NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Excretory Products And Their Elimination

Excretory Products And Their Elimination Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. The animals which do not actively control the osmotic condition of their body fluids are

  1. Osmoconformers
  2. Osmoregulatory
  3. Hyperosmotic
  4. Hypertonic

Answer: 1. Osmoconformers

Question 2. Which of the following can be termed as osmocon formers?

  1. All marine invertebrates
  2. Hagfish
  3. All freshwater invertebrates
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 4. Both 1 and 2

Question 3. A freshwater fish maintains osmoregulation by

  1. Continuously taking in water and eliminating excess salts
  2. Eliminating excess of water and taking up salts from the environment
  3. Taking both water and salt from the environment
  4. Eliminating both salt and water into the environment

Answer: 2. Eliminating excess of water and taking up salts from the environment

Question 4. Which of the following means is used by freshwater organisms to prevent net gain of water or net loss of body salts?

  1. Contractile vacuole
  2. The large volume of dilute urine
  3. Ionocytes
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 5. Marine bony fish have body fluids hypotonic to seawater and tend to lose water from the body through

1. Gill membrane

2. Oral membrane

3. Anal membrane

  1. 1 only
  2. 1,2, and 3
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 2 and 3 only

Answer: 2. 1,2, and 3

Question 6. Divalent cations are generally eliminated in marine fish through

  1. Gill membrane
  2. Anal membrane
  3. Fecal matter
  4. Oral membrane

Answer: 3. Fecal matter

Question 7. The body fluids of sharks and coelacanths can be termed as

  1. Hyperosmotic and hypoionic to seawater
  2. Hypo-osmotic and hypoionic to seawater
  3. Hyperosmotic and hyperionic to seawater
  4. Hypo-osmotic and hyperionic to seawater

Answer: 1. Hyperosmotic and hypoionic to seawater

Question 8. Consider the following water conservation mechanisms:

1. Nasal countercurrent mechanism

2. Dependence on metabolic water

3. Highly hypertonic urine

4. Living more on a protein-rich diet

A kangaroo rat living in a desert can survive without drinking water because of

  1. 1, 2, and 3
  2. 1, 2, and 4
  3. 2, 3, and 4
  4. 1, 3, and 4 only

Answer: 1. 1, 2, and 3

Question 9. Select the true statement.

  1. In fish, the kidney plays a major role in ammonia excretion.
  2. Ammonia is 100,000 times less toxic than urea.
  3. Sharks retain a large amount of urea in the blood as a major osmolyte to balance the osmolarity of the body fluids.
  4. Most terrestrial reptiles excrete ammonia.

Answer: 3. Sharks retain a large amount of urea in the blood as a major osmolyte to balance the osmolarity of the body fluids.

Question 10. One of the following can retain a large amount of urea in the blood and tissue fluid.

  1. Mammals including man
  2. Toad, frog, prawn
  3. Sharks, electric ray, sting ray
  4. Alligators, terrapins, turtles

Answer: 3. Sharks, electric ray, sting ray

Question 11. Deamination is the first step in urea formation. It means

  1. Reduction of ammonia
  2. Oxidation of ammonia
  3. Addition of amino group to a non-amino organic molecule
  4. Removal of an amino group from an amino acid

Answer: 4. Removal of an amino group from an amino acid

Question 12. Removal of metabolic waste in the form of urea is called

  1. Ammoniotelism
  2. Ureotelism
  3. Uricotelism
  4. Aminotelism

Answer: 2. Ureotelism

Question 13. Uric acid is produced by the breakdown of

  1. Proteins
  2. Amino acids
  3. Nucleic acids
  4. Starch

Answer: 3. Nucleic acids

Question 14. Guano, the fecal matter of birds contains

  1. Insoluble crystals of uric acid
  2. Insoluble crystals of urates
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Urea

Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2

Question 15. Flame cells (solenocytes) are excretory structures of

  1. Annelida
  2. Arthropoda
  3. Flatworms
  4. Crustaceans (prawn)

Answer: 3. Flatworms

Question 16. Antennary or green glands which are excretory and osmoregulatory organs of crustaceans consist of

  1. End sac
  2. Renal sac
  3. Antenna
  4. Lateral and transverse ducts

Answer: 1. End sac

Question 17. The kidneys not only remove the waste products from the blood but also play a very important role in maintaining

  1. Equilibrium of the body
  2. Temperature of the body
  3. Constant composition of the blood irrespective of the nature of the food or fluid intake
  4. Blood pressure constant

Answer: 3. Constant composition of the blood irrespective of the nature of the food or fluid intake

Question 18. The outer cortex of the kidney in a TS appears granular or dotted because of

  1. Granular cytoplasm
  2. The presence of a loop of Henle
  3. The presence of collecting ducts
  4. Much convoluted uriniferous tubules and Malpighian corpuscles in this region

