NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Morphology Of Flowering Plants

Morphology Of Flowering Plants Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The most dominant plants of present-day vegetation are

  1. Thallophytcs
  2. Bryophytes
  3. Flowering plants
  4. Pteridophytes

Answer: 3. Flowering plants

Question 2. The origin of root hairs and lateral roots is, respectively,

  1. Exogenous and endogenous
  2. Endogenous and exogenous
  3. Both endogenously
  4. Both exogenously

Answer: 1. Exogenous and endogenous

Question 3. The primary growth in root is due to

  1. Zone of maturation
  2. Zone of cell division
  3. Zone of cell elongation
  4. Meristematic region

Answer: 3. Zone of cell elongation

Question 4. Root shows negative geotropic in

  1. Pathos
  2. Ficus
  3. A canthorhiza
  4. Sonneratia

Answer: 4. Sonneratia

Question 5. When adventitious root shows swelling at regular intervals for food storage, it is called

  1. Tubercular root
  2. Nodulose root
  3. Moniliform root
  4. Annulatcd root

Answer: 3. Moniliform root

Question 6. Pneumatophores are generally present in

  1. Mangrove plants
  2. Xerophytes
  3. Hydrophytes
  4. Epiphytes

Answer: 1. Mangrove plants

Question 7. We often come across long rope-like structures hanging from the branches of old banyan trees. What is the morphological nature of these rope structures?

  1. They are branches of the shoot system
  2. They are prop roots
  3. They are tendrils
  4. They are special organs

Answer: 2. They are prop roots

Question 8. The underground modification of stem occurs for which one of the following functions?

  1. Perennation
  2. Storage of food
  3. Vegetative propagation
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. All of these

Question 9. Find the correct match.

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 9

  1. (1) → (A), (2) → (C), (3) → (B), (4) → (D)
  2. (1) → (D), (2)→ (C), (3) → (B), (4)→ (A)
  3. (1) →  (D), (2) → (C), (3) → (A), (4) → (B)
  4. (1) → (C), (2) → (D), (3) → (B), (4) → (A)

Answer: 2. (1) → (D), (2) → (C), (3) → (B). (4) →(A)

Question 10. Modified stem into green, flattened branches of unlimited growth for the assimilatory function is called

  1. Phyllode
  2. Phylloblade
  3. Cladode
  4. Chylocauly

Answer: 2. Phylloblade

Question 11. The leafless stem of an onion which produces a cluster of terminal flowers is called

  1. Peduncle
  2. Floral axis
  3. Scape
  4. Rachis

Answer: 3. Scape

Question 12. The analogous structure of phylloclade is called

  1. Pitcher
  2. Phyllode
  3. Cladode
  4. Bulbil

Answer: 2. Phyllode

Question 13. Non-endospermic seed is absent in

  1. Soyabean
  2. Tulip
  3. Lupin
  4. Sunhcmp

Answer: 2. Tulip

Question 14. Which is not a modification of the stem?

  1. Tuber of potato
  2. Pitcher of Nepenthes
  3. Corm of Colocasia
  4. Rhizome of ginger

Answer: 2. Pitcher of Nepenthes

Question 15. A lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and tuft of roots is known as

  1. Sucker
  2. Offset
  3. Stolon
  4. Decumbent

Answer: 2. Offset

Question 16. Acaulescent habit is related to

  1. Allium sp.
  2. Iberis sp.
  3. Polyalthia sp.
  4. Palms

Answer: 1. Allium sp.

Question 17. Tripinnate compound leaf is the feature of

  1. Marina
  2. Psicliitm
  3. Rosa
  4. Mimosa

Answer: 1. Marina

Question 18. Reticulate venation is the feature of dicots but some monocots also exhibit this venation. The one following this type of venation is

  1. Calophyllum
  2. Smilax
  3. Eryngium
  4. Coraymbium

Answer: 2. Smilax

Question 19. When leaves stand at a right angle to the next upper and lower pair, then this phyllotaxy is called

  1. Alternate
  2. Opposite decussate
  3. Opposite superposed
  4. Whorled

Answer: 2. Opposite decussate

Question 20. The terminal leaflets are modified into curved hoods for climbing in

  1. Wild pea
  2. Cocklebur
  3. Cat’s nail
  4. Tiger’s nail

Answer: 3. Cat’s nail

Question 21. The duration between the development of two consecutive leaves is called

  1. Plastochron
  2. Phytochrome
  3. Phytron
  4. None of these

Answer: 1. Plastochron

Question 22. Pitcher of Nepenthes is formed from

  1. Leaf bases
  2. Lamina
  3. Aestivation
  4. Leaf apex

Answer: 2. Lamina

Question 23. The occurrence of more than one type of leaves on the same plant is known as

  1. Vernation
  2. Venation
  3. Aestivation
  4. Heterophylly

Answer: 4. Heterophylly

Question 24. The swollen petiole of Eichhornia is made up of

  1. Aerenchyma
  2. Parenchyma
  3. Chlorcnchyma
  4. Collenchyma

Answer: 1. Aerenchyma

Question 25. Inflorescence with a thick, fleshy axis and large-colored bract is

  1. Spathe
  2. Spadix
  3. Spikelet
  4. Hypanthodium

Answer: 2. Spadix

Question 26. Find the correct match

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 26

Answer: 1

Question 27. Bisexual, sessile, and bracteates flowers developing acropetally in

  1. Raceme
  2. Panicle
  3. Spike
  4. Corymb

Answer: 3. Spike

Question 28. The inflorescence of coriander is

  1. Umbel
  2. Corymb
  3. Typical raceme
  4. Umbel of umbels

Answer: 4. Umbel of umbels

Question 29. Axis of the spikelet is known as

  1. Rachilla
  2. Pedicel
  3. Appendage
  4. Rachis

Answer: 1. Rachilla

Question 30. Three types of flowers occur in the inflorescence of

  1. Capitalism
  2. Hypanthodium
  3. Cyathium
  4. Umbel

Answer: 2. Hypanthodium

Question 31. The most advanced type of inflorescence is

  1. Corymb
  2. Capitulum
  3. Spadix
  4. Polychasial cyme

Answer: 2. Capitulum

Question 32. The elongated part of the thalamus between the corolla and androecium is called

  1. Anthophore
  2. Androphore
  3. Gynophore
  4. Carpophore

Answer: 2. Androphore

Question 33. If stamens are arranged in two whorls with antipetalous outer whorls, then the condition is

  1. Obdiplostamenous
  2. Diplostamenous
  3. Didynamous
  4. Epiphyllous

Answer: 1. Obdiplostamenous

Question 34. The cohesion of stamens is shown by which one of the following conditions?

