s glands are found in which of the following lay¬ ers?

  1. Submucosa of stomach
  2. Mucosa of ileum
  3. Submucosa of duodenum
  4. Mucosa of oesophagus

Answer: 3. Submucosa of duodenum

Question 131. The chief function of bile is to

  1. Digest fat by enzymatic action
  2. Emulsify fats for digestion
  3. Eliminate waste products
  4. Regulate digestion of proteins

Answer: 2. Emulsify fats for digestion

Question 132. Toxic substances are detoxicated in the human body by:

  1. Lungs
  2. Kidney
  3. Liver
  4. Stomach

Answer: 3. Liver

Question 133. Crypts ofLeiberkuhn are found in between the villi. They secrete

  1. Glucagon
  2. Succus entericus
  3. Insulin
  4. None

Answer: 2. Succus entericus

Question 134. The function of HCl in the stomach is to

  1. Kill microorganisms of food
  2. Facilitate absorption of food
  3. Dissolve enzymes
  4. Activate pepsinogen to pepsin

Answer: 4. Activate pepsinogen to pepsin

Question 135. Parotid salivaiy glands are present

  1. Below the tongue
  2. Below the external auditory canal
  3. Below the eye orbit
  4. In the angle between two jaws

Answer: 2. Below the external auditory canal

Question 136. The end product of carbohydrate metabolism is

  1. CO2 and H2O
  2. NH3 and CO,
  3. NH3 and H2O
  4. CO2

Answer: 1. CO2 and H2O

Question 137. In rabbits, the digestion of cellulose takes place in

  1. Colon
  2. Ileum
  3. Caecum
  4. Rectum

Answer: 1. Colon

Question 138. The muscular contraction in the alimentary canal is known as

  1. Systole.
  2. Diastole
  3. Peristalsis.
  4. Metachronal

Answer: 3. Peristalsis.

Question 139. How many teeth in a man grows twice in life?

  1. 32
  2. 28
  3. 20
  4. 12

Answer: 3. 20

Question 140. The end products of protein hydrolysis are

  1. Mixture of amino acids
  2. Sugars
  3. Peptides
  4. 25 amino acids

Answer: 3. Peptides

Question 141. Ptyalin is an enzyme of

  1. Salivary juice
  2. Pancreatic juice
  3. Intestinal juice
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Salivary juice

Question 142. The hormone “secretin” stimulates the secretion of

  1. Pancreatic juice
  2. Bile juice
  3. Salivary juice
  4. Gastric juice

Answer: 1. Pancreatic juice

Question 143. Brunner’s glands are present in

  1. Ileum
  2. Duodenum
  3. Stomach
  4. Oesophagus

Answer: 2. Duodenum

Question 144. Which one of the following is a fat-soluble vitamin and its related deficiency disease?

  1. Ascorbic acid—Scurvy
  2. Retinol—Xerophthalmia
  3. Cobalamine—Beriberi
  4. Calciferol—Pellagra

Answer: 2. Retinol—Xerophthalmia

Question 145. Chymotrypsinogen is produced by

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Stomach
  4. Duodenum

Answer: 2. Pancreas

Question 146. Scurvy is caused due to a deficiency of vitamin

  1. B complex
  2. C
  3. K
  4. D

Answer: 2. C

Question 147. Among the types of human teeth, which help in cutting?

  1. Canine
  2. Incisor
  3. Molar
  4. Premolar

Answer: 3. Molar

Question 148. HCl is secreted by which of the following cells of the stomach?

  1. Chief cells
  2. Parietal cells (oxyntic cells)
  3. Peptic cells
  4. Goblet cells

Answer: 2. Parietal cell (oxyntic cells)

Question 149. Fatty liver syndrome is due to excessive intake of

  1. Morphine
  2. Alcohol
  3. Tobacco
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 2. Alcohol

Question 150. Glisson’s capsules are present in

  1. Liver
  2. Kidney
  3. Lung
  4. Stomach

Answer: 1. Liver

Question 151. The pulp cavity of teeth is lined by

  1. Odontoblast
  2. Chondroblast
  3. Osteoblast
  4. Amyloblast

Answer: 4. Amyloblast

Question 152. Secretion of gastric juice is controlled by

  1. Gastrin
  2. Cholecystokinin
  3. Enterogastrin
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Gastrin

Question 153. The enzyme present in saliva is

  1. Maltase
  2. Ptyalin
  3. Sucrase
  4. Invertase

Answer: 2. Ptyalin

Question 154. Which of the following metals is present in vitamin B12

  1. Cobalt
  2. Copper
  3. Zinc
  4. Magnesium

Answer: 1. Cobalt

Question 155. Kupffer cells are present in

  1. Liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Small intestine
  4. Large intestine

Answer: 1. Liver

Question 156. The teeth of rabbits are

  1. Thecodont
  2. Diphyodont
  3. Heterodont
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 157. Crypts ofLieberkuhn are present in