Answer: 4. Much convoluted uriniferous tubules and Malpighian corpuscles in this region

Question 19. The concavity on the medial side of the kidney is known as

  1. Renal pelvis
  2. Hilum
  3. Calyces
  4. Pyramid

Answer: 2. Hilum

Question 20. Podocytes are associated with

  1. PCT part of the nephron
  2. Glomerulus
  3. Bowman’s capsule
  4. Loop of Henle

Answer: 3. Bowman’s capsule

Question 21. The smallest functional unit of the kidney is

  1. Nephron
  2. Collecting tubule
  3. Glomerulus
  4. Bowman’s capsule

Answer: 1. Nephron

Question 22. Henle’s loops are found in those animals that excrete hypertonic urine. One of the following does not have Henle’s loop.

  1. Birds
  2. Mammals
  3. Frogs
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Frogs

Question 23. The thin segment of the descending limb of Loop of Henle is lined by

  1. Columnar cells
  2. Flat cells
  3. Cuboidal cells
  4. Pyramidal cells with characteristic brush border

Answer: 2. Flat cells

Question 24. Collecting tubes or ducts combine to form

  1. Duct of Bellini
  2. Bidder’s canal
  3. Columns of Bertin
  4. Ureter

Answer: 1. Duct of Bellini

Question 25. Brush border surface can be taken as the characteristic feature of

  1. PCT
  2. Bowman’s capsule
  3. Loop of Henle
  4. OCT

Answer: 1. PCT

Question 26. The first, and fourth portion of the descending limb is lined by

  1. Simple squamous epithelium
  2. Stratified squamous epithelium
  3. Cuboidal epithelium
  4. Columnar epithelium

Answer: 3. Cuboidal epithelium

Question 27. Which of the following statements is not true w.r.t. nephron?

  1. Cortical nephrons are more common.
  2. Cortical nephrons lack vasa recta.
  3. In juxtamedullary nephrons, the blood first passes through the vasa recta and then through the
    capillaries of glomerulus
  4. The glomeruli of juxtamedullary nephrons are placed close to the inner margin of the cortex.

Answer: 3. In juxtamedullary nephrons, the blood first passes through the vasa recta and then through the capillaries of the glomerulus

Question 28. Which of the following defines the net filtration pressure (NFP)?

  1. BCOP – (GHP + CHP)
  2. GHP-(BCOP + CHP)
  3. (BCOP + GHP) – CHP
  4. (GHP – CHP) + BCOP

Answer: 2. GHP-(BCOP + CHP)

Question 29. Which of the following is correct?

  1. The afferent arteriole is narrower than the efferent arteriole.
  2. An efferent venule is narrower than a vein.
  3. An efferent arteriole is narrower than an afferent arteriole.
  4. Both afferent and efferent arterioles are of the same diameter.

Answer: 3. An efferent arteriole is narrower than an afferent arteriole.

Question 30. The glomerular filtration rate is

  1. 125mL/min
  2. 180 L/day
  3. 1300 mL/min
  4. Both 1 and 2

Answer: 4. Both 1 and 2

Question 31. If the GFR is 125 mL/min and the renal plasma flow is 700 mL/min, the filtration fraction is

  1. About 6%
  2. About 18%
  3. About 12%
  4. About 24%

Answer: 2. About 18%

Question 32. Which of the following mechanisms will operate mainly to check variation in flow to the glomerulus in case of fluctuation in blood pressure?

  1. Counter current mechanism
  2. Myogenic mechanism
  3. Adam’s stroke condition
  4. Neurogenic mechanism

Answer: 2. Myogenic mechanism

Question 33. One of the following is impermeable to water

  1. PCT
  2. DCT
  3. Descending limb of Henle’s loop
  4. Ascending limb of Henle’s loop

Answer: 4. Ascending limb of Henle’s loop

Question 34. Active reabsorption of Na+, K+ takes place in

  1. DCT
  2. PCT
  3. Ascending limb of Henle’s loop
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 35. Tubular secretion helps to maintain a proper acid-base balance by removing one of the following from the blood

  1. H+ions and ammonia
  2. Uric acid
  3. H+ ions and urea
  4. Ammonia and creatinine

Answer: 1. H+ions and ammonia

Question 36. The concentration of sodium and chloride ions is the lowest

  1. Near the cortex
  2. Deep in medulla
  3. In the interstitial fluid
  4. In the middle of Henle’s loop

Answer: 1. Near the cortex

Question 37. Which statement is wrong?