  1. Gynandrous
  2. Gynostegium
  3. Syngenesious
  4. Epipetalous

Answer: 3. Syngenesious

Question 35. The most primitive and advanced types of placentations are, respectively,

  1. Marginal and axile
  2. Superficial and axile
  3. Superficial and basal
  4. Parietal and basal

Answer: 3. Superficial and basal

Question 36. The production of flowers on old stems from dormant buds is

  1. Analysis
  2. Polycarp
  3. Anlhotaxy
  4. Cauliflory

Answer: 4. Cauliflory

Question 37. Find an incorrect match.

  1. Campanulate—Bell-shaped corolla
  2. Personate—Bilabiate corolla
  3. Caryophyllaceous—Butterfly-shaped corolla

Answer: 3. Personate—Bilabiate corolla

Question 38. Inferior ovary is present in

  1. Hypogynous flower
  2. Perigynous flower
  3. Dichogamous flower
  4. Epigynous flower

Answer: 4. Epigynous flower

Question 39. Perianth modifies into lodicules in the members which also contain

  1. Spikelet inflorescence
  2. Monocarpellary ovary
  3. Tetramerous flower
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 40. Vexillum is

  1. Posterior largest petal
  2. Anterior largest petal
  3. Found in pea family
  4. Permanent

Answer: 4. Permanent

Question 41. When calyx is shed with the opening of a floral bud, it is known as

  1. Caducous
  2. Deciduous
  3. Temporary
  4. Permanent

Answer: 1. Caducous

Question 42. Fruits developing from the apocarpous ovary are

  1. Simple fruits
  2. Aggregate fruits
  3. Composite fruits
  4. Pseudocarpic fruits

Answer: 2. Aggregate fruits

Question 43. Match the following.

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 43

  1. (1) → (A), (2) → (B), (3) → (D), (4) → (C)
  2. (1) → (A), (2) → (B), (3) → (C), (4) → (D)
  3. (1) → (C), (2) → (B), (3) → (A) (4) → (D)
  4. (1) → (B), (2) → (A), (3) → (D), (4) → (C)

Answer: 1. (1) → (A), (2) → (B), (3)→ (D), (4) → (C)

Question 44. The presence of pappus is the characteristic of which fruit?

  1. Caryopsis
  2. Cypsella
  3. Scutellum
  4. Epiblast

Answer: 2. Cypsella

Question 45. Single shield of which of the following is an exalbuminous seed?

  1. Coleorhiza
  2. Coleoptile
  3. Castor seed
  4. Pea seed

Answer: 3. Castor seed

Question 46. Which one of the following is an exalbuminous seed?

  1. Wheat seed
  2. Maize seed
  3. Castor seed
  4. Pea seed

Answer: 4. Pea seed

Question 47. Seeds having the longest viability belong to

  1. Chenopodiwn
  2. Quercus
  3. Nelumbo
  4. Eucalyptus

Answer: 3. Nelumbo

Question 48. Find incorrect matching.

  1. Ancmochory—Taraxacum
  2. Hydrochory—Coccos
  3. Zoochory—Antirrhinum
  4. Autochory—Phlox

Answer: 3. Zoochory—Antirrhinum

Question 49. Thoms, spines, and prickles in plants work as

  1. Respiratory organs
  2. Excretory organs
  3. Organs of offense
  4. Defensive organs

Answer: 4. Defensive organs

Question 50. The presence of the tetradynamous condition and false septum, i.e., replum are the features of the family

  1. Solanaceae
  2. Brassicaceae
  3. Liliaceae
  4. Fabaccae

Answer: 2. Brassicaccaea

Question 51. The scientific name of black mustard is

  1. Brassica campestris
  2. B. rapa
  3. B. Juncea
  4. B. nigra

Answer: 4. B. nigra

Question 52. Family Leguminosae is classified into three sub-families on the basis of

  1. Calyx and corolla
  2. Symmetry of flower
  3. Corolla and androecium
  4. Corolla and carpels

Answer: 3. Corolla and Androecium

Question 53. Perigynous flowers and diadelphous conditions are found in the family

  1. Papilionaceae
  2. Caesalpinoidae
  3. Mimosoidae
  4. Solanaceae

Answer: 1. Papilionaceae

Question 54. The symbol represents which one of the following families?

  1. Solanaceae
  2. Asteraceae
  3. Cucurbitaceae
  4. Labiatae

Answer: 1. Solanaceae

Question 55. Santonin used as vermifuge is obtained from

  1. Artemisia
  2. Taraxacum
  3. Emilia sonchifolia
  4. Cantipeda orbicularis

Answer: 1. Artemisia

Question 56. The heterogamous head is with

  1. Ray florets only
  2. Disc florets only
  3. Neuter flowers only
  4. Both ray and disc florets

Answer: 4. Both ray and disc florets

Question 57. Zygomorphic flower occurs in the family which is

  1. Papilionaceae
  2. Poaceae
  3. Ray florets of Asteraceae
  4. All of these

Answer: 4. Poaceae

Question 58. The floral formula NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants represents which one of the following groups of the family?

  1. Crotolaria and Astragalus
  2. Lepidium and Ibaeris
  3. Allium and Asparagus
  4. Vetiverai and Cymbopogon

Answer: 3. Allium and Asparagus

Question 59. Feathery stigma and versatile stamens are the features of the family

  1. Poaceae
  2. Umbelliferae
  3. Liliaceae
  4. Malvaceae

Answer: 1. Poaceae

Question 60. Aestivation in the Corolla

  1. Ascending imbricate
  2. Descending imbricate
  3. Quincuncial
  4. Valvate

Answer: 2. Descending imbricate

Question 61. Find the correct match.

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 61

  1. (1) → (B), (2) → (D) (3) → (C), (4) → (A)
  2. (1) → (B), (2) → (D), (3) → (A), (4) → (C)
  3. (1) → (A), (2) → (B), (3) → (C), (4) → (D)
  4. (1) → (A), (2) → (B), (3) → (D), (4) → (C)

Answer: 1. (1) → (B), (2) → (D) (3) → (C), (4) → (A)

Question 62. Monoadclphous condition and pentaearpcllary ovary are present in

  1. China rose family
  2. Pea family
  3. Potato family
  4. Yucca family

Answer: 1. China Rose family

Question 63. The largest angiosperm family with an advanced type of placentation is

  1. Poaceae
  2. Asteraceae
  3. Cucurbitaceae
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 2. Asteraceae

Question 64. Palm oil is extracted from

  1. Glycin
  2. Gossypium
  3. Places
  4. Olea

Answer: 4. Olea

Question 65. Plants yielding colebiainc belong to the family

  1. Liliaceae
  2. Asteraceae
  3. Lamiaceae
  4. Arecaceae

Answer: 1. Liliaceae

Question 66. Indentify the wrong statement.

