NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – Organisms And Populations

 Organisms And Populations Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1. The term “ecology” was given by

  1. Odum
  2. Haeckel
  3. Tansley
  4. R. Misra

Answer. 2. Haeckel

Question 2. A large regional unit characterized by a specific flora and fauna is called

  1. Biome
  2. Biosphere
  3. Ecosystem
  4. Landscape

Answer. 1. Biome

Question 3. A group of individuals living in a particular geographical area at a particular time is called

  1. Local population
  2. Deme
  3. Community
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 4. The functional role and status of a species in a community is called

  1. Performance
  2. Ecological niche.
  3. Tolerance
  4. Organization

Answer. 2. Ecological niche.

Question 5. Organisms living in arctic and antarctic climatic zones are called

  1. Megatherms
  2. Mesotherms
  3. Microtherms
  4. Hekistotherms

Answer. 4. Hekistotherms

Question 6. The two climatic factors which largely determine the vegetation and soil types are

  1. Temperature and precipitation
  2. Temperature and light
  3. Light and precipitation
  4. Light and weather

Answer. 1. Temperature and precipitation

Question 7. Chylorhizy is found in

  1. Opuntia
  2. Euphorbia
  3. Asparagus
  4. Aloe

Answer. 3. Asparagus

Question 8. The value of lapse rate is

  1. 1.6°C per 100 m elevation
  2. 6.5°C per 100 m elevation
  3. 6.5°C per 1000 m elevation
  4. 6.5°C per 10 m elevation

Answer. 3. 6.5°C per 1000 m elevation

Question 9. Solar constant is _____________ cal cm2/mm.

  1. 2
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 8

Answer. 1. 2

Question 10. The most harmful radiation is

  1. UV-A
  2. UV-B
  3. UU-C
  4. All are equally harmful

Answer. 2. UV-B

Question 11. The timing of seasonal activity of plants in relation to environmental conditions is called

  1. Physiognomy
  2. Phenology
  3. Stratification
  4. Agrostology

Answer. 2. Phenology

Question 12. The bottom zone in a lake is called

  1. Limnetic
  2. Profundal
  3. Benthic
  4. Littoral

Answer. 3. Benthic

Question 13. The number of temperature zones in a summer lake is

  1. 2
  2. 3
  3. 4
  4. 5

Answer. 2. 3

Question 14. In meromictic lakes, the number of turnovers of water per year is

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. Many
  4. Zero

Answer. 4. Zero

Question 15. The turnover in a lake in spring and autumn results in

  1. Free mixing of O, and nutrients
  2. Algal bloom
  3. Temperature inversion
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 16. Shorter body extremities in animals living in colder climate is explained by

  1. Allen’s rule
  2. Bergman’s rule
  3. Gloger’s rule
  4. Jordan’s rule

Answer. 1. Allen’s rule

Question 17. Permanent wilting percentage (PWP) is the highest in

  1. Silt
  2. Sandy soil
  3. Loam
  4. Clay soil

Answer. 2. Sandy soil

Question 18. In soil profile, the zone of eluviation is

  1. O-zone
  2. A-zone
  3. B-zone
  4. C-zone

Answer. 2. A-zone

Question 19. A good soil is that which

  1. Allows little water to enter in it
  2. Allows extra water to percolate slowly
  3. Holds water entering it
  4. Allows water to pass through it quickly

Answer. 2. Allows extra water to percolate slowly

Question 20. The size of clay particles is

  1. Between 0.00002 and 0.02 mm
  2. Less than 0.002 mm
  3. 0.5-1.0 mm
  4. 0.02-0.2 mm

Answer. 2. Less than 0.002 mm

Question 21. Alluvial soils are mostly found in

  1. Northern India
  2. Eastern India
  3. Southern India
  4. Ganges and Yamuna plains

Answer. 4. Ganges and Yamuna plains

Question 22. Which of the following soils shows cracks and shrinks most when it dries?

  1. Porous soil
  2. Clay soil
  3. Loam soil
  4. Sandy soil

Answer. 2. Clay soil

Question 23. Soil porosity is the maximum in

  1. Sandy soil
  2. Clay soil
  3. Silt
  4. Loan

Answer. 2. Clay soil

Question 24. Mull humus is characterized by

  1. Nutrient deficiency
  2. Layered composition
  3. Ca+2 deficiency
  4. Rich bacterial growth

Answer. 4. Rich bacterial growth

Question 25. What is the percentage of air in the soil?

