NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Locomotion And Movement

Locomotion And Movement Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. Cyclosis is a characteristic of plant cells such as Amoeba and vertebrate WBCs. This movement is due to

  1. Sliding microtubule
  2. Cytoplasmic streaming
  3. Beating of cilia
  4. Podia formation

Answer: 2. Cytoplasmic streaming

Question 2. A sheet or broad band of fibrous connective tissue that is deep to the skin and surrounds muscles and other organs of the body are

  1. Epimysium
  2. Pasicule
  3. Endomysium
  4. Fascia

Answer: 4. Fascia

Question 3. The contractile unit of muscle is a part of myofibril between

  1. Z line and I band
  2. Z line and Z line
  3. Z line and A band
  4. A band and I band

Answer: 2. Z line and Z line

Question 4. The number of thick myofilaments (myosin) surrounding a single thin myofilament (actin) are

  1. 3
  2. 6
  3. 2
  4. 4

Answer: 1. 3

Question 5.At rest, when muscle is relaxed, thin filaments interdigit- tate with thick filaments only

  1. Outside A band
  2. Outside 11 band
  3. Inside A band
  4. Inside M line

Answer: 2. Outside 11 band

Question 6. The ion that must be present in an adequate amount for the binding of cross-bridges with actin is

  1. Ca2+
  2. Na+
  3. K+
  4. Mg2+

Answer: 1. Cn2+

Question 7. In which category of muscle fibers, contraction can be regulated by acetylcholine neurotransmitter?

  1. Skeletal muscle fibers
  2. Cardiac muscle fibers
  3. Smooth muscle fibers
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 8. According to the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, the filament that moves to shorten a muscle arc

  1. Myosin
  2. Actin
  3. Collagen
  4. Creatine phosphate

Answer: 2. Actin

Question 9. Anaerobic work becomes painful due to the accumulation of

  1. Ca2+ ions
  2. Myosin
  3. Lactic acid
  4. Creatine phosphate

Answer: 3. Lactic acid

Question 10. The lactic acid generated during muscle contraction is finally converted to glycogen in

  1. Muscle
  2. Kidney
  3. Liver
  4. Pancreas

Answer: 3. Liver

Question 11. The contraction of the muscle of the shortest duration is seen in

  1. Jaws
  2. Eyelids
  3. Heart
  4. Intestine

Answer: 2. Eyelids

Question 12. The time period between the beginning of the electrical response and the peak of tension recorded is called

  1. Contraction time
  2. Latent period
  3. Refractory period
  4. Relaxation time

Answer: 1. Contraction time

Question 13. Muscle fatigue occurs due to the accumulation of

  1. CO2
  2. Lactic acid
  3. Creatine phosphate
  4. Myosin ATPase

Answer: 2. Lactic acid

Question 14. In a contracted skeletal muscle fiber,

  1. M line disappears
  2. H zone elongates
  3. I band remains constant
  4. A band disappears

Answer: 1. M line disappears

Question 15. Which one of the following ions is essential for muscular contraction?

  1. Na+, Ca++
  2. Mg++, Ca++
  3. Mg++, K+
  4. K+,Na+

Answer: 2.  Mg++, Ca++

Question 16. The potential difference across the membrane of a relaxed muscle fiber is called resting potential. It amounts to about

  1. -70 mV
  2. 50 mV
  3. l00mV
  4. 50-100 mV

Answer: 1. -70 mV

Question 17. The longest individual muscle in the human body is

  1. Quadriceps femoris
  2. Gluteus maximus
  3. Sartorius
  4. Latissimusdorsi

Answer: 3. Sartorius

Question 18. In which one of the following functions, white muscles are not used?

  1. Moving of eyeballs
  2. Fast and strenuous work for a short duration
  3. For sustained work at a slow rate for a prolonged duration
  4. Fast flights as in sparrows

Answer: 3. For sustained work at a slow rate for a prolonged duration

Question 19. Cori cycle involves

  1. Liver
  2. Muscles
  3. Liver and muscles both
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Liver and muscles both

Question 20. Which one of the following is a viral disease that weakens the muscles?

