NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Human Reproduction

NEET Biology Human Reproduction Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. Temperature in scrotum necessary for sperm formation should be

  1. 2°C above body temperature
  2. 2°C below body temperature
  3. 8°C above body temperature
  4. 8°C below body temperature

Answer. 2. 2°C below body temperature

Question 2. Cryptorchidism is

  1. Non-development of testes
  2. Non-descent of testes into scrotum
  3. Removal of scrotum
  4. Breaking connection of vas deferens

Answer. 2. Non-descent of testes into scrotum

Question 3. Tubuli recti of seminiferous tubules open into

  1. Epididymis
  2. Vasa efferentia
  3. Vasa deferentia
  4. Rete testis

Answer. 4. Rete testis

Question 4. Common duct formed by the union of vas deferens and the duct of seminal vesicle is

  1. Urethra
  2. Tunica vasculosa
  3. Ejaculatory
  4. Spermatic duct

Answer. 3. Ejaculatory

Question 5. Accessory glands of male reproductive system are

  1. Prostate and seminal vesicles
  2. Prostate, Bartholin’s glands, and seminal vesicles
  3. Seminal vesicles and Bartholin’s glands
  4. Prostate, Cowper’s glands, and seminal vesicles

Answer. 4. Prostate, Cowper’s glands, and seminal vesicles

Question 6. Scrotal sacs of man are connected with the abdominal cavity by

  1. Inguinal canal
  2. Haversian canal
  3. Spermatic canal
  4. Rete testis

Answer. 1. Inguinal canal

Question 7. Sperms are stored and nourished inside

  1. Cowper’s gland
  2. Epididymis
  3. Seminiferous tubules
  4. Vasa efferentia

Answer. 2. Epididymis

Question 8. The role of the Leydig cells of testis is

  1. To provide nourishment to sperms
  2. To provide motility to sperms
  3. To bring about maturation of sperms
  4. Synthesis of testosterone hormone

Answer. 4. Synthesis of testosterone hormone

Question 9. Vas deferens arises from

  1. Cauda epididymis
  2. Caput epididymis
  3. Corpus epididymis
  4. Rete testis

Answer. 1. Cauda epididymis

Question 10. Epididymis is

  1. Network of sinuses between seminiferous tubules and vasa efferentia
  2. Intermediate structure between rete testis and vasa efferentia
  3. A long coiled tube between vasa efferentia and vas deferens
  4. Connection between vas deferens and seminal vesicle

Answer. 3. A long coiled tube between vasa efferentia and vas deferens

Question 11. Failure of testis to descend in scrotal sac is known as

  1. Impotency
  2. Castration
  3. Synorchidism
  4. Cryptorchidism

Answer. 4. Cryptorchidism

Question 12. Which of the following releases inhibin to control spermatogenesis?

  1. Rete testis
  2. Follicular cells
  3. Sustentacular cells
  4. Leydig’s cells

Answer. 3. Sustentacular cells

Question 13. Testosterone is secreted by

  1. Sertoli cells
  2. Sustentacular cells
  3. Both (1) and (2).
  4. Leydig cell or interstitial cell

Answer. 4. Leydig cell or interstitial cell

Question 14. Vas deferens starts from which part of epididymis?

  1. Caput epididymis
  2. Corpus epididymis
  3. Cauda epididymis
  4. None of these

Answer. 3. Cauda epididymis

Question 15. Rete testis is a highly anastomosing labyrinth lined by

  1. Simple squamous epithelium
  2. Cuboidal epithelium
  3. Columnar epithelium
  4. Tessalated epithelium

Answer. 2. Cuboidal epithelium

Question 16. Which of the following gland is a collection of 30-40 tubuloalveolar glands and surrounds the first part of urethra?

  1. Corpus spongiosum
  2. Corpus cavernosum
  3. Prostate
  4. Cowper’s gland

Answer. 3. Prostate

Question 17. In man, the sperms released from the testis take which of the following route to reach the urethera?

  1. Vasa efferentia, Bidder’s canal, uriniferous tubule
  2. Vasa efferentia, epididymis, vas deferens
  3. Vasa efferentia, Bidder’s canal, nephrostome
  4. Vasa efferentia, collecting tubules, and Bidder’s canal

Answer. 2. Vasa efferentia, epididymis, vas deferens

Question 18. The life span of a human sperm in male genital duct is

  1. 24 h
  2. 48 h
  3. 72 h
  4. Many weeks

Answer. 4. Many weeks

Question 19. Mesovarium is the peritoneal covering of

  1. Ovary
  2. Testis
  3. Kidney
  4. Liver

Answer. 1. Ovary

Question 20. Ostium is an aperture present in

  1. Ampulla part
  2. Fallopian funnel
  3. Ovisac
  4. Cloaca

Answer. 2. Fallopian funnel

Question 21. The lower narrow end of uterus is called

  1. Urethra
  2. Cervix
  3. Clitoris
  4. Vulva

Answer. 2. Cervix

Question 22. Which group represents the external genitalia of human female?

  1. Labium minora, labium majora, vagina
  2. Labium majora, labium minora, oviduct
  3. Labium minora, labium majora, cervix
  4. Labium majora, labium minora, clitoris

Answer. 4. Labium majora, labium minora, clitoris

Question 23. The layers of ovum from outside to inside are

  1. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, vitelline membrane
  2. Zona pellucida, corona radiata, vitelline membrane
  3. Vitelline membrane, zona pellucida, corona radiata
  4. Zona pellucida, vitelline membrane, corona radiata

Answer. 1. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, vitelline membrane

Question 24. In human females, ova are produced in

  1. Ovary
  2. Oviduct
  3. Uterus
  4. Vagina

Answer. 1. Ovary

Question 25. Hormone responsible for ovulation and development of corpus luteum is

  1. FSH
  2. LH
  3. LTH
  4. ICSH

Answer. 2. LH

Question 26. When egg is not fertilized, yellow colored corpus lutem degenerates to form

  1. Corpus albicans
  2. Corpus callosum
  3. Corpora bigemina
  4. Corpora quadrigemina

Answer. 1. Corpus albicans

Question 27. In the absence of pregnancy, corpus luteum

  1. Becomes active and secretes FSH and LH
  2. Produces a lot of oxytocin and relaxin
  3. Degenerates after some time
  4. Is maintained by progesterone

Answer. 3. Degenerates after some time

Question 28. Egg is liberated from ovary and enters the fallopian tube in

  1. Secondary oocyte stage
  2. Primary oocyte stage
  3. Oogonial stage
  4. Mature ovum stage

Answer. 1. Secondary oocyte stage

Question 29. Lower narrow end of uterus is called

  1. Urethra
  2. Cervix
  3. Clitoris
  4. Vulva

Answer. 2. Cervix

Question 30. Which one of the following is adapted for receiving the male’s penis during copulation and for serving as the birth canal during parturition?

  1. Cervix
  2. Vagina
  3. Fundus
  4. Body

Answer. 2. Vagina

Question 31. Clitoris in a human female is

  1. Vestigial organ
  2. Analogous to penis in male
  3. Homologous to penis in male
  4. None of these

Answer. 3. Homologous to penis in male

Question 32. Which of the following is not true for clitoris?

  1. It is the erectile part of female reproductive system.
  2. It ends in glans clitoridis.
  3. It has three erectile bodies with it.
  4. Its end is covered with prepuce.

Answer. 3. It has three erectile bodies with it.