  1. 50
  2. 10
  3. 45
  4. 25

Answer. 4. 25

Question 26. The law of tolerance was given by

  1. Shelford
  2. Haeckel
  3. J. Grinnel
  4. Gause

Answer. 1. Shelford

Question 27. The critical minimum and maximum value of an environmental factor is called

  1. Limiting factor
  2. Law of minimum
  3. Limits of tolerance
  4. Carrying capacity

Answer. 3. Limits of tolerance

Question 28. Weeds are usually

  1. Eurytopic
  2. Stenotopic
  3. Amensal
  4. Smoother crops

Answer. 1. Eurytopic

Question 29. A genotypically adapted local population is called

  1. Ecad
  2. Ecotype
  3. Ecocline
  4. Ecotone

Answer. 2. Ecotype

Question 30. Phreatophytes are/have

  1. True xerophytes
  2. Deep roots
  3. Indicator plants
  4. All of these

Answer. 4. All of these

Question 31. Chemicals which provide physiological adaptations to plants against high temperature and saline conditions are

  1. Chaperonins
  2. Proline, glycerol
  3. Betaine, sorbital
  4. All of these

Answer. 4. All of these

Question 32. Vivipary and prop roots are the characteristics of

  1. Coastal plants
  2. Hot desert plants
  3. Mangrove plants
  4. Cold desert plants

Answer. 3. Mangrove plants

Question 33. Which of the following characters does not characterize a hydrophyte?

  1. Abundant air space and air chambers
  2. Abundant xylem and sclerenchyma
  3. Leaves having stomata only on upper side or none
  4. Poor development of roots

Answer. 2. Abundant xylem and sclerenchyma

Question 34. Plants are killed in the winter by frost

  1. Because of desiccation and mechanical damages to the tissues
  2. Because no photosynthesis takes place at such low temperature
  3. Because respiration ceases at such low temperature
  4. Because there is no transpiration

Answer. 1. Because of desiccation and mechanical damages to the tissues

Question 35. Ephemerals are xeropytes that are

  1. Drought enduring
  2. Drought escaping
  3. Drought resisting
  4. None of these

Answer. 2. Drought escaping

Question 36. The factors which include the form, surface, and behavior of the earth with special reference to slopes, mountains, and valleys are called

  1. Edaphic factors
  2. Biotic factors
  3. Climatic factors
  4. Topographic factors

Answer. 4. Topographic factors

Question 37. The capacity to blend with surroundings is called

  1. Hibernation
  2. Mimicry
  3. Camouflage
  4. Aestivation

Answer. 3. Camouflage

Question 38. A behavioral strategy of adaptation called echolocation is found in

  1. Bats
  2. Monarch butterfly
  3. Praying mantis
  4. Arctic tern

Answer. 1. Bats

Question 39. Natality under actual conditions is called

  1. Biotic potential
  2. Maximum natality
  3. Ecological natality
  4. Reproductive potential

Answer. 3. Ecological natality

Question 40. Vital index of a population is

  1. (B/D) × 100
  2. B-D
  3. (D/B) × 100
  4. B+D

Answer. 1. (B/D) × 100

Question 41. An urn-shaped population-age pyramid represents

  1. Growing population
  2. Static population
  3. Declining population
  4. Threatened population

Answer. 3. Declining population

Question 42. The ability of an environment to support a population is called its

  1. Biotic potential
  2. Purifying capacity
  3. Carrying capacity
  4. Environmental resistance

Answer. 3. Carrying capacity

Question 43. In the equation for S-shaped population growth, r represents

  1. Carrying capacity
  2. Environmental resistance
  3. Biotic potential
  4. Population size

Answer. 3. Biotic potential

Question 44. Which of the following statements is not true for J-shaped growth curve?

  1. Exponential phase is prolonged.
  2. Population never grows beyond carrying capacity.
  3. Population crash occurs.
  4. Population seldom reaches equilibrium.

Answer. 2. Population never grows beyond carrying capacity.

Question 45. In the formula of population growth, rN represents the

  1. Environmental resistance
  2. Reproductive potential
  3. Growth rate
  4. Carrying capacity

Answer. 1. Environmental resistance

Question 46. Which statement is not related to S-shaped population curve?

  1. Environmental resistance suddenly becomes effective.
  2. Exponential phase is followed by decline phase.
  3. Mass mortality and population crash occurs.
  4. Both (1) and (3).