  1. The counter-current mechanism changes the isotonic glomerular filtrate into hypertonic urine by
    increasing salt concentration around the nephron and collecting the tubule.
  2. The wall of the collecting tubule is permeable to water whereas the ascending limb is impermeable to water.
  3. The absorption of water in DCT is facultative.
  4. As the filtrate passes through the ascending limb, sodium is transported passively in an ascending thick segment.

Answer: 4. As the filtrate passes through the ascending limb, sodium is transported passively in the ascending thick segment.

Question 38. Which one of the following is produced in the kidneys?

  1. Rennm
  2. Renin
  3. Unease
  4. Arginase

Answer: 2. Renin

Question 39. Angiotensin-2 increases the blood volume by

  1. Signaling PCT to reabsorb more NaCl and water
  2. Stimulating the adrenal gland to release aldosterone
  3. By stimulating the release of ADH
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 40. Reabsorption of Na+ is controlled by

  1. Vasopressin or ADH
  2. Aldosterone
  3. Renin
  4. Rennin

Answer: 2. Aldosterone

Question 41.When the volume of body fluid falls below normal, ADH

  1. Decreases permeability of distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule
  2. Increases permeability of distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule
  3. Has nothing to do with the permeability of convoluted tubule
  4. Decreases permeability of proximal convoluted tubule

Answer: 2. Increases permeability of distal convoluted tubule and collecting tubule

Question 42. The reabsorption of water in the kidneys is under the control of a hormone

  1. STH
  2. ACTH
  3. LH
  4. ADH

Answer: 4. ADH

Question 43. The yellow color of urine is due to

  1. Uric acid
  2. Urea
  3. Urochrome
  4. Melanin

Answer: 3. Urochrome

Question 44. Vitamin excreted by urine in higher vertebrates is

  1. A
  2. D
  3. K
  4. C

Answer: 4. K

Question 45. Hematuria is a disorder involving

  1. Loss of blood through the urine
  2. Loss of hemoglobin in RBC
  3. Loss of glucose in the urine
  4. Increase in the concentration of blood urea

Answer: 1. Loss of blood through the urine

Question 46. The retroperitoneal kidney is

  1. Kidney of fish
  2. Kidney covered by peritoneum on ventral side
  3. Kidney covered by peritoneum on the dorsal side
  4. Kidney uncovered by peritoneum on dorsal side.

Answer: 4. Kidney uncovered by peritoneum on the dorsal side.

Question 47. The difference between glomerular filtrate and plasma is of

  1. Proteins
  2. Potassium
  3. The first is white whereas the latter is yellow
  4. The first is yellow whereas the latter is white

Answer: 1. Proteins

Question 48. A condition of failure of the kidney to form urine is called

  1. Diuresis
  2. Hematuria
  3. Anuria
  4. Ketonuria

Answer: 3. Anuria

Question 49. Diuresis is a condition in which

  1. The excretory volume of urine increases
  2. The excretory volume of urine decreases
  3. The kidney fails to excrete urine
  4. The water balance of the body is disturbed

Answer: 1. The excretory volume of urine increases

Question 50. The presence of RBC in urine is called

  1. Anuria
  2. Hematuria
  3. Glycosuria
  4. Ketonuria

Answer: 2. Hematuria

Question 51. Ornithine cycle is related to

  1. Respiration
  2. Excretion
  3. Digestion
  4. Nutrition

Answer: 2. Excretion

Question 52. The volume of urine is regulated by

  1. Aldosterone
  2. Aldosterone and ADH
  3. Aldosterone, ADH and testosterone
  4. ADH

Answer: 2. Aldosterone and ADH

Question 53. Reabsorption of glucose from glomerular filtrate occurs in

  1. Collecting tube
  2. Loop of Henle
  3. Proximal convoluted tubule
  4. Distal convoluted tubule

Answer: 3. Proximal convoluted tubule

Question 54. Patients with diabetes have glucose in their urine because

  1. Glucose is not absorbed from GF
  2. Glucose is absorbed from GF
  3. Glandular cells secreted glucose in GF
  4. The concentration of glucose is higher in GF as compared to its normal amount

Answer: 4. The Concentration of glucose is higher in GF as compared to its normal amount

Question 55. The number of pyramids in the kidney of a man is

  1. 4
  2. 6
  3. 8
  4. 12

Answer: 4. 12

Question 56. Na+ and Cl both are removed by

  1. Ascending limb of Henle’s loop
  2. Proximal convoluted tubule
  3. Both 1 and 2
  4. Descending limb of Henle’s loop

Answer: 3. Both 1 and 2

Question 57. Excretion involves a process in which

  1. Harmful substances are stored in cells before being eliminated
  2. Urine is forced out from the urinary bladder and sweat from the skin
  3. Harmful substances in the body are chemically changed
  4. Substances of no further use or those present in excessive quantities are thrown out of the body

Answer: 4. Substances of no further use or those present in excessive quantities are thrown out of the body

Question 58. Which of the following sets of animals produce the same substance as their chief excretory product?