Question 33. During spermatogenesis, meiosis occurs in

  1. Primary spermatocytes
  2. Secondary spermatocytes
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. Spermatogonia

Answer. 3. Both (1) and (2)

Question 34. Spermiogenesis changes

  1. Spermatogonium to primary spermatocytes
  2. Primary spermatocytes to secondary spermatocytes
  3. Secondary spermatocytes to spermatids
  4. Spermatids to sperms

Answer. 4. Spermatids to sperms

Question 35. In spermatogenesis, a primary spermatocyte produces four similar sperms while in oogenesis, a primary oocyte forms

  1. Four similar ova
  2. Three large ova and one polar body
  3. Two large ova and two polar bodies
  4. One large ova and 2-3 polar bodies

Answer. 2. Three large ova and one polar body

Question 36. Minute cells separating from ova are

  1. Primary oogonia
  2. Polar bodies
  3. Secondary oogonia
  4. Primary spermatogonia

Answer. 2. Polar bodies

Question 37. What are the diploid stages in spermatogenesis?

  1. Spermatogonia and spermatids
  2. Spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes
  3. Spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes
  4. Primary spermatocytes and secondary spermatocytes

Answer. 2. Spermatogonia and primary spermatocytes

Question 38. The extrusion of second polar body from the egg nucleus occurs

  1. After the entry of sperm and before the completion of fertilization
  2. After the completion of fertilization
  3. Before the entry of sperm
  4. Without any relation with sperm entry

Answer. 1. After the entry of sperm and before the completion of fertilization

Question 39. Spermatogenesis and sperm differentiation are under the control of

  1. FSH only
  2. LH
  3. Testosterone and FSH
  4. Parathyroid hormone

Answer. 3. Testosterone and FSH

Question 40. The middle piece of mammalian sperm possesses

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Centriole only
  3. Acrosome
  4. Parathyroid hormone

Answer. 1. Mitochondria

Question 41. A change in ovum after the penetration of sperm is

  1. Formation of first polar body
  2. Second meiosis start
  3. First meiosis
  4. Formation of second polar body

Answer. 4. Formation of second polar body

Question 42. Which of the following structures produces energy for them ability of mature sperm?

  1. Nucleus in head region
  2. Mitochondria in head region
  3. Axial filament in tail
  4. Mitochondria in middle piece

Answer. 4. Mitochondria in middle piece

Question 43. Axial filament of the sperm arises from

  1. Proximal centriole
  2. Distal centriole
  3. Acrosome
  4. Nucleus

Answer. 2. Distal centriole

Question 44. Acrosome of sperm develops from

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Golgi complex
  3. Ribosomes
  4. Centriole

Answer. 2. Golgi complex

Question 45. The phase of transformation of spermatid into sperm is called

  1. Spermiogenesis
  2. Spermateleosis
  3. Gametogenesis
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 46. Amoeboid sperms or tail-less, non-flagellated sperms are found in

  1. Earthworm
  2. Taenia
  3. Ascaris
  4. All of these

Answer. 3. Ascaris

Question 47. Oogenesis in a human female starts

  1. At puberty (8 years of age)
  2. At puberty (13 years of age)
  3. At menarche
  4. Before birth

Answer. 4. Before birth

Question 48. The hormone that is present in the greatest concentration in the blood during ovulation in a female is

  1. FSH
  2. LH
  3. Prolactin
  4. Progesterone

Answer. 2. LH

Question 49. In menstrual cycle of 28/29 days, ovum is released during

  1. Beginning of the cycle
  2. Middle of the cycle
  3. End of the cycle
  4. Any time during the cycle

Answer. 2. Middle of the cycle

Question 50. Loss of reproductive capacity in women after the age of 45 years is

  1. Menstruation
  2. Ageing
  3. Menopause
  4. Menarche

Answer. 3. Menopause

Question 51. The correct sequence of hormones secreted from the be- ginning of menstrual cycle is

  1. FSH, estrogen, progesterone
  2. Estrogen, FSH, progesterone
  3. FSH, progesterone
  4. Estrogen, progesterone, FSH

Answer. 1. FSH, estrogen, progesterone

Question 52. The phase of menstrual cycle in humans that lasts for 7-8 days is

  1. Follicular phase
  2. Ovulatory phase
  3. Luteal phase
  4. Menstruation

Answer. 1. Follicular phase

Question 53. Menstrual cycle occurs in

  1. All females
  2. Mammalian females
  3. Primate females
  4. Rabbits

Answer. 3. Primate females

Question 54. The withdrawal of which hormone is the immediate cause of menstruation?

  1. Estrogen
  2. FSH
  3. FSH-LH
  4. Progesterone

Answer. 4. Progesterone

Question 55. LH surge occurs during which phase of menstrual cycle?

  1. Menstrual phase
  2. Beginning of proliferative phase
  3. Secretory phase
  4. At the middle of the cycle

Answer. 4. At the middle of the cycle

Question 56. Estrous cycle is the characteristic of

  1. Human females
  2. Mammalian females
  3. Mammalian females other than primates
  4. Primate females

Answer. 3. Mammalian females other than primates

Question 57. Monoestrous animals have

  1. One ovulation each month
  2. One heat period each month
  3. One breeding season in a year
  4. One menstrual cycle each month

Answer. 3. One breeding season in a year

Question 58. Which hormone level reaches peak during the luteal phase of menstrual cycle?

  1. Luteinising hormone
  2. Progesterone
  3. FSH
  4. Estrogen

Answer. 2. Progesterone

Question 59. Menses occurs in

  1. Human beings only
  2. Old world monkeys and apes (primates)
  3. Every mammal
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 60. Secondary oocyte is

  1. Haploid
  2. Diploid
  3. Polyploid
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. Haploid

Question 61. Oral contraceptives check

  1. Ovulation
  2. Fertilization
  3. Implantation
  4. Entry of sperm into vagina

Answer. 1. Ovulation

Question 62. Which part of the ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation?

  1. Vitelline membrane
  2. Graffian follicle
  3. Corpus luteum
  4. Germinal epithelium

Answer. 3. Corpus luteum

Question 63. The transparent layer found around the outer surface of a developing ovum is called

  1. Zona radiata
  2. Zona pellucida
  3. Theca externa
  4. Theca interna

Answer. 2. Zona pellucida

Question 64. Cessation of menstrual cycle is called

  1. Ovulation
  2. Puberty
  3. Menopause
  4. Implantation

Answer. 3. Menopause

Question 65. Based on the distribution of yolk, the egg of humans is

  1. Telolecithal
  2. Centrolecithal
  3. Microlecithal
  4. Alecithal

Answer. 4. Alecithal

Question 66. Egg will be having moderate amount of yolk in case of

  1. Sea urchin
  2. Starfish
  3. Frog
  4. All of these

Answer. 3. Frog

Question 67. Vitelline layer around the egg is deposited by

  1. Ovary
  2. Oviduct
  3. Egg itself
  4. Coelom

Answer. 3. Egg itself

Question 68. In bony fishes, reptiles, and birds, the cleavage pattern is

  1. Meroblastic centrolecithal
  2. Holoblastic unequal
  3. Meroblastic discoidal
  4. Holoblastic radial

Answer. 3. Meroblastic discoidal

Question 69. The eggs of insects are

  1. Homolecithal
  2. Centrolecithal
  3. Meiolecithal
  4. Telolecithal

Answer. 2. Centrolecithal

Question 70. Spiral cleavage is found in

  1. Coelenterates
  2. Annelids
  3. Echinodermata
  4. Mollusca

Answer. 2. Annelids

Question 71. Leathery eggs are found in

  1. Amphibians
  2. Reptiles
  3. Birds
  4. Mammals

Answer. 2. Reptiles

Question 72. An avian blastula is called

  1. Coeloblastula
  2. Stereoblastula
  3. Discoblastula
  4. Periblastula

Answer. 3. Stereoblastula

Question 73. When blastomeres from the outer surface are rolled in, into the interior of developing embryo, it is called