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (3).

Question 47. The periodic departure and return is known as

  1. Migration
  2. Immigration
  3. Emigration
  4. Mutation

Answer. 1. Migration

Question 48. When an animal group is centered around a dominant female, it is called

  1. Patriarchy
  2. Matriarchy
  3. Swarm
  4. Flock

Answer. 2. Matriarchy

Question 49. Altruistic behavior is not found in

  1. White ants
  2. Spotted deer
  3. Honey bees
  4. Bitch

Answer. 4. Bitch

Question 50. Territory is defended against

  1. Predator
  2. Any intruder
  3. Intruder of another species
  4. Intruder of the same species

Answer. 4. Intruder of the same species

Question 51. The inability of different organisms to interbreed is called

  1. Sterility
  2. Parasitism
  3. Reproductive isolation.
  4. Monogamy

Answer. 3. Reproductive isolation.

Question 52. The increased number and density of species in the region of ecotone is called

  1. Edge effect
  2. Sympatric speciation
  3. Dominance
  4. Abundance

Answer. 1. Edge effect

Question 53. Which of the following associations is not an example of symbiosis?

  1. Lichen
  2. Mycorrhiza
  3. Root nodules
  4. Epiphytes

Answer. 4. Epiphytes

Question 54. Which is not an effect of competition?

  1. Regulation of population size
  2. Generalization of niche
  3. Establishment of social hierarchy
  4. Help in speciation

Answer. 2. Generalization of niche

Question 55. Competitive exclusion principle was given by

  1. J. Grinnel
  2. Gause
  3. Lindeman
  4. Bates

Answer. 2. Gause

Question 56. Which of the following shows biological antagonism or allelopathy?

  1. Amensalism
  2. Proto-cooperation
  3. Competition
  4. Parasitism

Answer. 1. Amensalism

Question 57. The interaction between two living organisms of different species which is beneficial to both but is not obligatory because they can live without each other is known as

  1. Proto-cooperation
  2. Mutualism or symbiosis
  3. Commensalism
  4. Amensalism

Answer. 1. Proto-cooperation

Question 58. Find the odd one out:

  1. Lianas in tropical rain forest
  2. E. coli in large intestine of man
  3. Pilot fish remora and shark
  4. Rafflesia on the roots of a forest tree

Answer. 4. Rafflesia on the roots of a forest tree

Question 59. Find the odd one out:

  1. Mating
  2. Competition
  3. Aggregation
  4. Altruism

Answer. 2. Competition

Question 60. A toxic chemical against nematode is secreted by

  1. Tagetes
  2. Black walnut
  3. Penicillium
  4. Grevillea robusta

Answer. 1. Tagetes

Question 61. Which one of the following is a hemiparasite?

  1. Viscum
  2. Cuscuta
  3. Rafflesia
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. Viscum

Question 62. Competition for food, light, and space is most severe between two

  1. Distantly related species growing in different habitats
  2. Distantly related species growing in the same habitat
  3. Closely related species growing in different habitats
  4. Closely related species growing in the same area

Answer. 4. Closely related species growing in the same area

Question 63. The species which are present in large numbers and have large size are called

  1. Ecological equivalent
  2. Ecological dominants
  3. Link species
  4. Keystone species

Answer. 2. Ecological dominants

Question 64. The transition zone between two communities is called

  1. Ecocline
  2. Ecotone
  3. Buffer zone
  4. Thermocline

Answer. 2. Ecotone

Question 65. Which of the following is a keystone species?

  1. Fig
  2. Deer
  3. Mycorrhiza
  4. Pollinator

Answer. 1. Fig

Question 66. Find the odd one out:

  1. Viceroy butterfly resembling monarch butterfly
  2. Stick insect resembling thin, dry branches
  3. Caterpillars of geometrid moth resembling small branches
  4. Leaf insect resembling green leaf

Answer. 1. Viceroy butterfly resembling monarch butterfly

Question 67. Mimicry is a device for

  1. Concealing from predator
  2. Concealing from prey
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. Becoming conspicuous

Answer. 3. Both (1) and (2)

Question 68. Match the following columns:

Column 1                                Column 2

a. Oxylophytes                (1) Calcium-rich soils

b. Eremophytes              (2) Waste land

c. Chrysophytes              (3) Deserts, steppes

d. Calciphytes                 (4) Acidic soils

  1. a (1), b (2), c (3), d (4)
  2. a (1), b (3), c (4), d (2)
  3. a (4), b (3), c (2), d (1)
  4. a (4), b (3), c (1), d (2)

Answer. 3. a (4), b (3), c (2), d (1)

Question 69. Which of the following statements is correct?

