NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – The Living World

The Living World Multiple Choice Questions And Answers

Question 1. At present, scientific names have been given to

  1. 10 million species
  2. 1.7 million species
  3. 3.9 million species
  4. 1 million species

Answer: 2. 1.7 million species

Question 2. The study of principles and procedures for the classification of organisms is called

  1. Systematics
  2. Classification
  3. Taxonomy
  4. Nomenclature

Answer: 3. Taxonomy

Question 3. The first step of taxonomy is

  1. Description
  2. Identification
  3. Nomenclature
  4. Classification

Answer: 2. Identification

NEET Biology MCQ With Solution

Question 4. Find the odd one (with respect to species epithet).

  1. Adiamum
  2. Triticum
  3. Ephedra
  4. Deodara

Answer: 4. Deodara

Question 5. Who among the following is called the father of taxonomy?

  1. Mendel
  2. Linnaeus
  3. Khorana
  4. Engler

Answer: 2. Linnaeus

NEET Biology Multiple Choice Questions – The Living World

Question 6. Systematics is the study of

  1. Diversity amongst groups of organisms
  2. Grouping of organisms
  3. Identification and grouping of organisms
  4. Identification, classification, and taxonomy

Answer: 1. Diversity amongst groups of organisms

Question 7. The Father of Indian systematic botany is

  1. R. Mishra
  2. Santapau
  3. Theophrastus
  4. Linnaeus

Answer: 2. Santapau

Question 8. Historia Generalis Plantation was published by

  1. Engler and Prantl
  2. Fl Hutchinson
  3. Bentham and Hooker
  4. John Ray

Answer: 4. John Ray

Question 9. The book Philosophic-Zoologique published in 1809 was written by

  1. C. Darwin
  2. Huxley
  3. A.I. Oparin
  4. Lamarck

Answer: 4. Lamarck

Question 10. Species Plantation and Systema Naturae were written by

  1. Engler
  2. Linnaeus
  3. Hooker
  4. Wallace

Answer: 2. Linnaeus

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Question 11. Find the incorrectly matched pair.

  1. Die Naturlichcn—Engler and Prantl Pflanzen Familien
  2. Families of Flowering—John Hutchinson Plants
  3. Flora of British India—Bentham
  4. Philosophia Botanica—Principles of binomial nomenclature

Answer: 3. Flora of British India—Bentham

Question 12. Carolus Linnaeus is the father of taxonomy because of one of his contributions.

  1. Genera Plantation
  2. Binomial nomenclature
  3. Described nearly 10,000 plants and animal species
  4. Die Naturlichcn Pflanzen Familien.

Answer: 2. Binomial nomenclature

Question 13. According to binomial nomenclature, two words used for naming a plant or animal are

  1. Species and genus
  2. Genus and species
  3. Species and family
  4. Genus and family

Answer: 2. Genus and species

Question 14. Corvus splendens splendor is the scientific name of the Indian crow. It represents

  1. Binomial nomenclature
  2. Autonyms
  3. Tautonyms
  4. Synonyms

Answer: 2. Autonyms

Question 15. The type specimen described along with the holotype is

  1. Isotypic
  2. Paratypc
  3. Topotype
  4. Syntype

Answer: 2. Paratypc

Question 16. Scientific names were first standardized through

  1. ICBN
  2. ICZN
  3. BSI
  4. ZSI

Answer: 1. ICBN

Question 17. The category that includes related orders is called

  1. Families
  2. Phylum
  3. Class
  4. Kingdom

Answer: 3. Class

Question 18. The fundamental taxonomic category or basic unit of classification is

  1. Genus
  2. Species
  3. Sub-species
  4. Variety

Answer: 2. Species

Question 19. Organisms that can freely interbreed and produce fertile offspring and have similar coded information or blueprints for making these organisms are called

  1. Species
  2. Tribe
  3. Genus
  4. Sub-genus

Answer: 1. Species

Question 20. The concept of fixity of species was first proposed by

  1. Linnaeus
  2. Braunfels
  3. Bentham
  4. Julian Huxley

Answer: 1. Linnaeus

NEET Biology MCQ With Solution

Question 21. The correct sequence of taxonomic categories is

  1. Division-Class-Family-Tribe-Order-Genus—Species
  2. Division-Class—Order-Family-Tribe-Genus-Species
  3. Phylum-Order-Class-Tribe-Family-Genus-Species
  4. Class-Phylum-Tribe-Order-Family-Genus-Species

Answer: 2. Division-Class—Order-Family-Tribe-Genus-Species

Question 22. Two species can be said to be reproductively isolated if they are

  1. Interfertile
  2. Not interfertile
  3. Do not grow together in a common habitat
  4. Growing together in a common habitat

Answer: 2. Not interfertile

Question 23. Who gave the biological concept of species?