  1. Invagination
  2. Involution
  3. Ingression
  4. Delamination

Answer. 2. Involution

Question 74. After a sperm has penetrated an ovum in the process of fertilization, the entry of further sperms is prevented by

  1. Development of the vitelline membrane
  2. Development of the pigment coat
  3. Condensation of yolk
  4. Formation of fertilization membrane

Answer. 4. Formation of fertilization membrance

Question 75. Fertilization in human beings occurs in

  1. Fallopian tube
  2. Uterus
  3. Ampulla part of oviduct
  4. Isthmus part of oviduct

Answer. 3. Ampulla part of oviduct

Question 76. The function of hyaluronidase is

  1. To form cone of reception in egg
  2. To dissolve the cementing part of granulosa cells
  3. To release second polar body
  4. None of these

Answer. 2. To dissolve the cementing part of granulosa cells

Question 77. Fertilizin proteins are associated with

  1. Corona radiata of the ovum
  2. Zona pellucida of the ovum
  3. Acrosome of the sperm
  4. Tail part of the sperm

Answer. 2. Zona pellucida of the ovum

Question 78. Blastocyst comes out of slit of zona pellucida in

  1. Ampulla part of fallopian tube
  2. Isthmus part of fallopian tube
  3. Uterine part of fallopian tube
  4. Uterus

Answer. 4. Uterus

Question 79. Cervical gland starts secreting viscous mucus for filling the cervical canal to form a protective plug during pregnancy under the influence of

  1. FSH
  2. LH.
  3. Progesterone
  4. Oxytocin

Answer. 3. Progesterone

Question 80. Skeleton and muscles in a vertebrate embryo develop from

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Mesoderm
  3. Endo-mesoderm
  4. Endoderm

Answer. 2. Mesoderm

Question 81. Gestation period in a man is about

  1. 10 weeks
  2. 28 weeks
  3. 36 weeks
  4. 38 weeks

Answer. 4. 38 weeks

Question 82. Umbilical cord suspends embryo in amniotic cavity and is attached to the midgut region of the embryo. In cutherians, this umbilical cord is formed of the stalk of

  1. Yolk sac and amnion
  2. Allantois and chorion
  3. Yolk sac and chorion
  4. Allantois and yolk sac

Answer. 2. Allantois and chorion

Question 83. If both the ovaries of a pregnant female are removed in the second trimester, it will lead to

  1. Abortion
  2. Slow development of fetus
  3. Normal development
  4. Premature birth

Answer. 3. Normal development

Question 84. Amniotic fluid comes out through vagina during which stage of parturition?

  1. Dilation stage
  2. Expulsion stage
  3. After birth stage
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. Dilation stage

Question 85. The placenta in mammals is formed by

  1. Allantois
  2. Amnion
  3. Chorion
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (3)

Question 86. The placenta in man is

  1. Haemochorial
  2. Epitheliochorial
  3. Syndesmochorial
  4. Haemo-endothelial

Answer. 1. Haemochorial

Question 87. The stage of embryo development at which implantation occurs in human females is

  1. Morula
  2. Zygote
  3. Blastocyst
  4. Transient three-celled stage

Answer. 3. Blastocyst

Question 88. In ectopic pregnancy, fetus grows in

  1. Fundus part of uterus
  2. Fallopian tube
  3. Uterus
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Answer. 2. Fallopian tube

Question 89. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Fertilization occurs in fallopian tube.
  2. Fertilization is a physio-chemical process/event.
  3. Cleavage produces morula.
  4. Cleavage leads to increased mass of protoplasm.

Answer. 4. Cleavage leads to increased mass of protoplasm.

Question 90. Cortical granules are associated with

  1. Oogenesis
  2. Spermatogenesis
  3. Cleavage
  4. Fertilization

Answer. 4. Fertilization

Question 91. Termination of gastrulation is marked by

  1. Closure of primitive gut
  2. Obliteration of archenteron
  3. Obliteration of blastocoel
  4. Closure of neural tube

Answer. 3. Obliteration of blastocoel

Question 92. Onset of pregnancy

  1. Stimulates testosterone secretion
  2. Leads to degeneration ovary
  3. Inhibits further ovulation
  4. Inhibits fusion of egg and sperm nuclei

Answer. 3. Inhibits further ovulation

Question 93. Site of fertilization in a mammal is

  1. Ovary
  2. Uterus
  3. Vagina
  4. Fallopian tube

Answer. 4. Fallopian tube

Question 94. Placenta is

  1. Channel for providing essential requirements for growth of embryo
  2. Storage organ
  3. Conductor for nerve impulse
  4. Meant for protection of embryo from shocks

Answer. 1. Channel for providing essential requirements for growth of embryo

Question 95. After a sperm has penetrated an ovum, the entry of other sperms is prevented by

  1. Condensation of yolk
  2. Formation of pigment coat
  3. Development of vitelline
  4. Development of fertilization membrane

Answer. 4. Development of fertilization membrane

Question 96. Two offsprings developed in the same uterus from the fertilization of two different ova are

  1. Monozygotic twins
  2. Dizygotic twins
  3. Fraternal twins
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer. 4. Both (2) and (3)

Question 97. Type of parthenogenesis in the honey bee is

  1. Complete, thelytoky
  2. Incomplete, thelytoky
  3. Complete, arrhenotoky
  4. Incomplete, arrhenotoky

Answer. 4. Incomplete, arrhenotoky

Question 98. The main white fibrous cover around the testis is called

  1. Tunica vasculosa
  2. Tunica albuginea
  3. Tunica vaginalis
  4. Tunica media

Answer. 2. Tunica albuginea

Question 99. The muscles playing major role in the positioning of the testis are

  1. Cremaster
  2. Dartos
  3. Detrusor
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 100. Which of the following is not the part of intratesticular genital duct system?

  1. Rete testis
  2. Tubuli recti
  3. Vas deferens
  4. Vas efferens

Answer. 3. Vas deferens

Question 101. Ampulla part in the male reproductive system is related to

  1. Epididymis
  2. Vas deferens
  3. Fallopian tube
  4. Tubuli recti

Answer. 2. Vas deferens

Question 102. The inhibin hormone is released by

  1. Medulla
  2. Granulosa cells
  3. Theca cells
  4. Zona pellucida

Answer. 2. Granulosa cells

Question 103. Ostium is the aperture present in

  1. Oviduct
  2. Fallopian funnel
  3. Ovisac
  4. Cloaca

Answer. 2. Fallopian funnel

Question 104. In humans, perineum refers to the space between

  1. Incisor and premolar teeth
  2. Mouth and nostril
  3. Upper and lower lips
  4. Anus and vulva

Answer. 4. Anus and vulva

Question 105. The scrotal sac of a male mammal is homologous to which part of female genitalia?

  1. Vagina
  2. Uterus
  3. Clitoris
  4. Labia majora

Answer. 4. Labia majora

Question 106. The function of Bartholin’s gland in a female is

  1. To nourish the growing embryo
  2. To neutralize the acidity of vagina
  3. Secretion of fructose
  4. To render the vagina slimy

Answer. 4. To render the vagina slimy

Question 107. If in a sperm the proximal centriole becomes non-functional, which of the following shall not occur?