  1. A plant that bears male, female, and bisexual flowers is polygamous.
  2. Actinomorphic flowers can be dissected into two equal halves from any plane.
  3. The superior ovary is found in hypogynous flowers.
  4. The side of the flower towards the bract is called the posterior side.

Answer: 4. The Side of the flower towards the bract is called the posterior side.

Question 67. Compare the columns and find out the correct combination.

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 67

  1. (1) → (D), (2) → (E), (3) → (B), (4) → (A)
  2. (1) → (C), (2) → (E), (3) → (D), (4) → (A)
  3. (1) → (C), (2) → (E), (3) → (A), (4) → (D)
  4. (1) → (E), (2) → (C), (3) → (D), (4) → (B)

Answer: 2. (1) → (C), (2) v (E), (3) → (D), (4) → (A)

Question 68. A flower with five unequal petals has the largest posterior petal, two lateral slightly small petals, and two anterior petals partially fused to form a boat-shaped structure. Which is not correct for such a flower?

  1. Descending imbricate aestivation
  2. Odd sepal anterior
  3. Piston mechanism of pollination
  4. Many carpels

Answer: 4. Many carpels

Question 69. The staminal tube comes out of the flower in

  1. Pisum sativum
  2. Cassia fistula
  3. Hibiscus
  4. Iberis

Answer: 3. Hibiscus

Question 70 The color of the Bougainvillea flower is due to the color of its

  1. Corolla
  2. Bracts
  3. Calyx
  4. Androecium

Answer: 2. Corolla

Question 71. When pistillate and bisexual flowers develop on different plants, the condition is

  1. Gynodioecious
  2. Gymnomonoecius
  3. Polygamodiecius
  4. Polygamonoecius

Answer: 1. Gynodioecious

Question 72. Non-essential floral organs without differentiation of calyx and corolla are called

  1. Thalamus
  2. Pedicel
  3. Perianth
  4. Lodicules

Answer: 3. Perianth

Question 73. Epicalyx occurs in

  1. Cycas
  2. Power
  3. Nephrolepis
  4. China Rose

Answer: 4. China Rose

Question 74. In guava and cucurbits, the flowers are

  1. Hypogynous
  2. Epigynous
  3. Perigynous
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 2. Epigynous

Question 75. Synandrous condition is found in

  1. Sunflower
  2. Gourd
  3. Pea
  4. Lemon

Answer: 2. Gourd

Question 76. Floral bud is covered by

  1. Petals
  2. Anthers
  3. Sepals
  4. Stigmas

Answer: 3. Sepals

Question 77. Ovarian parts are fused, styles and stigmas free, but ovary part is unilocular with free central placentation. The plant is

  1. Michelia
  2. Nytnphaea
  3. Abutilon
  4. Dianthus

Answer: 4. Dianthus

Question 78. Replum occurs in the ovary of

  1. Mustard
  2. Pea
  3. Sunflower
  4. Lemon

Answer: 1. Mustard

Question 79. In a plant, androecium has monadelphous stamens, monoecious reniform anthers, and contorted corolla. It is

  1. Nerium
  2. Rauwolfia
  3. Hibiscus
  4. Lathyrus

Answer: 3. Hibiscus

Question 80. Pollinia occur in

  1. Cruciferae
  2. Asteraceae
  3. Poaceae
  4. Asclepiadaceae

Answer: 4. Asclepiadaceae

Question 81. Ochreate stipules occur in

  1. Leguminosae
  2. Polygonaceae
  3. Acanthaceae
  4. Malvaceae

Answer: 2. Polygonaceae

Question 82. Ovules occur along the ventral suture over a ridge in two rows in placentation

  1. Marginal
  2. Parietal
  3. Axile
  4. Free central

Answer: 1. Marginal

Question 83. Placentation found in Caryophyllaceae is

  1. Axile
  2. Basal
  3. Parietal
  4. Free central
  5. Marginal

Answer: 4. Free central

Question 84. Other florals develop below the base of the ovary in a flower called

  1. Epigynous
  2. Hypogynous
  3. Agynous
  4. Perigynous

Answer: 2. Hypogynous

Question 85. An example of axile placentation is

  1. Marigold
  2. Dianthus
  3. Lemon
  4. Argemone

Answer: 3. Lemon

Question 86. Which one is monoecious?

  1. Marchantia
  2. Pinns
  3. Cycas
  4. Papaya

Answer: 2. Pinns

Question 87. Consider the following statements.

  1. In racemose inflorescence, the flowers are borne in a basipetal order.
  2. Epigynous flowers are seen in rose plants.
  3. In Brinjal the ovary is superior. Of these statements,


  1. (1) and (2) are true, but (3) is false.
  2. (1) and (3) are true, but (2) is false.
  3. (1) and (2) are false, but (3) is true.
  4. (2) and (3) are true, but (1) is false.
  5. (1) and (3) are false, but (2) is true.

Answer: 3. (1) and (2) are false, but (3) is true.

Question 88. The ovary in hypogynous flowers is said to be

  1. Half inferior
  2. Inferior
  3. Superior
  4. None of these

Answer: 3. Superior

Question 89. Aestivation found in pea flowers is

  1. Twisted
  2. Valvate
  3. Imbricate
  4. Vexillary

Answer: 4. Vexillary

Question 90. In which of the following kinds of ovules, the embryo sac is horse-shoe shaped?

  1. Orthotropous ovule
  2. Hemitorpous ovule
  3. Amphitropous ovule
  4. Circinotropous ovule

Answer: 3. Amphitropous ovule

Question 91. Which of these is an example for a zygomorphic flower with imbricate aestivation?

  1. Canna
  2. Cassia
  3. Cucumber
  4. Calotropis
  5. Mustard

Answer: 2. Cassia

Question 92. Gynandrous condition means

  1. Adhesion of stamens and carpels
  2. Cohesion of stamens
  3. Stamens united by filaments
  4. Free stamens

Answer: 1. Adhesion of stamens and carpels

Question 93. Feathery stigma is called

  1. Plumose
  2. Spur
  3. Stylopodium
  4. Calyculus

Answer: 1. Plumose

Question 94. The expression “gynoecium is apocarpous” implies that

  1. Gynoecium comprises only one pistil which is fused with the stamens.
  2. Gynoecium comprises more than one carpel which are free.
  3. The gynoecium comprises more than one carpel which are fused.
  4. Gynocium comprises only one carpel which is free.

