UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science

Coal And Petroleum Science Chapter In A Nutshell

  • Resources obtained from nature are known as natural resources, for example, air, soil, minerals, etc.
  • Natural resources can be classified into two types: exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources. Exhaustible natural resources are present in a limited quantity, cannot be replaced within a reasonable period of time and can be exhausted by human activities. Petroleum, coal, forests, etc., are examples of exhaustible natural resources.
  • Inexhaustible natural resources are present n an unlimited quantity, can be replaced within a reasonable period of time and cannot be exhausted by human activities, for example, air and sunlight
  • Coal is an exhaustible natural resource. It is formed by the decomposition of plants buried under the Earth in conditions of high pressure and extreme temperatures. The process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation.
  • There are four varieties of coal namely, peat Ignite, bituminous and anthracite.
  • Coal deposits in India are found in Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal.
  • Coal is used as a domestic and industrial fuel, in the manufacturing of synthetic petrol and synthetic natural gas, extraction of metals from their ores, thermal power plants and is
  • Petroleum, another exhaustible natural resource, is formed from the dead bodies of organisms that settled at the bottom of the sea millions of years ago and got covered with layers of sand and clay. In the absence of air and under high pressure and temperature, these dead bodies get converted into petroleum.
  • Oil wells in India are located in Ankleshwar and Kalol in Gujarat; Rudrasagar and Lake in Assam; Bombay High; and deltas of Cauvery, Krishna and Godavari rivers.
  • The process of separating various constituents of petroleum is known as refining and it is done in the petroleum refineries.
  • In India, Petroleum refineries are located at Mumbai, Chennai, Mathura, Barauni. Digboi, Guwahati, Haldia, etc.
  • Petrol and diesel, which are obtained from petroleum, are used as fuel. Petroleum is used for making lubricants, medicines, ointments, metalling roads, etc.
  • natural Gas, another exhaustible natural resource, is formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter lying underwater in the conditions of high temperature, high pressure and absence of oxygen.
  • Natu-‘al gas is used as a domestic and industrial fuel, in fertiliser industry and as fuel for the transport industry.
    natural gas is a clean fuel and produces less pollution. It has high calorific value.
  • Many useful substances, known as petrochemicals, are obtained from petroleum and natural gas. They are used in the manufacturing of detergents, man-made fibres, plastics, etc.
    Since fossil fuels are exhaustible sources of energy, we should not waste and misuse fossil fuels. One should move towards the alternative or renewable sources of energy such as solar, wind and biomass energy.

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Coal And Petroleum Science Important Terms And Definitions

Fuels: A substance that can be used to produce neat at a reasonable cost is called a fuel.
Fossil fuels: Fuels formed from the dead remains of plants and animals, w hich remained buried deep under the Earth for millions of years. Coal, petroleum and natural gas are fossil fuels.
Coal: It is a hard, black or brownish-black sedimentary rock containing more than 50% of carbon by weight. Along with carbon, it contains hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulphur, etc.
Crude oil: It is a mixture of several solid, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons mixed with water, salt and other particles.
Petroleum: It is a fossil fuel, which is dark, viscous, oily, strong smelling and known as black gold. Petrol and diesel are obtained from petroleum.
Natural gas: It is a very important fossil fuel, which mainly consists of methane and occurs deep under the cost of the Earth either alone or along with crude oil. It is stored under high pressure and is hence, called Compressed Natural Gas or CNG.
Coal gas: It s obtained during the process of making coke from coal. Coal gas is a mixture of hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and other gases.
Coal tar: It is a thick, black, opaque fluid, which is obtained as a by-product of the process of manufacturing coke.
Coke: It is a hard, dry fuel produced by heating coal to a very high temperature in the absence of air. It has very high carbon content and is used as a fuel.

Types of Natural Resources

Resources obtained from nature are known as natural resources, for example, air, water, minerals, etc. Natural resources are of two types: exhaustible and inexhaustible natural resources. Petroleum, coal, forests, etc. are examples of exhaustible natural resources and air and sunlight are inexhaustible naturals! resources.

Coal And Petroleum Science Activity 2

Aim: To show that as the number of consumers increases, the quantity of resources available decreases.
1. Fill a few containers with popcorn, peanuts, roasted gram and toffees.
2. Divide students into groups of seven each.
3. Further divide each group into three sub-groups containing 1,2 and 4 students.
4. Label these sub-groups as first, second and third generations respectively.
5. Put one full container for each group on a table.
6. Ask students or consumers of the first geneation to eat from the containers.
7. Next, ask students or consumers of the second generation to eat from the containers.
8. Next, ask students or consumers of the third generation to eat from the containers.