  1. First cleavage
  2. Second cleavage
  3. Maturation of oocyte
  4. Spermiogenesis

Answer. 1. First cleavage

Question 108. Which of the following plays important role in concentrating testosterone in the seminiferous tubules?

  1. Leydig’s cells
  2. Sertoli cells (ABP)
  3. Granulosa cells
  4. Tubuli recti

Answer. 2. Sertoli cells (ABP)

Question 109. The fall in the number of sperms per millimeter of semen causes sterility. This is due to insufficient amount of

  1. Acid phosphates
  2. Alkaline phosphates
  3. Testosterone
  4. Hyaluronidase

Answer. 3. Testosterone

Question 110. Anestrum state is

  1. Non-ovulation in human female
  2. Suspension of menstrual cycle in human female
  3. Suspension of estrous cycle in non-primates
  4. “Period of heat” in non-primates

Answer. 3. Suspension of estrous cycle in non-primates

Question 111. The principle chemical components of yolk are

  1. Proteins and carbohydrates
  2. Proteins, phospholipids, and fats
  3. Proteins and vitamins
  4. Carbohydrates and lipids

Answer. 2. Proteins, phospholipids, and fats

Question 112. Vitelline membrane is a

  1. Primary egg membrane
  2. Secondary egg membrane
  3. Tertiary egg membrane
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. Primary egg membrane

Question 113. Which of the following around a hen’s egg is a tertiary membrane?

  1. Albumen
  2. Shell membranes
  3. Calcareous shell
  4. All of these

Answer. 4. All of these

Question 114. When cleavage furrow bisects both poles of the egg passing through the animal-vegetal axis, the plane of cleavage is called

  1. Meridional
  2. Equatorial
  3. Vertical
  4. Horizontal

Answer. 1. Meridional

Question 115. Which one of the following is not a characteristic of cleavage?

  1. Mitotic divisions
  2. Increase in the synthesis of DNA
  3. Increase of protoplasm
  4. Cells of continuously smaller size

Answer. 3. Increase of protoplasm

Question 116. Right and left sides of an embryo become apparent during

  1. Radial cleavage
  2. Bilateral cleavage
  3. Spiral cleavage
  4. Biradial cleavage

Answer. 2. Bilateral cleavage

Question 117. A blastula consisting of a blastoderm of one or several layers of cells arranged around a spacious blastocoel is termed as

  1. Periblastula
  2. Coeloblastula
  3. Stereoblastula
  4. Discoblastula

Answer. 2. Coeloblastula

Question 118. The movement of micromeres over the surface of blastula, resulting in the elongation of embryo, is known as

  1. Divergence
  2. Convergence
  3. Involution
  4. Epiboly

Answer. 4. Epiboly

Question 119. Blastodisc is restricted to a small area in

  1. Eutherian egg
  2. Avian egg
  3. Ascaris egg
  4. Amphibian egg

Answer. 2. Avian egg

Question 120. Mosaic or determinate cleavage is found in

  1. Sponges, echinoderms, and eutherian mammals
  2. Cyclostomes, elasmobranchs, dipnoi, amphibian, and cephalopod molluscs
  3. Coelenterates
  4. Nematodes and amphioxus

Answer. 4. Nematodes and amphioxus

Question 121. Which of the following is involved in capacitation?

  1. Removal of membrane cholesterol present over acrosome
  2. Entry of Ca2+ into sperms
  3. Dilution of decapacitation factors
  4. All of these

Answer. 4. All of these

Question 122. The function of cortical granules in the cortex of the ovum is the formation of

  1. Vitelline membrane
  2. Perivitelline membrane
  3. Fertilization membrane
  4. Plasma membrane

Answer. 3. Fertilization membrane

Question 123. The fertilization membrane is secreted because

  1. It checks the entry of more sperms after fertilization
  2. It checks the entry of antigens in ovum
  3. It checks syngamy
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. It checks the entry of more sperms after fertilization

Question 124. Which of the following is involved in slow block to the polyspermy?

  1. Cortical reaction
  2. Zona reaction
  3. Depolarization starting at the fertilization cone
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 125. “Cells of Rauber” are

  1. Trophoblast cells in contact with embryonal knob
  2. Cells of inner cell mass
  3. Cells present in the blastocoel
  4. Uterine epithelial cells making contact with blastocyst

Answer. 1. Trophoblast cells in contact with embryonal knob

Question 126. The part of decidua present between embryo and the lu- men of uterus is called

  1. Decidua basalis
  2. Decidua capsularis
  3. Decidua parietalis
  4. Perimetrium

Answer. 2. Decidua capsularis

Question 127. Which of the following is true regarding the first germinal layer to differentiate during embryonic development?

  1. Endoderm, epiblast
  2. Endoderm, hypoblast
  3. Mesoderm, epiblast
  4. Mesoderm, hypoblast

Answer. 1. Endoderm, epiblast

Question 128. Ontogenetically, liver and pancreas are

  1. Ectodermal
  2. Mesodermal
  3. Endodermal
  4. None of these

Answer. 3. Endodermal

Question 129. The mesoderm gives rise to all structures except

  1. Nervous system
  2. Muscular system
  3. Circulatory system
  4. Gonads

Answer. 1. Nervous system

Question 130. The effect of teratogens is maximum during

  1. First trimester
  2. Second trimester
  3. Third trimester
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer. 1. First trimester

Question 131. Hormone administered for hastening child birth is meant for

  1. Stimulating striped muscles
  2. Raising blood pressure
  3. Increasing energy availability
  4. Contraction of smooth muscles

Answer. 4. Contraction of smooth muscles

Question 132. Gestation period in humans is

  1. 10 weeks
  2. 28 weeks
  3. 32 weeks
  4. 38 weeks

Answer. 4. 38 weeks

Question 133. Extra-embryonic membrane amnion provides

  1. Cells to embryo
  2. Protection to embryo
  3. Nutrition to embryo
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 2. Protection to embryo

Question 134. Active in rolling of endodermal and mesodermal cells into the interior of embryo is

  1. Ingression
  2. Involution
  3. Inversion
  4. Epiboly

Answer. 2. Involution

Question 135. Gastrulation comprises

  1. Morphogenetic movements
  2. Differentiation of archenteron
  3. Differentiation of three germ layers
  4. All of these

Answer. 4. All of these

Question 136. During embryonic development, which of the following organs is formed first?

  1. Heart
  2. Brain
  3. Neural tube
  4. Skin

Answer. 3. Neural tube

Question 137. Which of the following are the derivatives of endoderm?

  1. Muscles and blood
  2. Alimentary canal and respiratory organs
  3. Excretory and reproductive organs
  4. Skin and nerve cord

Answer. 2. Alimentary canal and respiratory organs

Question 138. Fetal ejection reflex in a human female is induced by

  1. Release of oxytocin from pituitary gland
  2. Pressure exerted by amniotic fluid
  3. Differentiation of mammary glands
  4. Fully developed fetus and placenta

Answer. 4. Fully developed fetus and placenta

Question 139. Find the incorrect match with respect to increase in the levels of following hormones:

  1. Oxytocin-Uterine contraction during labor
  2. Prolactin-Lactation after child birth
  3. Progesterone – Uterine contraction
  4. Luteinizing hormone – Stimulates ovulation

Answer. 3. Progesterone – Uterine contraction

Question 140. Kidneys, heart, and gonads are formed from

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Endoderm
  3. Inner cell mass
  4. Mesoderm

Answer. 4. Mesoderm

Question 141. The lytic enzyme present in semen is

  1. Ligase
  2. Estrogenase
  3. Androgenase
  4. Hyaluronidase

Answer. 4. Hyaluronidase

Question 142. Progesterone is secreted by

  1. Corpus aorta
  2. Corpus albicans
  3. Corpus luteum
  4. Corpus callosum

Answer. 3. Corpus luteum

Question 143. Which of the following causes abortion in ladies?