  1. Camel, housefly, and snake
  2. Fish, pigeon, and frog
  3. Amoeba, ant, and antelope
  4. Frog, monkey, and dog

Answer: 4. Frog, monkey, and dog

Question 59. Column of Bcrtini is found in

  1. Liver
  2. Kidney
  3. Ovaries
  4. Testes

Answer: 2. Kidney

Question 60. Which feature enables the mammalian kidney to concentrate urine in the medullary region?

  1. Rapid removal of sodium ions from medullary tissues.
  2. Maintaining a high osmotic pressure in the tissues between the tubules.
  3. High oxidative metabolism of medullary cells.
  4. Rapid flow of blood through the medulla.

Answer: 2. Maintaining a high osmotic pressure in the tissues between the tubules.

Question 61. In the kidney of the rabbit, the loop of Henle is the part of

  1. Collecting duct
  2. Glomerulus
  3. Uriniferous tubule
  4. Bowman’s capsule

Answer: 3. Uriniferous tubule

Question 62. In the kidney, the foundation of urine involves the following processes arranged as

  1. Reabsorption, filtration, and secretion
  2. Glomerular filtration, selective reabsorption, and tubular secretion
  3. Filtration, secretion, and reabsorption
  4. Secretion, absorption, and filtration

Answer: 2. Glomerular filtration, selective reabsorption, and tubular secretion

Question 63. A severe fall in blood pressure disturbs the function of the kidneys and reduces

  1. Reabsorption of useful substances
  2. Glomerular filtration
  3. Secretion of nitrogenous waste
  4. Renal filtration

Answer: 2. Glomerular filtration

Question 64. In a glomerulus,

  1. Afferent capillaries are thicker than efferent capillaries
  2. Afferent arteriole is thicker than efferent arteriole
  3. Afferent arteriole is thinner than efferent arteriole
  4. Afferent capillaries are thinner than efferent capillaries

Answer: 2. Afferent arteriole is thicker than efferent arteriole

Question 65. High blood pressure is maintained in glomeruli than in other capillaries because

  1. The variability of the diameters of arterioles causes higher resistance to blood flowing out of the glomeruli than that flowing out of the capillaries
  2. Glomerulus has lower hydrostatic pressure than capillary
  3. Capillary has a lesser diameter than glomerulus
  4. All the above

Answer: 1. The variability of the diameters of arterioles causes higher resistance to blood flowing out of the glomeruli than that flowing out of the capillaries

Question 66. Ultrafiltration occurs in a glomerulus when

  1. Osmotic pressure exceeds hydrostatic pressure
  2. Hydrostatic pressure exceeds osmotic pressure
  3. Colloidal osmotic pressure plus capsular pressure remains less than glomerular hydrostatic pressure
  4. Capsular hydrostatic pressure exceeds glomerular hydrostatic pressure

Answer: 3. Colloidal osmotic pressure plus capsular pressure remain less than glomerular hydrostatic pressure

Question 67. Workers in deep mines usually suffer from dehydration because

  1. Water is lost due to defecation
  2. Water is lost due to evaporation
  3. Water is lost along with salts in the form of sweat
  4. Water is lost in the form of urine

Answer: 3. Water is lost along with salts in the form of sweat

Question 68. Aquatic animals are mostly ammonotclic because the Excretion of ammonia requires large amounts of water

  1.  Excretion of ammonia requires a large amount of water which is available to these animals
  2. Ammonia helps in checking the inflow of water into the body
  3. They get less light
  4. Water contains less nitrogen

Answer: 1. Excretion of ammonia requires a large amount of water which is available to these animals

Question 69. Aldosterone stimulates the reabsorption of

  1. Keto acids
  2. Glucose
  3. K+ ions
  4. Na+ ions

Answer: 4. Na+ ions

Question 70. The glomerular filtration rate would be decreased by

  1. An increase in the renal blood flow
  2. Compression of the renal capsule
  3. An increase in the afferent arteriolar pressure
  4. Constriction of the efferent arteriole

Answer: 2. Compression of the renal capsule

Question 71. In which part of the excretory system of mammals can you first use the term “urine” for contained fluid?

  1. Urinary bladder
  2. Collecting tubule
  3. Bowman’s capsule
  4. Loop of Henle

Answer: 2. Collecting tubule

Question 72. In public urinals, the urine on standing gives a pungent smell due to

  1. Conversion of uric acid into ammonia by ornithine cycle
  2. Conversion of both urea and uric acid into ammonia
  3. Conversion of urea into ammonia by bacteria
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Conversion of urea into ammonia by bacteria

Question 73. A person who is starving, that is, not having food, water, and beverages, will have

  1. Less urea in his urine
  2. Less fat in his urine
  3. More glucose in his blood
  4. More urea in his blood

Answer: 1. Less urea in his urine

Question 74. What is the “renal threshold”?