Observation: The quantity’ of the food available dwindled with each generation of students or consumers.
Conclusion: With each generation, the number of consumers increase and the quantity of resources available becomes less.

Coal And Petroleum Science Objective Type Questions

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Fossil fuels are formed from dead remains of plants and animals.
2. Forests are inexhaustible natural resources.
3. Exhaustible natural resources can be replenished within a reasonable amourt of time.
4. Coal is an exhaustible natural resource.
5. CNG is a man-made fuel.

Answers: 1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. False

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. A substance that can be used to produce heat energy at a reasonable cost is known as a____
2._____and are exhaustible natural resources.
3. ____ is formed by the decomposition of plants buried under the Earth in conditions of high Dressure and extreme temperatures.
4.____natural resources are present in a limited quantity and can be exhausted by human activities.

Answers: 1. Fuel 2. Petroleum, coal, forests 3. Coal 4. Exhaustible


Answers. Coal is a hard, black or brownish-black sedimentary rock containing more than 50% carbon by weight Coal comes in four varieties — peat lignite, bituminous and anthracite. Plants that remain buried under the Earth in conditions of high pressure and extreme temperatures over millions of years converts into coal. This process is called carbonisation. Coal is used as a domestic and industrial fuel. It is processed to form coal gas, coal tar and coke. Coal gas is obtained during the process of making coke from coal.

Coal And Petroleum Science Objective Type Questions

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Coal contains more than 50% of carbon by weight.
2. Coal tar is formed from petroleum.
3. Bituminous is a variety of coal.
4. Coal is processed to form coal tar.

Answers: 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Coal is formed over millions of years by decomposition of plants buried under the Earth in conditions of high____ and____
2.______is obtained during the process of making coke from coal.
3.Coal is used as a_____ and____ fuel.

Coal And Petroleum Science Short Answer Type Questions

A. What is coal tar used for?

Answers. Coal tar is a mixture of about 200 substances. It is used for metalling roads and in the manufacturing of synthetic dyes, perfumes, explosives, photographic materials, plastics, paints, roofing materials, naphthalene balls, etc.

B What is carbonisation?

Answers. The Process of formation of coal by the decomposition of plants buried under the each in conditions of high pressure and extreme temperatures is called carbonisation.

Coal And Petroleum Science Long Answer Type Questions

A. Give few uses of coal.

Answers. Coal is used as a fuel in homes and in industries to run steam engines and to produce electricity in thermal power plants. Products obtained from coal are coke, coal gas and coal tar. Coke is used in the manufacture of steel and extraction of metals. Coal gas is used as a fuel and more than 200 products are obtained from coal tar. These products are used for manufacturing synthetic dyes, paints, perfumes, naphthalene balls, photographic materials, etc.


Answers. Petroleum is a dark, viscous, oily, strong-smelling liquid, which is also known as black gold. Petrol and diesel are obtained from petroleum. Petroleum is formed from the organisms whose dead bodies settled at the bottom of seas or oceans and got covered with layers of sand and clay. In the absence of air and under high pressure and temperature, these dead bsdies got converted into petroleum. The process of separating various constituents of petroleum is known as refining and t is done in petroleum refineries.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science constituents petroleum and their uses

Coal And Petroleum Science Objective Type Questions

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Petrol and diesel are obtained from petroleum.
2. Petroleum is formed in the absence of air over millions of years.
3. There are no petroleum refineries in India.
4. Paraffin wax is obtained from coal.
5. The process of separating the various constituents of petroleum is known as refining.

Answers: 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. True

B. Match the items in column A with those in column B.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science Match the items in column A with those in column B

Coal And Petroleum Science Short Answer Type Questions

A. How are various constituents of petroleum obtained?

Answers. Various constituents or fractions of petroleum are separated in a Process known as refining of petroleum and it is done in petroleum refineries.

B. List the various constituents of petroleum.

Answers. The constituents of petroleum are LPG, petrol, diesel, kerosene, lubricating oil, paraffin wax and bitumen.