  1. Atrophy
  2. Poliomyelitis
  3. Dystrophy
  4. Muscular hypertrophy

Answer: 2. Poliomyelitis

Question 21. On one of the lateral surfaces of the humerus, a muscle called

  1. Biceps brachii
  2. Oeltoidius
  3. Sartorius
  4. Messenger

Answer: 2. Oeltoidius

Question 22.In birds, which flight muscle is well-developed?

  1. Atari
  2. Biceps
  3. Gastrocnemius
  4. Pectoralis major

Answer: 4. Pectoralis major

Question 23. The backward bending of the shank is worked out by

  1. Gluteus maximus
  2. Quadriceps femoris muscles
  3. Adductor group of muscles
  4. Gastrocnemius and hamstrings

Answer: 4. Gastrocnemius and hamstrings

Question 24. The longest visceral muscles are found in

  1. Vas deferens
  2. Normal uterus
  3. Pregnant uterus
  4. Abdomen

Answer: 4. Abdomen

Question 25. Which one is not the character of red skeletal muscle?

  1. Smaller diameter
  2. More mitochondria
  3. More sarcoplasmic reticulum
  4. More blood capillaries

Answer: 3. More sarcoplasmic reticulum

Question 26. Which of the following is an example of multiunit smooth muscles?

  1. Smooth muscle with blood vessels
  2. Smooth muscle with intestine
  3. Masseter muscle of the jaw
  4. Arrector pili muscle of skin

Answer: 4. Arrector pili muscle of skin

Question 27. The least blood supply will be present in the case of

  1. Skeletal muscle
  2. Smooth muscle
  3. Cardiac muscle
  4. None of these

Answer: 2. Smooth muscle

Question 28. The part of the skull that includes the cranium, olfactory capsules, and optic capsules is known as

  1. Splanchnocranium
  2. Dermocranium
  3. Neurocranium
  4. Cranium

Answer: 3. Neurocranium

Question 29. The only movable bone in the skull is

  1. Mandible
  2. Vomer
  3. Maxilla
  4. Palatine

Answer: 1. Mandible

Question 30. Which one of the following is the bone enclosing the tympanum in mammals?

  1. Tympanic membrane
  2. Tympanic bulla
  3. Masloid
  4. Periodic and tympanic bulla

Answer: 2. Tympanic bulla

Question 31. Sella turcica, a depression enclosing the pituitary gland is found in

  1. Temporal bone
  2. Parietal bone
  3. Sphenoid bone
  4. Frontal bone

Answer: 3. Sphenoid bone

Question 32. The number of unpaired bones in the cranium is

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 1

Answer: 2. 4

Question 33. Foramen magnum is associated with which bone?

  1. Frontal
  2. Parietal
  3. Temporal
  4. Occipital

Answer: 4. Occipital

Question 34. Tongue bone is

  1. Mandible
  2. Hyoid
  3. Flat bone
  4. Coccyx

Answer: 2. Hyoid

Question 35. The odontoid process is present with which vertebrae of the vertebral column?

  1. Atlas vertebrae
  2. Axis vertebrae
  3. Vertebra prominent
  4. Lumbar vertebrae

Answer: 2. Axis vertebrae

Question 36. The number of anterior curves present in the human vertebral column is

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 1

Answer: 1. 2

Question 37. The total number of movable vertebrae in our body are

  1. 26
  2. 24
  3. 31
  4. 30

Answer: 2. 24

Question 38. Vertebra prominens is present with

  1. First thoracic vertebrae,
  2. First lumbar vertebrae
  3. Seventh cervical vertebrae
  4. First cervical vertebrae

Answer: 3. Seventh cervical vertebrae

Question 39. Cervical vertebrae can be distinguished from other vertebrae on the basis of