Answer: 2. Gynoecium comprises more than one carpel which are free.

Question 95. In unilocular ovary with a single ovule, the placentation is

  1. Basal
  2. Free central
  3. Axile
  4. Marginal

Answer: 1. Basal

Question 96. The technical term used for the androecium in a flower of China rose (Hibiscus rosa sinensis) is

  1. Diadelphous
  2. Polyandrous
  3. Polyadelphous
  4. Monadelphous

Answer: 4. Monadelphous

Question 97. Maize/wheat/rice grain is

  1. Fruit
  2. Seed
  3. Embryo
  4. Dried bud

Answer: 1. Fruit

Question 98. The edible part in the fruit of litchi is

  1. Mesocarp
  2. Aril
  3. Fleshy thalamus
  4. Cotyledons

Answer: 2. Aril

Question 99. In Asteraceae/sunflower, the fruit is

  1. Drupe
  2. Cypsela
  3. Berry
  4. Carcerules

Answer: 2. Cypsela

Question 100. Wheat/rice grain is a fruit of the type

  1. Cypsela
  2. Samara
  3. Aliens
  4. Caryopsis

Answer: 4. Caryopsis

Question 101. Which one of the following is a nut?

  1. Walnut
  2. Cashewnut
  3. Groundnut/Areca
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 102. Which one of the following does not have a polycarpcllary ovary?

  1. Guava
  2. Coconut
  3. Apple
  4. Fig

Answer: 1. Guava

Question 103. A simple one-seeded, dry, indehiscent fruit in which the pericarp and testa are fused is

  1. Nut
  2. Achene
  3. Cypsela
  4. Caryopsis

Answer: 4. Caryopsis

Question 104. Coir of commerce is obtained from

  1. Endocarp of coconut
  2. Mesocarp of coconut
  3. Stem of jute
  4. Leaves of coconut

Answer: 1. Endocarp of coconut

Question 105. Fruit of Calotropis is

  1. Nut
  2. Follicle
  3. Berry
  4. Siliqua

Answer: 2. Follicle

Question 106. Fruit growing from hypanthium/fruit of fig is

  1. Sorosis
  2. Siliqua
  3. Syconus
  4. Samara

Answer: 3. Syconus

Question 107. Caryopsis is the fruit of

  1. Coconut
  2. Brinjal
  3. Tomato
  4. Maize/sorghum

Answer: 4. Maize/sorghum

Question 108. A false fruit is that of

  1. Mango
  2. Cashewnut
  3. Apple
  4. Brinjal

Answer: 3. Apple

Question 109. The fruit of Armona squamosal (custard apple) is

  1. Etaerio of berries
  2. Etaerio of drupes
  3. Hypanthodium
  4. Etaerio of achenes

Answer: 1. Etaerio of berries

Question 110. The edible part of apple/pear is

  1. Cotyledons
  2. Thalamus/receptacle
  3. Mesocarp
  4. Endocarp

Answer: 2. Thalamus/receptacle

Question 111. carp is stony in the fruit of

  1. Berry
  2. Pome
  3. Drupe
  4. Pepo

Answer: 3. Drupe

Question 112. The edible part of mango is

  1. Pericarp
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Pome
  4. Epicarp

Answer: 2. Mesocarp

Question 113. The edible part of coconut is

  1. Endocarp
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Aril
  4. Sced/endosperm

Answer: 4. Sced/endosperm

Question 114. Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed from the carpellary syncarpous inferior ovary is

  1. Cremocarp
  2. Caryopsis
  3. Cypsela
  4. Berry

Answer: 3. Cypsela

Question 115. Pepo is a fruit of

  1. Crucifcrae
  2. Leguminosae
  3. Cucurbitaceae
  4. Liliaceae

Answer: 3. Cucurbitaceae

Question 116. Formation of fruit without fertilization is

  1. Apogamy
  2. Apospory
  3. Syngenesious
  4. Parthenocarpy

Answer: 4. Parthenocarpy

Question 117. The edible part of guava is

  1. Thalamus and pericarp
  2. Entire fruit
  3. Endocarp
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Thalamus and pericarp

Question 118. Aril represents the edible part in

  1. Litchi
  2. Apple
  3. Mango
  4. Banana

Answer: 1. Litchi

Question 119. Science and practice of fruit culture is

  1. Spermology
  2. Pomology
  3. Anthology
  4. Dendrology

Answer: 2. Pomology

Question 120. Syconus fruit develops from

  1. Catkin
  2. Varticillaster
  3. Hypanthodium
  4. Cyathium

Answer: 3. Hypanthodium

Question 121. Syconus is the name of

  1. Inflorescence
  2. Fruit
  3. Thalamus
  4. Ovary

Answer: 2. Fruit

Question 122. Geocarpic fruit is

  1. Mango
  2. Orange
  3. watermelon
  4. Pea nut

Answer: 4. Pea nut

Question 123. Jack fruit is

  1. Soros is
  2. Syconus
  3. Siliqua
  4. Lomentum

Answer: 1. Soros is

Question 124. Fruit of Candytuft is

  1. Capsule
  2. Follicle
  3. Silicula
  4. Pome

Answer: 3. Silicula

Question 125. Pome is a false fruit as

  1. Endocarp is cartilaginous
  2. Pericarp is inconspicuous
  3. Fruit is surrounded by fleshy thalamus
  4. All the above

Answer: 3. Fruit is surrounded by fleshy thalamus

Question 126. Schizocarpic fruit has

  1. Fleshy pericarp
  2. Origin from inflorescence
  3. Origin from the apocarpous pistil
  4. Trait of breaking up into single-seeded parts

Answer: 4. Trait of breaking up into single-seeded parts

Question 127. Select the correct combination of edible part

  1. Coconut—-Mesocarp
  2. Apple—Mesocaip
  3. Mango—-Endocarp
  4. Banana—Mesocarp-Endocarp

Answer: 4. Banana—Mesocarp-Endocarp

Question 128. Which one of the following is a true match

  1. Composite fruit—Pineapple
  2. Aggregate fruit—Pineapple
  3. True fruit—Apple
  4. False fruit—Mango

Answer: 1. Composite fruit—Pineapple

Question 129. Single-seeded fruit develops from

  1. Tricarpellary ovary
  2. Bicarpellary syncarpous ovary
  3. Multicarpellary syncarpous ovary
  4. Pistil has single ovule

Answer: 4. Pistil having single ovule

Question 130. The fruit of coconut is

  1. Berry
  2. Cypsela
  3. Drupe
  4. Cremocarp

Answer: 3. Drupe

Question 131. A composite/sorosis fruit is

  1. Banana
  2. Pineapple
  3. Pear
  4. Coconut

Answer: 2. Pineapple

Question 132. Which is the correct match for an edible part?