  1. Virus
  2. Bacteria
  3. Mycoplasma
  4. None of these

Answer. 2. Bacteria

Question 144. Accessory sexual character in female is promoted by

  1. Androgen
  2. Progesterone
  3. Estrogen
  4. Testosterone

Answer. 3. Estrogen

Question 145. Sertoli cells are found in testis. These cells are

  1. Nurse cell
  2. Reproductive cell
  3. Receptor cell
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. Nurse cell

Question 146. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which

  1. Testis does not descend into scrotal sac
  2. Sperm in not found
  3. Male hormones are not reactive
  4. Ovaries are removed

Answer. 1. Testis does not descend into scrotal sac

Question 147. The cellular layer that disintegrates and regenerates again and again in humans is

  1. Endometrium of uterus
  2. Cornea of eye
  3. Dermis of skin
  4. Endothelium of blood vessels

Answer. 1. Endometrium of uterus

Question 148. The functional maturation of sperms takes place in

  1. Oviduct
  2. Epididymis
  3. Vagina
  4. All of these

Answer. 2. Epididymis

Question 149. Surgical removal or cutting and ligation of the ends of oviduct is known as

  1. Tubectomy
  2. Oviductomy
  3. Castration
  4. Vasectomy

Answer. 1. Vasectomy

Question 150. The follicle that ruptures at the time of ovulation promptly fills with blood forming

  1. Corpus haemorrhagicum
  2. Corpus luteum
  3. Corpus albicans
  4. Corpus callosum

Answer. 1. Corpus haemorrhagicum

Question 151. In mammals, estrogens are secreted by the Graafian follicle from its

  1. External theca
  2. Internal theca
  3. Zona pellucida
  4. Corona radiata

Answer. 2. Internal theca

Question 152. Supporting cells found in the germinal epithelium of tes- tis are called

  1. Interstitial cells of Leydig
  2. Sertoli cells
  3. Granular cells
  4. Phagocytes

Answer. 2. Sertoli cells

Question 153. In mammals, the female secondary sexual characters are developed mainly by the hormone

  1. Relaxin
  2. Estrogens
  3. Progesterone
  4. Gonadotropins

Answer. 2. Estrogens

Question 154. Cryptorchidism is a condition of testes

  1. Unable to descend in scrotal sacs
  2. Unable to produce sperms
  3. Having been surgically removed
  4. Having remained undeveloped

Answer. 1. Unable to descend in scrotal sacs

Question 155. In between spermatogonia are found

  1. Germinal cells
  2. Sertoli cells
  3. Epithelial cells
  4. Lymph space

Answer. 2. Sertoli cells

Question 156. Which accessory genital gland occurs only in male mammal?

  1. Bartholin’s gland
  2. Perineal gland
  3. Prostate gland
  4. All

Answer. 3. Prostate gland

Question 157. During differentiation, the spermatids remain associated with

  1. Leydig’s cells
  2. Kupffer’s cells
  3. Spermatogonia
  4. Sertoli cell

Answer. 4. Sertoli cell

Question 158. What would happen if vasa deferentia of man are cut?

  1. Sperms will be non-nucleate.
  2. Spermatogenesis will not occur.
  3. Semen will be without sperms.
  4. Sperm will be non-motile.

Answer. 3. Semen will be without sperms.

Question 159. The Sertoli cells occur in

  1. Human testis
  2. Frog testis
  3. Human ovary
  4. Frog ovary

Answer. 1. Human testis

Question 160. Which one of the following is primary sex organ?

  1. Scrotum
  2. Penis
  3. Testis
  4. Prostrate

Answer. 3. Testis

Question 161. If somatic chromosomes’ number is 40, what shall be the chromosomal number in the cell of seminiferous tubules?

  1. 40
  2. 20
  3. 10
  4. 40 and 20

Answer. 4. 40 and 20

Question 162. Eggs are liberated from ovary in humans in the

  1. Secondary oocyte stage
  2. Primary oocyte stage
  3. Oogonial stage
  4. Mature ovum stage

Answer. 1. Secondary oocyte stage

Question 163. The Graafian follicles are found in

  1. Testis of mammal
  2. Ovary of frog
  3. Ovary of cockroach
  4. Ovary of mammals

Answer. 4. Ovary of mammals

Question 164. The site of fertilization in

  1. Ovary
  2. Uterus
  3. Vagina
  4. Fallopian tube

Answer. 4. Fallopian tube

Question 165. Endometrium is lining of

  1. Testis
  2. Urinary bladder
  3. Uterus
  4. Ureter

Answer. 3. Uterus

Question 166. A secondary sexual character is

  1. Breast
  2. Ovary
  3. Testis
  4. Thyroid

Answer. 1. Breast

Question 167. Expanded proximal part of oviduct in females is

  1. Uterus
  2. Fallopian tube
  3. Fimbriated funnel
  4. Vestibule

Answer. 3. Fimbriated funnel

Question 168. The endocrinal structure formed after ovulation (release of ovum from the Graafian follicle) is

  1. Corpus albicans
  2. Corpus callosum
  3. Corpus luteum
  4. Corpus striatum

Answer. 3. Corpus luteum

Question 169. Corpus luteum is

  1. Excretory
  2. Endocrine
  3. Digestive
  4. Reproductive

Answer. 2. Endocrine

Question 170. A female gland corresponding to the prostrate of males is

  1. Bartholin’s gland
  2. Bulbourethral gland
  3. Clitoris
  4. None

Answer. 4. None

Question 171. Progesterone is secreted by

  1. Corpus luteum
  2. Thyroid
  3. Thymus
  4. Testis

Answer. 1. Corpus luteum

Question 172. Spermatogenesis and sperm differentiation are under the control of

  1. FSH
  2. LH
  3. Progesterone
  4. Parathyroid hormone

Answer. 1. FSH

Question 173. During pregnancy, the urine of woman contains

  1. LH
  2. Progesterone
  3. FSH
  4. HCG

Answer. 4. HCG

Question 174. In the absence of pregnancy, corpus luteum

  1. Becomes active, secretes FSH and LH
  2. Produces lot of oxytocin and relaxin
  3. Degenerates after some time
  4. Is maintained by progesterone

Answer. 3. Degenerates after some time

Question 175. 10 oogonia yield 10 primary oocytes. Then how many ova are produced on the completion of oogenesis?

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 20
  4. 40

Answer. 2. 10

Question 176. Parturition duct in females is called

  1. Uterus
  2. Oviduct
  3. Vagina
  4. Cervix

Answer. 3. Vagina

Question 177. Which temporary endocrine gland forms in ovary after ovulation?