  1. Odontoid processes
  2. Transverse processes
  3. Amphiplatyan centrum
  4. Vertebra-arterial canals

Answer: 4. Vertebra-arterial canals

Question 40. The heaviest and largest vertebrae are

  1. Thoracic
  2. Lumbar
  3. Cervical
  4. Sacral

Answer: 2. Lumbar

Question 41. Typical thoracic vertebrae are

  1. 12
  2. 1,9,10,11,12
  3. 1,2, 7
  4. 2 to 8

Answer: 4. 2 to 8

Question 42. In birds, vertebrae in the neck region are

  1. Amphiplatyan
  2. Heterocoelous
  3. Opisthocoelous
  4. Amphicoelous

Answer: 2. Heterocoelous

Question 43. The centrum of a vertebra which is concave on both sides is called as

  1. Amphicoelous
  2. Opisthocoelous
  3. Acoelous
  4. Procoelaus

Answer: 1. Amphicoelous

Question 44. The type of vertebrae in the case of humans is

  1. Amphiplatyan
  2. Procoelous
  3. Amphicoelous
  4. Heterocoelous

Answer: 1. Amphiplatyan

Question 45. How many vertebra-chondral ribs are present in the human?

  1. 7 pairs
  2. 2 pairs
  3. 3 pairs
  4. 12 pairs

Answer: 3. 3 pairs

Question 46. The number of floating ribs is

  1. 2 pairs
  2. 12 pairs
  3. 7 pairs
  4. 3 pairs

Answer: 1. 2 pairs

Question 47. The glenoid cavity is associated with

  1. Pelvic girdle
  2. Coracoid
  3. Clavicle
  4. Scapula

Answer: 4. Scapula

Question 48. Deltoid ridge is found in which one of the following bones?

  1. Radius
  2. Tibia
  3. Femur
  4. Humerus

Answer: 4. Humerus

Question 49. Olecranon fossa is present with

  1. Radius
  2. Ulna
  3. Humerus
  4. Femur

Answer: 3. Humerus

Question 50. Sigmoid notch is present in

  1. Femur
  2. Tibio-fibula
  3. Humerus
  4. Radio-ulna.

Answer: 4. Radio-ulna.

Question 51. Mark the odd one out.

  1. Scaphoid
  2. Lunate
  3. Pisiform
  4. Calcaneum

Answer: 4. Calcaneum

Question 52. The phalangeal formula for the hand is

  1. 23333
  2. 33333
  3. 33322
  4. 32333

Answer: 1. 23333

Question 53. When we move the palm in the upward direction by the action of the supinator muscle, the position of the ulna is

  1. Toward thumb side
  2. Toward little finger
  3. Toward the thumb side in the right hand only
  4. Toward little finger in left hand only

Answer: 2. Toward little finger

Question 54. Which one of the following is called hip bone?

  1. Innominate
  2. Scapula
  3. Manubrium
  4. Coracoid

Answer: 1. Innominate

Question 55. The obturator foramen is enclosed between

  1. Ilium, ischium, and pubis
  2. Ischium and pubis
  3. Ilium and ischium
  4. Ilium and pubis

Answer: 2. Ischium and pubis

Question 56. Which of the following are involved in the formation of acetabulum?

1. Ilium

2. Ischium

3. Pubis

  1. 1 and 2 only
  2. 2 and 3 only
  3. 1 and 3 only
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Answer: 4. 1, 2 and 3

Question 57. A saddle joint is present between

  1. Radius and ulna
  2. Carpals
  3. Carpal and metacarpal of thumb
  4. Ulna and humerus

Answer: 3. Carpal and metacarpal of thumb

Question 58. The hinge joint is present between

  1. Humerus and radio-ulna
  2. Femur and pelvic girdle
  3. Femur and acetabulum
  4. Humerus and pectoral girdle

Answer: 1. Humerus and radio-ulna

Question 59. Which of the following movements in the mammalian skeleton represent the leverage of the third order (force applied at a point between the fulcrum and the point of resistance)?