  1. Aristotle
  2. John Ray
  3. Ernst Mayr
  4. Carolus Linnaeus

Answer: 2. John Ray

Question 24. Hinny is a hybrid produced under captive conditions by crossing

  1. Male tiger and female lion
  2. Female horse and male donkey
  3. Male horse and female donkey
  4. Female tiger and male lion

Answer: 3. Male horse and female donkey

Question 25. A genus having a single species is known as

  1. Polytypic
  2. Monotypic
  3. Polygamic
  4. Monocarpic

Answer: 2. Monotypic

Question 26. Which of the following chemicals is used for poisoning the specimens in the herbarium technique?

  1. Hg2Cl2
  2. AgNO3
  3. HCl
  4. HgCl2

Answer: 4. HgCl2

Question 27. The international size of the herbarium sheet is

  1. 41 x 29 cm
  2. 40 x 30 cm
  3. 42 x 27 cm
  4. 39 x 28 cm

Answer: 1. 41 x 29 cm

Question 28. Find the correct sequence at various steps of herbarium technique:

  1. Drying
  2. Poisoning
  3. Collection
  4. Labeling
  5. Mounting
  6. Deposition
  7. Stitching


  1. 3, 1, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6
  2. 3, 1, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6
  3. 3, 1, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6
  4. 3, 1, 2, 5, 7. 4, 6

Answer: 1. 3, 1, 2, 5, 7, 4, 6

Question 29. Which of the following is not included in the minor herbaria?

  1. Regional herbaria
  2. College herbaria
  3. National herbaria
  4. Local herbaria

Answer: 3. National herbaria

Biology MCQs with answers

Question 30. Central National Herbarium is situated at

  1. Chennai
  2. Kolkatta
  3. Dehradun
  4. Mumbai

Answer: 2. Kolkatta

Question 31. Over 6,000,000 specimens are preserved in which botanical garden or herbaria?

  1. Museum of National History, Paris
  2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
  3. Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
  4. US National Herbarium, Washington, DC

Answer: 2. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Question 32. The National Museum of Natural History is located at

  1. Mumbai
  2. Washington
  3. Delhi
  4. London

Answer: 3. Delhi

Question 33. Which one of the following is the first zoological mu¬seum of India?

  1. Indian Museum, Kolkata
  2. Maharaja Sawai Man Singh Museum, Jaipur
  3. Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai
  4. National Museum of Natural History, Delhi

Answer: 1. Indian Museum, Kolkata

Biology MCQs with answers

Question 34. The garden famous for the great Banyan tree is under the control of

  1. ZSI
  2. Calcutta University
  3. WWF
  4. BSI

Answer: 4. BSI

Question 35. The concept of the key was introduced by

  1. John Ray
  2. Bentham
  3. Linnaeus
  4. Hutchinson

Answer: 1. Bentham

Question 36. Two species that are morphologically almost identical but do not interbreed are called

  1. Evolutionary species
  2. Sibling species
  3. Polytypic species
  4. Evolutionary trend

Answer: 2. Sibling species

Question 37. A taxon is

  1. A hierarchical unit of taxonomy
  2. An animal
  3. A plant
  4. A vims

Answer: 1. A hierarchical unit of taxonomy

Question 38. Class is present between

  1. Kingdom and phylum
  2. Phylum and order
  3. Order and family
  4. Family and genus

Answer: 2. Phylum and order

Question 39. Order is placed between

  1. Kingdom and phyla
  2. Kingdom and class
  3. Class and family
  4. Genus and species

Answer: 3. Class and family

Question 40. Those species which can interbreed among themselves but cannot do so with other species is known as

  1. Morphological species
  2. Biological species
  3. Ecological species
  4. Interbreeding species

Answer: 2. Biological species

Question 41. Which of the following is highest in the hierarchy?

  1. Order
  2. Species
  3. Class
  4. Genus

Answer: 3. Genus

Biology MCQs with answers

Question 42. The word hierarchy was given by

  1. Carolus Linnaeus
  2. John Ray
  3. Lamarck
  4. Berscy

Answer: 1. Carolus Linnaeus

Question 43. Two species occupying the same or overlapping area are called

  1. Sympatric
  2. Allopatric
  3. Parapatric
  4. Ring species

Answer: 1. Sympatric

Question 44. Binomial nomenclature was first mentioned in the book:

  1. Systema Naturae
  2. Historia Animalium
  3. Historia Plantarum
  4. Philosphic Zoologique

Answer: 1. Sympatric

Question 45. Which of the following is not included under in situ conservation?

  1. National park
  2. Sanctuary
  3. Botanical garden
  4. Biosphere reserve

Answer: 3. Botanical garden

Question 46. Select the false statement.