Coal And Petroleum Science Long Answer Type Questions

A. State the uses of at least three constituents of petroleum.


Petrol, paraffin wax and diesel are the three constituents of petroleum.
1. Petrol is used as a motor fuel. It is also used for dry cleaning.
2. Paraffin wax is used for making ointments, candles, Vaseline etc.
3. Diesel is used as a fuel for heavy motor vehicles and electric generators.

Natural Gas

Answers. Natural gas is a very important fossil fuel. It mainly consists of methane and occurs deep under the crust; of the Earth either alone or along with the crude oil It is stored under high pressure and is hence, called! Compressed Natural Gas or CNG. Natural gas is formed by the decomposition of vegetable matter lying underwater in conditions of high temperature, pressure and in the absence of oxygen. Natural gas; is used as a domestic and industrial fuel, in fertiliser industry and as fuel for the transport industry. It is a clean fuel and produces less pollution. Since fossil fuels are exhaustible sources of energy, we should not; waste and misuse fossil fuels. One should move towards the alternative or renewable sources of energy! such as solar, wind and biomass energy.

Coal And Petroleum Science Objective Type Questions

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Natural gas is always found alone.
2. Natural gas mainly consists of methane and is stored under high pressure.
3. Petrochemicals are used for manufacturing detergents, plastics, etc.
4. Solar, wind and biomass energy are exhaust ble natural resources.

Answers: 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. Natural gas is formed in the absence of____
2. We should not_____or____fossil fuels.
3. _____is used in the fertiliser industry
4. Natural gas is a_____ fuel.

Answers: 1. Oxygen 2. Waste, misuse 3. Natural gas 4. Clean

Coal And Petroleum Science Short AnswerType Questions

A. Why natural gas is considered a clean fuel?

Answers. Natural gas bums with a smokeless flame and does not produce harmful gases such as carbon- monoxide. It has a high calorific value. Hence, natural gas is called a clean fuel.

B. What are renewable sources of energy and why are they called so?

Answers. Air, wind, water and biomass are examples of renewable sources of energy. They are present in unlimited quantity or replenish themselves quickly through natural processes. Hence, they will not be exhausted by human activities. Such resources are therefore called renewable sources of energy.

Coal And Petroleum Science Long Answer Type Questions

A. Discuss the various types of gaseous fuels.


Different types of gaseous fuels are:
1. Natural gas is found either alone or along with petroleum deep under the Earth’s crust It mainly contains methane.
2. Water gas is prepared by passing steam over red-hot carbon fuel such as coke. It contains carbon monoxide and hydrogen.
3. Coal gas is obtained as a by-product during the making of coke from coal. It is a mixture of hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide and other gases.
4. LPG is liquefied and compressed before being filled in cylinders and hence, it is called liquefied Petroleum gas. It is an odourless gas but a chemical known as ethyl mercaptan, which has a foul smell, is added to it to assist n detecting leakages from cylinders.
5. CNG or compressed natural gas is a substitute for gasoline or diesel fuel. It is made by compressing methane extracted from natural gas.

Coal And Petroleum Science Textbook Exercises

Question 1. What are the characteristics of CNG and LPG as fuels?


The characteristics of LPG and CNG are:

  • LPG and CNG have high calorific values.
  • (LPG burns with a smokeless flame and does not cause pollution. CNG also does not cause pollution. They do not produce any poisonous gases on burning.
  • They are easy to handle and convenient to store.
  • They undergo complete combustion.
  • They are both clean and environment-friendly fuels.

Question 2. Name the petroleum product used for surfacing roads.

Answers. Bitumen is the petroleum product used for surfacing roads.

Question 3. Describe how coal is formed from dead vegetation. What is this process called?

Answers. About 300 million years ago, forests got buried under the soil. They were compressed by soil deposits and their temperature raised as they sank deeper and deeper. Due to the high temperature and pressure, gradually the dead vegetation changed into coal and this process is known as carbonisation.

Question 4. Fill in the blanks.

  1. Fossil fuels are ____ ______and_____
  2. Process of separation of different constituents from petroleum is called_____
  3. Least polluting fuel for vehicles is______

Answers: (1) Coal, petroleum, natural gas (2) Refining (3) CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)

Question 5. Tick True/False against the following statements.


  1. Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory.
  2. CNG is a more polluting fuel than petrol.
  3. Coke is almost a pure form of carbon.
  4. CNG (Compressed Natural Gas)
  5. Coal tar is a mixture of various substances.
  6. Kerosene is not a fossil fuel.