  1. Biceps muscle flexing arm at elbow
  2. Triceps muscle extending arm at the elbow
  3. The Gastrocnemius muscle raises the weight of the body on the toes
  4. Movement of the head of the femur in the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle

Answer: 1. Biceps muscle flexing arm at elbow

Question 60. Which of the following abnormalities will include the secretion of abnormal granules—pannus?

  1. Osteoarthritis
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis
  3. Gout
  4. Osteoporosis

Answer: 2. Rheumatoid arthritis

Question 61. The cells responsible for the resorption of bone matrix during the growth and remodeling of the skeleton are called

  1. Osteoblasts
  2. Osteoclasts
  3. Chondroblasts
  4. Chondroclasts

Answer: 2. Osteoclasts

Question 62. Find the odd one out.

  1. Humerus, thigh, tibia, fibula, radius, and ulna
  2. Metacarpals and metatarsals, phalanges of fingers and toes
  3. Scapula of shoulder bone, sternum, cranial bones, vertebrae
  4. Carpals of wrist and tarsals of ankle

Answer: 3. Scapula of shoulder bone, sternum, cranial bones, vertebrae

Question 63. Find the odd one out.

  1. Ilium, ischium, pubis
  2. Deltoid ridge, olecranon process, trochanter
  3. Suprascapula, coracoid, scapula, trochlea
  4. Epiphysis, xiphistemum, olecranon notch

Answer: 1. Ilium, ischium, pubis

Question 64. When a bone breaks into more than two pieces, such a fracture is called

  1. Simple fracture
  2. Greenstick fracture
  3. Comminuted fracture
  4. Compound fracture

Answer: 3. Comminuted fracture

Question 65. Bone formed by the ossification of tendon is called as

  1. Sesamoid
  2. Cartilage or replacing bone
  3. Investing or dermal bone
  4. Membranous bone

Answer: 1. Sesamoid

Question 66.“All or none” rule cannot be implicated on

  1. Non-striated muscles
  2. Cardiac muscles
  3. Striated muscles
  4. All the above

Answer: 4. All the above

Question 67. Each myofibril has a diameter of

  1. 1-2 mm
  2. 0.1-0.2 mm
  3. 0.001-0.002 mm
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. 0.001-0.002 mm

Question 68. Myosin filaments are localized in

  1. Zband
  2. H band
  3. A band
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. A band

Question 69. Chemical ions responsible for muscle contraction are

  1. Ca++ and K+
  2. Na+ and K+
  3. Na+ and Ca++
  4. Ca++ and Mg++ ions

Answer: 4. Ca++ and Mg+ ions

Question 70. Muscles get fatigued due to the accumulation of

  1. Adenosine triphosphate
  2. CO2
  3. Lactic acid
  4. Phosphate molecules

Answer: 3. Lactic acid

Question 71. The basic unit of muscle contraction is

  1. Actin
  2. Myosin
  3. Sarcomere
  4. Tropomyosin

Answer: 3. Sarcomere

Question 72. Muscle fibers having rounded ends are

  1. Unstriped muscles
  2. Smooth muscles
  3. Striped muscles
  4. All the above

Answer: 1. Unstriped muscles

Question 73. The transmitter substance released at the synapse is

  1. Secretin
  2. Cholecystokinin
  3. Cholesterol
  4. Acetylcholine

Answer: 4. Acetylcholin

Question 74. Part of the pectoral girdle is

  1. Ileum
  2. Glenoid cavity
  3. Acetabulum
  4. Sternum

Answer: 2. Glenoid cavity

Question 75. The cervical vertebra is differentiated from another vertebra by

  1. Presence of odontoid
  2. Presence of a transverse process
  3. Amphiplatyan centrum
  4. Presence of vertebrarterial canal