  1. Corpus callosum
  2. Corpus albicans
  3. Corpus luteum
  4. Corpus striatum

Answer. 3. Corpus luteum

Question 178. In mammals, the maturation of sperms take place at a temperature

  1. Equal to that of body
  2. Higher than that of body
  3. Lower than that of body
  4. At any piece of mammalian sperm

Answer. 3. Lower than that of body

Question 179. Onset of pregnancy

  1. Stimulates testosterone secretion
  2. Inhibits further ovulation
  3. Leads to degeneration of ovary
  4. Inhibits fusion of egg and sperm nuclei

Answer. 2. Inhibits further ovulation

Question 180. Graffian follicles contain

  1. Corpus luteum
  2. Corpus albicans
  3. Theca externa and theca interna
  4. Oogonial cells

Answer. 3. Theca externa and theca interna

Question 181. Bartholin’s glands occur in

  1. Females and help in vestibular lubrication
  2. Females and produce oestrogen for regulating secondary sexual characters
  3. Males and form liquid part of spermatic field
  4. Males and produce alkaline fluid for neutralizing urethral acidity

Answer. 1. Females and help in vestibular lubrication

Question 182. Which is correct?

  1. Menstrual cycle is present in all mammals.
  2. Menstrual cycle is present in all primates.
  3. Estrous cycle occurs in all mammals.
  4. Most mammals are ovoviviparous.

Answer. 2. Menstrual cycle is present in all primates.

Question 183. Yellow corpus luteum occurs in mammals in

  1. Heart to initiate heartbeat
  2. Skin to function as pain receptor
  3. Brain and connects cerebral hemisphere
  4. Ovary for secretion of progesterone

Answer. 4. Ovary for secretion of progesterone

Question 184. Human sperm was discovered by

  1. Leeuwenhoek
  2. Aristotle
  3. Graaf
  4. Pander

Answer. 1. Leeuwenhoek

Question 185. Corpus luteum secretes

  1. LH
  2. Estrogen
  3. Progesterone
  4. FSH

Answer. 3. Progesterone

Question 186. In case of non-fertilization, corpus luteum

  1. Stops secreting progesterone
  2. Changes to corpus albicans
  3. Starts producing progesterone
  4. None of the above

Answer. 2. Changes to corpus albicans

Question 187. Correct sequence of hormone secretion from the beginning of menstruation is

  1. FSH, progesterone, estrogen
  2. Estrogen, FSH, progesterone
  3. FSH, estrogen, progesterone
  4. Esterogen, progesterone, FSH

Answer. 3. FSH, estrogen, progesterone

Question 188. Graafian follicle contains

  1. Many oocytes
  2. Many sperms
  3. A single oocyte
  4. Site for egg fertilization

Answer. 3. A single oocyte

Question 189. Progesterone level falls leading to

  1. Gestation
  2. Menopause
  3. Lactation
  4. Menstruation

Answer. 4. Menstruatioin

Question 190. Head of epididymis present at the head of testis is

  1. Caput epididymis
  2. Cauda epidiymis
  3. Vas deferens
  4. Gubernaculum

Answer. 1. Caput epididymis

Question 191. Human female reaches menopause at the age of about

  1. 25 years
  2. 35 years
  3. 50 years
  4. 70 years

Answer. 3. 50 years

Question 192. Glands secreting male sex hormone are

  1. Leydig cells
  2. Seminiferous tubules
  3. Vasa deferentia
  4. Testes

Answer. 4. Testes

Question 193. Estrogen is secreted by

  1. Corpus luteum
  2. Graafian follicle
  3. Germinal epithelium of ovary
  4. Pituitary

Answer. 2. Graafian follicle

Question 194. Testes descent into scrotum in mammals for

  1. Spermatogenesis
  2. Fertilization
  3. Development of sex organs
  4. Development of visceral organs

Answer. 1. Spermatogenesis

Question 195. The phase of menstrual cycle in humans that lasts for 7-8 days is

  1. Follicular phase
  2. Ovulatory phase
  3. Luteal phase
  4. Menstruation

Answer. 1. Follicular phase

Question 196. Menstruation is caused by

  1. Increase in FSH level
  2. Fall in oxytocin level
  3. Fall in progesterone level
  4. Increase in oestrogen level

Answer. 3. Fall in progesterone level

Question 197. In the urinogenital system, one of the following part is present in males and not in females:

  1. Urethra
  2. Fallopian tube
  3. Vagina
  4. Vas deferens

Answer. 4. Vas deferens

Question 188. Number of sperms formed from four spermatocytes is

  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. 16
  4. 32

Answer. 3. 16

Question 199. In human females, ova are produced in

  1. Ovarian follicles
  2. Oviduct
  3. Uterus
  4. Vagina

Answer. 1. Ovarian follicles

Question 200. Which is correctly matched in a normal menstrual cycle?

  1. Endometrium regenerates-5 to 10 days
  2. Release of egg- 5th day
  3. Endometrium secretes nutrients for implantation – 11 to 18 days
  4. Rise in progesterone level – 1 to 15 days

Answer. 1. Endometrium regenerates-5 to 10 days

Question 201. Spermatogonia develop into the

  1. Ovary
  2. Ovum
  3. Sperm
  4. Zygote

Answer. 3. sperm

Question 202. Spermatogonia develop through division

  1. Amitosis
  2. Mitosis
  3. Meiosis 1
  4. Meiosis 2

Answer. 2. Mitosis

Question 203. Graafian follicles occur in

  1. Ovary
  2. Testis
  3. Egg
  4. Sperm

Answer. 1. Ovary

Question 204. Ovulation occurs in and on

  1. Ovary
  2. About 14th day
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. None of these

Answer. 3. Both (1) and (2)

Question 205. Blastopore occurs in

  1. Gastrula
  2. Blastula
  3. Blastocoel
  4. Morula

Answer. 1. Gastrula

Question 206. Mesoderm is formed through invagination of

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Endoderm
  3. Inner mass of cells
  4. Primitive streak

Answer. 4. Primitive streak

Question 207. Secretion of which structure uterus for implantation?

  1. Ovary
  2. Corpus luteum
  3. Pituitary gland
  4. Ovarian follicle

Answer. 2. Corpus luteum

Question 208. Energy center of sperm is

  1. Head
  2. Middle piece
  3. Entire sperm
  4. Tail

Answer. 2. Middle piece

Question 209. Fusion of sperm and ovum is

  1. Amphimixis
  2. Regeneration
  3. Fertilization
  4. None of the above

Answer. 3. Fertilization

Question 210. Embryo at 16-celled stage is called

  1. Morula
  2. Blastula
  3. Blastomere
  4. Gastrula

Answer. 1. Morula

Question 211. Layers of ovum from outside to inside are

  1. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, vitelline membrane
  2. Zona pellucida, corona radiata, vitelline membrane
  3. Vitelline membrane, zona pellucida, corona radiata
  4. Zona pellucida, vitelline membrane, corona radiata

Answer. 1. Corona radiata, zona pellucida, vitelline membrane

Question 212. Which layer of embryo is formed first?

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Mesoderm
  3. Endoderm
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer. 3. Endoderm

Question 213. In which phase of cell division are oogonia arrested?

  1. Anaphase 2
  2. Anaphase 1
  3. Interphase
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 2. Anaphase 1

Question 214. Capacitation of sperms occurs in

  1. Female genital tract
  2. Vagina
  3. Vas efferens
  4. Vas deferens

Answer. 1. Female genital tract

Question 215. Fertilization of ovum occurs in

  1. Fimbriae of oviduct
  2. Isthmus of oviduct
  3. Ampulla of oviduct
  4. None of the above

Answer. 3. Ampulla of oviduct

Question 216. Function of the Sertoli cells is controlled by

  1. Estrogen
  2. FSH
  3. Testosterone
  4. ACTH

Answer. 2. FSH

Question 217. Corpus spongiosum occurs in

  1. Ovary
  2. Penis
  3. Egg
  4. Sperm

Answer. 2. Penis

Question 218. Cytoplasm of ovum does not possess

  1. Golgi complex
  2. Mitochondria
  3. Centrosome
  4. Ribosomes

Answer. 3. Centrosome

Question 219. Which of the following provides nutrition to maturing sperms?