  1. The highest concentration of substances up to which it is totally reabsorbed from glomerular filtrate.
  2. At which all the substances are reabsorbed.
  3. At which the filtration of a substance starts.
  4. At which no substance is filtered in the glomerulus.

Answer: 1. The highest concentration of substances up to which it is totally reabsorbed from glomerular filtrate.

Question 75.The glomerular filtrate contains

  1. Blood minus cells
  2. Blood minus cells and proteins
  3. Plasma minus cells and proteins
  4. Blood minus proteins

Answer: 2. Blood minus cells and proteins

Question 76. Which of the following terms refers to painful urination?

  1. Enuresis
  2. Dysuria
  3. Anuria
  4. Ketosis

Answer: 2. Dysuria

Question 77. In diabetes mellitus, the patient drinks more water as there is urinary loss of

  1. Protein
  2. Salt
  3. Insulin
  4. Glucose

Answer: 4. Glucose

Question 78. A patient who excretes a large quantity of sodium in urine has

  1. Diseased adrenal cortex
  2. Diseased adrenal medulla
  3. Diseased parathyroid
  4. Diseased thymus

Answer: 1. Diseased adrenal cortex

Question 79. A kidney stone is

  1. Deposition of sand in kidney
  2. Blockage by fats
  3. Blockage by proteins
  4. A salt such as oxalate crystallizes in the pelvis

Answer: 4. A salt such as oxalate crystallized in the pelvis

Question 80. Glycosuria is the term used for

  1. Loss of glucose in the urine
  2. Loss of blood in the urine
  3. Loss of salts in the urine
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Loss of glucose in the urine

Question 81. Part not belonging to the uriniferous tubule is

  1. Glomerulus
  2. Henle’s
  3. Distal convoluted tubule
  4. Collecting duct

Answer: 4. Collecting duct

Question 82. Which pair is correct?

  1. Sweat—Temperature regulation
  2. Saliva—Sense of food taste
  3. Sebum—Sexual attraction
  4. Humerus—Hind leg

Answer: 1. Sweat—Temperature regulation

Question 83. Malpighian corpuscles are present in

  1. Cortex
  2. Medulla
  3. Germinal cells
  4. None of them

Answer: 1. Cortex

Question 84. In rabbits and humans, the kidney is

  1. Metanephric
  2. Mesonephric
  3. Pronephric
  4. Opisthonephric

Answer: 1. Metanephric

Question 85. Brush border is characteristic of

  1. Neck of nephron
  2. Collecting tube
  3. Proximal convoluted tubule
  4. All the above

Answer: 3. Proximal convoluted tubule

Question 86. The difference between glomerular filtrate and plasma is of

  1. Proteins
  2. Potassium
  3. The first is white whereas the latter is yellow
  4. The first is yellow whereas the latter is white

Answer: 1. Proteins

Question 87. Nitrogenous waste products are eliminated mainly as

  1. Urea in tadpoles and ammonia in adult frog
  2. Ammonia in tadpoles and urea in adult frog
  3. Urea in both tadpole and adult frog
  4. Urea in tadpoles and uric acid in adult frog

Answer: 2. Ammonia in tadpoles and urea in adult frog

Question 88. Reabsorption of useful substances from glomerular filtrate occurs in

  1. Collecting tube
  2. Loop of Henle
  3. Proximal convoluted tubule
  4. Distal convoluted tubule

Answer: 3. Proximal convoluted tubule

Question 89. ADH controls the water permeability of

  1. Collecting tube (distal part)
  2. Proximal convoluted tubule
  3. Distal convoluted tubule (distal part)
  4. All the above

Answer: 3. Distal convoluted tubule (distal part)

Question 90. What will happen if one kidney is removed from the body of a human being?

  1. Death due to poisoning
  2. Uremia and death
  3. Stoppage of urination
  4. Nothing, the person will survive and remain normal kidney will become hypertrophied.

Answer: 4. Nothing, the person will survive and remain normal kidney will become hypertrophied.

Question 91. The total filtrate formed in 24 h in the human kidney is

  1. 1.8 L
  2. 8.0 L
  3. 18 L
  4. 180 L

Answer: 4. 180 L

Question 92. Ammonia is converted into urea in 

  1. Heart
  2. Spleen
  3. Liver
  4. Brain

Answer: 3. Liver

Question 93. Which vitamin is excreted out in high quantity through urine in man?

  1. Vitamin C
  2. VitaminB
  3. Vitamin E
  4. Vitamin K

Answer: 1. Vitamin C

Question 94. If the afferent arteriole diameter is less than the efferent arteriole, then what happens?