  1. Intestine
  2. Stomach
  3. Oesophagus
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Intestine

Question 158. Succus entericus is also called

  1. Gastric juice
  2. Intestine juice
  3. Bile juice
  4. Saliva

Answer: 2. Intestine juice

Question 159. The dental formula of rabbits is

  1. \(\frac{2033}{1023}\)
  2. \(\frac{2133}{1023}\)
  3. \(\frac{2023}{1023}\)
  4. \(\frac{1303}{1203}\)

Answer: 1. \(\frac{2033}{1023}\)

Question 160. Deamination occurs in

  1. Kidney
  2. Liver
  3. Nephron
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 161. Digestion of protein is completed in

  1. Stomach
  2. Duodenum
  3. Ileum
  4. Duodenum and ileumDuodenum

Answer: 4. Duodenum and ileumDuodenum

Question 162. Entcrogastcrone is

  1. Hormones secreted by mucosa
  2. Enzymes secreted by mucosa
  3. Hormone secreted by duodenal mucosa
  4. Secreted by endocrine gland related to digestion

Answer: 3. Hormone secreted by duodenal mucosa

Question 163. A part of bile juice useful in digestion is

  1. Bile salt
  2. Bile pigment
  3. Bile matrix
  4. All of them

Answer: 4. All of them

Question 164. Bile secretion is proportional to the concentration of

  1. Protein
  2. Fat
  3. Carbohydrate
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Fat

Question 165. Secretion of pancreatic juice is stimulated by

  1. Gastrin
  2. Secretion
  3. Enterogastrone
  4. Enterokinase

Answer: 2. Secretion

Question 166. Just as hydrochloric acid is for pepsinogen, so is

  1. Hemoglobin oxygen
  2. Enterokinase to trypsinogen
  3. Bile juice to fat
  4. Glucagon to glycogen

Answer: 2. Enterokinase to trypsinogen

Question 167. What is the function of goblet cells?

  1. Production of enzyme
  2. Production of mucin
  3. Production of hormone
  4. Production of HCl

Answer: 2. Production of mucin

Question 168. Where lysozymes are found?

  1. In saliva and tears both
  2. In tears
  3. In saliva
  4. In mitochondria

Answer: 1. In saliva and tears both

Question 169. The hormone which lowers the secretion of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice is

  1. Secretin
  2. Enterogastrone
  3. Enterokinin
  4. Gastrin

Answer: 2. Enterogastrone

Question 170. Which of the following is different from others?

  1. Gastrin
  2. Ptyalin
  3. Glucagon
  4. Secretin

Answer: 2. Ptyalin

Question 171. Trypsin differs from pepsin because it digests.

  1. Carbohydrates in the alkaline medium in the stomach
  2. Protein in the alkaline medium in the stomach
  3. Protein in an acidic medium of the stomach
  4. Protin in alkaline medium in duodenum

Answer: 4. Protin in alkaline medium in duodenum

Question 172. Pancreatic juice is

  1. Alkaline in nature
  2. Acidic in nature
  3. Enzymatic in nature
  4. Both acidic and alkaline in nature

Answer: 1. Alkaline in nature

Question 173. The scurvy disease is due to the

  1. Presence of h-factor in blood
  2. Deficiency of vitamin E
  3. Virus
  4. Deficiency of vitamin C

Answer: 4. Deficiency of vitamin C

Question 174. The chemical name of vitamin D is

  1. Riboflavin
  2. Ascorbic acid
  3. Niacin
  4. Calciferol

Answer: 4. Calciferol

Question 175. From which of the following, pepsin is secreted?

  1. Lungs
  2. Stomach
  3. Salivary gland
  4. Sebaceous gland

Answer: 2. Stomach

Question 176. Crypts of Licbcrkuhn are involved in

  1. Secretion of succus entericus
  2. Secretion of renin
  3. Secretion of ptyalin
  4. Digestion of food

Answer: 1. Secretion of succus entericus

Question 177. Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the animal body by bacteria?

  1. B1
  2. A
  3. E
  4. B12

Answer: 1. B1

Question 178. Vitamin C is mainly helpful in

  1. Growth of bones
  2. Formation of connective tissue
  3. Treatment of anemia
  4. Formation of visual pigment

Answer: 2. Formation of connective tissue

Question 179. A person addicted to alcohol gets his liver destroyed because?