  1. Leydig cell
  2. Scrotum
  3. Epididymis
  4. Sertoli cells

Answer. 4. Sertoli cells

Question 220. LH and FSH are collectively called

  1. Oxytocin
  2. Somatotropins
  3. Gonadotropins
  4. Luteotropins

Answer. 3. Gonadotropins

Question 221. Mammalian blastula is known as

  1. Trophoderm
  2. Blastocyst
  3. Fetal blastula
  4. Oedema

Answer. 2. Blastocyst

Question 222. Acrosome of sperm contains

  1. Hydrolytic enzymes
  2. DNA
  3. Fructose
  4. Mitochondria

Answer. 1. Hydrolytic enzymes

Question 223. Radial cleavage is found in

  1. Tunicates
  2. Protozoans
  3. Coelenterates
  4. Annelids

Answer. 3. Coelenterates

Question 224. Cavity formed during gastrulation is

  1. Primitive gut
  2. Gastrocoel
  3. Archenteron
  4. All of the above

Answer. 2. Gastrocoel

Question 225. Menstrual phase is followed by

  1. Luteal phase
  2. Follicular phase
  3. Fertilization
  4. Implantation

Answer. 2. Follicular phase

Question 226. If for some reason, the vasa efferentia in the human re-productive system get blocked, the gametes will not be transported from

  1. Testes to epididymis
  2. Epididymis to vas deferens
  3. Ovary to uterus
  4. Vagina to uterus

Answer. 1. Testes to epididymis

Question 227. The testes in humans are situated outside the abdominal cavity inside a pouch called scrotum. The purpose served is for

  1. Maintaining the scrotal temperature lower than the internal body temperature
  2. Escaping any possible compression by the visceral organs
  3. Providing more space for the growth of epididymis
  4. Providing a secondary sexual feature for exhibiting the male sex

Answer. 1. Maintaining the scrotal temperature lower than the internal body temperature

Question 228. The figure given depicts a diagrammatic sectional view of the human female reproductive system. Which set of three parts out of I-VI have been correctly identified? 

NEET Biology Human Reproduction Question 88

  1. (2) endometrium, (3) infundibulum, (4) fimbriae
  2. (3) infundibulum, (4) fimbriae, (5) cervix
  3. (4) oviducal funnel, (5) uterus, (6) cervix
  4. (1) perimetrium, (2) myometrium, (3) fallopian tube

Answer. 2. (3) infundibulum, (4) fimbriae, (5) cervix

Question 229. Singnals for parturition originate from

  1. Oxytocin released from maternal pituitary
  2. Placenta only
  3. Fully developed fetus only
  4. Both placenta as well as fully developed fetus

Answer. 4. Both placenta as well as fully developed fetus

Question 230. The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called 

  1. Luteal phase and lasts for about 6 days
  2. Follicular phase and lasts for about 6 days
  3. Luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days
  4. Follicular phase and lasts for about 13 days

Answer. 3. Luteal phase and lasts for about 13 days

Question 231. Human placenta is

  1. Haemochorial
  2. Syndesmochorial
  3. Yolk sac
  4. Haemo-endothelial

Answer. 1. Haemochorial

Question 232. Human eggs are

  1. Alecithal
  2. Microlecithal
  3. Mesolecithal
  4. Macrolecithal

Answer. 1. Alecithal

Question 233. Human egg has

  1. One Y-chromosome
  2. One X-chromosome
  3. Two Y-chromosomes
  4. One X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome

Answer. 2. One X-chromosome and one Y-chromosome

Question 234. Fertilizins are emitted by

  1. Immature eggs
  2. Mature eggs
  3. Sperms
  4. Polar bodies

Answer. 2. Mature eggs

Question 235. During cleavage, what is true about embryo?

  1. Nucleocytoplasmic ratio remains unchanged
  2. Size does not increase
  3. There is less consumption of oxygen
  4. The division is like meiosis

Answer. 2. Size does not increase

Question 236. At the end of first meiotic division, male germ cell differentiates into

  1. Secondary spermatocyte
  2. Primary spermatocyte
  3. Spermatogonium
  4. Spermatid

Answer. 1. Secondary spermatocyte

Question 237. A mature sperm has

  1. A pair of flagella
  2. A nucleus, an acrosome, and a centriole
  3. A nucleus, an acrosome, a pair of centrioles
  4. A nucleus, an acrosome, a pair of centrioles and a tail

Answer. 4. A nucleus, an acrosome, a pair of centrioles and a tail

Question 238. Ovulation occurs under the influence of

  1. LH
  2. FSH
  3. Estrogen
  4. Progesterone

Answer. 1. LH

Question 239. Part of sperm involved in penetrating egg membrane is

  1. Tail
  2. Acrosome
  3. Allosome
  4. Autosome

Answer. 2. Acrosome

Question 240. Type of cleavage in an egg is determined by

  1. Amount and distribution of yolk
  2. Number of egg membranes
  3. Size and location of nucleus
  4. Shape and size of sperm

Answer. 1. Amount and distribution of yolk

Question 241. Fertilization is fusion of

  1. Diploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to form diploid zygote
  2. Haploid spermatozoan with diploid ovum to from diploid zygote
  3. Diploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote
  4. Haploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote

Answer. 4. Haploid spermatozoan with haploid ovum to form diploid zygote

Question 242. Correct sequence in development is

  1. Fertilization → Zygote → Cleavage → Morula → Blastula → Gastrula
  2. Fertilization → Zygote → Blastula → Morula → Cleavage → Gastrula
  3. Fertilization → Cleavage → Morula → Zygote → Blastula → Gastrula
  4. Cleavage Zygote Fertilization → Morula → Blastula → Gastrula

Answer. 1. Fertilization → Zygote → Cleavage → Morula → Blastula → Gastrula

Question 243. Middle piece of mammalian sperm contains

  1. Nucleus
  2. Vacuoles
  3. Mitochondria
  4. Centriole

Answer. 3. Mitochondria

Question 244. Immediately after ovulation, the mammalian egg is covered by a membrane called

  1. Chorion
  2. Zona pellucida
  3. Corona raidata
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer. 4. Both (2) and (3)

Question 245. Cleavage in the fertilized egg of humans

  1. Starts in uterus
  2. Is meroblastic
  3. Starts when egg is in fallopian tube
  4. Is discoidal

Answer. 3. Starts when egg is in fallopian tube

Question 246. Polar body is produced during the formation of

  1. Sperm
  2. Secondary oocyte
  3. Oogonium
  4. Spermatocytes

Answer. 2. Secondary oocyte

Question 247. The head of mature mammalian sperm is made of

  1. An acrosome
  2. Elongated nucleus covered by acrosome
  3. Two centrioles and an axial filament
  4. Nucleus, acrosome, cytoplasm, and mitochondrial sheath

Answer. 2. Elongated nucleus covered by acrosome

Question 248. Oocyte is liberated from ovary under the influence of LH, after completing

  1. Mitosis and before liberating polar bodies
  2. Meiosis 1 and before liberating second polar bodies
  3. Meiosis
  4. Meiosis 2 after the release of the first polar body

Answer. 3. Meiosis

Question 249. Which cell division is found during cleavage?