Answer: 4. Presence of vertebrarterial canal

Question 76. The exoskeleton of a rabbit has

  1. Hair
  2. Hair and hoof
  3. Hair and claws
  4. Hair, claws, and hoof

Answer: 3. Hair and claws

Question 77. The humerus is different from the femur due to the presence of

  1. Spines
  2. Deltoid ridge
  3. Glenoid cavity
  4. Vertebral column

Answer: 2. Deltoid ridge

Question 78. The scapula is a part of

  1. Skull
  2. Pelvic girdle
  3. Pectoral girdle
  4. Vertebral column

Answer: 3. Pectoral girdle

Question 79. The obturator foramen is present between

  1. Ilium and ischium
  2. Ischium and pubis
  3. Ilium and pubis
  4. None

Answer: 2. Ischium and pubis

Question 80. The long neck of a giraffe or camel is due to

  1. More number of cervical vertebra
  2. More length of cervical vertebra
  3. Presence of muscular pads between cervical vertebrae
  4. Presence of extra bony plates

Answer: 2. More length of cervical vertebra

Question 81. The strongest bone is

  1. Tibia
  2. Femur
  3. Humerus
  4. Ulna

Answer: 1. Tibia

Question 82. The number of tarsal bones

  1. 2
  2. 7
  3. 6
  4. 5

Answer: 3. 6

Question 83. The heel bone of a rabbit is

  1. Central
  2. Mesocuneiform
  3. Ectocuneiform
  4. Calcaneal process

Answer: 4. Calcaneal process

Question 84. The sesamoid bone of the knee is

  1. Patella
  2. Patella and two fabellae
  3. Fabellae
  4. Pisiform

Answer: 2. Patella and two fabellae

Question 85. The number of bones present in the tarsals is

  1. 2,2, 1
  2. 2,3,1
  3. 2. 1.3
  4. 1,2,3

Answer: 3. 2. 1.3

Question 86. The sacroiliac joint is

  1. Movable
  2. Immovable
  3. Imperfect
  4. None

Answer: 2. Immovable

Question 87. Which bone does not participate in the formation of acetabulum?

  1. Pubis
  2. Ilium
  3. Ischium
  4. None

Answer: 1. Pubis

Question 88. In rabbits, the bone present between the pubis and acetabulum is

  1. Cotyloid
  2. Scapula
  3. Astragalus
  4. Cuboid

Answer: 1. Cotyloid

Question 89. The supratrochlear fossa is present in the

  1. Humerus of Ifog
  2. Humerus of rabbit
  3. Radius of rabbit
  4. Radius of frog

Answer: 2. Humerus of rabbit

Question 90. Trochlea of which bone fits in the sigmoid notch of the ulna?

  1. Humerus
  2. Radius
  3. Femur
  4. Scaphoid

Answer: 1. Humerus

Question 91. Acromian process is present in

  1. The pectoral girdle of frog
  2. The pectoral girdle of rabbit
  3. The pelvic girdle of rabbit
  4. The pelvic girdle of frog

Answer: 2. Pectoral girdle of rabbit

Question 92. The shoulder joint is present between

  1. The glenoid cavity of the pectoral girdle and head of the humerus
  2. Coracoid process of the pectoral girdle and head of the humerus
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: 2. Coracoid process of the pectoral girdle and head of the humerus

Question 93. A typical vertebra of a rabbit is

  1. Acoelous
  2. Procoelous
  3. Amphicoelous
  4. Amphiplatyan

Answer: 4. Amphiplatyan

Question 94. A feature of the vertebra of mammals is

  1. Centrum is amphiplatyan
  2. Epiphysis is present
  3. Inter vertebral disc present between two bones
  4. All the above

Answer: 4. All the above

Question 95. False rib in humans is

  1. 8th, 9th, and 10th rib
  2. 7th, 8th. and 9th rib
  3. 9th, 10th, and11th rib
  4. 6th, 7th, and 8th rib