  1. The liver stores the excess protein
  2. The liver stores excess fat
  3. The liver stores excess starch
  4. The liver stores excess glycogen

Answer: 2. The liver stores excess of fat

Question 180. Bilirubin and biliverdin are present in

  1. Pancreatic juice
  2. Saliva
  3. Bile juice
  4. Intestinal juice

Answer: 3. Bile juice

Question 181. Brunner’s glands are found in

  1. Submucosa of stomach
  2. Submucosa of duodenum
  3. Mucosa of oesophagus
  4. Mucosa of ileum

Answer: 4. Mucosa of ileum

Question 182. Which of the following does not belong to the vitamin B group?

  1. Riboflavin
  2. Nicotine
  3. Cyanocobalamin
  4. Tocopherol

Answer: 4. Tocopherol

Question 183. Deficiency of which vitamin causes night blindness?

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin B
  3. Vitamin A
  4. Vitamin D

Answer: 3. Vitamin A

Question 184. Certain B vitamins are

  1. Enzymes
  2. Co-enzymes
  3. Hormone
  4. Digestive substance

Answer: 2. Co-enzymes

Question 185. Deficiency of thiamine causes

  1. Bcri-beri
  2. Rickets
  3. Caries
  4. Pellagera

Answer: 1. Bcri-beri

Question 186. Anti-sterility vitamin is

  1. Vitamin B12
  2. Vitamin D
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Vitamin A

Answer: 3. Vitamin E

Question 187. The longitudinal muscular folds of the inner wall of stomach are called

  1. Papilla of Vater
  2. Rugae
  3. Villi
  4. Fissure

Answer: 2. Rugae

Question 188. Cells of the liver that act as phagocytes are

  1. Dieter’s cells
  2. Kupffer’s cells
  3. Hensen cells
  4. Aciner cells

Answer: 2. Kupffer’s cells

Question 189.The crypts of Lieberkuhn secret

  1. Gastrin
  2. Rennin
  3. Cholecystokinin
  4. Succus entries

Answer: 4. Succus entries

Question 190. The amount of gastric juice secreted per day from a man’s stomach is about

  1. 500-1000 mL
  2. 2000-3000 mL
  3. 100-500 mL
  4. 10-15 mL

Answer: 1. 500-1000 mL

Question 191. In adults the deficiency of vitamin D causes

  1. Rickets
  2. Beriberi
  3. Scurvy
  4. Osteomalacia

Answer: 4. Osteomalacia

Question 192. The function of enterogasterone hormone is to

  1. Control excretion
  2. Inhibit gastric juice secretion
  3. Regulate the absorption of food
  4. Stimulate gastric glands to release gastric juice

Answer: 2. Inhibit gastric juice secretion

Question 193. Which of the following inhibits the secretion of gastric juice?

  1. Enterogasterone
  2. Gastrin
  3. CCK
  4. PZ

Answer: 1. Enterogasterone

Question 194. Pepsinogen is secreted from

  1. Argentaffin cells
  2. Goblets cells
  3. Chief cells
  4. Parietal cells

Answer: 3. Chief cells

Question 195. Cells of the pancreas are not digested by their own enzymes because

  1. Enzymes are secreted in inactive form
  2. Cells are lined by mucous membrane
  3. Enzymes are released only when needed
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Enzymes are secreted in inactive form

Question 196. Carrier ions such as Na+ facilitate the absorption of substances such as

  1. Amino acids and glucose
  2. Glucose and fatty acids
  3. Fatty acids and glycerol
  4. Fructose and some amino acids

Answer: 4. Fructose and some amino acids

Question 197. If for some reason our goblet cells become non-functional, this will adversely affect

  1. Production of somatostatin
  2. Secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands
  3. Maturation of sperms
  4. Smooth movement of food down the intestine

Answer: 1. Production of somatostatin

Question 198.The consumption of which one of the following foods can prevent the kind of blindness associated with vitamin A deficiency?

  1. CanolIa
  2. Golden rice
  3. Bt-Brinjal
  4. Flavor Savr tomato

Answer: 2. Golden rice

Question 199. Cirrhosis of the liver is caused by the chronic intake of

  1. Alcohol
  2. Tobacco (chewing)
  3. Cocaine
  4. Opium

Answer: 1. Alcohol

Question 200. Anxiety and eating spicy food together in an otherwise normal human may lead to

  1. Jaundice
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Vomiting
  4. Indigestion

Answer: 4. Indigestion

Question 201. Where do certain symbiotic microorganisms normally occur in the human body?

  1. Cecum
  2. Oral lining and tongue surface
  3. Vermiform appendix and rectum
  4. Duodenum

Answer: 1. Cecum

Question 202. Select the correct match of the digested products in humans given in column 1 with their absorption site and mechanism in column 2.

NEET Biology Digestion And Absorption Match The Column A And B

Answer: 4. Glycine, glucose- Small intestine,active absorption

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