  1. Amitosis
  2. Mitosis
  3. Closed mitosis
  4. Meiosis

Answer. 2. Mitosis

Question 250. 10 oogonia yield 10 primary oocytes. Then how many ova are produced on the completion of oogenesis?

  1. 5
  2. 10
  3. 20
  4. 40

Answer. 2. 10

Question 251. At the time of fertilization, sperm head enters in the egg from

  1. Anywhere
  2. Animal pole
  3. Vegetal pole
  4. Lateral side of egg

Answer. 3. Vegetal pole

Question 252. In which stage of development the embryonic cells form the germinal layers by the movement?

  1. Morula
  2. Blastula
  3. Gastrula
  4. Nerula

Answer. 2. Blastula

Question 253. In mammals, eggs are microlecithal and isolecithal because these are

  1. Oviparou
  2. Viviparous
  3. Ovoviviparous
  4. None of these

Answer. 2. Viviparous

Question 254. Which of the following is not correct for gastrulation?

  1. Archenteron is formed.
  2. All germinal layers are formed.
  3. Morphogenetic movements.
  4. Some blastomeres and blastocoel degenerate.

Answer. 4. Some blastomeres and blastocoel degenerate.

Question 255. At which stage of spermatogenesis, sperms acquire their whole structural maturity and they contain a haploid nucleus and other organs?

  1. Spermiogenesis
  2. Growth phase
  3. Multiplication phase
  4. Maturation phase

Answer. 1. Spermiogenesis

Question 256. Sperm enters from which part of egg?

  1. Anywhere in unfertilized egg from vegetal pole
  2. From animal pole in unfertilized egg
  3. In unfertilized egg from vegetal pole
  4. None

Answer. 2. From animal pole in unfertilized egg

Question 257. Completion of gastrulation is indicated by

  1. Obliteration of archenterone
  2. Obliteration of blastocoel
  3. Closing of blastopore
  4. Closing of neural tube

Answer. 2. Closing of neural tube

Question 258. In mammals, egg is fertilized in

  1. Ovary
  2. Fallopian tube
  3. Uterus
  4. Vagina

Answer. 2. Fallopian tube

Question 259. What is formed at the time of gastrulation?

  1. Gills
  2. Heart
  3. Myotome
  4. Archenteron

Answer. 4. Archenteron

Question 260. Which part of spermatid forms the acrosomes of sperm?

  1. Mitochondria
  2. Golgi body
  3. Nucleus
  4. Lysosome

Answer. 2. Golgi body

Question 261. How many sperms are formed by one primary spermatocyte?

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1

Answer. 1. 4

Question 262. The chemical in ovum which attracts sperms is

  1. Fertilizin
  2. Antifertilizin
  3. Agglutinin
  4. Thrombin

Answer. 1. Fertilizin

Question 263. Which of the following organ is differentiated first during development?

  1. Heart
  2. Skin
  3. Brain
  4. Neural tube

Answer. 3. Brain

Question 264. In a vertebrate, which germ layer forms the skeletal muscles?

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Endoderm
  3. Mesoderm
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 3. Mesoderm

Question 265. Which layer develops first during embryonic development?

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Mesoderm
  3. Endoderm
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Answer. 3. Endoderm

Question 266. The whole nervous system including neuron in a frog and other vertebrates is derived from

  1. Ectoderm
  2. Endoderm
  3. Mesoderm
  4. All of these

Answer. 1. Ectoderm

Question 267. In a sperm, the mitochondria occurs

  1. In tail
  2. In acrosome
  3. In middle piece
  4. In head

Answer. 3. In middile piece

Question 268. Which set of enzymes is found in the acrosome of mammalian spermatozoa?

  1. Hyaluronidase, corona penetrating enzyme (CPE)
  2. Hyaluronidase, CPE, zona lysine
  3. Hyaluronidase, CPE, peptidase
  4. Hyaluronidase only

Answer. 2. Hyaluronidase, CPE, zona lysine

Question 269. Fixing up of blastocyst in the wall of the uterus is known as

  1. Fertilization
  2. Implantation
  3. Impregnation
  4. Placentation

Answer. 2. Implantation

Question 270. The type of placenta found in human beings is

  1. Diffuse
  2. Zonary
  3. Cotyledonary
  4. Discoidal

Answer. 4. Discoidal

Question 271. The number of fetal membranes in a man is

  1. 1
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 0

Answer. 3. 4

Question 272. Placenta in human beings is formed by

  1. Amnion
  2. Chorion
  3. Allantois
  4. Allantois, chorion, and uterine wall

Answer. 4. Allantois, chorion, and uterine wall

Question 273. The phenomenon of nuclear fusion of sperm and egg is known as

  1. Karyogamy
  2. Parthenogenesis
  3. Vitellogenesis
  4. Oogenesis

Answer. 1.

Question 274. Arrchenteron cavity is found in

  1. Blastula
  2. Gastrula
  3. Morula
  4. Planula

Answer. 2. Gastrula

Question 275. Mammalian placenta originates from

  1. Allantois and chorion
  2. Yolk sac
  3. Allantois
  4. Amnion

Answer. 1. Allantois and chorion

Question 276. What is true for cleavage?

  1. Size of cell increases.
  2. Size of embryo increases.
  3. Size of cell decreases.
  4. Size of embryo decreases.

Answer. 3. Size of cell increases.

Question 277. A blastopore is found in

  1. Blastula and is the opening of blastocoel
  2. Gastrula and is the opening of blastocoel
  3. Blastula and is the opening of archenteron
  4. Gastrula and is the opening of archenteron

Answer. 4. Gastrula and is the opening of archenteron

Question 278. The extraembryonic membranes of mammalian embryo are derived from

  1. Trophoblast
  2. Follicle cells
  3. Formative cells
  4. Inner cell mass

Answer. 1. Trophoblast

Question 279. Find out the wrong statement:

  1. In mammals, allantois is not excretory in function.
  2. Amnion is the outer layer containing amniotic fluid that acts as shock absorber to the soft embryo.
  3. Yolk sac is a fetal membrane that helps in the nourishment of the embryo in general.
  4. Chorio-allantoic membrane develops villi and contributes much to the development of placenta.

Answer. 2. Amnion is the outer layer containing amniotic fluid that acts as shock absorber to the soft embryo.

Question 280. The woman who consumed the drug thalidomide for relief from vomiting during early months of pregnancy gave birth to children with 

  1. Harelip
  2. No spleem
  3. Extra fingers and toes
  4. Underdeveloped limbs

Answer. 4. Underdeveloped limbs

Question 281. The chemical substance released by activated spermatozoa that acts on the ground substance of the follicle cells is known as

  1. Relaxin
  2. Teratogen
  3. Progesterone
  4. Hyaluronidase

Answer. 4. Hyaluronidase

Question 282. Menstrual flow occurs due to lack of

  1. FSH
  2. Oxytocin
  3. Vasopressin
  4. Progesterone

Answer. 4. Progesterone

Question 283. What is the correct sequence of sperm formation?

  1. Spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatozoa, spermatid
  2. Spermatogonia, spermatozoa, spermatocyte, spermatid
  3. Spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatid, spermatozoa
  4. Spermatid, spermatocyte, spermatogonia, spermatozoa

Answer. 3. Spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatid, spermatozoa

Question 284. Which one of the following is not the function of placenta? It

  1. Secretes estrogen
  2. Facilitates removal of carbon dioxide and waste material from embryo
  3. Secretes oxytocin during parturition
  4. Facilitates supply of oxygen and nutrients to embryo

Answer. 3. Secretes oxytocin during parturition

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