  1. No effect
  2. Ultrafiltration reaction is slow.
  3. Ultrafiltration is not possible.
  4. Ultrafiltration will stop and tubular secretion will start.

Answer: 3. Ultrafiltration is not possible.

Question 95. The concentration of urine depends upon which organ?

  1. Bowman’s capsule
  2. Length of Henle’s loop
  3. PCT
  4. Network of capillaries arising from glomerulus

Answer: 2. Length of Henle’s loop

Question 96. Conversion of ammonia to urea is done by

  1. Ornithine cycle
  2. Arginine cycle
  3. Fumaric cycle
  4. Citrulline cycle

Answer: 1. Ornithine cycle

Question 97. The movement of ions against the concentration gradient will be

  1. Active transport
  2. Osmosis
  3. Diffusion
  4. All of these

Answer: 1. Active transport

Question 98. If Henle’s loop were absent from mammalian nephron, which of the following is to be expected

  1. There will be no urine formation
  2. There will be hardly any change in the quality and quantity of urine formed
  3. The urine will be more concentrated
  4. The urine will be more dilute

Answer: 4. The urine will be more dilute

Question 99. The correct order of excretory organs in cockroaches, earthworms, and rabbits is, respectively,

  1. Skin, Malpighi tubules, kidney
  2. Malpighi tubules, kidney
  3. Nephridia, Malpighi tubules, kidney
  4. Nephridia, kidney, green gland

Answer: 2. Malpighi tubules, kidney

Question 100. The net pressure gradient that causes the fluid to filter out of the glomeruli into the glomeruli into the capsule is

  1. 20 mm Hg
  2. 50 mm Hg
  3. 75 mm Hg
  4. 30 mm Hg

Answer: 1. 20 mm Hg

Question 101. Which one of the following blood vessels in mammals contains the least amount of urea?

  1. Hepatic portal vein
  2. Hepatic vein
  3. Dorsal aorta
  4. Renal vein

Answer: 4. Renal vein

Question 102. A person who is on a long hunger strike and is surviving only on water will have

  1. Less urea in his urine
  2. More sodium in his urine
  3. Less amino acids in his urine
  4. More glucose in his blood

Answer: 1. Less urea in his urine

Question 103. Water reabsorption in the distal parts of kidney tubules is regulated by

  1. STH
  2. TSH
  3. ADH
  4. MSH

Answer: 3. ADH

Question 104. Due to insufficient filtration in the How man’s capsule, all are likely to happen except

  1. Accumulation of fluid in the body
  2. Increase in blood pressure
  3. Increase in blood urea level
  4. Loss of glucose through urine

Answer: 4. Loss of glucose through urine

Question 105. The appearance of albumin in the urine is most likely due to

  1. Increase in blood pressure
  2. Decrease in the blood osmotic pressure
  3. Damage to the Malpighian corpuscles
  4. Damage to the proximal convoluted tubules

Answer: 3. Damage to the Malpighian corpuscles

Question 106. Urinary excretion of Na is regulated by

  1. Anterior pituitary
  2. Posterior pituitary
  3. Adrenal cortex
  4. Adrenal medulla

Answer: 3. Adrenal cortex

Question 107. Kidney crystals are solid clusters of

  1. Calcium nitrate and uric acid
  2. Phosphate and uric acid
  3. Calcium carbonate and uric acid
  4. Calcium metabisulphite and uric acid

Answer: 2. Phosphate and uric acid

Question 108. The yellow color of the urine of vertebrates is due to

  1. Cholesterol
  2. Urochrome
  3. Uric acid
  4. Melanin

Answer: 2. Urochrome

Question 109. Which one of the four parts mentioned below does not constitute a part of a single uriniferous tubule

  1. Bowman’s capsule
  2. Distal convoluted tubule
  3. Loop of Henle
  4. Collecting duct

Answer: 4. Collecting duct

Question 110. Diuresis is a specific pathological condition that leads to

  1. Increased volume of urine excretion
  2. Decreased volume of urine excretion
  3. Increased glucose excretion
  4. Decreased electrolyte concentration

Answer: 1. Increased volume of urine excretion

Question 111. Which one of the following pairs of waste substances is removed from blood in the ornithine cycle?