  1. Scientists who study and contribute to the classification of organisms are known as systematists.
  2. C. Linnaeus developed the first scientific system of naming species.
  3. A five-kingdom arrangement of organisms was introduced by R.H. Whittaker.
  4. A genus is a group of species that are related and have fewer characteristics in common as compared to species.
  5. Phycomycetes are called club fungi because of the club-shaped basidium as the end of mycelium.

Answer: 5. Phycomycetes are called club fungi because of the club-shaped basidium as the end of mycelium.

Question 47. Darwin is the author of

  1. Genera Plantarum
  2. Origin of species
  3. Natural selection
  4. Theory of evolution

Answer: 2. Origin of species

Question 48. Who proposed the term, alpha, beta, and gamma in taxonomy?

  1. de Candolle
  2. Turill
  3. Huxley
  4. Lamarck

Answer: 2. Turill

Biology MCQs with answers

Question 49. Two plants are taxonomically related if

  1. They store carbohydrates in the same type of molecule.
  2. Both obtain energy from the hydrolysis of ATP.
  3. Both have similarly lobed palmate leaves.
  4. Both have pinnately veined leaves.

Answer: 1. They store carbohydrates in the same type of molecule.

Question 50. Which of the following pairs are not related?

  1. Mendel in Piston sativum
  2. Morgan in Drosophila
  3. Bentham and Hooker in binomial nomenclature
  4. Hugo de Vries in Oenothera lamarckiana

Answer: 3. Bentham and Hooker in binomial nomenclature

Question 51. In which of the following, organisms are very similar to each other?

  1. Order
  2. Class
  3. Genus
  4. Species

Answer: 4. Species

Question 52. Bionomical nomenclature was given by

  1. Linnaeus
  2. Whittaker
  3. Huxley
  4. Darwin

Answer: 1. Linnaeus

Question 53. ICBN stands for

  1. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
  2. International Congress of Biological Names
  3. Indian Code of Botanical Nomenclature
  4. Indian Congress of Biological Names

Answer: 1. International Code of Botanical Nomenclature

Question 54. Living organisms can be unexceptionally distinguished from non-living things based on their ability for

  1. Interaction with the environment and progressive evolution.
  2. Reproduction
  3. Growth and movement
  4. Responsiveness to touch

Answer: 2. Reproduction

Question 55. Genera Plantarum was written by

  1. Engler and Prantl
  2. Bentham and Hooker
  3. Carolus Linnaeus
  4. Arthur Cronquist

Answer: 3. Carolus Linnaeus

Question 56. The standard size of a herbarium sheet is

  1. 29; 41 cm
  2. 50; 10 cm
  3. 41; 29 cm
  4. Variable size

Answer: 1. 29; 41 cm

Question 57. New systematics and the concept of life were given by

  1. Clementia
  2. Elton
  3. Odum
  4. Huxley

Answer: 4. Huxley

Question 58. In which book Bentham and Hooker proposed their classification?

  1. Genera Plantarum
  2. Species Plantarum
  3. Historia Plantarum
  4. Historia Nature

Answer: 1. Genera Plantarum

Biology MCQs with answers

Question 59. New systematics introduced by Sir Julian Huxley is also called

  1. Phenetics
  2. Cladistics
  3. Biosystematics
  4. Numerical taxonomy
  5. Chemotaxonomy

Answer: 1. Phenetics

Question 60. Which one of the following statements correctly defines the term “Homonym”?

  1. Identical name of two different taxa.
  2. Two or more names belonging to the same taxon.
  3. When a species name repeats the generic name.
  4. Another name of taxon are given in a language other than the language of zoological/botanical nomenclature.

Answer: 1. Identical name of two different taxa.

Question 61. Linnaeus is associated with

  1. Historia Plantarum
  2. Origin of species
  3. Systema Nature
  4. Origin of life

Answer: 3. Systema Nature

Question 62. Oryza sativae is a binomial name of rice plant. Sativae stands for

  1. Specific name
  2. Specific epithet
  3. Species name
  4. Specific nomenclature

Answer: 1. Specific name

Question 63. External fertilization occurs in the majority of

  1. Algae
  2. Fungi
  3. Liverworts
  4. Mosses

Answer: 1. Algae

Question 64. The largest number of species are traced in

  1. Arthropoda
  2. Echinodermata
  3. Bacteria
  4. Fungi

Answer: 4. Fungi

Question 65. Taxonomic hierarchy refers to:

  1. Stepwise arrangement of all categories for the classification of plants and animals.
  2. A group of senior taxonomists who decide the nomenclature of plants and animals.
  3. A list of botanists or zoologists who have worked on the taxonomy of a species or group.
  4. The classification of a species based on fossil record.

Answer: 1. Stepwise arrangement of all categories for the classification of plants and animals.

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