  1. Tomato—Thalamus
  2. Maize—Cotyledons
  3. Guava—Mesocarp
  4. Date—Mesocarp

Answer: 4. Date—Mesocarp

Question 133. The edible part of the Banana is

  1. Epicarp
  2. Epicarp and mesocarp
  3. Mesocarp and less developed endocarp
  4. Endocarp and less developed mesocarp

Answer: 3. Mesocarp and less developed endocarp

Question 134. Coir is obtained from

  1. Fruit of Cocos nucifera
  2. Seed of Cocos nucifera
  3. Stem of Cocos nucifera
  4. Leaves of Cocos nucifera

Answer: 1. Fruit of Cocos nucifera

Question 135. The edible part of mulberry is

  1. Thalamus
  2. Perianth
  3. Rachis
  4. Ripened ovary

Answer: 2. Perianth

Question 136. Spines on the rind of jackfruit represent

  1. Styles
  2. Carpels
  3. Stigmas
  4. Bracts

Answer: 3. Stigmas

Question 137. Which one is a composite fruit?

  1. Pen
  2. Strawberry
  3. Calotmpis
  4. Jackfruit

Answer: 4. Jackfruit

Question 138. Fruit developed (rom bicarpelley syncarpous ovary having a false septum is

  1. Achenc
  2. Siliqua
  3. Capsule
  4. Berry

Answer: 2. Siliqua

Question 139. Berries, drupes, and pomes are

  1. Aggregate fruits
  2. Composite fruits
  3. Simple dry fruits
  4. Simple succulent fruits

Answer: 4. Simple succulent fruits

Question 140. Aril is

  1. Outgrowth of integument
  2. Persistent nucellus
  3. An outgrowth of funicle which grows around the ovule
  4. Outgrowth from micropyle

Answer: 3. Outgrowth of funicle which grows around the ovule

Question 141. The nature of fruit developing from a flower depends upon the type of

  1. Gynoecium
  2. Androccium
  3. Pollination
  4. Fertilization

Answer: 1. Gynoecium

Question 142. Juicy hair-like structures observed in lemon develop from

  1. Exocarp
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Endocarp
  4. Mesocaip and endocarp

Answer: 3. Endocarp

Question 143. Fruit formed from an inflorescence is

  1. Simple fruit
  2. Pseudocarp
  3. Composite fruit
  4. Aggregate fruit

Answer: 2. Pseudocarp

Question 144. The most important edible plant food is

  1. Roots
  2. Stems
  3. Leaves
  4. Fruits

Answer: 4. Fruits

Question 145. Fruits have fructose for

  1. Attracting animals for seed dispersal
  2. Fruit ripening
  3. Maturation of seeds
  4. Nourishment of embryo

Answer: 1. Attracting animals for seed dispersal

Question 146. Fruit of elephant apple (Dillenia indica)

  1. Balausta
  2. Pcpo
  3. Amphisarca
  4. Berry

Answer: 3. Amphisarca

Question 147. Dry indehiscent fruit is

  1. Caryopsis
  2. Follicle
  3. Capsule
  4. Pod

Answer: 1. Caryopsis

Question 148. In sorosis type of composite fruits, the edible part is

  1. Cotyledons
  2. Fleshy thalamus
  3. Perianth and peduncle
  4. Endosperm

Answer: 3. Perianth and peduncle

Question 149. The fruit developed from a single ovary is

  1. Composite
  2. Simple fruit
  3. Aggregate fruit
  4. None of the above

Answer: 2. Simple fruit

Question 150. Drupes are called stony fruits as they have

  1. Hard endocarp
  2. Hard mesocarp
  3. Hard epicarp
  4. Hard epicarp and hard mesocarp
  5. Hard mesocarp and hard endocarp

Answer: 1. Hard endocarp

Question 151. Dorsiventral dehiscence occurs in fruits

  1. Legume
  2. Follicle
  3. Sikiqua
  4. Capsule


  1. (1) and (2)
  2. (2) and (3)
  3. (2) and (4)
  4. (1) and (3)

Answer: 4. (1) and (3)

Question 152. The edible part of fleshy fruit is

  1. Parenchymatous pulp
  2. Soft seeds
  3. Collenchymatous rind
  4. Sclerenchymatous endocarp

Answer: 1. Parenchymatous pulp

Question 153. Which is correct for Anacardium occidentals

  1. The upper part is edible
  2. The upper part is false fruit
  3. The seed is the edible part of the fruit
  4. The upper part is true fruit

Answer: 3. Seed is the edible part of the fruit

Question 154. Which one is a true fruit?

  1. Walnut
  2. Areca nut
  3. Cashew nut
  4. Ground nut

Answer: 3. Cashew nut

Question 155. The edible part in sorosis fruit is

  1. Perianth
  2. Perianth + Sepals
  3. Placenta
  4. Perianth + Placenta

Answer: 4. Perianth + Placenta

Question 156. Pineapple (ananas) fruit develops from

  1. A cluster of flowers borne compactly on a common axis
  2. Multilocular monocarpellary flower
  3. Unilocular polycarpelley flower
  4. Mulitpistillate syncarpous flower

Answer: 1. Cluster of flowers borne compactly on a common axis

Question 157. Seedless fruit in Banana is produced by

  1. Parthenogenesis
  2. Asexual reproduction
  3. Triploidy
  4. Cross-pollination

Answer: 2. Asexual reproduction

Question 158. Banana is

  1. Cremocarap
  2. Parthenocarpic berry
  3. Drupe
  4. Capsule

Answer: 2. Parthenocarpic berry

Question 159. A fruit that has a fleshy mesocarp and stony endocarp is

  1. Pome
  2. Berry
  3. Pepo
  4. Drupe

Answer: 4. Drupe

Question 160. Match the column

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 160

  1. (1) → (E), (2) → (C), (3) → (A), (4) → (D), (5) → (B)
  2. (1) → (B), (2) → (C), (3) → (A), (4) → (E), (5) → (D)
  3. (1) → (B), (2) → (D), (3) → (E), (4) → (C), (5) → (A)
  4. (1) → (B), (2) → (B) (C), (3) → (D), (4) → (E), (5)→ (A)
  5. (1) → (E), (2) → (D), (3) → (C), (4) → (B), (5) → (A)

Answer: 3. (1)→ (B), (2) → (D), (3) → (E), (4) → (C), (5) → (A)