  1. Two species within a given community can have exactly the same niche.
  2. Two species within a given community cannot have exactly the same niche.
  3. Two species can live permanently together
  4. Both (2) and (3).

Answer. 4. Both (2) and (3).

Question 70. Biotic potential refers to

  1. Increase of population under optimum conditions
  2. Increase of population under given conditions
  3. Increase of population under natural conditions
  4. Increase of population under stress conditions

Answer. 1. Increase of population under optimum conditions

Question 71. Edge effect refers to

  1. Occurrence of ecophenes and ecotypes in a community
  2. Low diversity of organisms in ecotone
  3. High diversity of organisms in ecotone
  4. Defense of territories by organisms

Answer. 3. High diversity of organisms in ecotone

Question 72. In India, tropical rain forests are generally found in

  1. Western Ghats
  2. North-eastern Himalayas
  3. Gangetic Plains in India
  4. Both (1) and (2)

Answer. 4. Both (1) and (2)

Question 73. The forests which show contrasting seasonal aspects are

  1. Tropical rain forests
  2. Temperate broad-leaf forests
  3. Tropical deciduous forests
  4. Temperate needle-leaf forests

Answer. 3. Tropical deciduous forests

Question 74. Which is not a characteristic feature of grassland?

  1. Extensive root system
  2. High productivity
  3. Periodic fire
  4. Developed stratification

Answer. 4. Developed stratification

Question 75. Most of the deserts are distributed between

  1. 150-350 latitude
  2. 400-600 latitude
  3. 600-800 latitude
  4. Only in Southern Hemisphere

Answer. 1. 150-350 latitude

Question 76. A biome having a well-developed grass cover interspersed with scattered trees is a

  1. Grassland
  2. Savannah
  3. Desert
  4. Temperate forest

Answer. 2. Savannah

Question 77. The taiga region is also known as

  1. Deciduous forest
  2. Tropical rain forest
  3. Northern conifer forest
  4. Tropical savannah

Answer. 3. Northern conifer forest

Question 78. The grassland vegetation of Africa is known as

  1. Prairies
  2. Pampas
  3. Steppes
  4. Veldts

Answer. 4. Veldts

Question 79. Arctic tundra is

  1. Highest latitudinal biome
  2. Located in rain shadow
  3. Characterized by Capparis and Prosopis species
  4. Highest altitudinal biome

Answer. 1. Highest latitudinal biome

Question 80. Ethology is the study of

  1. Behaviour of animals
  2. Past life of organism
  3. Disease causing pathogens
  4. None of these

Answer. 1. Behaviour of animals

Question 81. Humus is

  1. Dead and decayed organic matter
  2. Living matter
  3. Fertilizers
  4. Living animal/plants/microbes

Answer. 1. Dead and decayed organic matter

Question 82. Name the famous plant ecologist:

  1. Jagdish Chandra Bose
  2. Birbal Shani
  3. Ramdeva Misra
  4. Charles Darwin

Answer. 3. Ramdeva Misra

Question 83. The correct percentage of CO, in atmosphere is

  1. 0.03%
  2. 0.3%
  3. 1%
  4. 1.1%

Answer. 1. 0.03%

Question 84. In aquatic environment, microscopic animals and plants are collectively known as

  1. Commensals
  2. Herbivores
  3. Fauna and Flora
  4. Planktons

Answer. 4. Planktons

Question 85. June 5 is

  1. World Environment Day
  2. Wold AIDS Day
  3. World Womens Day
  4. World Polio Day

Answer. 1. World Environment Day

Question 86. Plants developing in dry condition are

  1. Xerophytes
  2. Mesophytes
  3. Lithophytes
  4. Hydrophytes

Answer. 1.Xerophytes

Question 87. Soil carried by gravity is

  1. Alluvial
  2. Colluvial
  3. Elluvial
  4. Glacial

Answer. 2. Colluvial

Question 88. Velamen tissue is found in

  1. Mesophytes
  2. Epiphytes
  3. Hydrophytes
  4. Xerophytes

Answer. 2. Epiphytes

Question 89. Pneumatophores are characteristic feature of

  1. Hydrilla
  2. Rhizophora
  3. Typha
  4. None of these

Answer. 2. Rhizophora

Question 90. Factors relating to form and behavior of the earth’s surface are called