  1. CO2 and urea
  2. Ammonia and urea
  3. CO2 and ammonia
  4. Urea and sodium salt

Answer: 3. CO2 and ammonia

Question 112. The term hematuria is used to describe

  1. Internal bleeding
  2. Blood in urine
  3. Blood cancer
  4. Blood poisoning

Answer: 2. Blood in urine

Question 113. In the kidney, the formation of urine involves the following processes arranged as

  1. Glomerular filtration, reabsorption, and tubular secretion
  2. Reabsorption, filtration, and secretion
  3. Secretion, absorption, and filtration
  4. Filtration, secretion, and reabsorption

Answer: 1. Glomerular filtration, reabsorption, and tubular secretion

Question 114. An advantage of excreting nitrogenous wastes in the form of uric acid is that

  1. Uric acid can be excreted in almost solid form
  2. The formation of uric acid requires a great deal of energy
  3. Uric acid is the first metabolic breakdown product of acids
  4. Uric acid may be excreted through the lungs

Answer: 1. Uric acid can be excreted in almost solid form

Question 115. If Hetile’s loop were absent from mammalian nephron, which of the following is to be expected?

  1. The urine will be more in volume.
  2. There will be no urine formation.
  3. There will be hardly any change in the quality and quantity of urine formed.
  4. The urine will be more concentrated.

Answer: 1. The urine will be more in volume.

Question 116. A condition of the failure of the kidney to form urine is called

  1. Deamination
  2. Entropy
  3. Anuria
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Anuria

Question 117. Which of the following is the characteristic of a metanephric kidney?

  1. Hypotonic urine production
  2. Excess secretion of uric acid
  3. Loop of Henle
  4. Hormone production

Answer: 3. Loop of Henle

Question 118. The hormone secreted by the kidney is

  1. Gastrin
  2. Secretin
  3. Erythropoietin
  4. Aldosterone

Answer: 3. Erythropoietin

Question 119. Which of the following are uricotelic animals?

  1. Rolm and frog
  2. Lizard and crow
  3. Camel and frog
  4. Earthworm and eagle

Answer: 2. Lizard and crow,

Question 120.Marine teleosts. undergoing putrefaction, emit a sharp characteristic foul odor, which is due to the production of

  1. Trimethylamine
  2. Hydrogen sulfide
  3. Ammonia
  4. Lactic Acid

Answer: 1. Trimethylamine

Question 121. Freshwater bony fishes maintain water balance by

  1. Excreting a hypotonic urine
  2. Excreting salt across their gills
  3. Drinking a small amount of water
  4. Excreting wastes in the form of uric acid

Answer: 1. Excreting a hypotonic urine

Question 122. Which is mismatched?

  1. Bowman’s capsule—Glomerular Alteration
  2. PCT—Absorption of Na+ and K+
  3. DCT—Absorption of glucose
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. DCT—Absorption of glucose

Question 123. Loop of Henle is associated with

  1. Excretory system
  2. Respiratory system
  3. Reproductive system
  4. Digestive system

Answer: 1. Excretory system

Question 124. The complete reabsorption of glucose takes place in

  1. Collecting tubule
  2. Distal tubule
  3. Proximal convoluted tubule
  4. Henle loop

Answer: 3. Proximal convoluted tubule

Question 125. Which of the following is the metabolic waste of protein metabolism?

  1. NH3, urea, and CO2
  2. Urea, oxygen, and N2
  3. Urea, ammonia, and alanine
  4. Urea, ammonia, and creatinine

Answer: 1. NH3, urea, and CO2

Question 126. Glomerular filtrate contains

  1. Blood without blood cells and proteins
  2. Plasma without sugar
  3. Blood with proteins but without cells
  4. Blood without urea

Answer: 1. Blood without blood cells and proteins

Question 127. Glomerular hydrostatic pressure is present in

  1. Tubule of kidney
  2. Bowman’s capsule
  3. Glomerulus or uriniferous tubule
  4. Malpighian tubule

Answer: 3. Glomerulus or uriniferous tubule

Question 128. Diuresis is a condition which is characterized by

  1. Increase in urine volume
  2. Increased sugar excretion
  3. Decrease in urine volume
  4. Decrease in ionic balance

Answer: 1. Increase in urine volume

Question 129. A liquid which collects in the cavity of Bowman’s capsule is

  1. Blood plasma minus blood proteins
  2. Glycogen and water
  3. Urea, glycogen, and water
  4. Urea

Answer: 1. Blood plasma minus blood proteins

Question 130. The mammalian kidney resembles the contractile vacuole of Amoeba in the excretion of

  1. Glucose
  2. Excess water
  3. Urea
  4. Ammonia

Answer: 2. Excess water

Question 131. ADH acts on the

  1. Collecting tubule of the kidney
  2. Loop of Henle
  3. Collecting ducts of tests
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Collecting tubule of kidney

Question 132. Enzyme “renin” is secreted by

  1. Cells of stomach
  2. Cells of intestine
  3. Cortical cells of the kidney
  4. Cells of juxtaglomerular apparatus of kidney

Answer: 4. Cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the kidney

Question 133. Absorption of Na+ and K+ ions does not occur in

  1. Bowman’s capsule
  2. Loop of Henle
  3. Distal convoluted tubule
  4. Proximal convoluted tubule

Answer: 1. Bowman’s capsule

Question 134. Urea synthesis takes place in

  1. Urinary bladder
  2. Alimentary canal
  3. Liver
  4. Kidney

Answer: 3. Liver

Question 135. Glycosuria is the condition

  1. In which a man eats more sugar
  2. In which a man excretes sugar in urine
  3. In which sugar is excreted in feces
  4. A man has low sugar levels in the blood

Answer: 2. In which a man excretes sugar in urine

Question 136. Find the incorrect statement regarding the mechanism of urine formation in man.