Question 161. Lomentumn is

  1. Achenial fruit
  2. Schizocarpic fruit
  3. Composite fruit
  4. Syconus fruit

Answer: 2. Schizocarpic fruit

Question 162. The pericarp and placenta are edible parts of simple fleshy berry fruit

  1. Tomato
  2. Jack fruit
  3. Banana
  4. Date palm

Answer: 1. Tomato

Question 163. The edible part in the fruit of Hesperidium is

  1. Endocarp
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Juicy hairs
  4. Pericarp

Answer: 3. Juicy hairs

Question 164. Dried fruit used in making a musical instrument is

  1. Snake gourd
  2. Bitter gourd
  3. Bottle gourd
  4. All the above

Answer: 3. Bottle gourd

Question 165. Geocarpic fruits are formed in

  1. Watermelon
  2. Onion
  3. Carrot
  4. Groundnut

Answer: 4. Groundnut

Question 166. A single flower with multiple ovaries is called

  1. Simple fruit
  2. Aggregate fruit
  3. Composite fruit
  4. False fruit

Answer: 2. Aggregate fruit

Question 167. Arrange the fruits in descending order of the chambers of the ovary they develop.

  1. Carcerulus
  2. Schizocarp
  3. Cremocarp
  4. Regma


  1. 2, 1, 4, 3
  2. 1, 4, 3, 2
  3. 2, 4, 3, 1
  4. 2, 3, 1, 4

Answer: 1. 2, 1, 4, 3

Question 168. Which of the following fruits is chambered, developed from the inferior ovary, and has seeds with succulent testa?

  1. Orange
  2. Cucumber
  3. Pomegranate
  4. Guava

Answer: 3. Pomegranate

Question 169. The fleshy receptacle of the syconus of fig encloses a number of

  1. Berries
  2. Accents
  3. Mericarps
  4. Samaras

Answer: 2. Achencs

Question 170. Find out the correct statements.

  1. Seeds of peas are exalbuminous.
  2. The fruit of the peach is a drupe.
  3. Seeds of tomato are albuminous.
  4. The fruit of coconut is berry.


  1. 1,2, 3
  2. 1,2
  3. 2,4
  4. 1,3

Answer: 2. 1,2

Question 171. In which plant the fruit is a drupe, the seed coat is thin, the embryo is inconspicuous, and the endosperm is edible?

  1. Groundnut
  2. Apple
  3. Wheat
  4. Coconut

Answer: 4. Coconut

Question 172. In the drupe of coconut, the mesocarp is

  1. Stony
  2. Fleshy
  3. Fibrous
  4. Watery

Answer: 3. Fibrous

Question 173. Which statements are correct?

  1. A fruit developing from inflorescence composite fruit
  2. The mesocarp is edible in Apple
  3. Gynobasic style occurs in Ocimum
  4. Hypanthodium occurs in Euphorbia species


  1. 1, 4 correct
  2. 1, 3 correct
  3. 1, 2 correct
  4. 2, 4 correct
  5. 2, 3, 4 correct

Answer: 2. 1, 3 correct

Question 174. Cotyledons and testa are, respectively, edible in

  1. Walnut and tamarind
  2. French bean and coconut
  3. Cashew nut and litchi
  4. Groundnut and pomegranate

Answer: 4. Groundnut and pomegranate

Question 175. Which is the correct answer to assertion (a) and reason (r).

  • Assertion (A): In syconus-type fruit, the achenes formed are fewer than the total number of flowers in the inflorescence.
  • Reason (r): Upper and middle flowers do not develop into fruits
  1. Both (A) and (R) are correct with (R) being a correct explanation of (A).
  2. Both (A) and (R) are correct with (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
  3. (A) is true but (R) is false.
  4. (A) is false but (R) is true.

Answer: 1. Both (A) and (R) are correct with (R) being a correct explanation of (A).

Question 176. Which of the following fruits is parthenocarpic?

  1. Mango
  2. Lemon
  3. Banana
  4. Apple

Answer: 3. Banana

Question 177. Which is multicellular and splits longitudinally along dorsal sutures?

  1. Septicidal
  2. Gram
  3. Loculicidal
  4. Septifragal

Answer: 3. Loculicidal

Question 178. Bracts, perianth, and seeds are edible parts of

  1. Cocos nucifera
  2. Mangifera indica
  3. Argemone Mexicana
  4. Artocarpus heterophyllus

Answer: 4. Cocos nucifera

Question 179. In coconut fruit, the hard shell is

  1. Endocarp
  2. Fused structure of mesocarp and endocarp
  3. Fused structure of epicarp and mesocarp
  4. Epicarp

Answer: 1. Endocarp

Question 180. Which one is not a false fruit?

  1. Apple
  2. Mango
  3. Strawberry
  4. Cashewnut

Answer: 2. Mango

Question 181. The scientific name of banana is

  1. Musa paradisiacal
  2. Musa superba
  3. Musa textilis
  4. Hibiscus mutabilis

Answer: 1. Musa paradisiac

Question 182. Mechanical injury of seed coat to break dormancy is called

  1. Scarification
  2. Stratification
  3. Impaction
  4. Compaction

Answer: 1. Scarification

Question 183. A seed which does not require oxygen for germination is

  1. Pea
  2. Rice
  3. Typha
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer: 4. Both (2) and (3)

Question 184. The outermost layer of the endosperm of maize grain is

  1. Epidermis
  2. Pericarp
  3. Tunica
  4. Alcurone

Answer: 4. Alcurone

Question 185. Oil is stored in the endosperm of

  1. Groundnut
  2. Soybean
  3. Coconut
  4. Cashewnut

Answer: 3. Coconut

Question 186. Micropyle occurs in

  1. Ovary
  2. Seeds
  3. Ovule
  4. Both (2) and (3)

Answer: 4. Both (2) and (3)

Question 187. Shield-shaped cotyledon/scutellum occurs in

  1. Maize/sorghum
  2. Gram
  3. Pea
  4. Cucumber

Answer: 1. Maize/sorghum

Question 188. A method of breaking dormancy and allowing ample absorption of water is

  1. Stratification
  2. Scarification
  3. Vernalization
  4. Devernalizatiou

Answer: 2. Scarification

Question 189. During seed germination, the seed coat ruptures due to

  1. Differentiation of cotyledons
  2. Massive glycolysis in endosperm cotyledons
  3. Massive imbibition of water
  4. A sudden increase in cell division

Answer: 3. Massive imbibition of water

Question 190. Hormone group responsible for breaking seed dormancy

  1. ABA
  2. Cytokinin
  3. Auxin
  4. Gibberellin


  1. 1, 3
  2. 1, 2, 4
  3. 2, 3, 4
  4. 1,2,4

Answer: 3. 2, 3, 4

Question 191. In some halophytes, seeds germinate with fruits while attached to the parent plant.