Answer: 1. 8th, 9th, and 10th rib

Question 96. The type of suspension in the lower jaw of a rabbit is

  1. Craniostylic
  2. Autostylic
  3. Both
  4. None

Answer: 1. Craniostylic

Question 97. The number of bones in the

  1. 132
  2. 128
  3. 80
  4. 126

Answer: 1. 132

Question 98. The hinge joint is an

  1. Elbow joint
  2. Ankle joint
  3. Interphalangeal joint
  4. All

Answer: 4. All

Question 99. Pivot joint is

  1. Atlanto-axial joint
  2. Shoulder joint
  3. Hip joint
  4. None

Answer: 1. Atlanto-axial joint

Question 100. The study of joints is known as

  1. Osteology
  2. Arthrology
  3. Craniology
  4. Kinesiology

Answer: 2. Arthrology

Question 101. A vertebra having convexity both in front and behind is

  1. Acoelous
  2. Procoelous
  3. Amphicoelous
  4. Amphiplatyon

Answer: 4. Amphiplatyon

Question 102. Long bones function in

  1. Support
  2. Support, erythrocyte, and leucocyte synthesis
  3. Support and erythrocyte synthesis
  4. Erythrocyte formation

Answer: 2. Support, erythrocyte and leucocyte synthesis

Question 103. Trochanters occur in

  1. Humerus
  2. Femur
  3. Radio-ulna
  4. Tibia-fibula

Answer: 2. Femur

Question 104. The Acromion process is part of

  1. Vertebral column
  2. Pelvic girdle
  3. Femur
  4. Pectoral girdle

Answer: 2. Pelvic girdle

Question 105. Part of the body having a single pair of bones is

  1. Pelvic girdle
  2. External ear
  3. Wrist
  4. Lower jaw

Answer: 1. Pelvic girdle

Question 106. The comparative study of skulls is

  1. Craniology
  2. Conchology
  3. Malacology
  4. Osteology

Answer: 1. Craniology

Question 107. The longest bone of a frog is

  1. Humerus
  2. Tibia-fibula
  3. Femur
  4. Radio-ulna

Answer: 2. Tibia-fibula

Question 108. The Haversian system is the diagnostic feature of

  1. Avian bones
  2. Reptilian bones
  3. Mammalian bones
  4. Bone of all animal

Answer: 3. Mammalian bones

Question 109. The feeling of fatigue after running fast for some time is due to

  1. Loss of energy
  2. Accumulation of lactic acid in muscle
  3. Formation of succinic acid
  4. Formation of biuret crystals

Answer: 2. Accumulation of lactic acid in muscle

Question 110. In mammals the lower jaw is made of-

  1. Maxilla
  2. Dentary
  3. Mandible
  4. Ethmoid

Answer: 3. Mandible

Question 112. Which one has the maximum glycogen-

  1. Liver
  2. Muscles
  3. Nerves
  4. Kidneys

Answer: 2. Muscles

Question 113. Ankle joint is

  1. Pivot joint
  2. Ball and socket joint
  3. Hinge joint
  4. Gliding joint

Answer: 3. Hinge joint

Question 114. The epiphysial plate is involved in

  1. Formation of bone
  2. Elongation of bone
  3. Thickness of bone
  4. All the above

Answer: 2. Elongation of bone

Question 115. Inter-articular disc occurs in

  1. Wall of heart
  2. Wall of liver
  3. Pubic symphysis
  4. In between two vertebrae

Answer: 4. In between two vertebrae

Question 116. Acetabulum is part of

  1. Pelvic girdle
  2. Pectoral girdle
  3. Forearm
  4. Upper arm

Answer: 1. Pelvic girdle

Question 117. The number of bones in the hind limb of a human is

  1. 21
  2. 24
  3. 30
  4. 14

Answer: 3. 30

Question 118. The number of vertebrae in the axial skeleton of a frog living uro- style is

  1. 10
  2. 12
  3. 15
  4. 9

Answer: 4. 9

Question 119. Biceps are attached with

  1. Radius
  2. Ulna
  3. Femur
  4. Humerus

Answer: 4. Humerus

Question 120. Bones of the pelvic girdle form a cavity in which the head of the femur is fitted and are

  1. Ilium only
  2. Ilium and ischium
  3. Ilium, ischium, and pubis
  4. Ischium and pubis

Answer: 3. Ilium, ischium, and pubis

Question 121. The lower jaw of the rabbit articulates with

  1. Jugal
  2. Alisphenoid
  3. Squamosal
  4. Parietal

Answer: 3. Squamosal

Question 122. Which of the following is not an odd digitate pentadactyl?