Answers: (1) False (2) False (3) True (4)True (5) False

Question 6. Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources.

Answers. Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of dead plants and animals. It takes millions of years for this process to take place. The known reserves of these fuels are limited and herce, these are exhaustible fuels.

Question 7. Describe the characteristics and uses of coke.

Answers. Coke is a pure form of carbon. It is tough, porous and black. Coke is used to manufacture artificial graphite, which is used in the manufacturing of calcium carbide, required for manufacturing acetylene gas. Acetylene gas is the basic raw material for manufacturing acetic acid and PVC. Acetylene is used for manufacturing water gas and producer gas, which are used as fuel. It is used to extract metals from their ores. Since coke does not produce any smoke, hence it is used as a household fuel.

Question 8. Explain the process of the formation of petroleum. 

Answers. Petroleum is formed from the bacterial decomposition of the remains of animals and plants, which got buried under the sea millions of years ago. When these organisms died, they sank to the bottom of the seas and oceans and got covered by sand and clay. Over a period of millions of years, in the absence of air. these organisms got converted into petroleum due to excessive heat and pressure. The hydrocarbons formed were trapped by impervious rocks forming an oil trap. Natural gas is usually found along with petroleum.

Question 9. The following table shows the total power shortage in India from 1991-1997. Show the data in the form of a graph. Plot shortage percentage for the years on the Y-axis and the year on the X-axis.

UP Board Notes For Class 8 Science Chapter 5 Coal And Petroleum Science the total power shortage in India from 1991-1997

Coal And Petroleum Science Hotscorner

A. Which property of petroleum causes it to form a layer over water?

Answers. A liquid less dense than water will always float on water. Petroleum is less dense than water and hence, it forms a layer over water.

B. Why is petrol used in lightweight vehicles but diesel is used in heavy trucks?

Answers. Petrol has low ignition temperature and calorific value as compared to diesel. Thus, burning of diesel produces a large amount of energy. Hence, diesel is used as a fuel in heavy vehicles.

Coal And Petroleum Science Practice exercises
Objective Type Questions

A. Fill in the blanks.

1.______is usually found along with petroleum in the reservoirs under the ground.
2. Various useful products are separated from petroleum by_____
3. Petrol has a low______and____as compared to diesel.

Answers: 1. Natural gas 2. Refining 3. Ignition temperature, calorific value

B. Circle the odd one out.

1. Coal, petroleum, natural gas, cow dung cakes, kerosene
2. Jharkhand, Orissa, Ankleshwar, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal
3. Cotton, detergents, polyester, nylon, plastics

Answers: 1. Cow dung cakes 2. Ankleshwar 3. Cotton

C. State whether the following statements are true or false

1. ‘When heated in air, coal burns and produces mainly carbon dioxide.
2. Coke is used in the extraction of steel.
3. Petrol is a mixture of several solid, liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons mixed with water, salt and other particles.
4. Coal tar is a thick, black, opaque fluid, which is obtained as a by-product of the process of manufacturing coke.

Answers: 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. True

D. Multiple Choice Questions.

Question 1. Which fuel is used in jet aircraft?

  1. Petrol
  2. Kerosene
  3. CNG
  4. Coal
    Answers. Kerosene

Question 2. ‘Which of the following is a non-polluting fuel for vehicles?

  1. Coal
  2. CNG
  3. Kerosene
  4. DieselAnswers. 1) CNG

Question 3. Which petroleum product is used for surfing roads?

  1. Coal Tar
  2. Paraffin wax
  3. Bitumen
  4. PetrochemicalsAnswers. 3)Bitumen

Question 4. Which of the following is the best variety of coal?

  1. Anthracite
  2. Peat
  3. Lignite
  4. BituminousAnswers. 1)Anthracite

Question 5.  Which of the following forms of energy is obtained from the Sun?

  1.  Wind energy
  2. Geothermal energy
  3. Chemical energy
  4. Solar energyAnswers. 4)Solar energy’ Short

Coal And Petroleum Science Answer Type Questions

A. What is petroleum?

Answers: Petroleum is a dark, oily liquid with a strong smell. It is a mixture of petroleum gas, petrol, diesel, lubricating oil, paraffin wax, etc.

B. Why do we need to be judicious while using fossil fuels?

Answers: Fossil fuels are formed over millions of years and hence, if not used judiciously, they will run out soon. Also, burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other gases, which are the main cause of air pollution.

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