  1. Vivipary
  2. Halophytosis
  3. Monocarpic
  4. Vernalisation
  5. Seismonasty

Answer: 1. Vivipary

Question 192. Mitochondria produce more energy during

  1. Formation of seed
  2. Seed maturation
  3. Dormant seed
  4. Seed germination

Answer: 4. Seed germination

Question 193. Which one is endospermous?

  1. Cajanus cajan
  2. Helianthus annus
  3. Ricinus communis
  4. Ravenala madagascariensis

Answer: 3. Ricinus communis

Question 194. Embryo of sunflower has

  1. One cotyledon
  2. Two cotyledons
  3. Many cotyledons
  4. No cotyledon

Answer: 2. Two cotyledons

Question 195. Non-albuminous seeds occur in

  1. Maize
  2. Wheat
  3. Rice
  4. Vallisneria

Answer: 4. Vallisneria

Question 196. In pulses, protein is stored in

  1. Cotyledons
  2. Endosperm
  3. Pericarp
  4. Seed coat

Answer: 1. Cotyledons

Question 197. The aleurone layer of maize grain is specially rich in

  1. Proteins
  2. Starch
  3. Lipid
  4. Auxins

Answer: 1. Proteins

Question 198. Which of the following is an oil seed plant?

  1. Sunflower
  2. Hibiscus
  3. Marigold
  4. Rose

Answer: 1. Sunflower

Question 199. Which one is monocot albuminous seed?

  1. Maize
  2. Wheat
  3. Rice
  4. All the above

Answer: 4. All the above

Question 200. In groundnut, oil is stored in

  1. Embryo axis
  2. Endosperm
  3. Cotyledons
  4. None of the above

Answer: 3. Cotyledons

Question 201. Assign the seeds to their respective categories.

  1. Maize
  2. Mustard
  3. Pea
  4. Endospermic
  5. Non endospermic


  1. 1 4, 2 4, 3 5, 2 4
  2. 1 4, 2 5, 3 5
  3. 4 5, 2 5, 3 4
  4. 1 5, 2 4, 3 5

Answer: 2. 1 4, 2 5, 3 5

Question 202. In pea, castor, and maize, the number of cotyledons are, respectively,

  1. One, two, and two
  2. Two, two, and one
  3. Two, one, and two
  4. One, two, and one

Answer: 2. Two, two, and one

Question 203. Which one does not exhibit seed dormancy?

  1. Phaseolus
  2. Rhizophora
  3. Cassis
  4. Xanthium

Answer: 2. Rhizophora

Question 204. Which one yields castor oil?

  1. Sesamum indicum
  2. Cocos nucifera
  3. Ricinus communis
  4. Brassica campesteris

Answer: 3. Ricinus communis

Question 205. Dry fruit “Chilgoza” is

  1. Fruit of Cycas
  2. Seed of Cycas
  3. Fruit of Pinus gerardiana
  4. Seed of Pinus gerardiana

Answer: 4. Seed of Pinus gerardiana

Question 206. Why is vivipary an undesirable character for annual crop plants?

  1. It reduces the vigor of the plant.
  2. It adversely affects the fertility of plants.
  3. The seeds exhibit long dormancy.
  4. The seeds cannot be stored under normal conditions for next season.

Answer: 4. The seeds cannot be stored under normal conditions for next season.

Question 207. A dicot plant lacking cotyledons is

  1. Cuscuta
  2. Santalum
  3. Lodoicea
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Cuscuta

Question 208. Seed of castor is

  1. Non-endospermic exalbuminous
  2. Endospermic albuminous
  3. Endospermic exalbuminous
  4. Non-endospermic albuminous

Answer: 2. Endospermic albuminous

Question 209. In cereal grains, a single cotyledon is represented by

  1. Coleoptile
  2. Coleorhiza
  3. Scutellum
  4. Prophyll

Answer: 3. Scutellum

Question 210. The edible part of the paddy is

  1. Endosperm
  2. Cotyledons
  3. Fruit
  4. Endosperm and embryo

Answer: 4. Endosperm and embryo

Question 211. The point of attachment of the stalk with the seed is

  1. Hilum
  2. Micropyle
  3. Tegmen
  4. Plumule

Answer: 1. Hilum

Question 212. In maize grain, plumule is covered by a protective sheath called

  1. Scutellum
  2. Coleorrhiza
  3. Coleoptile
  4. Tegmen

Answer: 3. Coleoptile

Question 213. Match the columns.

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 213

  1. (1) → (A), (2) → (C), (3) → (B), (4) → (E), (5) → (D)
  2. (1) →(D), (2) → (E), (3) → (A), (4) → (B), (5) → (C)
  3. (1) → (C), (2) → (A), (3) → (D), (4) → (B), (5) → (E)
  4. (1) → (4), (2) → (B), (3) → (E), (4) → (A), (5) → (C)
  5. (1) →(5), (2) → (A), (3) → (C), (4) → (D), (5) → (B)

Answer: 2. (1) → (D), (2) → (E), (3) → (A), (4) → (B), (5) → (C)

Question 214. In monocotyledonous seeds, the endosperm is separated from the embryo by a distinct layer off

  1. Testa
  2. Tegmen
  3. Aleurone layer
  4. Scutellum
  5. Coleoptile

Answer: 4. Coleoptile

Question 215. Scutellum of maize is

  1. Cotyledonary
  2. Endosperm
  3. Tegmen
  4. Testa

Answer: 1. Cotyledonary

Question 216. Identify the characters of the plant where the eight-nucleate embryo sac was first studied by Strasburger.

  1. Micropyle, chalaza, and funiculus in the same vertical line
  2. Both unisexual and bisexual flowers on the same plant
  3. Filiform apparatus conducts food from endosperm to egg apparatus
  4. Long funiculus coils like watch spring around the ovule.


  1. 1, 2, and 3
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 1 and 4
  4. 1 and 3

Answer: 2. 1 and 2

Question 217. Find the correct answers endosperm.

  1. Mazie
  2. Onion
  3. Rice
  4. Bean


  1. 1, 2, and 3
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 1 and 3

Answer: 1. 1, 2, and 3

Question 218. Find the correct answer: For germination of angiosperm seeds

  1. On hydration, the seed germinates showing increased enzyme activity.
  2. The respiration rate of germinating seed increases along- with an increase in enzymatic activity.
  3. The increase in respiratory rate continues till senescence.
  4. The rate of enzymatic activity increases.