  1. Edaphic
  2. Topographic
  3. Climatic
  4. Biotic

Answer. 2. Topographic

Question 91. Aerenchyma is helpful in plants by

  1. Providing buoyancy in hydrophytes
  2. Absorption in stilt roots
  3. Giving mechanical strength to plants
  4. Giving flexibility to plants

Answer. 1. Providing buoyancy in hydrophytes

Question 92. Plants growing in saline soil are called

  1. Xerophyte
  2. Hydrophyte
  3. Halophyte
  4. Heliophyte

Answer. 3. Halophyte

Question 93. Which one of the following is a well-developed tissue present in hydrophytes?

  1. Aerenchyma
  2. Collenchyma
  3. Stomata
  4. Root system

Answer. 1. Aerenchyma

Question 94. Penumetophores are found in

  1. Orchid
  2. Piper
  3. Ficus
  4. Rhizophora

Answer. 4. Rhizophora

Question 95. The term “autecology” refers to the study of

  1. Plant community
  2. Individual organism
  3. Environment
  4. Soil form

Answer. 2. Individual organism

Question 96. Autoecology refers to

  1. Plant ecology
  2. Animal ecology
  3. Ecological study of individual species
  4. Ecological study of group of species, which is grown together

Answer. 3. Ecological study of individual species

Question 97. Which part of the pond ecosystem does not get affected by temperature?

  1. Epilimnion
  2. Metalimnion
  3. Hypolimnion
  4. All

Answer. 3. Hypolimnion

Question 98. Root cap is absent in

  1. Mesophytes
  2. Hydrophytes
  3. Epiphytes
  4. Xerophytes

Answer. 2. Hydrophytes

Question 99. Which of the following have sunken stomata?

  1. Nerium
  2. Mangifera
  3. Hydrilla
  4. Zea mays

Answer. 1. Nerium

Question 100. Velamen and spongy tissue are found in

  1. Breathing roots
  2. Parasitic roots
  3. Tuberous roots
  4. Epiphytic roots

Answer. 4. Epiphytic roots

Question 101. Root cap is absent in

  1. Lithophytes
  2. Xerophytes
  3. Hydrophytes
  4. Mesophytes

Answer. 3. Hydrophytes

Question 102. Which of the following is the example of xerophytes?

  1. Brassica
  2. Cuscuta
  3. Capparis
  4. Hydrilla

Answer. 3. Capparis

Question 103. Organisms inhabiting a common environment belong to the same

  1. Species
  2. Genus
  3. Population
  4. Community

Answer. 4. Community

Question 104. Insectivorous plants usually survive in

  1. Water rich soil
  2. N2 deficient soil
  3. N2 rich soil
  4. Sugar deficient medium

Answer. 2. N2 deficient soil

Question 105. A group of two or more than two plants species is called

  1. Plant community
  2. Animal ecosystem
  3. Plant ecosystem
  4. Ecological niche

Answer. 1. Plant community

Question 106. Two vegetations of ecosystem are separated by

  1. Ecotone
  2. Ecoline
  3. Ecosytem
  4. Ecesis

Answer. 1. Ecotone

Question 107. In plant succession, the last community is called

  1. Ecotone
  2. Climax community
  3. Seral community
  4. Ecocystem

Answer. 2. Climax community

Question 108. In which of the following habitats the diurnal temperature of soil surface varies the most?

  1. Forest
  2. Desert
  3. Grassland
  4. Shrub land

Answer. 2. Desert

Question 109. People who have migrated from the planes to an area adjoining Rohtang Pass about 6 months back

  1. Are not physically fit to play games like football
  2. Suffer from altitude sickness with symptoms like nausea, fatigue, etc.
  3. Have the usual RBC count but their hemoglobin has very high binding affinity to O2
  4. Have more RBCs and their hemoglobin has a lower binding affinity to O2

Answer. 4. Have more RBCs and their hemoglobin has a lower binding affinity to O2

Question 110. Sacred groves are especially useful in

  1. Generating environmental awareness
  2. Preventing soil erosion
  3. Year-round flow of water in rivers
  4. Conserving rare and threatened species

Answer. 4. Conserving rare and threatened species

Question 111. The second stage of hydrosere is occupied by plants like

  1. Azolla
  2. Typha
  3. Salix
  4. Vallisneria

Answer. 4. Vallisneria

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