  1. Donkey
  2. Camel
  3. Zebra
  4. Rhinoceros

Answer: 1. Donkey

Question 123. The joint between the atlas and the axis is

  1. Pivot joint
  2. Saddle joint
  3. Angular joint
  4. Hinge joint

Answer: 1. Pivot joint

Question 124. Astragalus and calcaneum are part of

  1. Forelimb
  2. Hind limb
  3. Scapula
  4. Clavicle

Answer: 2. Hind limb

Question 125. Coracoid is the component of

  1. Forelimb
  2. Skull
  3. Pectoral girdle
  4. Pelvic girdle

Answer: 3. Pectoral girdle

Question 126. The olecranon process occurs in

  1. Femur
  2. Radius
  3. Humerus
  4. Ulna

Answer: 4. Ulna

Question 127. Two halves of the pelvic girdle are joined together by

  1. Pubic symphysis
  2. Ischiac symphysis
  3. Ischiopubic symphysis
  4. By fusion

Answer: 1. Pubic symphysis

Question 128. The deltoid groove is present in

  1. Radio-ulna
  2. Femur
  3. Tibio-fibula
  4. Humerus

Answer: 4. Humerus

Question 129. Sutural joints are present between

  1. Thumb and metatarsal
  2. Humerus and radio-ulna
  3. Parietal of skull
  4. Glenoid cavity and pectoral girdle

Answer: 3. Parital of skull

Question 130. Which one is the bone of a skull?

  1. Atlas
  2. Femur
  3. Tibia
  4. Pterygoid

Answer: 4. Pterygoid

Question 131. The joint of the sternum and ribs is called

  1. Cartilaginous
  2. Fibrous joint
  3. Angular joint
  4. Hinge joint

Answer: 1. Cartilaginous

Question 132. Myoglobin occurs in

  1. White muscle fibers
  2. Red muscle fibers
  3. Involuntary muscles
  4. All the above

Answer: 2. Red muscle fibers

Question 133. Coccygeal bone occurs in

  1. Skull
  2. Pectoral girdle
  3. Vertebral column
  4. Pelvic girdle

Answer: 3. Vertebral column

Question 134. The immediate source of energy for muscle contraction is

  1. Glucose
  2. GTP
  3. Creatine phosphate
  4. ATP

Answer: 4. ATP

Question 135. Synovial fluid is present in

  1. Spinal cavity
  2. Cranial cavity
  3. Freely movable joints
  4. Fixed joints

Answer: 3. Freely movable joints

Question 136. EDTA injected into muscles combines with Caand

  1. Stops contraction
  2. Causes contraction
  3. Slows down contraction
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Stops contraction

Question 137. Mentomeckelian is especially a characteristic bone of

  1. Ran a tigrina
  2. Aquas
  3. Bos indicus
  4. Felis domestics

Answer: 1. Ran a tigrina

Question 138. Haversian canals are found in the

  1. Bones of birds
  2. Bones of mammals
  3. Bones of frog
  4. Cartilage

Answer: 2. Bones of mammals

Question 139. From outer to inner side, the sequence of three bones present in the middle ear of mammals is

  1. Incus, malleus, stapes
  2. Malleus, incus, stapes
  3. Malleus, stapes, incus
  4. Stapes, malleus, incus

Answer: 2. Malleus, incus, stapes

Question 140. Obturator foramen is present in the

  1. The pectoral girdle of frog
  2. The pectoral girdle of rabbit
  3. The pelvic girdle of frog
  4. The pelvic girdle of rabbit

Answer: 4. Pelvic girdle of rabbit

Question 141. In frogs, the vertebra with an anterior convex surface is

  1. Atlas
  2. Urostyle
  3. 8th vertebra
  4. 9th vertebra

Answer: 4. 9th vertebra

Question 142. Obturator foramen is found in

  1. Frog’s pelvic girdle
  2. Frog’s pectoral girdle
  3. Rabbit’s pelvic girdle
  4. Rabbit’s pectoral girdle

Answer: 3. Rabbit’s pelvic girdle

Question 143. Which is the largest bone of the middle ear?