  1. (1), (2), (3)
  2. (1) and (2)
  3. (2) and (4)
  4. (1) and (3)

Answer: 2. (1) and (2)

Question 219. Pre-chilling treatment to break seed dormancy is

  1. Scarification
  2. Vernalization
  3. Impaction
  4. Stratification

Answer: 4. Stratification

Question 220. Endosperm is consumed by the developing embryo in

  1. Coconut
  2. Pea
  3. Maize
  4. Castor

Answer: 2. Castor

Question 221. Embryo axis above the cotyledon is known as

  1. Plypocotyl
  2. Funicle
  3. Epicotyl
  4. Raphe

Answer: 3. Epicotyl

Question 222. Scutellum is the seed leaf of

  1. Gymnosperms
  2. Dictos
  3. Pteridophytes
  4. Monocots

Answer: 4. Monocots

Question 223. An example of a seed with endosperm, perisperm, and caruncle is

  1. Castor
  2. Coffee
  3. Lily
  4. Colton

Answer: 1. Castor

Question 224. Match the following

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Match The Column Question 224

  1. (1) → (E), (2) → (B), (3) → (D), (4) → (A)
  2. (1) → (C), (2) → (E), (3) → (B), (4) → (D)
  3. (1) → (D), (2) → (A), (3) → (E), (4) → (C)
  4. (1) → (B), (2) → (C), (3) → (A), (4)→ (E)

Answer: 3. (1) → (D), (2) → (A), (3)→ (E), (4) → (C)

Question 225. Residual persistent nucellus is known as

  1. Peri sperm
  2. Integument
  3. Pericarp
  4. None of the above

Answer: 1. Peri sperm

Question 226. Non-endospermic seeds are found in

  1. Barley
  2. Castor
  3. Bean
  4. Wheat

Answer: 3. Bean

Question 227. In hypogeal germination, plumule comes out of the ground due to the elongation of

  1. Hypocotyl
  2. Epicotyl
  3. Cotyledons
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer: 2. Epicotyl

Question 228. A large shield-shaped cotyledon found in some monocotyledonous seeds is

  1. Aleurone layer
  2. Coleorhiza
  3. Scutellum
  4. Hilum
  5. Coleoptile

Answer: 3. Scutellum

Question 229. Seed develops from

  1. Embryo
  2. Ovule
  3. Embryo sac
  4. Ovary

Answer: 2. Ovule

Question 230. Keel is the characteristic of the flower of

  1. Cassia
  2. Calotropis
  3. Bean
  4. Gulmohur

Answer: 3. Bean

Question 231. Seeds of Ruellia tuberose are disseminated by

  1. Censer mechanism
  2. Parachute mechanism
  3. Jaculator mechanism
  4. Explosive mechanism

Answer: 3. Jaculator mechanism

Question 232. Clematis and Narvelia are dispersed by air with the help of

  1. Persistent inflated calyx
  2. Persistent hairy styles
  3. Hair
  4. Wings

Answer: 2. Persistent hairy styles

Question 233. The censer mechanism of seed dispersal is found in

  1. Papaveraceae
  2. Liliaceae
  3. Leguminosae
  4. Rosaceae

Answer: 1. Papaveraceae

Question 234. In which plant only two curved hooks are formed on seeds?

  1. Xanthium
  2. Martynia
  3. Tribulus
  4. Ricinus

Answer: 2. Martynia

Question 235. Birds disseminate seeds by

  1. Eating fruit and passing the seeds unharmed through excreta at places
  2. Their feathers
  3. Carrying seeds in their beaks
  4. Eating fruits and digesting fruit contents in their alimentary canal.

Answer: 1. Eating fruit and passing the seeds unharmed through excreta at places

Question 236. Pappus occurs in Compositae for

  1. Air pollination
  2. Aar dispersal
  3. Insect pollination
  4. Animal dispersal

Answer: 2. Aar dispersal

Question 237. Bright-colored fleshy fruits are dispersed by

  1. Air
  2. Insects
  3. Water
  4. Birds

Answer: 4. Birds

Question 238. Which one of the following statements is correct?

  1. In tomato, fruit is a capsule.
  2. Seeds of orchids have oil-rich endosperm.
  3. Placentation in primose is basal.
  4. Flower of tulip is a modified shoot

Answer: 4. Flower of tulip is a modified shoot

Question 239. The correct floral formula of chilli is

NEET Biology Morphology Of Flowering Plants Floral Formula Of Chili

Answer: 2

Question 240. Flowers are zygomorphic in

  1. Mustard
  2. Gulmohur
  3. Tomato
  4. Darura

Answer: 2. Gulmohur

Question 241. The ovary is half inferior in the flower of

  1. Peach
  2. Cucumber
  3. Cotton
  4. Guava

Answer: 1. Peach

Question 242. A drupe develops in

  1. Mango
  2. Wheat
  3. Pea
  4. Tomato

Answer: 1. Mango

Question 243. Placentation in tomato and lemon is

  1. Free central
  2. Marginal
  3. Axile
  4. Parietal

Answer: 3. Axile

Question 244. How many plants in the list given below have composite fruits that develop from an inflorescence?

  1. Five
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four

Answer: 3. Three

Question 245. Phyllode is present in

  1. Euphorbia
  2. Australian Acacia
  3. Opimtia
  4. Asparagus

Answer: 2. Australian Acacia

Question 246. The coconut water and the edible part of the coconut are equivalent to

  1. Endocarp
  2. Mesocarp
  3. Embryo
  4. Endosperm

Answer: 4. Endosperm

Question 247. The cymose inflorescence is present in

  1. Sesbania
  2. Trifolium
  3. Brassica
  4. Solatium

Answer: 4. Solatium

Question 248. Vexillary aestivation is the characteristic of the family

  1. Astcrnccnc
  2. Solanaceae
  3. Brassicaceae
  4. Fabaceae

Answer: 4. Fabaceae

Question 249. The gynoecium consists of many free pistils in flowers of

  1. Tomato
  2. Papaver
  3. Michelia
  4. Aloe

Answer: 3. Michelia

Question 250. How many plants in the list given below have marginal placentation? Mustard, gram, tulip, Asparagus, arhar, sun hemp, chili, colchicine, onion, moong, pea, tobacco, lupin

  1. Four
  2. Five
  3. Six
  4. Three

Answer: 3. Six

Question 251. Cuscuta is an example of

  1. Ectoparasitism
  2. Brood parasitism
  3. Predation
  4. Endoparasitism

Answer: 1. Ectoparasitism

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