  1. Tubular secretion takes place in the PCT.
  2. Aldosterone induces greater reabsorption of sodium.
  3. The counter-current systems contribute to diluting the urine.
  4. The glomerular filtration rate is about 125 mL/min.

Answer: 3. The counter-current systems contribute to diluting the urine.

Question 137. If 1L of water is introduced into human blood, then

  1. BMR increases
  2. BMR decreases
  3. RBC collapses and urine production increases
  4. RBC collapses and urine production decreases

Answer: 3. RBC collapses and urine production increases

Question 138. In which of the following organisms, the excretory organs are correctly stated?

  1. Human—Kidneys, sebaceous glands, and tear glands
  2. Earthworm—Pharyngeal, integumentary, and septal nephridia
  3. Cockroach—Malpighian tubules and enteric caeca
  4. Frog—Kidneys, skin, and buccal epithelium

Answer: 3. Cockroach—Malpighian tubules and enteric caeca

Question 139. Urea synthesis takes place primarily in the liver because

  1. Enzyme arginase is present in the liver only.
  2. NH3 and CO2 are present in the liver only.
  3. Hormone ADH is found in the liver only.
  4. A kidney is smaller than a liver.

Answer: 1. Enzyme arginase is present in the liver only.

Question 140. Which one of the following correctly explains the function of a specific part of a human nephron?

  1. Podocytes: Create minute spaces (slit pores) for the filtration of blood into the Bowman’s capsule.
  2. Henle’s loop: Most reabsorption of the major substances from the glomerular filtrate.
  3. Distal convoluted tubule: Reabsorption of Kh ions into the surrounding blood capillaries.
  4. Afferent arteriole: carries the blood away from the glomerular towards the renal vein.

Answer: 1. Podocytes: Create minute spaces (slit pores) for the filtration of blood into the Bowman’s capsule.

Question 141. The uricotelic mode of passing out nitrogenous wastes is  found in

  1. Reptiles and bird
  2. Birds and annelids
  3. Amphibians and reptiles
  4. Insects and amphibians

Answer: 1. Reptiles and bird

Question 142. Ureters act as urogenital ducts in

  1. Male humans
  2. Female humans
  3. Both male and female frogs
  4. Male frogs

Answer: 4. Male frogs

Question 143. The maximum amount of electrolytes and water (70-80%) from the glomerular filtrate is reabsorbed in which part of the nephron?

  1. Distal convoluted tubule
  2. Proximal convoluted tubule
  3. Descending limb of the loop of Henle
  4. Ascending limb of the loop of Henle

Answer: 2. Proximal convoluted tubule

Question 144. Which one of the following options gives the correct categorization of six animals according to the type of nitrogenous wastes (A, B, C) they give out?

NEET Biology Excretory Products And Their Elimination Nitrogenous Wastes A B And C

Answer: 3

Question 145. A fall in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) activates

  1. Juxtaglomerular cells release renin
  2. Adrenal cortex to release aldosterone
  3. The adrenal medulla releases adrenaline
  4. Posterior pituitary to release vasopressin

Answer: 1. Juxtaglomerular cells release renin

Question 146. Which one of the following characteristics is common both in humans and adult frogs?

  1. Four-chambered heart
  2. Internal fertilization
  3. Nucleated RBCs
  4. Ureotelic mode of excretion

Answer: 4. Ureotelic mode of excretion

Question 147. Human urinary system with structures labeled A-D. Select the option which correctly identifies them and gives their characteristics and/or functions.

NEET Biology Excretory Products And Their Elimination Human Urinary System

  1. B → Pelvis → Broad, funnel-shaped space inner to the hilum, directly connected to the loop of Henle.
  2. C → Medulla → The inner zone of the kidney and contains complete nephrons.
  3. D → Cortex → The outer part of the kidney and does not contain any part of nephrons.
  4. A → Adrenal gland → Located at the anterior part of the kidney. Secretes catecholamine which stimulates glycogen breakdown.

Answer: 4. A → Adrenal gland → Located at the anterior part of the kidney. Secretes catecholamine which stimulates glycogen breakdown.

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