Russia Condemns Potential Pelosi Visit to Taiwan as ‘Provocation’

On Tuesday, Moscow condemned a possible visit to Taiwan by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as a provocation, expressing full support with partner China.

“What is associated with this tour and a potential visit to Taiwan is pure provocation,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters.

He said that the prospective visit was causing a “increase in tension” in the area and accused Washington of taking the “confrontational course.”

“We want to underscore once more that we stand in complete solidarity with China; its approach to the situation is reasonable and entirely acceptable.”

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova again accused the US of being confrontational in relation to the possible visit.

“Washington is causing global destabilisation. There hasn’t been a single settled disagreement in recent decades, but there have been a lot of them “She stated this on social media.

Russia has sought deeper connections with China and voiced support with Beijing over Taiwan as it faces unprecedented sanctions and international isolation as a result of its military war in pro-Western Ukraine.

China considers Taiwan to be its territory and has repeatedly warned that a visit by Pelosi would be viewed as a grave provocation.

American politicians frequently travel to Taiwan to express their support, but Pelosi, who is presently on a tour of many Asian nations, would be a more visible visitor than any in recent memory.

Democratic Taiwan is constantly threatened by Chinese occupation.

Moscow’s onslaught on Ukraine has fueled worries that Beijing would follow through on its promises to absorb its much smaller and outgunned neighbour.

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