  1. Incus
  2. Malleus
  3. Stapes
  4. Cochlea

Answer: 2. Malleus

Question 144. The largest smooth muscle is present in

  1. Leg
  2. Thigh
  3. The uterus of a pregnant woman
  4. Urethra

Answer: 3. Uterus of pregnant woman

Question 145. The pelvic girdle of a rabbit consists of

  1. Ilium, ischium, and pubis
  2. Ilium, ischium, and coracoid
  3. Coracoid, scapula, and clavicle
  4. Ilium, coracoid and scapula

Answer: 1. Ilium, ischium, and pubis

Question 146. Bone formed by the ossification of a tendon is called

  1. Membrane bone
  2. Dermal bone
  3. Sesamoid bone
  4. Cartilage

Answer: 3. Sesamoid bone

Question 147. Fibular bones are associated with

  1. Elbow joint
  2. Knee joint
  3. Neck joint
  4. Angular joint

Answer: 2. Knee joint

Question 148. The thoracic cage of man is formed by

  1. Ribs and thoracic vertebrae
  2. Ribs, sternum, and thoracic vertebrae
  3. Ribs and sternum
  4. Ribs, sternum, and lumbar vertebrae

Answer: 2. Ribs, sternum and thoracic vertebrae

Question 149. Jaw suspension characteristic of mammals is

  1. Amphistylic
  2. Craniostylic
  3. Autocliastylic
  4. Hyostylic

Answer: 2. Craniostylic

Question 150. The joint between the humerus and ulna is

  1. Saddle joint
  2. Hinge joint
  3. Fibrous joint
  4. Ball and socket

Answer: 2. Hinge joint

Question 151. The parasphenoid bone in frogs forms

  1. Base of cranium
  2. Floor of cranium
  3. The dorsal side of the cranium
  4. The dorsolateral side of the cranium

Answer: 2. Floor of the cranium

Question 152. Ear ossicle, incus, is the modified form of which bone?

  1. Jugal
  2. Articular
  3. Quadrate
  4. Hyomandibular

Answer: 3. Quadrate

Question 153. An acromion process is characteristically found in the

  1. The pelvic girdle of mammals
  2. The pectoral girdle of mammals
  3. Skull of frog
  4. Sperm of mammals

Answer: 2. Pectoral girdle of mammals

Question 154. The smallest bone in rabbits is

  1. Femur
  2. Carpals
  3. Stapes
  4. Nasal

Answer: 3. Stapes

Question 155. Metabolic arthritis is commonly called as

  1. Rheumatism
  2. Gout
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Cancer

Answer: 2. Gout

Question 156. In the human body, which one of the following is anatomically correct?

  1. Collar bones—3 pairs
  2. Salivary glands—1 pairs
  3. Cranial nerves—10 pairs
  4. Floating ribs—2 pairs

Answer: 4. Floating ribs—2 pairs

Question 157. The characteristics and an example of a synovial joint in humans is Characteristics

  1. Fluid-filled between, two joints, provides a cushion
  2. The fluid-filled synovial cavity between two bones
  3. Lymph-filled between two bones, limited movement gliding
  4. Fluid cartilage between two bones, limited movements

Answer: 2. The fluid-filled synovial cavity between two bones

Question 158. Select the correct statement with respect to locomotion in humans.

  1. The accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints causes inflammation.
  2. The vertebral column has 10 thoracic vertebrae.
  3. The joint between adjacent vertebrae is a fibrous joint.
  4. A decreased level of progesterone causes osteoporosis in old people.

Answer: 1. The accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints causes inflammation

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